Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Logical Unless ... More.

The logic of these is overwhelming unless you hate America, love Biden, like to commit crimes. and hate Trump.

Biden's speech writers gave a good speech through Biden's mouth.  The question is does anyone believe our lying double speak president?

Joe Biden must now back up his sweeping promises and destroy Hamas

By Michael Goodwin

President Joe Biden delivers the keynote address at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.President Joe Biden delivers the keynote address at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. Michael Reynolds / Pool via CNP

In one of the most important speeches of his presidency, Joe Biden hit a home run.

His forceful and sweeping remarks at an event marking Holocaust Remembrance Day captured the horrors of Nazi Germany, the Hamas terror attack and the echoes of both that are ringing loudly on American college campuses. 

“This ancient hatred of Jews didn’t begin with the Holocaust — it didn’t end with the Holocaust, either, or even after our victory in World War II,” Biden said at the Capitol.

“This hatred continues to lie deep in the hearts of too many people in the world and requires our continued vigilance and outspokenness.” 

In one of several references to the slaughter on Oct. 7, he said, “Here we are — not 75 years later, but just seven and a half months later — and people are already forgetting. They’re already forgetting that Hamas unleashed this terror.” 

He denounced the “ferocious surge” of antisemitism in the US, saying too many people are “denying, downplaying, rationalizing and ignoring the horrors of the Holocaust and Oct. 7 — including Hamas’ appalling use of sexual violence to torture and terrorize. It’s absolutely despicable — and it must stop.” 


The speech was well written and well delivered as Biden largely avoided his usual stumbles and mumbles. 

It’s also remarkable that he has such strong feelings about the rancid antisemitism unfolding in America, given how quiet he has been despite a clamor for him to denounce it. 

The Biden disconnect 

Yet a speech, even an excellent one, is just a speech unless it is backed up with actions and policy.

And therein lies the disconnect between what Biden says and what he’s actually doing, and not doing. 

Many of his actions over the last six months actually undercut the sentiments he expressed Tuesday.

And the conflicting pattern continues as he foolishly appears determined to stop Israel from eliminating the remnants of Hamas with its assault on Rafah. 

This is a crucial time in Israel’s history.

Iran, by activating Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis, is generating the most serious threat to Israel’s existence in decades. 

Yet instead of the world rallying to help crush the threat, the wolves in Europe and America smell blood and see a chance to neuter if not destroy the Jewish state. 

While Biden’s heart may be with Israel, he has too often sought a balance of interests, as if good and evil are equally deserving. 

And so with one hand, he offers Israel military support, and with the other he condemns its methods in Gaza and denounces its democratically elected government, the only one in the region. 

He promises Palestinians a state, over Israeli objections and without any plan for security, guaranteeing the current war will not be the last. 

Similarly, the antisemitism he decries has been roiling college campuses for months, yet he waited until the Holocaust event to wholeheartedly denounce it.

And his Department of Justice, which has been a bulldog at his beck and call when it comes to prosecuting his political opponents, is AWOL in the face of a clear conspiracy to harass Jews and foment hatred across the country. 

In defiance of a necessary strategy, he stubbornly refuses to tighten the screws on Iran, giving the mullahs more money and more freedom to torment Israel and our other regional allies. 

Israel stands alone 

Nearly a quarter of the globe’s population is Muslim, and Muslims are the majority in nearly 50 nations. 

Israel stands alone and its survival in such a nasty neighborhood would be questionable without America’s backing.

But by feuding with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, abstaining as the United Nations Security Council passed a poisonous resolution and even withholding an arms shipment that Congress authorized, the president casts doubt on his commitment to Israel and gives hope to those advocating genocide of the Jews. 

Weakness is one thing, but the president’s latest move takes the cake for double dealing.

Reports say Americans knew Arab mediators in Egypt had sweetened a cease-fire offering to Hamas, but didn’t tell Israel. 

