Monday, January 8, 2018

Some Interesting Questions! Go Bama Vs Go Dawgs. Bring On More Insane - Pot Calling kettle Black? That Is Really Sick!

(26) Bernie Supporters Love the Republican Tax Plan - YouTube
DUH! (See 1 below.)
How do you feel about this? (See 2 below.)
Last night, apparently, OPRAH decided if you want her she is available. If she is nominated it would definitely mean we have lost all respect for who guides our nation.

She may be a fabulous Hollywood star  who enjoys giving cars away and other wonderful deeds etc.  but I sincerely doubt she has many deep thoughts on how to address our economy, how to defeat Iran and N Korea, what to do about our mounting deficits, how to rebuild our military, a foreign policy outline and the list is endless.

It is amazing how we have become fascinated by those who know nothing. about being president and are star power.  We have really cheapened the office since Clinton held it and engaged in under the desk diplomacy.

 But then, of course, we have an insane man running the nation and doing a pretty good job last time I looked at the market (a generally reliable predictor), consumer confidence etc. Far better than all those who thought they should leave the country and never did, we and said we would be over run by Cuba by now and you get the message.

Trump was always interested in how our nation was doing,  was proposing ideas decades ago when , after Obama, he obviously became so disgusted and frustrated he said I can do better and has.  If I were Obama I would be looking in the mirror and I would be cringing over what has happened. Lost his health care bill, watched employment rise, his restrictive red tape getting cut, watched business begin to rethink their domestic expansion strategies, saw taxes reduced, watched Trump begin to address the pathetic treatment of our military, respond to N Korean threats, changed our position vis a vis Iranian dissidents and yet the Democrats consider Trump insane and unfit. 

Of course, compared to his predecessor, Trump, if by  doing the opposite of Obama is insane. then bring on more nut cases.

It is sickening to watch liberals want to undo our constitutional decisions by pronouncing Trump insane.  If they base their psychological insights and evaluation upon the likes of Maxine Walters, and her ilk and the mass media dolts who have been so consistently wrong and need to go back to college and retake courses on integrity, then the Pot is truly calling the Kettle black?

No doubt Trump is a different president.  No doubt he shoots himself in the foot.  No doubt he is, at times, a hard pill to swallow.  But insane, unqualified to be president.?  That is really sick!

Besides the insanity of liberals judging Trump as delusional and nuts and playing like they are psychiatrists who, by ethics, will not render n opinion without personal and extensive  interviews  what about Obama who thought Global Warming was more of a threat than ISIS.  I did not think he was nuts just misguided.
An interesting posit buy a friend and fellow memo reader.

Sherwin has posed a meaningful question.  Can Israel morally deny refugees versus certain impracticalities?  I have not given enough thought having just returned from Orlando but I believe Israel should allow a certain number as both a practical and moral compromise. Moral dictates does not mean doing something above and beyond being sane and pragmatic. (See 3 below.)
GO BAMA.  LYNN GO DAWGS.  Will be an interesting evening.
1) Funny, But Sad...

I guess when your schooling is free, you don't feel the need to learn anything.

Just because some athletes went to college doesn't mean they were educated in anything but football.

Just another example of why you can't fix stupid.  Do not miss the last one!!

NEW YORK (World News Bureau) - In a recent polling of 585 NFL players, nearly all of them were unsure of exactly what they are protesting. Here's a sampling of responses to the question:

"What are you protesting by kneeling during the National Anthem?"

"Pretty sure it's against Nazis - especially the white ones."

"We're protesting America becoming capitalistic instead of equal."

"I'm protesting against Trump saying black lives don't matter."

"We're against global warming and the police."

"We're showing the world that we care about, ahh, things such as.... such as..ahhhhh, freedom from suppression?"

"Me and my fellow players are protesting the Constitution of Independence because of what it does to people of color."

"We are displaying our right to stand up by kneeling for our beliefs."

"We are protesting Trump, because he, you know, keeping the black man down and sh*t.."

"Myself is kneeling to show that just because I'm American don't mean I got to act like one."

All above comments are from gentlemen with at least 3 to 4 years of an American College Education.

