Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Lot To Digest. Defending Trump. Cartoon Commentary. Malkin Challenges. Bernie and New Girlfriend Linda Sarsour. 9/11 Commentary.


I do not generally comment on my cartoon postings.  I let them speak for themselves.
However, since this is my memo I can take a few licenses.

The cartoon above comparing Honduras and Switzerland speaks more about a people's/nation's character than about guns.

The last posting is the one BIBI used to explain Iran's elimination of it's nuclear garage that held uranium.  It speaks for itself I just wanted you to understand it was in Iran.

I find the dark photo of trees by my friend and fellow memo reader haunting.
The mass media have responded to Trump's firing of Bolton as I thought they would.  The same ones who criticized Trump for hiring him are now attacking him for firing him.

Yesterday I sent out a brief memo in support of Bolton. Now I would like to send out one in support of Trump. (See 1 below.)

The mass media reported Trump was irritated because Bolton took some "unnecessary" trips with a lot of staff.  I know nothing about that.

I do know Bolton and Trump came at negotiations, and often their view of how to resolve a knotty problem, from two different viewpoints.  Bolton more hawkish, Trump more inclined not to be so hawkish but also willing to threaten/use force if necessary. Unlike Obama.

Trump is impatient, wants results and is unconventional.  The faster you build the lower the cost.  Government grinds very slow and costs beyond what is affordable because there is no penalty for spending other's money.

Trump is willing to listen to a variety of inputs but when he makes his decision that is it and he wants, and certainly has the right to expect, his team to support him after they have had their chance for input. In that regard alone, Trump was right to ask Bolton to depart.

Lastly, the mass media say Bolton  often went behind Trump's back to oppose him.  I have no direct knowledge of this.

My liberal friends have jumped all over for Trump because of the issue of did he fire Bolton or did Bolton resign of his own accord.  As the Senator from S. Carolina said 'what difference does it make."  The difference is the anti-Trumper's are always looking for something to pick at which leads me to the third cartoon above about bashing Trump. Anti-Trumper's love to bash Trump because they are not happy with the menagerie of candidates they have chosen to support.

"I truly like this guy:
Lindsey Graham SHOCKS World With Latest Announcement
Here’s who it is…"
Click Here
Now to the last comment about the cartoons above.  The first one by P.J O"Rourke is a classic!  Read it more than once and digest what he says. Liberals are never happy because nothing can ever please them unless they are in control. Why?  Because if they are satisfied they have no reason to complain and seek change. Change is like vitamins to liberals. Changes they seek always follow a pattern.  Expand government, do so at any cost and if things do not work spend more money. It can never be their ideas are wrong.

Liberals do not trust "we the people" and thus they have every reason to distrust the Constitution which does trust "we the people." Hell, it was written with and for"we the people" in mind.

Finally, and most important, liberals/progressives want to win at any cost and will do anything to win even if it means not accepting Trump's election and thus, their desire to seek changing 250 years of our election method - the Electoral College.
Malkin challenges (See  2 below.)


As previously noted Bernie gets in bed with Sarsour, the Islamist activist and anti-Semite.

Because Sarsour is a snake and for Bernie is cooling her hate filled speeches he must think it will help him gain voters among liberal Jews and unwashed college kids. (See 2a below.)
One person's commentary on  9/11 (See 3 below.)


I was totally unaware of these responses to my memos and it appeared today. I have not read them at all but will when I have the time so I post them accordingly. (See 4 below.)

You got to be kidding:
1) Trump May Come To Miss Bolton — As the 
UN Did
The chorus of hosannas sure-to-come from Washington in reaction to John Bolton’s departure from the White House reminds me of the sighs of relief at Turtle Bay in December 2006. That’s when the mustachioed American decided to leave the United Nations and forgo an uphill Senate confirmation battle to extend his recess appointment as ambassador to the world body.

As now, the cheering then was misplaced. Just like Mr. Bolton’s approach to national security now, his handling of the United Nations in his 18 months here was based not on slogans and traditions but on recognition of stark realities. The UN, where diplomats and officials were aghast at the mere appearance of the disrupter in their midst, was better for Mr. Bolton’s presence.