Enemies emboldened 

Netanyahu’s government first learned of the secret offer only when Hamas said it accepted the terms, The Times of Israel and others reported. 

The outcome of this drip-drip-drip of appeasement is predictable: Israel’s enemies, in the Mideast and in the United States, are emboldened. 

Although Biden clearly aims to placate many young voters critical of Israel, including Muslim Americans in swing states, the effect is like feeding a crocodile a small piece of meat. 

Each bite is followed by a demand for more.

As a result, Biden is hurting Israel without helping himself politically. 

There is a larger issue at work, too, and that is the way the often-violent protests have spilled out of campuses and into the streets of American cities.

By attacking police and historic monuments, and snarling traffic, the keffiyeh-wearing pro-Hamas mobs are creating widespread disorder and fear. 

No incumbent can benefit from those images being played in homes and on smartphones.

The disorder helps Donald Trump make the case that Biden is a weak president who cannot keep Americans safe or lead a fragmented world. 

That impression of weakness is confirmed by the president’s failure to gain the release of American citizens held hostage by Hamas.

He says repeatedly he won’t rest until they’re free, but Hamas has paid no price for taking and holding them. He only puts pressure on Israel. 

Netanyahu and his war cabinet, clearly regarding the cat-and-mouse peace talks as a stalling tactic, are finally making their first big military foray into Rafah, Hamas’ last stronghold. 

If there are living hostages of any nationality, they are likely there.

And Hamas senior commanders, along with four battalions of terrorists, are there, too. 

Because it could mark Hamas’ last stand, it’s a given the terror leaders declared their acceptance of the nonexistent cease-fire deal as a ruse to head off the Israeli attack. 

As a public relations gambit, it worked for several hours and gave the usual haters ammunition to blast Israel as the obstacle to peace. 

All the more reason why Israel is determined to finish the job.

If Biden won’t help, he can stay out of the way and let Israel do what it must. 

That’s the least an ally should do.

Show haters Oct. 7 horrors

Naomi Laulus offers advice to college presidents, writing: “With the Hamas puppets corralled in their encampments, colleges should prop up huge screens and announce to the jihadist wannabes that they are airing the terrorists’ unfiltered filming of their Oct. 7 atrocities, including rapes, mutilations, and babies in ovens.” 

“They should explain that just like the Nazis, Hamas terrorists filmed these atrocities because they took pride in their acts.”

“And then they should blast the volume so no one can avoid the horror.”

Degree has lost its luster

Count reader Robert Daddario as unimpressed by the campus rabble’s grasp of facts.

He writes: “From now on, whenever I hear the words ‘college-educated voters,’ I’ll think, ‘the indoctrinated ignorant!’ ”

Actions always have consequences resulting in a price that must be paid unless you are our corrupt FBI.

Over a Dozen Federal Judges Say They Will No Longer Hire Law Clerks From Columbia – PJ Media