Why Dissolving the Election Fraud Commission Is a True Loss for the Nation

By Jason Snead

This week, the White House announced the sudden, disappointing news that the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity was being dissolved.
Liberal advocacy groups, which for months have worked to obstruct the group’s efforts to examine the integrity and security of the ballot box, ecstatically declared victory. But their win is a loss for the nation, which remains blind to the true breadth and scope of fraud in American elections.
As if to emphasize that point, The Heritage Foundation has once again added a slew of new cases to its election fraud database.
Accounting for the new entries, the database now lists 1,107 verified instances of fraud, including 961 criminal convictions of proven fraudsters, 48 cases that ended in civil penalties, 76 cases that resulted in defendants entering diversion programs, and 22 that ended with either a judicial or official finding of fraud.
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That’s quite a tally for a problem that supposedly doesn’t exist. But as alarming as that figure is, it’s only the tip of the iceberg.
Heritage’s database is not comprehensive, so for every case we identify and track through to conclusion, many more likely go undetected or hidden in court records that are not easily accessible.
That sad reality is a result of the lack of adequate safeguards in many states—policies such as voter identification and proof of citizenship requirements—that make it possible to detect fraud. Even when fraud is detected, many prosecutors opt not to pursue cases for the simple fact that their priorities lie elsewhere.
As long as these two facts are true, there’s little to deter fraudsters from undermining the core of American democracy. Simply put, they know our elections are vulnerable, and they are not above exploiting those weaknesses to advance their careers and causes.
Those weaknesses no doubt will persist now that liberal advocacy groups have pre-empted the election fraud commission’s efforts to investigate them and propose solutions.
Here are some of this week’s additions to the Heritage database.
Deszi Marquis Hayes
Deszi Marquis Hayes voted in the 2016 election—from jail. Hayes, a Florida resident, was serving a nine-month sentence following a felony traffic conviction. Nevertheless, he received and cast a mail-in ballot from the Indian River County Jail.
Florida state law does not permit convicted felons to vote, but his vote was accepted nonetheless because the process of removing him from the state’s voter rolls had not yet been completed.
Awais Jamil
Awais Jamil, a Pakistani immigrant residing in Ohio, voted in the 2016 presidential election despite not being a citizen. Jamil had initially indicated on Bureau of Motor Vehicle forms that he was not a citizen, but the state of Ohio nevertheless sent him a voter registration packet.
Jamil then falsely claimed citizenship in order to register. He pleaded guilty to a fourth-degree felony illegal-voting charge, and was sentenced to one year of probation, with an underlying 14-month prison sentence. He now faces possible deportation as a result of the felony conviction.
Brandon Dean
Brandon Dean was elected mayor of Brighton, Alabama, in 2016, but he was ordered to vacate the office after a judge determined that 46 fraudulent absentee votes had been cast for him in the election.
Of those ballots, 21 were not signed by the voter, while 22 were actually mailed to Dean’s address, rather voters’ homes. Two absentee ballots were cast by people who were actually present at City Hall on Election Day, and one person voted despite not living within Brighton city limits.
Deducting those votes dropped Dean’s tally below the threshold needed to avoid a mandatory runoff, which Brighton must now hold.
Ultimately, all three of these—and the 1,100-plus other instances of fraud in the Heritage database—speak to the need for states to adopt, and vigorously enforce, election-integrity measures designed to secure the ballot box against fraud.
One vital policy is the routine inspection of state voter rolls and the purging of inaccurate registrations. The National Voter Registration Act, commonly known as the “motor voter” law, requires states to maintain the accuracy of voter registration records—and with good reason.
Inaccuracies create avenues for fraud and abuse, and risk permitting ineligible voters and noncitizens to cast ballots.
Despite this, voter rolls are riddled with inaccuracies. A 2012 Pew studyconcluded that nationwide some 24 million voter registrations—nearly 1 in 8—were inaccurate, out-of-date, or duplicative. In 2017, the Public Interest Legal Foundation identified 248 counties in 24 states where the number of registered voters exceeds the number of adult residents.
The consequences of shoddy record keeping are real. The Public Interest Legal Foundation recently identified 5,556 noncitizens who had, since 2011, successfully registered to vote in the critical swing state of Virginia. Even more alarming, this same report identified 1,852 noncitizens who collectively cast 7,474 ballots in the state.
Another recent study, by the Government Accountability Institute, concluded with “high confidence” that as many as 45,000 duplicate votes were cast nationwide in last year’s presidential election. In an era of tight elections, even a handful—let alone thousands—of fraudulently cast ballots could alter the course of major races.
Given the importance of free and fair elections, it is eminently reasonable and commonsensical for states to devise procedures for identifying and purging records that are inaccurate or out-of-date.
Unfortunately, a case soon to be heard in the U.S. Supreme Court makes clear that even this is a bridge too far for some on the left.
The case, Husted v. A. Philip Randolph Institute, involves a challenge to Ohio’s procedure for removing ineligible voters, a process which requires years to complete. The state first sends notices to registered voters who have not voted in two years, seeking to confirm their residency. If voters do not return the confirmation, and fail to vote for four more years, Ohio removes them from the rolls.
The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals struck down Ohio’s process for cleaning up its voter rolls as a violation of the National Voter Registration Act. Two Meese Center scholars called the opinion “a sad example of statutory misinterpretation (including using a canon of construction that at least one Supreme Court justice has called ‘made up’).”
Ohio appealed, and the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case on Jan. 10.
At the end of the day, it is the responsibility of all the states to take seriously their role in preserving the integrity of our electoral process.
Some on the left may wish to bury their heads in the sand, dismiss the evidence, and reflexively resist election-integrity measures, but Americans should not pay them any mind.
There are far too many cases of documented, proven fraud to ignore. Election fraud is a serious problem demanding serious solutions, and it is high time we tackle it.
3) Can a Jewish Country Say No to Asylum Seekers?
By Sherwin Pomerantz

