Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Hobson Choice? A Rational and Patriotic Quid Pro Quo?

Coal miner's turn cold? (See 1 below.)
When it comes to what is or might be going on with Iran we are not in control of events. All we can can do is respond and our adversaries are shrewd and calculating but, like all tyrants, they could eventually fail to understand how far we are willing to tolerate their pin pricks.

Meanwhile, talk and threats can be meaningless but when the adversary has capabilities they cannot be totally disregarded.

My hawkish instincts suggest we blister the Ayatollah because leaving him alone is akin to what Chamberlain did.  On the other hand,  taking out nut cases can unify a nation and accomplish  little that is rational. Trump has been given an Hobson Choice.

There are some tribal peoples where Democracy will not work or are not ready for it to penetrate.

An appropriate and patriotic quid pro quo might be for Pelosi to get off Trump's back, admit she lost control of her  "impeachment" radicals and extract from Trump a pledge to  get out of Iraq and see what Iran chooses to do.(See 2 below.)
1)The reddening of West Virginia could be a bad sign for Democrats in swing states
By Salena Zito
CHESTER, West Virginia — Heading into the 2016 presidential election, Hancock County, which is located along the curves of the Ohio River, had over 12,700 Democrats and 7,150 Republicans registered to vote. Since then, Democrats have lost 2,000 of their voters either to Republican or independent affiliation.
It is a trend in the Mountain State that isn’t just limited to this town, sandwiched in the panhandle between Ohio and Pennsylvania; all across the state, voters are leaving their ancestral party. And some others are just moving away.
According to numbers posted by the West Virginia secretary of state’s office, the Democratic Party has lost 83,119 voters since the 2016 presidential election, while Republican registrations increased by 13,325. This has considerably narrowed the gap in registration in a once heavily Democratic state. Democrats now have 488,148 voters and the Republicans 411,872.
No one would argue seriously that West Virginia, where Trump got more than two-thirds of the vote, would ever be in play for the Democrats in 2020. But the story of its sentiments and the evolution of these voters aren't just limited to within the state’s boundaries. In many ways, especially in their connection to place and their distrust of large government, political, and entertainment institutions, these voters are very similar to voters in rural, suburban, and exurban voters in the swing states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

Click here for the full story.
2) Lebanese Terror Group Hezbollah Threatens to Turn U.S. Military Bases in Iraq into 'Rubble' Read More

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