HAPPENING NOW outside the US Embassy office in Tel Aviv. Bereaved families of soldiers killed in this war are demanding that Biden and Blinken stop saving Hamas and let Israel win!
@The_Gvura++++Biden Admin Hid Pause in Arms Sales to Israel From Congress,
Sparking Probe Senators want to know what types of ammunition are being
withheld from Israel and why By Adam Kredo The Biden administration hid information about its decision to pause U.S. arms sales to Israel from Congress, sparking a probe led by two GOP senators, the Washington Free Beacon has learned. Senators Joni Ernst (R., Iowa) and Ted Budd (R., N.C.), in a letter sent Monday evening to the White House, are asking the administration to immediately inform Congress about what types of ammunition are being withheld from Israel and why. The pause in these ammo shipments was approved last week, but only became publicly known over the weekend when the decision was leaked to Axios. The Biden administration is holding up shipments of two types of Boeing-made precision bombs to send a political message to Israel, one U.S. official told Politico. "We are shocked that your administration has reportedly decided to withhold critical ammunition to Israel," the senators wrote, according to a copy of the letter obtained by the Free Beacon. "You promised your commitment to Israel was ironclad. Pausing much-needed military support to our closest Middle Eastern ally signals otherwise." The senators say the White House "failed to notify Congress about this decision," leaving lawmakers to learn of the decision from press reports. The letter signals mounting GOP concern with the Biden administration’s increasingly hostile stance toward Israel as it launches an offensive campaign into the Gaza Strip’s Rafah neighborhood, which the United States has lobbied against. The reported halt in ammunition sales is being viewed as a sign the Biden administration is caving to pressure from anti-Israel advocates in the Democratic Party who want to see the Jewish state isolated. "We must give Israel the arms it needs to fight the Hamas terrorists that continue to hold Americans hostage," Ernst and Budd wrote. "We call on your administration to immediately restart the weapons shipments to Israel today as it continues to fight Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and other Iran-backed threats." Congress recently passed an emergency national security funding bill that included military assistance for Israel. The lawmakers want to know if any of the ammunition shipments approved in that bill have been put on ice as result of the White House’s embargo. "Which ammunition did your administration withhold from Israel?" the senators ask. "Why did your administration decide to withhold this ammunition? Did the administration withhold any ammunition that was approved by Congress in the recent national security supplemental? Does your administration have any plans to withhold further assistance from Israel?" The letter also asks the administration to explain its conflicting statements about maintaining robust American support to Israel as it fights to eradicate Hamas from the Gaza Strip. "On April 24, you signed the national security supplemental into law and promised that you ‘will always make sure that Israel has what it needs to defend itself against Iran and terrorists it supports,’" the senators wrote. "If these reports are true, then you have once again broken your promise to an American ally." Ernst and Budd are requesting the Biden administration explain how its "decision to withhold security assistance from Israel is consistent" with previous statements promising unconditional military assistance. "Why did your administration fail to notify Congress about this decision to withhold assistance to Israel?" they ask. "If your administration decides to withhold further assistance to Israel, would you commit to communicating such a decision to Congress beforehand?"++++
Useful Idiots for Hamas By Robert WeissbergPosted By Ruth King

Current campus disturbances outwardly resemble past protests. It would be as if they all shared a common script—righteous indignation, yelling and screaming slogans, lists of non-negotiable demands, going limp when police try to remove them, piles of trash, and all the rest.  Don’t be fooled.  Today’s protestors are profoundly different despite the superficial resemblances, and these differences make them particularly dangerous.
Current disturbances lack this rational: self-interested elements and many participants are clueless when asked to explain their action.  In a nutshell, while anti-war protestors wanted to end the draft and avoid Vietnam, and blacks demanded more educational resources, today’s protestors want to eradicate a country of nine million people possessing the most powerful, nuclear-equipped army in the Middle East. Moreover, this mission is to be accomplished by shouting “Death to America” and disrupting classes.  Brilliant, and one can only ask, “Are these the smartest of the smart?”  Ironically, perhaps the only rational participants in these disturbances are the non-student professional agitators bedecked in their balaclavas whose mission is just to create violent chaos.  They at least have a chance of succeeding.

Stupidity abounds.  Why, for example, are so many of these pro-Hamas, anti-Israel demonstrators women who drape themselves in Muslim style headscarves, embracing a religion so antithetical to feminism? They surely know how women are treated in Muslim-dominated nations.  Are these female demonstrators demanding an intifada so they can now obey their husbands unconditionally?

Similarly, what if protesting students holding a “Queers for Palestine” sign or wearing a sweatshirt proclaiming “Fags for Palestine” were magically transported to Iran, a theocracy that executes homosexuals?  Are those American blacks rallying for Islam aware that African Muslims are slaughtering blacks in West Darfur?  Or that Arabs once dominated the slave trade?  Where on the planet do Muslims help blacks?

