Monday, August 5, 2024

My Essay Followed By A Ton Of Information. Money IsThe Mik and Honey. Tattooed.


My Essay:
First Blackboard President

Politicians are human and come in a variety of personalities, sizes and shapes.  

However, Kamala is the first "blackboard" we ever had running for the presidency.  Normally, politicians have a record of accomplishments and seek to run on them. However,  in the case of Kamala, she has accomplished nothing and, like a leopard or chameleon, is seeking to erase her disastrous record of being nothing more than an understudy to Biden who has never been right on a single policy issue in his entire life.
In fact, look behind "Uncle Joe's," smile" and you will find a racist who presided over the worst smear job of any Justice until Trump nominated his conservative Justices and voted against the Civil Rights Legislation..

Trump may not have a presidential persona but he showed us 4 years of unbelievable, historical, accomplishments that lifted all boats to positive heights.

Trump created circumstances that challenged all Americans, regardless of their backgrounds, ethnicity, color, etc., the opportunity to pursue their constitutional rights to  pursue happiness etc,

Not only is Trump dusting off  his former policy initiatives that made America Great Again, but he is campaigning on the fact they were good enough before and better now.  Unlike Kamala, Trump is not erasing but re-enlisting his policies.

Trump has confronted our most dangerous adversaries and made them stand down. What has Kamala done in this regard?  Trump closed our borders. Kamala wants to keep them open.  Every negative that is destroying our republic is supported by "Erase Board Kamala."

Most important of all, Trump is supportive of our most important ally in the Middle East while Kamala is unwilling to allow Israel to defend itself , preferring to curry favor with Iran.

The contrast between Kamala is so stark, so diametric to common sense  it is mystifying how anyone, in his right mind, can vote for a "Blackboard."

Finally, the Republican Party is not anti-Semitic and is unwilling to support radical's depriving Jewish Students from pursuing their education.

Another market comment:

1)No one is home. Most everyone is on vacation.

2) A presidential year is generally positive because both parties promise everything.This Fed needs to cut rates to catch up with market rates,

3) Computers are in charge of the markets creating volatility. 

4) Cutting rates raises concerns that we are heading into a recession. I do not embrace this view.

5) Finally "Blackboard Kamala's" choice of VP reinforces everything politically negative in terms of a political response to the market.

By mid Sept. the market should be finished with it's correction and stabilizing.
Let's hear it from our bartender.



Dear Dick,

America and Israel are working together to deter, defend against, and confront Iran as the regime threatens an attack that could spark a massive regional war.

CENTCOM Commander General Michael Kurilla, the top U.S. military commander in the Middle East, arrived in Israel today to coordinate a joint response with the IDF to any potential attack.

General Kurilla was responsible for the successful international cooperation that intercepted more than 300 drones and missiles launched at Israel from Iran in mid-April. Kurilla met with Israeli defense officials to coordinate strategic planning in anticipation of another expected attack by Iran and its proxies against the Israeli home front.

Also today, President Biden convened his national security team in the situation room in preparation of an attack. Secretary of State Antony Blinken told his G7 counterparts on a call last night that an attack by Iran and Hezbollah against Israel could start as early as today.

And last night, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spoke with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant "to reiterate ironclad U.S. support for Israel’s right to self-defense against threats posed by Iran, Lebanese Hezbollah, Houthis, and other Iranian-backed terrorist groups."

As America and Israel stand together, the secretary of Russia’s National Security Council is meeting with his counterpart in Tehran to strengthen security ties between the U.S. adversaries. Iran is also rejecting U.S., European and Arab diplomatic efforts to avoid escalations, even if it means triggering a broader war. 

Israeli leaders are preparing for any eventuality. "We are preparing to fight every scenario, on every front," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at a memorial ceremony yesterday. "Iran and its proxies seek to encircle us with a stranglehold of terror. We are determined to confront them on every front and in every arena – near or far. Anyone who harms us will pay a very heavy price."

America and our allies must work together to deter Iran by demonstrating that we will stand with Israel as it responds to any strikes by the Iranian regime and its proxies.


