Sunday, April 14, 2024

2 American Postings Today. Much, Much More


Joe Biden's Jekyll and Hyde diplomacy

Biden's diplomacy towards Israel is Jekyll and Hyde diplomacy.

It emboldens Iran and restrains Israel even as the latter fights for its survival.

Israel, the tiny sliver of a democratic nation, remains surrounded by Iran and its surrogates which have dedicated, among themselves, to dominate the entire region while eliminating Israel in the process.

Were it not for Trump's thinking outside the box, which motivated/allowed him to support Israel by recognizing Jerusalem as its capital, which, in turn, fortuitously led to the Abraham Accords, followed by Biden's senseless attempt to do everything he could to undo Trump's accomplishments, the world would not be in the pickle it is in today.

Weakness encourages nothing favorable, yet we elect leaders who seem never to learn.

Meanwhile, incessant rocketing by Hamas into Israel, prior to its 10/7 butchering attack and continuous rocketing post 10/7 commensurate with Hezb'allah rocketing, supported by unprovoked comparable Houthi attacks, gave Israel every right to attack Iran's consulate in Damascus, resulting in the death of several senior RPGC generals.  The concept that proportionality must now dictate Israel's response is anathema to all reason and again reflects weakness and ambivalence by Biden.

Did Joe know?

Lamentably, I have now come upon a report, which I am unable to verify, suggesting Biden knew from Turkish sources that Iran was going to attack Israel and his response allegedly was he knew. (In a stunning yet somehow unsurprising turn of events, evidence has now emerged that Joe Biden didn't just know about Iran's attack on Israel, but that he went so far as to green-light it through back channels.)

Israel is at war, yet Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu finds himself in the position of a hen-pecked husband in that he must protect his nation only if he conforms according to rules/demands spelled out by so-called friends.

The old expression of "who needs enemies with friends like these?" comes to mind.

Seriously, would any rational American president allow a supposed friend, like Israel, to dictate how America was to act if Canada and/or Mexico began shooting missiles into Maine, New Hampshire, Arizona, Texas etc.? To make matters worse, and more despicable, what if it was revealed that Israel had advance word that Canada and Mexico were going to launch attacks, and Israel not only acquiesced, as long as their attack was within proportional limits but withheld this fact and did not warn our president?

Israel is a sovereign nation, the only one Jews can call their historical and rightful home and yet they are treated as a puppet because the president of the United States is a wimp, and a chameleon.

Yes , Shakespeare was correct when he wrote 'something is rotten...'


 American Thinker posted my second essay today as well:


No alternative to complete and total victory

By Richard Berkowitz

In my opinion, there are two ways to approach a war: diplomatically and militarily.

Also in my opinion, wars are the result of failed diplomacy.  There is no alternative to victory.

We all know Henry Kissinger was a brilliant secretary of state and diplomat.  My problem is that he also was under the powerful sway and influence  of the Rockefeller family.  They were his main sponsor.

Therefore, my problem with Kissinger is that he was German, and Germans are familiar with losing wars.  Kissinger, in my opinion, did not understand that Americans are not used to losing.  We were always a “wining” society until Kissinger came upon the scene.

Tragically, Kissinger and lawyers were allowed to slowly seep into the diplomatic management of wars.  Consequently, America no longer seeks to end wars.  We have become willing to walk off the battlefield as “losers.”  I submit the Vietnam debacle as my evidence.  We succumbed to the commentary of an influential news broadcaster the war was unwinnable when, in fact, we were near victory.  This was subsequently verified by the leader of the Viet Cong military.

I find the management of the Vietnam War unacceptable.

Diplomats do not have a flicker of knowledge that is militarily oriented.  They are trained in debating, in verbal solutions, and there is a place for debate.  Yes, talk first — and then, if the results are undesirable, resort to military power.

To make matters even worse, when you have a president, like Obama or Biden, who is incompetent in both areas, you have where we are today.  Telegraph weakness, and you most likely will inspire and receive what you wish to avoid.  

Biden’s broadcast of weakness has allowed Iran to operate through surrogates.  Why?  Because  he allowed Iran to be in a position to finance them.  His weakness has also allowed Iran to become more bellicose, to develop their nuclear program and place the world on the brink of what he professes he wanted to avoid: a nuclear confrontation and an existential threat to Israel.

Now Biden has allowed himself a single-word retort: “don’t.”  Apparently, based on reports, Iran may not be listening, and other reports suggest that Iran may be within three days of making a bomb in its underground Fordor facility, from which U.N. investigators have been barred.

Meanwhile, Biden has allowed Hamas to play Israel and Bibi as a yo-yo while Biden plays the violin.

Israel’s response to the Gaza War has evolved into two narrowed approaches.  On the one hand, Ehud Olmert, Israel’s previous P.M., believes that the hostage rescue takes precedence.  Any continuance of Bibi’s desire to take out remaining Hamas divisions and their leader, Sinwar, will result in needless Palestinian and IDF deaths, turning the world, even more, against Israel and causing a widening rift between America and Israel.