Israel has done far more for these “oppressed” angry protestors than any Muslim nation. Israeli women and gays live in a paradise compared to their compatriots in Muslim countries.  The state of Israel and Jewish private organizations have long donated billions in assistance to some 43 African nations.  Israel rescued thousands of black Jews from Ethiopia and treats them as absolute equals.  American Jews have been in the forefront of the civil rights movement.  No good deed goes unpunished, apparently.
Protestors live in an upside-down world where the “good guys” are the “bad guys” and one’s friends are “really” the enemy.  How is it possible for 100 professors at Columbia University to call the October 7th slaughter of civilians, beheaded babies, raped women, and kidnapped hostages a “military operation”?  One leftist magazine spoke of Hamas’s historic anti-colonial struggle.

Why?  These protestors are afflicted with a condition what might be called Post-Modern Brain Disorder (PMBD).  Here the stricken live in a universe where words lose their meaning and are thus unable to separate good from evil.

They are also vulnerable to suggestions that contradict plain-to-see reality—currently taught mathematics is just “white mathematics” and 2+2=4 just reflects white privilege. PMBD sufferers love esoteric jargon such as “cisgendered” whose terms only make sense to those likewise infected. The root of this disorder is extended exposure to the postmodern philosophy taught in prestigious universities, notably lectures on racism and modern gender theory.

These students are not being educated; they are groomed, gradually convinced of falsehoods no matter how obviously true.  They now become blank slates upon which their teachers can write crackpot messages.  They now learn, for example, that all people are equally talented in every field so any differences in accomplishment merely reflects power, and since in America white males are the most “successful,” they are simply the most powerful.  The entire idea of merit is rejected with everything determined by power, race, sexual identity, and class.  Under such conditions, equality can only be achieved by overthrowing the white patriarchy, violently if necessary.  In this cosmology, Jews, being white, are oppressors to be eliminated.

Among PMBD sufferers, it is “obvious” that Hamas, being people of color, is perpetually the innocent victim, and that the white Israeli army is practicing “genocide” even if Hamas commits war crimes by hiding behind human shields.  Moreover, history and archaeology aside, the Jews, being “white,” lack any right to occupy land stolen from Palestinians and thus deserve extermination.  Genocide and terrorism now become “justice,” and condemning those demanding “justice” becomes Islamophobic.
This political grooming resembles how Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell transformed innocent gullible 14-year-old girls into willing bed partners for celebrities.  They began with innocuously paying for non-sexual massages, gradually upping sexual content and, bit by bit, created a “willing” sex worker.  In the case of university students, under the tutelage of Ivy League professors, they’re slowly converted from sensible undergraduates into anti-Semitic Hamas supporters. Like prisoners in Communist Chinese re-education camps, after a year or two in isolation, the transformation is complete.

If asked immediately post-9/11 about the odds that thousands of American students enrolled in elite universities might one day openly defend Muslim terrorists, a reasonable person’s guess would be “less than zero.”  That this has now occurred is a tribute to the power of professors.  In fact, protestors in Philadelphia displayed the flags of every known terrorist group in their encampment.

Our universities were once viewed as America’s great strength.  Today, they also produce countless useful idiots available to harebrained faculty to achieve the once unthinkable, killing millions of Jews.  If only Hitler could see this theater.

There will be consequences. A recent Wall Street Journal article told of outraged parents demanding tuition refunds from riot-afflicted schools, many claiming that video streamed classes are inadequate, and their children are not safe.  Other irate parents vowed to withhold future donations.

A parallel exists with what parents discovered during the COVID lockdown, when they first encountered explicit sexual content and Critical Race Theory in their children’s lessons. Remember all the Drag Queen story hours?  The pushback was enormous and continues to resonate. Columbia may be the next Bud Light.

Elite schools will suffer as elected officials ask why college presidents allowed this decades-long ideological rot to fester.  After all, they personally had to approve the hate-spewing departments, every faculty appointment, and the department’s annual budgets.  When added to the ongoing damage caused by DEI—hiring plagiarist functionaries, imposing illegal racial preferences, and other PC nonsense—campus heads will roll. Elite schools may lose their luster. Admission applications at Yeshiva University, a traditional Jewish school, have recently skyrocketed.