In one of his first press conferences, shortly after arriving at Turtle Bay in August 2005, Mr. Bolton laid down the law: America will veto any one-sided Security Council resolution on Israel. Proposals for such resolutions frequently arose before his arrival and gave ulcers to American diplomats that were much less blunt and more, er, diplomatic than Mr. Bolton. After that, anti-Israel initiatives at the Council started to wane, at least during his tenure.
Mr. Bolton went out of his way to defend Israel. In the aftermath of its 2006 war against Hezbollah, diplomats debated a Security Council resolution that would end the hostilities and install a reinforced United Nations peacekeeping contingency in southern Lebanon. According to several Israeli sources, at one point Jerusalem was so eager to end the fighting that it agreed to a French-initiated resolution text.

However, Mr. Bolton, a lawyer by trade, recognized several paragraphs in that text that could well harm the Jewish state’s security. He alerted Jerusalem to the peril and halted all negotiations in New York. The resolution was then amended on his insistence, and only then was approved with America’s — and Israel’s — blessing.

Mr. Bolton was far from the first American ambassador defending Israel at the UN. Daniel Patrick Moynihan fought against the tag of Zionism as racism and Nikki Haley masterfully presented a compelling case on Israel’s behalf. Mr. Bolton, though, was not only a hawk fighting for the interests of America and its allies. He was also an adept fighter inside Turtle Bay’s bureaucracy .

Which brings me to Mr. Bolton’s most important, but rarely acknowledged, contribution to the UN — confronting the Oil for Food shenanigans. That mushroomed into a full-blown scandal (at times due to strategic press leaking from an American team here that under Mr. Bolton was the most press-friendly in memory.)

Most significant, Mr. Bolton’s team forced the UN to submit to an external probe into the Oil for Food program for Iraq. Led by former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker, it yielded several volumes documenting vast corruption. Afterwards, the late Secretary General, Kofi Annan, said the UN should never again agree to such programs.

The UN was then pushed to assemble a team looking into the heavily corrupt procurement department, followed by several indictments in United States federal court. Under pressure, Turtle Bay’s senior officials were also forced to fill out financial statements annually, to assure no conflicts of interest — a measure undertaken in any modern democracy, but one that was resisted at the UN.

Through all this, Mr. Bolton rarely used the word “reform,” which is cavalierly thrown around Turtle Bay every time something untoward happens. Pie-in-the-sky reform schemes perennially dominate UN talk — like enlarging the Security Council, and specifically its permanent seats, to make it more reflective of the world today than the way it was when the UN was established in the aftermath of World War II.

It will never fly. The permanent members need to approve it and, since it’s bound to usurp the five countries’ power, they never will. It also is not advisable. The 15-member council can barely arrive at significant decisions as is, so how will it do anything if it became, say, a 25-member council?

I once suggested to Mr. Bolton the idea of shrinking the council’s membership to make it seven seats for five rotating members, and two permanent ones: China and America. Good idea, Mr. Bolton said with a wily smile, adding that instead we should have only one permanent member with veto power.

I didn’t need to ask which one.

A true American patriot, Bolton never shied from a good UN food fight, as suggested by the title of his book on that era, “Surrender Is Not An Option.” Historians will forever debate whether his battles truly benefited America and its allies, although I have no doubt they did.
Few observes noticed how, by seeing the UN as it is rather than as it aspired to be, Mr. Bolton benefited the world body itself. It was forced to significantly change some of its bad old ways in the mid-2000s, and became a tad better. No doubt we will find out that President Trump’s White House similarly benefited from his presence as well.

7 Dem Debate Questions Jorge Ramos Won't Ask

Michelle MalkinThese are the rules of the militant open borders media: 
By Michelle Malkin
If you are a self-declared Donald Trump-hating "activist journalist" who works for an ethnic separatist TV network that unapologetically elevates illegal immigrants over American citizens, you get to be a "moderator" at the next Democratic presidential candidates' debate.
Case in point: Univision's Jorge Ramos.
But if you are an activist journalist who exposes immigration anarchy, investigates the global financiers behind it and unapologetically defends American sovereignty, you are dismissed as a "conspiracy theorist" and "racist" who will never be allowed to pose counterbalancing questions at any national political forum.

Case in point: Univision's Jorge Ramos.

But if you are an activist journalist who exposes immigration anarchy, investigates the global financiers behind it and unapologetically defends American sovereignty, you are dismissed as a "conspiracy theorist" and "racist" who will never be allowed to pose counterbalancing questions at any national political forum.