Bibi’s position is a willingness to make a hostage swap along disproportionate lines and cease the war, for a reasonable period, but he wants to finish the elimination of Hamas’s ability as a terrorist functioning military establishment.

My view is that that Hamas cannot deliver the 40 Israeli hostages supposedly being swapped, and the cessation of the war has already caused tremendous repercussions, and a restart is emotionally, mentally, and physically difficult.

Furthermore, Olmert disregards the impact of allowing Hamas to claim a military victory over Israel and how that claim might impact the Abraham Accord signatories — who, so far, have remained loyal and hung tough — along with the Saudis’ desire to ultimately enlist.  Why?  Because dependence upon Israel’s status, as the region’s military Goliath, is what unites them, along with potential commercial and scientific advances and interests that initiated their willingness to sign the agreement.

Stay tuned, as Iran’s threat remains a disruptive potential “black swan.”  Yesterday’s capture of a ship by Iranians just occurred.


Dare you to watch.

I am getting ready to write an essay which I will send to American Thinker.  It probably will be rejected because it may suit their readership or measure up to their writing standards. However, as their editors  know, I have my own memo which serves as my own personal outlet as an organ way to express my views and get matters off my chest. 

Here goes:

Has America Gone Flat 

Essay By Dick Berkowitz

I am quite aware this essay may be rejected for a variety of reasons but mainly because it might not appeal to American Thinker's readership or fails to meet their compositional standards  

This is more a series of questions I want to pose to those who remain empathetic to the radicals we have allowed to dominate our society because we have chosen to tolerate both their bellicosity, anti-Semitism as well as their disruptive and dangerous behavior and radical views/philosophies without adequately refuting them.  Why?  Because, even though I am sure, most American do not agree but  feel intimidated, or worse, are just too resist.

What is happening is how the free become tyrannized. It might begin as a curable virus but eventually becomes an incurable cancer.

Suppose Hitler warned England he was going to bomb London and Churchill said "Don't."  Would that have had an effect on how the Second World War went? 

Suppose Obama had chosen not to call his action a policy rather than a treaty which came under the legislative responsibility of The Senate to vote up or down. Would Iran been free to proceed with building a nuclear bomb? Would that have changed the current scene?

Suppose Biden had enforced sanctions on Iran's ability to fund surrogate terrorists? Would Iran not have become emboldened and able?

Suppose FDR, knowing what was happening to European Jews, not chosen to look the other way, as he did, and instead said to Hitler "Don't." Would the Holocaust not occurred?

Suppose Biden, because of his weakness, which encouraged Iran to attack Israel, as they have, and then told Israel not to respond, as he has,  Is that the message America's president should send to an ally faced with an existential threat?

Now let's turn away from matters involving the above and let's pose other questions to Trump Haters and to those who seek to destroy our institutions, the America way of life and consequently our republic.

Should we tolerate The FBI  arresting and/or threatening parents at City Commission meetings, who thought they had a parental responsibility, yet instead, were told they were domestic terrorists?

Why have surgeons and pediatricians been allowed to become the  American equivalent of Dr. Mengele's? Why have they been allowed to ask our children they have the exclusive right to choose whether they want  to be mutilated  without parental knowledge or permission?

Why have we allowed the elimination of a classical curriculum to be abandoned so our children can be indoctrinated with courses  teaching them to hate our nation?

Why have historical statues been destroyed or hidden from  public view? Does the phrase: "He who ignores history will repeat their mistakes" remain a rational operative?

Why do we flirt with Socialism, which has failed everywhere it has been tried, in preference to capitalism which has rewarded our nation with freedom of choice and untold wealth? 

Why did we allow a president tell us we could keep our doctor and we remained silent, when we instinctively had no rational reason to believe him?

Why have American's allowed  our constitutional guarantees to be savaged and in some instances so challenged we have become sheep like and afraid to stand up, be counted and push back.?

Has intimidation become so engrained we fear to respond because we remain a white society and cringe at the prospect of being called racists by radical bigots?

Why have we tolerated politicians to indebt our nation because of their desire to spend for the purpose of their own political self-interests?

Why have we tolerated  liberals, who hypocritically express their empathy for those most impacted, to defund police departments?

What has happened to a society that once celebrated law and order and now considers theft and public disorder a misdemeanor?

Why do we allow those with long criminal records to return to the streets without bail, and worse, who are highly likely to commit even greater crimes?

Why have we allowed a president to open our nation's borders, thereby, allowing millions of illegals to gain entry which heightens  national security risks, flood our country with drug traffickers, lawless gangs and cartels engaged in sexual exploitation of young girls?

By mow, I hope, if you have read this far , you not only agree I have not overstated the case but also cannot stand before a mirror without  feeling  some shame for not fighting back.

I certainly have some thoughts why we have allowed the above, and to bring this nation down to third world staus ,in many instances.  I do believe we did not heed Ben Franklin who said we have a republic if we can keep it.  

