Friday, July 7, 2023

Woe Is Us. Allen West. Election Tinkering. Stepmother. Zito. Hoover Cocaine Hanky Panky?

Not every white person can become Einstein, not not every black person can become Sowell, The key for America, based on our constitution, is for the way to be paved so all have the opportunity , if they put forth the effort, to rise to their highest potential. 

 America once offered this opportunity but because we disregarded Moynihan, embraced Johnson's "War on Poverty," allowed idiotic and irrational progressive thinking to circumvent logic and unions to destroy education we have an entire deprived race, uncompetitive whites and a flood of illegal immigrants instead of legal immigrants who could make a greater societal contribution.

This is why our ship of state is sinking and will only take on more water unless we make every effort to right the ship. 

Our main adversary, China, is dedicated to our continued failure and declining competitive status and, for whatever reason, our incompetent president is willingly assisting our adversary to continue plunging their knife into our back.

Until we uncover the whole truth about the Hunter -"Pop" relationship and their obvious money laundering activity the spiral to the bottom will continue and the number who seek this will both rise and remain effective.

Woe Is Us!


The Left's Dream of Nationalizing Elections

The Declaration of Independence is the document that established these United States of America, and there is a very distinct reason why I say, as the Founding Fathers did, the word “these.” In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson laid out the grievances against Great Britain and why it was necessary for the separation of the thirteen colonies to declare that they were “free and independent States.” Upon reading the Declaration you will see many of the reasons for the principles established in our US Constitution, especially the 10th Amendment which was intended to limit the scope and enumerated powers of the federal government, reserving powers to the States and to the People.

I invite you to read the rest of this article here.

Steadfast and Loyal,

Allen West, Executive Director, ACRU


My friend, we’ll call him “Tom”, was a single guy living at home with his father and working in the family business.

He knew that he would inherit a fortune once his sickly father died.

“Tom" wanted two things:

• To learn how to invest his inheritance.

• To find a wife to share his fortune.

One evening at an investment meeting,he spotted the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. 

Her natural beauty took his breath away.

"I may look like just an ordinary man," he said to her, "but in just a few years, my father will die, and I'll inherit 200 million dollars."

Impressed, the woman obtained his business card.

Two weeks later, she became his stepmother.

Women are so much better at estate planning than men.


Our culture of outrage thrives in the absence of nuance in our public discourse

By Salena Zito

We live in a society that has lost all ability to think straight when reacting to something they don’t agree with. Even worse, we’ve lost the ability to digest context or explore nuance; we just react. A lot.

In short, nearly all public conversations around things like guns — or insert any other cultural issues that bend brains — show that we live in an age where we struggle profoundly with digesting positions that are foreign or different from ours. That's why, for example, the first reaction by those who know little about how guns are used to feed and protect millions of families across this country is to ban them.

It is remarkable to watch this pattern repeat itself every day, no matter what the subject is. All it takes is for one person's reason to vanish while pointing to a tragic story to justify his position. People will use one story as proof their position is morally superior. Within seconds they often draw other like-minded people into the arena and surround an issue or a person with a frenzied mob.

Years ago, it would have been considered intellectually vulgar for nuanced discourse to lose its place in our culture and our politics. Today, though, that's the norm in any discussion: We don’t read the whole story or, worse yet, the whole story offering both sides of what happened isn’t even written. We rarely consider counterarguments, and nuance has died.

Click for the full story:


Hoover Daily Report:

What The Fourth Of July Was Not

by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness

Our national Fourth of July holiday—currently the nation’s 247th since the first in 1776—marks the birth of the United States.

Building Diverse College Campuses Starts In Kindergarten

by Michael J. Petrilli via Education Next

In the wake of the Students for Fair Admissions, an urgent call to take on the “excellence gap”In the wake of the Students for Fair Admissions, an urgent call to take on the “excellence gap”.

Fiscal Inflation And Interest Rates

by John H. Cochrane via The Grumpy Economist

Economics is about solving lots of little puzzles. At a July 4th party, a super smart friend -- not a macroeconomist -- posed a puzzle I should have understood long ago, prompting me to understand my own models a little better. 

Supreme Court Fireworks: The Future Of College Admissions

interview with John YooBill Whalen via Matters Of Policy & Politics

The justices’ reasoning on race and free speech, what the future holds for college admissions (Harvard’s legacy factor now the subject of a lawsuit), plus the unusually personal nature of a few of the opinions.

Why the Biden White House's Response to Their Cocaine Fiasco Is Absurd
By Matt Vespa

A Market Test To Avoid Another Government Bank Bailout

by Amit Seru via PolicyEd

The federal government can prevent future bank bailouts by requiring risky financial institutions to raise capital through equity.



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