Case in point: your's truly.

If there is no mainstream media bias, why is it that the most buzz-worthy immigration questions asked by the media's phony arbiters of neutrality are all framed from the perspective of illegal immigrants -- and never American citizens?

If Democrats "don't want 'open borders,'" as anointed fact-checker at the Fishwrap of Record (a.k.a. Linda Qiu of The New York Times) claims, why is it that every last Democratic candidate marches lockstep on the side of exponentially expanding government benefits, rights and privileges for illegal immigrants -- driver's licenses, in-state tuition discounts, "Medicare for All" -- and never limiting them?

Case in point: yours truly.

And why has the fundamental concept of "sovereignty" never been deemed a worthy enough topic for a stand-alone national town hall -- unlike guns or climate change?

Here is my top seven list of Democratic debate questions on immigration that Jorge Ramos (and the rest of the feckless Fourth Estate elites, for that matter) won't ask:

1) This debate is taking place on the day after the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks by 19 foreign Muslim hijackers, five of whom had overstayed their temporary visas. A bipartisan commission urged our government to build a biometric entry-exit program to track and remove visa overstayers -- who comprise an estimated 40% of the total illegal immigrant population. But thanks to Open Borders Inc. lobbyists from the travel industry, universities and big business, the system has never been finished. In 2018, nearly 670,000 foreigners broke the rules and overstayed their visas. Will you protect America by fulfilling the 9/11 commission's recommendation to implement a fully functioning entry-exit program?

2) This debate is taking place in Houston, long a "sanctuary city" for illegal immigrants. The deliberate failure to check the immigration status of criminal suspects and the willful decision not to cooperate with federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents has resulted in untold deaths, including the murder of Houston police officer Rodney Johnson in 2006. Johnson's killer had been previously deported to Mexico, re-entered illegally and was arrested at least three times for drunk driving and child molestation charges before shooting Johnson, an Army veteran and Houston PD gang unit leader, fatally during a traffic stop. Do you support the right of American citizens such as widow Joslyn Johnson, whose loved ones were murdered by repeat illegal alien criminal offenders, to sue sanctuary cities that prevent cops from communicating with ICE agents about detainees' immigration status?

3) This debate is taking place in Texas, where the notorious Mexican serial killer Angel Resendiz wantonly murdered more than 15 innocent men and women between 1986 and 1998 by exploiting our catch-and-release system. More recently, Kenyan serial killer suspect Billy Chemirmir was arrested in the gruesome smothering deaths of 12 elderly women and one grandfather across Texas. Those victims would still be alive today if Chemirmir had been deported after overstaying his visa, entering a fraudulent marriage to an American citizen and racking up multiple charges of assault and domestic violence. What is your plan -- let's start with planner-in-chief Elizabeth Warren -- to prevent senseless and deadly violence committed by criminal illegal immigrant deportation fugitives?

4) Teenager Joshua Wilkerson was tortured and beaten to death by an illegal immigrant from Belize near the sanctuary city of Houston. Wilkerson's mom, Laura, confronted Nancy Pelosi about the devastating impact sanctuary anarchy had and asked: "How do you reconcile in your head about allowing people to disavow the law?" Do you support the continued separation of American families by criminals in this country illegally protected by sanctuary policies? How do you reconcile Pelosi's glib rhetoric that illegal immigrants are "law-abiding" with the bloody reality suffered by Rodney Johnson, Wilkerson and the dozens of victims of Angel Resendiz and Billy Chemirmir?

5) ICE agents have been doxxed, harassed, shot at and demonized as racist terrorists while trying to stop child predators, arrest drunk drivers, apprehend serial killers and prevent the next 9/11 plotted by visa overstayers, border crossers, deportation evaders and ID thieves. Do you condemn the reckless incitements to violence by the "abolish ICE" and antifa movements?

6) Will you renounce anti-ICE hate speech and return campaign donations from individuals and organizations who disseminate it? Let's see a show of hands.

7) If you support every last gun control measure that might possibly "save just one life," why don't you support illegal immigrant crime control that could have averted the 100% preventable deaths of untold innocent Americans right here in Texas? Anyone? Anyone?