Well every once in a while you have to check your tires simply to see whether they are appropriately inflated. 

Has America gone flat. 

Witch Trials Have Returned
Essay By Dick Berkowitz

Tomorrow begins the Trump Trial. The District Attorney has a history of letting dangerous lethal criminals go free to commit further heinous crimes. Because he is a hatefully biased, morally corrupt prosecutor with a black chip on his shoulder who is attempting to stretch the law beyond recognition if only to disrupt Trump's ability to campaign. 

If this case, should Trump be convicted, reaches SCOTUS and is allowed  to stand kiss our republic and whatever laws are still being enforced goodbye. Remember, it takes only one dissenting jurist to throw this garbage case out the window.

only graduated from Law School. Never practiced and I still can see through this kangaroo trial and sham. 

Soros wants to turn America into his blurred and biased vision and he found a cheap way to do so by giving modest sums to scummy lawyers' who will sell their souls in order to gain notoriety and higher political office.

Lamentably, most are black, easily manipulated and have a racial bias against "whitey." 

If this is our nation's destiny then God help America.

I saw this happen first hand when a fabulous local district attorney was beaten because she ran a commendably  functioning office and was very respectful of the rights of alleged victims. Her problem was that she just happened to be white.

That office is now a tragic mess and in disarray. Good lawyers, the former DA hired, have left, those who remain have had cases thrown out because they were unprepared etc.

This is what DEI gets you and its upward creep is embracing other professions. You have Klaus Schwab and Davos oligarchs to thank for  this tragedy.
Friends of Israel - Academy Awards
Although it appears that Israel and the Jewish People have more enemies than friends, I believe the reality is quite the opposite. Opinion.

This year’s Academy Awards was marred by “Zone of Interest” filmmaker Jonathan Glazer’s libelous tirade against Israel. Hollywood does not reflect reality. Even its so called “reality shows” are manufactured and contrived. The real Academy Awards should be handed out to those heroes who have brought truth to the current world of lies and misinformation.

Since the October 7th savagery, both the enemies and friends of Israel and the Jewish People have been defined more clearly and precisely.

Although it appears that Israel and the Jewish People have more enemies than friends, I believe the reality is quite the opposite. Yes, anti-Semitism has grown immensely. Yes, the pro-Hamas violent protests have shaken America. Yes, the Democratic Party’s Left flank has put a stranglehold on the White House. This all may be true but there have been many great lights that have shone through the fog of war.

I mention just a few. They all deserve more than just an Academy Award. The Jewish People have very long memories. As Keepers of the Book, we remember our friends for thousands of years. We also don’t forget our foes.

On April 10th, one of the greatest advocates Israel has ever had was awarded the Israel Prize by President Herzog and Minister of Diaspora Affairs Amichai Chikli . It was none other than Conservative British writer Douglas Murray. In an interview with Arutz Sheva he made the most powerful statement made to date, “One Truth can puncture a thousand lies”. That says it all. Douglas Murray has done his fair share in overcoming the pervasive lies and distortions that have inundated the world.

The greatest surprise of all was the rise of Senator John Fetterman as one of Israel's fiercest advocates. Senator Schumer might call himself the “Shomer” of Israel but the title more fittingly belongs to Senator Fetterman.

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has also become a huge friend of Israel. He will always be remembered for his remarks made at the pro-Israel Million Man March in D.C. on November 14th 2023. He got great applause when he said, “These calls for a ceasefire are outrageous.” He further said, “U.S. stands unequivocally with Israel. This morning we watched the horrific film that was produced by Hamas from their own cameras as they committed the assault. It is unspeakable.”

Across the aisle, Congressman Ritchie Torres has been phenomenal in his support for Israel and even more so since he has been the main bulwark and firewall against the “Squad”.

Among other members in Congress and there are too many to highlight in this article, Congresswoman Claudia Tenney stands out as exceptional. Her bill that properly described the “heartland” of Israel as “Judea and Samaria” was vital and seismic.

In the radio world, Sid Rosenberg stands heads and shoulders above anyone else in their support of Israel. He is the Jewish version of Rush Limbaugh of Blessed Memory. Among athletes, no one has been more outspoken in their support of Israel and the Jewish people than former undefeated super featherweight to light middleweight champion, Floyd Mayweather. After October 7th he sent his own jet full of supplies to Israel. He said, “I stand with Israel against the Hamas terrorists” while visiting Israel.

Among military personnel two names stand out. John Spencer is one. He is the Chair of Urban Warfare Studies at West Point and is considered the world’s leading expert on the subject. He has said,”Israel has taken more steps to avoid harming civilians in comparison to all other wars.” He has also called the war against Hamas “the single most challenging battlefield.”

The second is Colonel Richard Kemp, former British Army Commander, who was on Al-Queda’s kill list in 2013. He has said, “Based on my observations the Israel Defense Force, the IDF, does more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army, in the history of warfare.”

