An absolute must watch. It has been doctored with Trump's expressions.
Clinton, Obama, and Trump on Immigration - FUNNY! - YouTube (See 1 below.)
Will Obama be able to dodge the Clinton's boomerang, the spurious "Dossier" and weaponizing of our government's agencies?
It is not unusual for some one who has lied to lie again.
More personal collusion? (See 2 below.)
If the two year budget passes it will confirm the following:
a) Government spending remains/is back out of control.
b) It will put severe pressure on The Fed to raise rates.
c) As interest rates rise, the cost on our debt will also rise and more GDP will be absorbed by Government which produces nothing but debt, far too many bureaucrats that run government the way they want and then lie about what they have been doing
Again, when did government ever do anything on time and under budget?
No wonder Democrats held the military hostage that way they got more money for their vote buying giveaways.
I do not understand why Trump has not fired every person appointed by Obama? What is he waiting for? More fragging by them of his administration? Think of the millions of dollars we could save and then we would have really have something to parade about, which is another stupid idea but at least it stopped him from tweeting for a day.
Exclusive — Rep. Paul Gosar: Obama’s Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS Scandals All Connected to DOJ, FBI Corruption in Trump Probe
Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), a leading conservative member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, told Breitbart News Daily on Wednesday that he believes that there is an interconnectivity between various high-profile Barack Obama-era scandals and the latest revelations about corruption at the Department of Justice and FBI.
Gosar was asked during the interview on the SiriusXM 125 Patriot Channel show about the corruption on display in the release of the famed memo from House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) chairman Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) that detailed FISA court abuses by the FBI and DOJ in the lead-up to the 2016 election and in the months that followed now President Donald Trump’s win during the transition and even during his presidency.
That all came before the release of new text messages between senior FBI officials Lisa Page and Peter Strzok that detailed how Obama himself was overseeing everything personally on the Hillary Clinton email investigation and rivaling Trump probe. Gosar detailed how this same corruption that is now being further exposed first reared its ugly head in the earliest days of the administration of now former President Barack Obama, with the Operation Fast and Furious scandal then the IRS and Benghazi scandals—all of which had intricate levels of DOJ and FBI involvement.
“If you don’t think the [Operation] Fast and Furious—attacking the Second Amendment—along with Operation Choke Point, you know that sacred amendment that holds our government accountable and protection for all the other amendments, if you don’t think Benghazi and the lack of accountability when they knew something was going to come, if you don’t think that the IRS and the attacking of your adversaries financially, and the unmasking are unrelated things, think again,” Gosar said.
“You know, this previous administration—the Obama administration—micromanaged everything out of the White House. And I challenge people, remember the Syrian strikes that were actually handpicked and dictated by the president at that time. This gentleman was involved in everything. That’s where all this leads. When you look at the cover-up with the email scandal with Hillary Clinton, it gets—it should have pointed out exactly what we’ve been talking about, that this was the weaponization of our Justice Department not only to cover up for the previous administration and the wrongdoing and ills of them and those associated with them, but also to attack a sitting president—actually a candidate at the time, then president-elect and then a current, sitting president you know of an opposition party. This is outrageous, and you are exactly right we have got to get to the bottom of this so that people are held accountable because that is what America wants. But it’s going to be a hard, slow slog trying to get this information out. But it’s coming, as witnessed by the memo from Devin Nunes and as witnessed by Grassley and Graham and new revelations and the Inspector General—don’t forget Michael Horowitz sitting out there as well.”
Gosar is a key member of the House Oversight Committee who led the way in pushing to hold now former Attorney General Eric Holder accountable for Fast and Furious. He was one of the first members of Congress to demand Holder’s resignation, and helped lead the effort to hold Holder in both criminal and civil contempt of Congress for his refusal to be transparent about the matter.
Gosar is calling on the American people to step up and push their members of Congress to help get to the bottom of this all once and for all.
“That is a demand, a demand for your representatives to be involved and answer up in regards to what do they know, how do they know it, and how are they are pursuing it to get to the bottom of justice,” Gosar replied when asked what people can do to help him and others fight back. “That’s I think the biggest key, when you have a member of Congress out in your neck of the woods in your hometowns ask them specifically: ‘What are you doing to make sure that justice is served?’ We cannot be a country that stands without equal application of the law. President Reagan said it very, very well: When a law is broken, we got to stop blaming society. We need to start holding the lawbreakers accountable. Perfectly apropos for today. That’s the biggest key: Stay in touch, I know there’s lots of stuff coming and it’s hard to keep it organized, but that’s what your elected officials are for is is to make sure it is presentable to you and to make sure that they’re actually following up with justice because the more people we have in Congress following up on this the better. And you know what, it’s election time so I always tell people you get a lot more attention from some people come election time from some people that fail to do it over a couple years.”
2) FBI Agent (and Former Comey Assistant) Who Wrote NYT Op Ed About Why He Quit Had Job Already Lined Up at CNN
The former FBI agent who wrote an opinion piece in the New York Times on Friday explaining why he was leaving the bureau managed to leave out a couple of pertinent facts -- namely that he was a former special assistant to FBI Director James Comey, and that he already had a lucrative job lined up at CNN as a "law enforcement analyst."
Josh Campbell claimed in the piece that he was retiring from the FBI so he could publicly voice his concerns about the "relentless attacks” on the bureau from people with "partisan agendas," i.e. Republicans in Congress and the Trump administration.
Of course, Republicans have not ever criticized the FBI as a whole -- just a few bad apples at the top. Unlike Democrats, the GOP has on principle always been very supportive of law enforcement.
"FBI agents are dogged people who do not care about the direction of the political winds," Campbell wrote, echoing his former boss's disingenuous line about how agents investigating Clinton's email server don't give "a rip about politics." Perhaps most agents don't -- but as former counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok proved, some in key positions involved in politically-charged investigations definitely do.
A former special assistant to James Comey might also have a vested interest in defending the bureau and his old boss -- and there is no better place to do it than at CNN, where coincidentally he already had a job lined up. Funny how that didn't make it into the article either.
The Daily Caller obtained a copy of the farewell party flyer for Campbell. It announced his new position at CNN and explicitly said he would be "defending the Bureau” on the air.
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