Rejoining IDF, Ex-Envoy Michael Oren Warns: ‘We’re Fighting the Wrong War’

Former Israeli Ambassador to the US Michael Oren in IDF uniform. Photo: Provided

Israel’s former Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren has traded his diplomatic credentials and suits for a dog tag and combat uniform by joining an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) rapid response counter-terrorism unit in a northern kibbutz, warning that the fall of the embattled north would pose the most significant threat to Israel’s central heartland.

Oren recently returned from Washington, DC, where he accompanied a delegation of displaced Israelis from the north for a series of talks and high-level meetings in the US capital. The former envoy criticized Biden administration officials for lacking adequate answers for the evacuees they met with, implying they expected the evacuees to simply accept living in close proximity to a terror threat.

“No one is going to go back to living, say, in Metulla, which is literally a war zone with 150 houses destroyed and with Hezbollah on the other side of the fence,” he said, referring to the powerful Iran-backed terrorist organization in Lebanon. Oren cited army estimates that as much as 40 percent of Israel’s evacuated north, numbering some 80,000 people, would not return home in the event of a ceasefire with Hamas in Gaza.

“We now know what terrorists on the other side can do to Israelis,” he added.

Oren asserted that Israel was misdirecting its focus with the fighting in Hamas-ruled Gaza to the south, investing its manpower and resources against the wrong enemy. “We’re fighting the wrong war. We should focus our main energy on the north, which is a strategic threat. Hamas was and is a tactical threat. It’s not going anywhere.”

Hezbollah, which wields significant military and political influence across Lebanon, has been firing drones, missiles, and rockets at northern Israel daily since October, when the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza began. The onslaught has forced Israelis living near the Lebanon border to flee to other parts of the country for safety.

Oren assailed the response by world leaders and global press to last week’s targeted assassinations of Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr in Beirut and Hamas terror chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, and rejected claims that the killings would make hostage negotiations tougher and foil the chances for regional quiet.

“The reaction of the world was extraordinary. By eliminating two mass murderers, they’re saying Israel has jeopardized peace. You can’t make this stuff up,” Oren said. “What foils the chances for a hostage agreement [with Hamas] and for regional stability is not standing up to terror and not fighting.”

“Leaders of the United States and the world should thank Israel for eliminating the murderer of not just Israelis, and of Palestinians, but the murder of Americans,” he added.

Oren rejected claims that Israel was not operationally or logistically prepared for a full-scale war with Hezbollah, asserting that Israel had untapped resources ready for deployment. “We have conventional means that we’ve never used before, and we could use them now, like our submarine force,” he said, declining to elaborate further.

Kobi Levy, a resident of Kfar Blum who is part of the rapid response team alongside Oren, hailed the former envoy’s decision to dust off his uniform for the first time in over a decade. Oren fought in the First Lebanon War in 1982 in the Paratroopers Brigade.

According to Levy, many lawmakers and politically-affiliated groups, including the Brothers in Arms anti-government protest group, have briefly visited the kibbutz for what he termed “photo ops and empty promises.”

Oren, he said, “came with all his heart to listen. To us, the people of the north. He’s the only politician who understands exactly what the residents want.”

Levy also said that Oren wasn’t above doing whatever was needed for the team, from early morning drills to overnight guard shifts. He predicted that Oren, who also served as a deputy minister in Israel’s 19th Knesset, had a “bright future” ahead of him should he make a return to Israeli politics.

Asked if such a scenario was on the cards, Oren was coy. “Whether in a suit or a uniform, I’ve always been about service to our country and our people, and I’ll continue serving in any way I can.”

For the meantime, Oren was happy to be the “oldest guy by far” in the rapid response squad. “I knew that if I wanted to advocate for the north, I needed to see it firsthand,” he said.

That experience has led him to discover things he would never otherwise have known. One example he gave is the lack of financial support for Kfar Blum, which was not evacuated by the IDF and therefore receives no compensation. More than 60 percent of the kibbutz’s residents have self-evacuated, including Levy’s own family which evacuated only last week over fears of a reprisal after last week’s double assassination. The kibbutz, once known for being the cultural center of the north with several music festivals, has hosted thousands of soldiers passing through in the past ten months of war, and authorities have yet to pick up the tab, Oren said. “They do it with love of course, but even just the water bill is a tremendous burden on this community.”

“I’m deeply impressed by the people here and their commitment to the north and to Israel,” he said.