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin also deserves praise and thanks. He has probably been the most reliable friend Israel has had in the Biden White House. I refer you to his extremely warm and meaningful meetings he just had with Israel’s Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant.

Among media personalities, the award goes to my friend and Israel’s friend, Pete Hegseth. His recent interview with Prime Minister Netanyahu was off the charts. His 24-hour coverage of October 7th in real time was one for the record books.

Last but not least is none other than Robert F. Kennedy, Jr who has amazed the entire Pro-Israel Community with his incredible devotion and support during these most difficult times. We are a long way from “finishing the job” and I am sure there will be others that will come forward. To those new heroes and heroines in Israel’s existential battle and its war to preserve morality and justice for the whole world, we, the Jewish People, will remember you for eternity.

U.S. deterrence fails again, as Tehran shows it is willing to take more escalatory risks while Biden tries to restrain Israel.
The Editorial Board

Supreme leader Ali Khamenei and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps have been the puppet masters of Middle East mayhem, the better to avoid direct culpability. Israel’s strike on April 1 against IRGC generals in Syria, in response to Iran’s proxy attacks against Israel, was apparently more than the mullahs could tolerate. The weekend attack is truth in advertising at last, and it is an ominous sign that Iran is willing to take new escalatory risks.

It should also be clarifying to Western leaders about Iran’s malevolent intentions. Thousands of American citizens live in Israel and could have been casualties. Iran’s bombardment wasn’t discriminate or limited to military targets, unlike Israel’s precision strike that killed the IRGC generals.

The fact that most of the drones and missiles were intercepted is a relief, but it isn’t reassuring against future swarm attacks. Israeli air defenses were a spectacular success, aided by assets from the U.S., U.K., Jordan, and perhaps others. But what happens if the next attack comes all at once from Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria as well as Iran?

This is another case of failed U.S. deterrence. President Biden had warned Iran not to attack after U.S. intelligence detected signs of preparation in Tehran. “Don’t,” Mr. Biden said. But like Vladimir Putin in Ukraine, Iran went ahead anyway, no doubt confident that Mr. Biden wouldn’t respond militarily. And sure enough, the word Sunday is that his main message in a call to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Saturday was not to strike back.

White House theories of escalation management don’t work against a regime that thinks a U.S. President fears escalation more than Iran does. U.S. restraint since the Oct. 7 massacre has encouraged Tehran to see how much more it can get away with.

The attack on Israel also underscores the failure of Mr. Biden’s Iran policy. He tried to mollify the mullahs by easing sanctions, freeing tens of billions in frozen funds, and trying to renegotiate the 2015 nuclear deal. Iran spied weakness and has mobilized its proxy forces against Israel, U.S. troops in Syria and Iraq, and commercial ships in the Red Sea. The U.S. has responded with pinprick bombing raids, and now Iran is escalating again.

Imagine how Iran would behave if it acquires nuclear weapons. At a minimum a nuclear-armed Tehran would be less restrained in its proxy wars and terrorism. It is also a messianic regime bent on spreading Shiite revolution. Such a regime might be all too willing to risk Armageddon to destroy the Jewish state.

“Take the win,” Mr. Biden reportedly told Mr. Netanyahu. But is it a win if Iran can directly attack Israel without consequences? Israel shouldn’t have to wait in a defensive crouch until Iran decides to attack again. Israel is justified in attacking Iran’s assets, including military targets in Iran.

Israel is no doubt considering whether to destroy as much of Iran’s nuclear capability as possible and delay a nuclear breakout. But the risks for Israel are considerable without U.S. support, especially without bunker-buster bombs to hit underground sites where enriched uranium is stored. This means Iran again controls when and how to escalate.

The attack should at least cause Mr. Biden and his fellow Democrats to end their cold war with Israel over Gaza and recognize that this is really a war against Iran. The vocal Democratic threats against Israel likely gave Iran more confidence it could strike without consequences. Appeasing the left by threatening to cut off arms to Israel is a betrayal and will invite more Iranian escalation.

This is an opportunity for Donald Trump too. His response on Saturday night was to say our country is weak and this wouldn’t have happened if he were President. But it did happen, and Mr. Trump would inherit the mess if he wins in November. He should drop his own ambivalence toward Israel and declare his undivided support.

Leaders in both parties should also start telling the truth to Americans about the new world of global threats. Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are all on the march and working together. That won’t magically change if Mr. Trump wins. The U.S. needs an urgent program of rearmament to restore deterrence. Saturday’s attack won’t be the last against our allies or the U.S. homeland.

In his final appearance before the House Armed Services Committee on March 20, 2024, Navy Admiral John Aquilino repeatedly referenced the need to 'speed up' the U.S. defense effort in the Indo-Pacific, with China's military expanding on a 'scale not seen since WWII,' and growing cooperation between China, Russia and Iran setting up a new 'axis of evil.' 
American calls for Israeli restraint won’t make either nation safer
Biden’s efforts to prevent a strike on Iran are—like his demands intended to save Hamas from defeat—rooted in U.S. politics, not U.S. interests.