PMBD has been metastasizing for over a decade, but it has only surfaced thanks to today’s turmoil and by now, thousands of the infected have graduated.  Due to tenure and administrative inertia, moreover, the rot will continue.  Nor is this indoctrination likely to be a youthful stage to be outgrown.  Today’s keffiyeh wearing anti-Semites replacing American flags with Hamas banners will soon enter the workforce and continue spreading their message.  If one doubts this, just consider how all those college grads indoctrinated into the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion agendas infiltrated corporate America, public schools, and even the military. How else can one explain why so much of America has gone so woke?  Locking up a few thousand violent protestors will not end the problem.

US official confirms: US paused a shipment of bombs to Israel last week
Senior US administration official says the decision was made
over concerns that Israel was approaching a decision on
launching a full-scale assault on Rafah. A senior US administration official confirmed on Tuesday that the US paused a shipment of bombs to Israel last week over concerns that Israel was approaching a decision on launching a full-scale assault on the southern Gaza city of Rafah, The Associated Press reported. The official said the decision to pause the shipment was made last week and no final decision had been made yet on whether to proceed with the shipment at a later date. The shipment which was paused was supposed to consist of 1,800 2,000-pound bombs and 1,700 500-pound bombs, according to the official, with the focus of U.S. concern being the larger explosives and how they could be used in a dense urban setting. The confirmation follows a report by Axios' Barak Ravid that the Biden administration had stopped a shipment of US-made ammunition to Israel last week. According to the report, the incident raised serious concerns inside the Israeli government and sent officials scrambling to understand why the shipment was held. The US has long been vocal in its opposition to an Israeli operation in Rafah. On Sunday, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spoke to Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. A Pentagon statement released after the call said that Austin “stressed the need for any potential Israeli military operation in Rafah to include a credible plan to evacuate Palestinian civilians and maintain the flow of humanitarian aid.” Those comments were a reiteration of comments made by Austin during a conversation with Gallant last week. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, speaking to reporters at Ashdod Port during his visit to Israel last week, was asked about a potential Israeli operation in Rafah and whether Israel has provided a viable plan for such an operation. “On Rafah itself, look, our position is clear. It hasn’t changed; it won’t change. We cannot, will not support a major military operation in Rafah absent an effective plan to make sure that civilians are not harmed. And no, we have not seen such a plan. And at the same time, there are other ways – and in our judgment, better ways – of dealing with the real ongoing challenge of Hamas that does not involve or require a major military operation in Rafah. We’ve been talking with the Israelis about that; we’ll continue those conversations,” replied Blinken. ++++There Are Two Sets of Rules for Speech
Frat parties with offensive themes are swiftly punished. But publicly contemplate murdering Zionists? That’s a different story.
By Abigail Shrier

A police officer who pulls over speeding black motorists—and only black motorists—isn’t protecting “law and order.” He’s engaging in invidious discrimination. So too the university administrators who suddenly discover they are free speech absolutists only when student protesters call for the death of their Jewish classmates.

In January, a junior at Columbia University, Khymani James, told a disciplinary committee at the school that Zionists “don’t deserve to live.” “Be grateful that I’m just not going out and murdering Zionists,” he instructed them. Then, James headed back to campus, scot-free. (If he hadn’t also posted a recording of the meeting to his social media site, discovered four months later, there might never have been any repercussions at all.)
It was the sort of stunt a star quarterback for the football team could have gotten away with a generation or two ago, when college coaches might have been eager to sweep sexual assault allegations under the rug. Or the son of a major donor to the university. James apparently enjoys a level of privilege every bit as sacrosanct: as a leader of the pro-Palestinian encampment at an Ivy League school, he could threaten Jewish students at his pleasure, university codes of conduct be damned.