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin

Hi – It’s great to find such topical writing on the WeI have been able to discover here. I agree with much of what is written here and I’ll be coming back to this site again. Thanks again for publishing such great reading material!! on If Women Vote For Obama Will Prove An Anatomical Fact!
on 4/7/12
Hi I like this post: You create good material for community. Please keep posting. Let me introduce 
other material that may be good for net community. Source: Case interview questions Best rgs Peter 
on 12/9/11
Solutions 'nuclear' Iran
on 11/26/11
The instant I found a link to this stunning hilarious Yes We Scam! B.S. We Can Believe In! Obama 
Approval Plummets piece on Hubpages I determined that Dick Meon's visitors really must 
be able to pass judgement on this:
on 8/24/10
When I navigated to the The Top 12 Reasons To Burn A Quran On 9/11 story I said that Western 
Journalism's frequenters should be able to discuss this link:
Top-Reasons-To-Burn-A-Quran-On-911 on The Fed - Act of Desperation? Gibbs - A Disgrace!
on 8/11/10
It takes all kinds to make a world....................................................... on Happy Days Are Here Again - 
on 4/20/10
I read half-way through the article,then I realized where it was heading,USA,Canada and UK will be 
forced to become provinces of China.The 3 ex- 1st world countries are being run by a bunch of 
Morons and have lost the plot completely. What can I say start learning your
on 3/21/10
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first 
comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep 
visiting this blog very often. Lucy on From Government Stimulus To Jobs Bill 
on 2/7/10
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first 
comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting
this blog very often. Alena on Suck It Up America - The Worst Is Yet To 
on 2/2/10
Re: When the place of his birth was called into question, and he refused to produce a birth certificate...
He did not refuse to produce a birth certificate. He showed and posted the OFFICIAL birth certificate 
of Hawaii, the Certification of Live Birth, which is the only birth certificate Hawaii issues. It no longer 
sends out copies of the original (
line.html). The Certification of Live Birth is accepted as proof of birth in the USA by the US State 
Department and the branches of the US military. The Wall Street Journal commented: & Obama 
has already provided a legal birth certificate demonstrating that he was born in Hawaii. No one has 
produced any serious evidence to the contrary. Absent such evidence, it is unreasonable to deny that 
Obama has met the burden of proof. We know that he was born in Honolulu as surely as we know that
 Bill Clinton was born in Hope, Ark., or George W. Bush in New Haven, Conn." on It's Only Your 
on 2/2/10
According to the study, the most important tool for small businesses to succeed in 2010 is search 
engine marketing, while email marketing, public relations and social media cited as crucial for success. on Unending Aid is 'Udderly' Stupid! - Vote For Less!
on 1/26/10
The Center for Media Research has released a study by Vertical Response that shows just where 
many of these ‘Main Street’ players are going with their online dollars. The big winners: e-mail and 
social media. With only 3.8% of small business folks NOT planning on using e-mail marketing and with social media carrying the perception of being free (which they so rudely discover it is far from free) this should make some in the banner and search crowd a little wary. on 
on 1/26/10
on 12/13/09
Your descriptions of both Detroit and Birmingham, MI are definitely correct. I enjoyed reading about 
your entire trip but was especially interested in your take regarding these two particular locations 
since I was born IN Birmingham and USED to enjoy visiting Detroit. on Driving America's Blue 
on 9/2/09
Hi, We have just added your latest post "Middle East and Other Musings: Israel - Most 
Dangerous Nation In The World!&; to our Directory of Foreclosure . You can check the inclusion of the
post here . We are delighted to invite you to submit all your future posts to the directory and get a 
huge base of visitors to your website. Warm Regards 
Team on Israel - Most Dangerous Nation In The World!
on 6/2/09
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first 
comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting
this blog very often.Joannah on Up Yours And Bubble Bath!
on 4/8/09
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first 
comment. I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting 
this blog very often.Joannah on I'll Do Whatever I damn Please! Because I 
on 3/31/09
As we age, the number and quality of stem cells that circulate in our body gradually decrease, leaving 
our body more susceptible to injury and other age-related health challenges. StemTech Health 
Science's Stem Enhance is the alternative to the controversial stem cells we hear about in the news. 