In the view of the Biden administration, restraint, like virtue, is its own reward. Having helped Israel fend off an unprecedented Iranian missile and drone attack on Saturday night, President Joe Biden reportedly told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he should consider the successful interdiction of almost every one of the projectiles hurled at the Jewish state to be enough of a victory to satisfy his country and made it clear that Israel should refrain from ordering a retaliatory strike on the Islamist regime. Those calls were echoed by America’s European allies and others in the region.

Much like the world’s reaction to the atrocities perpetrated by Iran’s terrorist proxy Hamas in southern Israel on Oct. 7, the international community firmly believes that the best thing for Israel to do is exercise restraint.

There are reasonable arguments to be made for Israel to think carefully about the kind of response to Iran’s decision to escalate the ongoing conflict between the two countries. But the notion that Israeli security is best served by doing nothing or as little as possible—always Washington’s advice whenever Israel is attacked—is not as reasonable as both Biden’s apologists and Netanyahu’s critics seem to think.

More importantly, the assumption that needs to be rethought is that the most serious issue facing Israel and the United States in the Middle East right now is the danger of escalating the conflict with Iran. The relief felt by Israelis and those who care about the Jewish state the day after the Iranian attacks should not obscure the real problem behind this incident, as well as the ongoing war against Hamas in Gaza. It’s not that Israel has been too aggressive in seeking to force Iran to scale back its support for its terrorist allies and auxiliaries. It’s that years of Biden administration appeasement of Iran have led that rogue regime to believe that it can act with relative impunity. Requiring Israel to stand down merely grants an unearned and dangerous victory to Tehran.

Perceiving American weakness

Biden’s weakness and the clear evidence of the growing distance between Israel and the United States encouraged Iran and its allies to believe that attacks on the Jewish state—whether Hamas’s cross-border attacks on Oct. 7 or the weekend missile launches—would not merely be tolerated but also further expose Washington’s fecklessness.

Biden’s attempt to revive former President Barack Obama’s misguided diplomatic efforts to effect a rapprochement with Iran has, like the disastrous 2015 nuclear deal, enriched and empowered Iran. They also convinced many in the region that Tehran is the “strong horse,” rather than the alliance of Israel, the United States and Arab states like Saudi Arabia. Having gone a long way towards achieving its long-term goal of regional hegemony by exercising decisive influence, if not control, over Iraq, Syria and Lebanon along with its Hamas client in Gaza, Iran has engaged in a pattern of consistently aggressive behavior. That has not only strengthened its hold on these countries but also helped it deal with a restive population at home that longs to overthrow the abusive and corrupt theocratic regime.

There is a kernel of truth in the spin that some who want to downplay the Iranian attacks on Israel have been putting out since they failed to do any real damage or cause massive Israeli casualties. It’s not true that Iran hoped that they would fail. Iran remains the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world, and as such, aims to intimidate and kill its opponents—be they Israelis, Jews, Americans, Europeans or Arabs.

But it is true that the regime’s Hezbollah auxiliaries in Lebanon—with a massive arsenal of missiles and rockets pointed at Israel—pose a far greater threat to the Jewish state than anything that could be launched from Iranian soil. The sheer volume of Hezbollah’s weaponry would overwhelm Israel’s air defense, causing grievous casualties and damage.

Iran’s decision not to give the orders to their Lebanese henchmen to open fire on Israel—both after Oct. 7 and now—is not a sign of goodwill or an attempt to de-escalate the conflict. Rather, it is more evidence that Tehran’s leaders regard Hezbollah as their last recourse of defense against an Israeli or American attack on their country or nuclear facilities. Their reasoning is if such an arsenal is used against Israel now, then they won’t be able to employ it if and when the survival of their tyrannical regime is at stake.

It’s also not true that Jerusalem escalated the conflict with its recent successful attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus that supposedly precipitated Tehran’s firing of all those missiles. Iran has been attacking Israel continuously by one means or another for years, especially since its intervention in the Syrian civil war to save the Bashar Assad regime that was enabled by Obama backing down on his “red line” threat to the barbarous leader.

And since Oct. 7, Iran’s Hezbollah terrorists have been firing at northern Israel, rendering communities on the border uninhabitable and adding to the number of Jews who have been made refugees in their own country since the war with Hamas began. That is a problem that was created by Biden’s insistence on appeasing Iran—and by forcing the Israeli government led by Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid to cede some of its natural-gas fields in the Mediterranean to Lebanon. Washington has also been seeking to prevent Israel from doing much to alleviate the threat from the north so as to avoid annoying Tehran.

Don’t expect sympathy

But even if there are strong reasons for Israel to avoid another exchange with the Islamic Republic while still fighting Hamas in Gaza, there are two widely prevalent misconceptions about this subject that need to be unwrapped.

The first is the belief that Israel gains diplomatically when it doesn’t strike back at its foes after it has been attacked.