If there was ever doubt whether calling for the genocide of Jews violates Columbia’s code of conduct, on April 23, Rep. Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) asked four Columbia University professors and administrators this explicitly. Every one of them said: “Yes, it does.” As for the encampments, they violate Columbia’s Rules of University Conduct, disruptive behavior standards, university policy regarding “tenting,” disciplinary rules against “vandalism/damage to property,” unauthorized “access/egress” rules as well as Columbia’s policy against harassment, according to a Notice to Encampment circulated by the university.

In the last two weeks, self-proclaimed pro-Palestinian protesters have set up encampments at dozens of American universities. Heedless of university restrictions against intimidation and harassment, they demonstrate where, when, and how they like. They cry “Go back to Poland,” “baby killers,” and “globalize the Intifada” at Jewish students. They wave the flags of designated terrorist groups, like Hezbollah and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and hold up signs that beckon “Al-Qasam’s Next Targets,” with an arrow pointing at Jewish counter protesters. (Al-Qassam is the wing of Hamas that carried out the October 7 massacre.)

On campuses that have—for a decade or more—repeated ad nauseam that priority one was the creation of a “safe, inclusive, supportive, and fair” community, the pro-Palestinian demonstrators wave Hezbollah flags, wear Hamas headbands, and conceal their faces with masks. They ignore all time, place, and manner restrictions on student demonstrations set by their schools, and refuse all demands from the universities to take down their tents or to move their protests elsewhere. And at Columbia, until April 30, when protesters took over Columbia’s Hamilton Hall and the NYPD was at last called in, they almost got away with it.

At UCLA, protesters blocked students from entering the library during the midterms, asking those who wished to enter: “Are you a Zionist?” After a Jewish girl was reportedly beaten unconscious by pro-Palestinian protesters, pro-Israel counter protesters at UCLA arrived in masks and hoodies, shooting off fireworks, firing tear gas, and throwing objects at the pro-Hamas protesters and attempting to physically destroy the encampments. Only then did UCLA call in the police to remove the encampments.
Instead of immediately suspending the pro-Hamas protesters for breaking university rules, for weeks, university administrations instead chose to “negotiate” with the rule-breakers. At Columbia, the administration offered to review its policy on “socially responsible investing” (read: divesting from the world’s only Jewish state), and offered to “make investments in health and education in Gaza.” At Brown, the administration promised protesters that they would put divestment from Israel on the agenda. At Northwestern, the administration meekly tossed rewards, including the promise to establish a full-ride scholarship for Palestinian students and guaranteed faculty jobs for Palestinian academics.

At Columbia, protesters rejected the offers, knowing they had the upper hand. When police arrived to break up the encampments, Columbia faculty in orange vests linked arms to form a human wall against the police, shielding the rule-breakers.

The lengths administrators have gone to placate, encourage, and embolden the pro-Hamas protesters in the past weeks provide a signal reminder that there are at least two sets of rules governing elite universities today: one for the favored, protected class; the other for everyone else. And in case anyone has any doubt which category Jewish students fall into, the unwillingness of universities to enforce their own codes of conduct against pro-Hamas protesters in the months since October 7 should disabuse them.
Consider how racist speech (or even racially insensitive speech) has been received on virtually any major American campus for decades.

In 2017, an anonymous jerk put flyers up around American University’s campus. The flyers displayed a Confederate flag, a stem of raw cotton, and read “Huzzah for Dixie” and the like.

American University immediately launched into emergency response mode, treating the flyers as a criminal threat. It published CCTV video and solicited help from the public in identifying the man who posted the flyers. An all points bulletin called “CRIME ALERT” went out for the man’s arrest. The New York Times covered the incident; the words “free speech” do not appear once in the article. Instead, it approvingly noted that in a previous incident—when bananas were found hanging from nooses around campus—the FBI had been called to investigate.

