Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Swamp Is Deeper and Wider Than Even Trump Suspected.

I am writing this before Trump releases the Ukraine telephone transcript.  Several thoughts:

a) I continue to suspect Trump is relishing laying traps, in the process, crippling Biden and making Democrats look like the fools they are..

b) If a president can have his phones calls tapped and listened to by others how can he conduct business?

c) Pelosi says no one is above the law and Dershowitz points out neither is Congress.

d)  It is tragic this President continues to have to endure leakers. One would think the White House has enough loyal plumbers who are capable of rooting out disloyal leakers.

e) The rules for impeachment do not allow a president to be impeached because he is not liked politically.

f) All presidents have the right to separation of powers  and executive privileges.

g) In the final analysis, any fair minded American, with half a brain and who has tracked the efforts of radical Democrat's whose efforts were driven by hatred towards Trump, should have no trouble concluding this president has been subjected to a constant drum beat geared toward destroying his presidency.  Why?  Because Trump campaigned on his pledge to drain the swamp. The problem is the swamp is deeper and wider than even he thought because it will eventually ensnare the very top of The Obama Administration.

I have maintained this all along so stay tuned and watch the tug of war unfold between Trump and  Obama remnants who remained in government  and have worked assiduously to muck up matters involving  Trump.

What drives these goons is power to control.

It should come as no surprise, we have the best government money and corruption can buy.
I have two thoughts about Democrat efforts to impeach Trump.

One,  it is tragic to put Trump, his family and the nation through a political meat grinder ( is this the Democrat's idea of how to get rid of "farting" animals.")  As Lewandowski said, Democrats hate Trump more than they love this nation.

When I  I look at how radicals have taken over the Democrat Party,  I can only say they will eventually get what they deserve for being unwilling to accept his 2016 victory and squandering an opportunity to work with Trump to resolve issues  harming our nation, ruining our cities, allowing crime to fester, disease to spread, budget deficits to escalate, the rule of law to be crushed so people's reputations can be shattered. Democrats are proving, once again, win at any cost.

My second thought is I regret Trump has to suffer political slings and poisoned arrows because he deserves better as a human doing what he believes best for America.  However, there is an upside.

The upside is he will not be impeached and will have the legal opportunity to issue subpoenas to one and all (including Hillary) and probably will help his re-election.

What radical Democrats don't realize is Trump has been playing them for irrational fools. He perceives they have become virulent,blind and hungry dogs and he keeps dropping food along a path that leads to no satisfactory end.  He has encouraged them to dive into a pool from a high ladder in water measured in inches.

Let the "witch hunt" begin  as the Nader's, Schiff's, Water's and their like minded dolts get what they deserve. Pelosi will rue the day she lost control.

The tragedy is putting our entire nation through trauma so Trump Haters can have their pound of flesh or maybe I should refer to this historical episode as "Bloomberg's Meatless Tuesday."

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