“I’m not being sentimental; they are the embodiment of the Zionist ideal,” Oren added. “But the sense is that they’ve been forgotten.”

Three Ways to Confront Iran
Impose tariffs on countries that violate sanctions, hold Tehran accountable for Hezbollah’s attacks, and set real red lines on nuclear weapons.
By Lindsey Graham

Iran and its proxies have intensified their attacks on Israel and on U.S. interests in the Middle East, beginning with Hamas’s barbaric incursion of Oct. 7. Much of the blame belongs to the Biden-Harris administration for deciding not to enforce sanctions against Tehran. When President Trump left office, Iran was exporting 300,000 barrels of oil a day. By October 2023, that figure was up to 1.4 million barrels a day. That generates money to fund Iran’s top export: terrorism.

For too long, the U.S. has at best played defense when it comes to Iran. It’s time to go on offense. To that end, I have introduced a series of bills:

I call my first proposal the terrorism tariff. If a nation buys oil or gas from Iran, the U.S. would levy a tariff on all imports from that country. By buying cheap Iranian oil, China, India and others are enriching the ayatollahs, cheating the market, and blatantly violating sanctions. My proposal would make these countries choose between cheap Iranian oil and normal business with the U.S. This idea originated after many discussions with Mr. Trump, who has used tariffs with great effect to change bad behavior.

The second proposal is a resolution declaring that any Hezbollah attack on Israel is an Iranian attack on Israel. This was the position President John F. Kennedy took in the Cuban Missile Crisis—any attack emanating from Cuba would be considered an attack by the Soviet Union on the U.S.

Hezbollah is getting more provocative, and the U.S. and Israel need to recognize that the problem doesn’t begin in Lebanon. Iranian oil refineries should be on the target list if Hezbollah or other Iranian proxies continue to attack Israel. If Iran’s rulers believe we are serious about destroying or diminishing their capability to refine oil, their behavior will change.

My third proposal lays out definitive red lines for Iran’s nuclear program. If Iran crosses these lines, the U.S. would be authorized to use military force against Iran. Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons is its most potent threat. The ayatollahs continue to deny it, but when they chant “death to Israel” and “death to America,” they mean it—and we should take them seriously.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said recently that Iran has narrowed its nuclear breakout time—how long it would take to produce enough weapons-grade uranium to make a bomb—to a week or two. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence published an assessment that found “Iran continues to increase the size of its uranium stockpile, increase its enrichment capacity, and develop, manufacture, and operate advanced centrifuges. Tehran has the infrastructure and experience to quickly produce weapons-grade uranium at multiple facilities, if it chooses to do so.” I encourage every American to read that report, and I urge my congressional colleagues to read the classified version. It will put this threat into chilling perspective.

Under my proposal, if it is determined that Iran holds uranium enriched to weapons-grade level, possesses a nuclear warhead, or has obtained a delivery vehicle capable of carrying a nuclear warhead that threatens the national security interests of the U.S., then the president would be authorized to take military action.

It is hard to imagine a worse disaster for the world than if the ayatollahs acquire nuclear capability. It would throw the Middle East into a nuclear arms race and put us all on the road to Armageddon.

Until the Iranians understand what they can’t do, they will continue to sow chaos. We must define red lines for Iran and enforce them.

The only thing the Iranian regime will respect is strength. The Biden-Harris administration has been profoundly weak, and its posture toward Iran has been a catastrophic failure. Israel isn’t alone in paying the price.

We live in dangerous times. The best way to prevent further bloodshed and upheaval in the Middle East and protect America is to stand up to the Iranian regime. Together, these three legislative proposals will send an unambiguous message to Iran that the old way of doing business is over.

Mr. Graham, a Republican, is a U.S. senator from South Carolina.
Biden was axed because he ws told donors had cut off his pulled his plug.. The coup has the finger prints of Pelosi, Obama and even Hollywood's Clooney.

Yes, they cut off his hominy and grits which Democrats place over a rational message and policy they plan to implement in order to govern.

In the Democrat Party money is the milk and honey.

As for Walz, he simply drives the nail deeper into the radical timber "Blackboard" Kamala  cannot avoid. It is tattooed into her soul  and very being. 



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