Nor could I find any evidence of any free speech organization rushing to defend the man who posted the flyers—nor the racist provocateurs in any of dozens of similar incidents. No prominent “free speech absolutists” appear to have considered the expressive value of “Huzzah for Dixie” worth defending. Nor did pundits claim that inviting law enforcement to investigate such acts of hate—i.e., “calling the police on your own students”—was in any sense inappropriate or disproportionate. In almost every single case—at schools like Stanford, Johns Hopkins, Michigan State, University of Florida, Duke, and American University—where a symbolic noose was discovered on a campus, it was treated as a criminal threat, never as speech.

After the Huzzah for Dixie flyers were found, the president of American University quickly issued a statement: “I ask you to join me in standing together and show that we will not be intimidated. AU will respond strongly to attempts designed to harm and create fear,” she wrote. “When one of us is attacked, all of us are attacked.”

Today, in the face of months of bloodthirsty cries aimed at Jewish students (“globalize the Intifada”), university presidents line up to assure the protesters of their right to free speech.

In the abstract, if “Huzzah for Dixie” is worth the full mobilization of university resources and law enforcement, then waving the flag of a terrorist group, or writing “burn you filthy zio” to a student chat, or telling Jewish students to “go back to Poland” where millions of Jews were murdered in gas chambers, or pulling down the American flag over a statue of John Harvard and replacing it with the Palestinian flag, or painting “Ziosgetfuckt” on UPenn’s statue of Ben Franklin, or calling Jews “Hitler’s children”—all insults hurled at Jews on campus—are at least as menacing.

But in practice, the two types of incidents—rather, the two targets of the incidents—are treated entirely differently. Punishment is meted out swiftly and mercilessly, and with no consideration for free speech principles, any time Confederate flag flyers are posted, any time students hold culturally insensitive themed frat parties, any time colleges uncover student use of the N-word while in high school (or even a word in Mandarin that sounds like the N-word), or even when students or faculty make the familiar conservative argument that affirmative action sets black students up to fail. Rinse and repeat and repeat.

Speech on college campuses has been stultifyingly narrow—and very far from free—for decades. That pro-Hamas students cheer freely for “intifada” doesn’t make it any freer now. The fact that certain students are allowed to call for the death of their Jewish classmates does not herald a new era of free expression. It only underscores that some bigotries enjoy the official sanction of these schools, and are accepted, tolerated, and rewarded with special dispensations and, indeed, goodies.

Use of the N-word on campus or mis-gendering a classmate will no doubt be met with as swift punitive consequences as they have been for decades, as have a vast and more minute array of “microaggressions.” I invite anyone who doubts this to parade through any of our elite campuses with insulting cartoon depictions of the Prophet Muhammad.
After weeks of violent, destructive protest, which left campuses trashed and buildings damaged and graffitied, administrators have at last begun to enforce their own rules and call in the police. Perhaps they felt they had no choice: commencement ceremonies loom and lawsuits, recently filed by Jewish students, are on the way.

But watch the marble carefully as university administrators spin the cups. When a favored group is attacked, they discover a “community safety” concern with remarkable alacrity. When it’s a disfavored group, suddenly the cup reveals “free expression.” The game is fixed, and the administrators show their hands. “Community safety,” or was it “free speech”? Surprise! They don’t believe in either.

Abigail Shrier is the New York Times bestselling author of Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up.
++++Citation with breakfast at UCLA.

Every time Biden opens his mouth and Blinken travels

they embolden Hamas and create the problems they profess
they want to avoid or prevent. We have two fools running our

nation into the ground. These two clowns are Hamas stooges.


 Printing money doesn’t solve poverty like printing diplomas doesn’t solve stupidity.
Just a thought.


Biden's Ridiculous Remarks About Pro-Hamas Encampments

Joe Biden gave an unscheduled speech at the White House on today’s events regarding the pro-Hamas camps that are taking place across the nation. The chaos on college campuses has been anarchy and chaos, as supporters of the terrorist organization stormed buildings, denying Jewish students entry (and even assaulting them at times)…




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