Thursday, July 20, 2023

Revelations Regarding Biden and Xi. Woe Is Us.

I challenge any and all Trump haters to listen to this 2 1/2 minute pitch and then go out and vote for Biden and against their own self interest.

They will do so because they cannot get over his obnoxious personality, vulgarity, vanity and because they fear the loss of power .
These are the same people who want government in your bathroom, your kitchen, the classroom, control the destiny of your children, distrust your judgement, do not believe in our constitution, hate capitalism, freedom, free speech, right to choose your own religion and side with Palestinians against Israel's right to exist. They mock parents and consider them terrorists and want them jailed. 

Worst of al,l they hate this nation. and ignore the tremendous strides it has made in overcoming it's faults and sullen history.
Personal commentary:

Those who doubted should now know Biden is a liar, a crook and physically and mentally incapable of performing his job as president.

They also should have learned when Democrats accuse others it is a cover up for them doing exactly what they have said. Democrats blocked RFK Jr from having his say yet, the hearings were supposedly an opportunity for him to defend himself against Democrat false accusations. 

Watching Democrats attack a Kennedy has to be a new page.

If the GOP controlled the Senate and had guts they posses plenty of evidence and reason to impeach "The big man." He has failed to protect and defend. He has allowed open borders to flood our nation with deathly Fentanyl. He has allowed a significant element of criminals to illegally enter our nation. He has looked the other way at
child trafficking. He has put our nation at risk from terrorism and I have yet to mention his family's self enrichment of millions of payoffs from foreign sources and/or the stonewalling of a number of illegal activities.

Biden's Sec.of State and Treasury Secretary have proven to be embarrassments as they visit China begging this nation, our largest and most dangerous adversary, to bend to their pleadings.  "Green" Kerry just returned, hat in hand,  because China refuses to stop polluting the world having til 2030 before they are in violation of the terms of the Paris Accords.

Meanwhile, as previously noted. China is aggressively increasing their selective development of their military capability to be in a position to effect a first strike which could well defeat our own declining military. 

I am of the view China began a concerted effort to weaken our nation beginning n the '50's.  They have done so by orchestrating America's radical element to penetrate virtually every institution and disrupt every societal endeavor. This effort accelerated when Xi became head of China and he has basically succeeded.  Congress remained clueless until recently and this has been validated by a very dear friend and fellow memo reader whose military responsibility 
was, until he retired, to brief Congress and awaken this sleeping  body to  China's endeavors.

Today Americans sit as witless, clueless dolts waiting to be decapitated as a world diplomatic, military and commercial power
because we are paralyzed and leaderless. Xi knows Biden is a pathetic and incapable figure - a pushover.

Yes, "Woe is Us."
So where are we currently domestically?  Frankly, no better.
Several gum shoe Democrat state district attorneys are suing Trump for behaviour that suggests they are pushing the law to it's limit and close to the 2024 election in the hope it will allow their own corrupt candidate to win. Democrats are willing to interfere with the election to win and retain power because they have no faith in both Biden and Kamala. In fact there are those who believe Newson will replace Kamala as VP. I do not subscribe to this view because it would be interpreted as an affront to blacks and females Furthermore, I seriously doubt Kamala would  take this affront laying down  

As I have written, time and again, no matter how much you may hate Trump, Americans do not like bullying and purposeful tormenting so what has been done to Trump from the time he announced his first successful presidential campaign and the many failed impeachment efforts plus the 4 new law suits  may well backfire. 

Wray's FBI took 5 years to conclude what they knew almost immediately regarding Hunter's lap top but had no trouble moving swiftly when it came to allegations against Trump.  The Justice Dept. and FBI's efforts to prevent the whistleblowers from pursuing  their legitimate investigation is simply more outrageous illegalities orchestrated by the Biden Administration to prevent uncovering evidence leading to the Biden Clan's corruption and money laundering.
The unclassified 1023 document  presented by Sen. Grassley is devastating

Biden's Atty General apparently lied when he testified before Congress, probably committing perjury, but everything has been slow walked, deep sixed and some potential activities have been allowed to go beyond time of prosecution, ie. the statute of limitation..  (I believe when there is such purposeful efforts the statute of limitation should be banned.)

We even have evidence, caught on TV, of "The Big Man" laughing about his ability to have a Ukrainian investigator fired while he withheld monies. Now we have sworn evidence, given by several respected and long employed whistle blowers, that millions of dollars flowed to the Biden's once these withheld funds were released.

Yet, when Trump inquired of the president of Ukraine about corruption he is being sued as a result of this inquiry which was listened to surreptitiously. The twisting of Trump's conversation is an amazing act by Democrat thugs bent on more harassment. 

Then we have the "go free" handling of sensitive documents by vice president Biden while a law suit is brought against former President Trump for the same action by these same Democrat officials again in furtherance of smearing Trump's prospects before the upcoming 2024 election.

Hillary hammered her cell phone and destroyed thousands of sensitive documents in violation of a Federal Court restraint order  and nothing happens. Not only what is happening highlights the fact a double standard of law enforcement is alive and well but also Democrats are spitting in the eyes of Americans knowing they can flaunt without fear because the FBI, Justice Department  and many Democrat Members of Congress (Hakeem Jeffries) will shield them.. This is how far America's Justice System has been poisoned.

And what about comparable attacks, by radical Democrats, on the sanctity of SCOTUS because certain decisions offend their sensibilities and philosophical views?

All of the above, and more, which I have not reported, was withheld. Why? There is a strong belief had voters known Trump would have won. 

What we are witnessing, and apparently seem willing to tolerate, is skullduggery at the highest level of government.  If this lawlessness is allowed to continue and investigations prevented so evidence is "deep sixed" our republic will end simply because it signals anything goes. No nation can survive the sustained break down of law enforcement.

 Again I repeat, "Woe Is Us."
Why is the attached important? Because Alexander Soros now controls hundreds of millions of campaign funds that will allow his father to rule from the grave through the manipulations of his further left son

George Soros's SON Has A Sketchy Past - It's All Coming Out

Hoover Daily Report

Despite $128 Billion Budget, California’s K–12 Education System Continues To Fail On A Grand Scaleby Lee Ohanian via California On Your Mind

California will spend about $128 billion on K–12 public education this fiscal year. This amount exceeds the entire budget of all states except New York and Texas and is roughly equal to the combined state budgets of Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Tennessee. The population of these states together is nearly 33 million, compared to California’s 39.2 million population



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