Many on the Israeli left and elsewhere are now claiming that the current priority is to take advantage of the sympathy Israel is getting from being the intended victim of the Iranian attack. They believe that striking back will cost the Jewish state vital political support it would otherwise receive in the coming months from Americans and Europeans, who have been reminded about the dangerous neighborhood that surrounds it. By placidly standing down and closing this chapter, it will, we are told, earn Biden’s gratitude and regain some of the international goodwill it has lost because of the war against Hamas and the ensuing hardships caused to Palestinians in Gaza.

It is a mistake to think that Israel gains anything by allowing itself to play the victim or the role of the pliant American client state. To the contrary, any perception of Israeli weakness or a belief on the part of its foes that it can be held in check by American advice or threats is merely an invitation to up the ante and increase attacks, whether by terrorist forces or other means. The sight of dead Israelis and Jews inflames antisemitism rather than marginalizes it.

Israelis are grateful for the help that they received from the United States and other nations in defeating the Iranian attacks. However, the foreign assistance it got was not an act of philanthropy. Successful Iranian strikes on Israel endanger the entire region and make it even harder to achieve Biden’s goal of engaging with Tehran.

Nor should anyone believe that Iranian attacks will increase sympathy for Israel in its war in Gaza. If the Hamas Oct. 7 massacre—the worst mass slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust—did nothing to make Israel more loved around the world, then Iranian missile strikes weren’t going to change anyone’s opinion. In the aftermath of those unspeakable acts, the media and anti-Israel activists were already condemning the Jewish state even before it began its counteroffensive against the terrorists. International opinion may mourn dead Jews, whether in the Holocaust or today, but it doesn’t have much sympathy for live ones, especially when they are armed and can defend themselves. While other wars, such as Iran’s in Syria, were ignored or tolerated, Israeli efforts at self-defense are always called disproportionate or wrong no matter how justified.

Israel won’t gain a single friend for not sending a strong message to Iran that the price of harming Jews will be more than it wants to pay. On the flip side, the spectacle of Israel meekly obeying American orders and holding its fire will only encourage Tehran to continue provoking the Israelis and undermining the strategic interests of the West in the region.

Biden’s political interests

Equally obvious is that American calls for restraint have far more to do with Biden’s political interests than U.S. security.

The president is convinced that the main obstacle to his re-election this year stems from anger in the left wing of the Democratic Party about his initial support for Israel after Oct. 7. He believes that intersectional activists, as well as Arab-American or Muslim voters, will abandon him if he doesn’t prevent Israel from completing the job of destroying Hamas. That’s a mistake since his problems stem from the widespread perception of his weakness and failed economic policies that led to inflation and the opening of the southern border that encouraged a massive wave of illegal immigration.

As a result, the administration is determined to end the war against Hamas, even if it means a genocidal terrorist group allied with Iran is allowed to get away with mass murder. And those who agree with the false premise that Israel is at fault in the war or the big lie that it is committing genocide won’t like its leadership more if it doesn’t punish Iran. Biden’s eagerness to appease Iran is only matched by his desperate efforts to bend the knee to the extremists in his own party. That’s why he wants no further military action.

An American president who was serious about deterring an enemy and halting global terrorism wouldn’t be counseling restraint. He would be actively seeking to aid Israeli efforts to combat Iran and its allies, including supporting the eradication of Hamas. Biden should be ramping up sanctions on Tehran to force its economy to its knees, rather than continuing to try to seduce it with bribes, like the $10 billion in frozen funds it recently freed up for them.

Instead, Biden is—as he has done since taking office—continuing to send mixed messages that have only encouraged Iranian adventurism in the region. Israel should do what it needs to do in its own way and at a time of its choosing to make Iran back down. But the more we hear talk of American pressure for Jerusalem to exercise restraint, the more certain it is that the long-term result will only be more bloodshed and Iranian-backed terror.
Will the West wait until Iran tries to obliterate Israel?
Sunni or Shiite, the Islamic apocalypse is a serious matter and should be taken as such. Instead, we Westerners think we live in a candy pink world. Opinion.

After spending ten days in Iraq and Syria with the Islamic State, Jürgen Todenhöfer, a German journalist, provided a summary of the ideology that animated them. “One day we will conquer Europe, the question is not if we will do it, but when, for us, it is obvious,” a German jihadist who spoke on behalf of the ISIS command told him. “Our expansion will be perpetual and the Europeans must know that when we come, it will not be beautiful, it will be with our weapons, and those who do not convert to Islam or who do not pay the Islamic tax will be killed,” the terrorist said.

And if they refuse to convert, Todenhöfer questions? “150 million, 200 million or 500 million, it doesn't matter. We will kill them all,” replies the jihadist, who then justifies the enslavement of non-Muslims. “They are preparing for the biggest religious cleansing in history,” concludes the German journalist.

We didn't take ISIS seriously and we saw how it ended.

Sunni or Shiite, the Islamic apocalypse is a serious matter and should be taken as such. Instead, we Westerners think we live in a candy pink world.