Patented Product StemEnhance supports the natural release of stem cells to promote optimal healing
and stem cell physiology.Officials at StemTech Health Sciences were aiming for Stem Enhance sales 
of $100,000 in the first month. Which was a hearty goal in itself. Imagine their astonishment when the
1st month's sales totaled over $1,000,000 and it just keeps rising. office
on 3/7/09
.The delusional insanity of the Left is frightening. They ignore all facts and logic. Hamas, a terrorist 
organization killing the so-called Palistinian's hope for peace are evil garbage, they must
be eliminated. They have sent thousands, yes thousands of missiles into Israel over the past couple 
of years and Israel had never exercised their right of self-defense, until recently, when Hamas broke 
the ceasefire and started firing rockets again. Israel is FINALLY doing the right thing. If Hamas is 
destroyed, then, if the rest of the Palestinians; really want peace they can give up their dream of 
destroying Israel, if not, they will never have peace.Israel must destroy as much of Hamas as possible
before the MSM and the idiots and ignorant's whine loud enough for them to stop. They must only 
quit when they are ready. For EVERY missile shot into Israel at least ONE missile should be returned 
to the area as close as possible to the shooter. Tit for tat. Every single missile should be on Israel 
on 1/5/09
Let us pray for the safety of Palestinian civilians who held hostages by Hamas and the safety of 
Israeli soldiers. May this campaign end swiftly and may Hamas be annihilated. May moderate 
Muslims emerge victorious in the struggle for Gaza!
/2009/01/israel-invades-gaza-in-attempt-to.html on If The Shoe Fits and Where is Jane?
on 1/4/09
I enjoyed this blog, The author is a very talented blogger, thank you for sharing. Please view my blog 
and comment! Thanks!---Free Internet Speed Test -- on Americans Enjoy Being Shorn By Their 
on 12/17/08
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first 
comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting
this blog very often.Sharon on Intellectuals Gather - Fate of The World in
on 12/5/08
Argumentum ad HominemThe subtitle should have read, Every Negative Fact and Innuendo I Could 
Dredge UpAlthough he was not particularly unkind to me in the book, I found virtually every page to 
a smart-alecky and snide diatribe of the worst order against the Great Books, Adler, Hutchins, et al. 
Plus the book is replete with errors of commission and omission.As an effective antidote, I prescribe 
Robert Hutchin's pithy essay, The Great Conversation.If the Great Books crusade is as bleak as Beam
purports, then happily, not many will read his invective book.Max Weismann,President and co-founder 
with Mortimer Adler, Center for the Study of The Great IdeasChairman, The Great Books Academy on 
on 11/27/08
Now that the anti-science, superstition-based initiative presidency is coming to an end, we need 
several public works science Manhattan projects to make us great again and boost us out of this 
Grotesque Depression. First we must provide free advertising-based wireless internet to everyone. 
Then we must crisscross the land with high speed rail. We must develop microorganisms that may be
freely distributed like bread yeast and become commonplace to improve our future. Because bovine
flatulence is the major source of greenhouse gases, we must develop microorganisms which can be
 grow in the home that will provide all of our nutrition. Then we must create microorganisms which turn our sewage and waste into fuel. Since paranoid schizophrenia is the cause of racism, bigotry, homelessness, terrorism, ignorance, exploitation and criminality, we must provide put the appropriate
 medications, like lithium, in the water supply. We must require dangerous wingnuts who refuse free 
on 11/19/08
To keep up with Wall Street expectations, Fannie Mae held onto more mortgages and mortgage-
backed securities for investment purposes. The same practice nearly drove the company into 
bankruptcy in the early 1980s. Once again it was spared in 2008. on Like it 
on 10/1/08
Dick, You may want to do some fact checking on Herb Meyer presenting at the World Economic 
Forum. When you go to their website (,
they have no such presentation by Herb Meyer. While he may have an interesting message, I 
question the methods of stating that this essay was presented at the World Economic Forum when
their is no record of his attendance. on Herb Meyer and Doug Feith - Two must reads!
on 7/18/08
Is there any evidence that Herb Meyer actually wrote and/or presented that paper at Davos? His name
 does not appear on the World Economic Form web site:
Contributors/index.htm?alpha=M on Herb Meyer and Doug Feith - Two must reads!
on 6/22/08
Speaking of King Abdullah, did you see M. Thomas Eisenstadt's blog about him and Asst. Sec. of 
State Thomas Callahan? I wonder if ther's anything to it:
on 3/7/08
And what do you think of Obadiah Shoher's arguments against the peace process
 ( )? on Never Forget and I trust Bolton
on 12/7/07

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