In 2015, Khamenei ordered the Revolutionary Guards to release a video showing Muslim soldiers looking at Jerusalem and preparing to conquer it. The sequence opens with close-ups of four soldiers with covered faces as they lace up their boots and prepare their weapons. The coats of arms of the Iranian Guards, Hamas and Hezbollah are visible on the uniforms. The shot widens to show the group of fighters on a hill as they survey Jerusalem and the al Aqsa Mosque waiting for the attack. The clip bears the title “Preparation for the complete destruction of Israel by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards”.

In 2017 there was the inauguration of a digital clock in a square in Tehran, appropriately renamed “Palestine Square”. It does not indicate the time. Instead, it counts the days until the destruction of Israel.

In 2020, Khamenei shared a poster on his website: it shows people celebrating in the Temple Mount compound in Jerusalem after they capture it, and a Palestinian flag rising over the al Aqsa mosque. “Final solution,” says the text. The “final solution to the Jewish question” is the expression used by the Nazis at the Wannsee Conference which planned the extermination of eleven million Jews (the Nazis managed to incinerate six of them).

The Supreme Leader of Iran has published a book entitled “Palestine” in which he explains the destruction of the “Zionist regime”. “Nabudi” (annihilate), “imha” (dissolve) and “zaval” (erase): the three words around which the project revolves ranian on Israel, referred to as “adou” (enemy) and “cancerous tumor.” Khamenei explains that his plan does not involve a "classical war", but a low intensity one that aims to "wear down" the resistance of the Israelis and the international community.

Khamenei recommends making life in Israel so difficult that Israelis are forced to leave to escape the threats looming over them. Khamenei describes the tactic of inducing the international community to "get fed up with Israel" until the West realizes that supporting the "Zionist project" is too costly and will abandon Israel.

This brings us to the Times investigation of recent days: Iran gave Hamas $222 million to destroy Israel.

Yet, if Voltaire's Candide the Naive had a passport today, it would undoubtedly be that of the West, this mega conglomerate of eternal children, accustomed to a gentle world, educated in a privileged and protected condition, immature and ultra-optimistic peoples , childish and bold, who in the face of Islamic fundamentalism find themselves vulnerable and defenseless, like puppies.

Now we think that the world is all like our good neighbor. As if luck and well-being had produced a civilization incapable of seeing the world for what it is, zoo animals in isolated and protected ecosystems that have never known predators and lost all self-defense mechanisms.

And for a sort of auto immune disease, we identify the enemy in the few among us who have retained the ability to smell danger and raise the alert. We are the beautiful souls that luck has deprived of the survival instinct.

By Mark Lewis


Saudi Official: Iran 'Engineered' Gaza War to Blow Up Our Normalization Process With Israel

By Matt Vespa


Boy am I in total disagreement with Sherwin

 My response to his decision and e mail:

I am safe and you are exposed so it is easy for me to tell you I totally disagree with you. 

Furthermore, I am more hawkish than you but I have been right in predicting what has now occurred. You cannot feed a bully. Meanwhile, Biden will continue to send Iran money. Thus, as long as Iran is given the ability to finish off their nuclear bomb effort and finance their surrogates that leaves Israel continuously exposed. You are wrong to trust them.  When someone tells you they want to nihilate, and in your own language, you better believe them and take your head out of your touchas.

Biden is and  remains a weak pitiful politician, seldom, if ever has he been right on virtually every major action/decision and is a Chameleon. Never trust him. 

Finally, Israel's attack on Iran's Syrian  Consul was a response to years of Hamas bombings. Hezbollah's rocket attacks, 
displacing 100,000 Israeli's, destroying their homes disrupting their lives and reducing tiny Israel's already pathetic size and then disregarding everything it has endured from Gaza makes you a fool.  

Biden brought this attack on with his pusillanimity and that is why Israel was attacked. Israel started nothing they have been forced to react and BIBI waited too long and hesitancy and timidity  emboldened Hamas.

Proportionalism is a fool's game, seldom works and sends the message you are weak. War begins  when there is no hope, diplomacy has failed and you have nowhere else to turn.  This is the consequence of our embiciilic president

Bibi is a damn fool to listen to Biden and Blinken and the PM of Britain. As for the French they prefer pastry over winning wars.  Your, so called friends,  will come to your rescue after you are dead and say a prayer over your grave.

The Iranians apparently structure their attack possibly so it would fail,  give Biden and Bibi a pin prick to see what heir guts level isand in thecae of Biden he spilled his a long time ago.  . 

Israel needs to wipe out their oil fields disrupt their nuclear program and take the advice of the son of their former Crown Prince.

Biden describes our foreign policy  in one word: "Don't" Iran chose to say "no we don't hear you."  

Kennedy made sure Khrushchev heard the message and he backed down and Russia eventually collapsed. Sadly,
Kruschev had the last word when he made his prophetic speech and America subsequently allowed itself to be destroyed by neo Marxists.

The Iranians need a signal we will help them get rid of the Ayatollah tyranny and there is no better opportunity than now.

Finally as for Israel causing Iran's attack that is nonsense. Israel has been attacked because our embicile of a president brought it about through weakness and now he wants Israel to take the chestnut out of the fire he caused. This is utter nonsense. Israel should kill every terrorist they can and a perfect target is Sinbar.


The 192nd Day of War in Israel

No Need to Retaliate Against Iran

By Sherwin Pomerantz

Israel’s War Cabinet on Sunday recommended retaliating to the first-ever direct Iranian attack on the Jewish state, although they were divided on the scope and timing of the response, Reuters reported on Monday, citing Israeli officials. However, no final decision was made, per reports, and ministers were to reconvene at 2 p.m. today to continue deliberations.  “We will build a regional coalition and exact the price from Iran in the fashion and timing that is right for us,” Minister Gantz said ahead of the meeting, which lasted over three hours.  

Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Husseini Khamenei, wrote a message in Hebrew saying, "Holy Al-Quds (i.e. Jerusalem) will be in the hands of the Muslims, and the Muslim world will celebrate the liberation of Palestine," on his X account on Sunday.  The tweet in Hebrew was written by the supreme leader of Iran above footage of missiles and drones that were intercepted in the sky over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  The tweet comes following Iran's historic barrage against Israel, ending a four-decade long shadow war between the two countries. The barrage comprised around 350 drones and missiles.

On Sunday night, US House Majority Leader Steve Scalise spoke to The Jerusalem Post before unveiling a series of bills that express support for Israel and denounced Iran. As US forces intercepted missiles and UAVs Saturday night during Iran's unprecedented attack on Israel, Scalise announced he'd be rearranging the upcoming week's legislative schedule to bring bills and resolutions supporting Israel to the floor.  

On Sunday evening, President Biden spoke with House leadership urging Congress to pass the Senate-passed national security supplemental bill which packages Israel aid including  funding for Ukraine and the Indo-Pacific. Humanitarian aid for Gaza and Ukraine is also included in the Senate's bill. 

 As of Sunday night, House Speaker Mike Johnson is still negotiating with the White House on an Israel aid package, Scalise said, but there's a strong desire to get Israel aid passed this week. Johnson overnight agreed to bring the bill to a vote this week. 

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Sunday issued a reminder that acts of reprisal involving the use of force are barred under international law after Iran’s attack on Israel, while the US warned the Security Council it would work to hold Tehran accountable at the UN.  Guterres, speaking to a meeting of the UN Security Council, told member states that the UN charter bars the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state as he condemned Iran's attack on Israel and warned against further escalation.  "The Middle East is on the brink. The people of the region are confronting a real danger of a devastating full-scale conflict. Now is the time to defuse and de-escalate," Guterres told the meeting, which was called after Iran’s attack.

Prime Minister Netanyahu has decided to delay the IDF operation in Rafah in southern Gaza, Israel’s Kan News broadcaster reported Sunday night.  According to information approved by the military censor, the initial date set by the government was postponed for undisclosed reasons.  Kan News said it could not divulge additional details on the issue. 

 Also on Sunday, the IDF announced the call-up of two reserve brigades to reinforce troops carrying out targeted raids against Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

Following the IDF’s withdrawal of almost all ground forces from Gaza on April 7, the army has shifted into a new phase in the war against Hamas, which last week saw forces enter the eastern Gaza City neighborhood of Shejaiya as well as Nuseirat in the central Strip.  Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has told IDF soldiers that the decision to withdraw troops was made in preparation for the looming offensive in Rafah, where Hamas’s final battalions are concentrated and where the senior leadership and remaining hostages are believed to be.

Regarding a retaliatory strike on Iran, my personal opinion is that there is no need to retaliate at all. Israel made a decision two weeks ago to attack a foreign government on its own soil. The fact that it was the Iranian Embassy compound in Damascus does not make it any less the territory of Iran than Tehran itself (Legally, the embassy of a country, wherever it is located, is considered sovereign territory of that country).  This was an initiative of our government.  

As expected, Iran retaliated in a forceful way by sending 60 tons of explosives towards Israel conveyed by rockets, missiles, UAVs and whatever else they had that could take to the air.  We, along with a host of allies who also see Iran as a world disrupter, defended the onslaught and 99% of the rockets, missiles and UAVs that were launched were disabled before they reached us.  Clearly a defeat for Iran, a success for us and a sign, for some of us, that the good Lord continues to protect us. 

We proved that we could repel their attack, we showed  their armaments were technically inferior to ours and successfully embarrassed their leadership and put their boasts to shame.  We need do no more at this point in time as any further response runs the risk of escalating the fight into a regional war that none of us need.  We have enough yet to do in Gaza and Lebanon without opening another active front.

Let us hope that our leadership will resist the very normal calls for retaliation and that they will take the “high road” at this point in time for the good and welfare of Israel and our still detained hostages.       




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