Can we Jews, who just 75 years ago in the face of a government bent on annihilating our people, could find no country in the world willing to let us in, refuse asylum today to those who seek it legitimately?

Is it not our duty to act on the commandments contained in the Torah specifically directing us to remember from where we came?  To wit:

“And a stranger shalt thou not wrong, neither shalt thou oppress him; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.” (Exodus 22:21)

The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt; I am the LORD your God. (Leviticus 19:34)

How can we callously stand back in the face of the Ministry of Interior’s aggressive, multi-tiered campaign to deport African asylum-seekers or imprison them within 90 days if they do not leave the country?  Can a country that is populated, as we are, by former refugees, look aside as the government moves to send 35,000 people to countries where they will face discrimination, poverty and possibly even death?

Although the government labels the vast majority of the 35,000 refugees as “infiltrators” because they illegally entered Israel via Sinai, Dror Sadot, spokeswoman for the Hotline for Refugees and Migrants, said they are primarily legitimate asylum- seekers fleeing genocide.  Forced deportation to Rwanda, said Sadot, will likely place them in life-threatening circumstances.

We even make it extremely difficult for asylum seekers to apply for such status.  In 2017 alone, 7,000 Eritreans and Sudanese tried to submit asylum applications, but the Population and Immigration Authority prevented them from physically doing so.  The only office in the country where one can apply for asylum (located in Tel Aviv) doesn’t even allow for Africans to use their rights and refuses to take in the asylum applications of the thousands of them who wait in line for days. 

Tel Aviv Judge Buffy Tam visited that one facility recently and wrote in a response penned two weeks ago to an appeal submitted by attorney Guy David for a native of Sri Lanka.:  “After the respondent agreed, the court visited the Refugee Status Determination Unit twice, and saw that all the phenomena described in a large number of the appeals submitted over the past few months are indeed taking place.” The judge noted the “lengthy waits in line, management of the lines by unofficial agents, irregularities, violence and bullying, and the fact that most are waiting in vain because in the end only a few are allowed entry (each day) and even for them, some gain entry but in the end they are not allowed to submit their request.”

Last week the ministry’s Population, Immigration and Border Authority announced that it is actively pursuing strong measures to deport these individuals beginning in March, including indefinite prison sentences, for those who refuse to leave.

While minors and their parents will be exempt from the action, all other migrants who do not accept $3,500 to voluntarily leave Israel by the end of March will be denied temporary visas and locked in a Negev prison facility.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has now renewed his pledge to forcibly deport African asylum-seekers to Rwanda, whose government will reportedly receive $5,000 per person sent there.  (n.b. If all 35,000 asylum seekers left under this framework it would cost the government of Israel $175 million, monies that could be better spent on an absorption program to further integrate these men, women and children into society.)

Thankfully, we have a tradition of welcoming refugees, even those who are not Jewish.   38 years ago then Prime Minister Menachem Begin saw the plight of the Vietnamese boat people and opened Israel’s doors to 350 refugees.  Those grateful men, women and children are now an integral and productive part of our society. 

Before anyone says that, well, that was only 350 people, let’s do a real comparison.  For sure 35,000 people being absorbed into today’s population of 8.3 million is a larger percentage than 350 into 1980’s population of 3.87 million.   But remember in 1980 Israel was an economic disaster with inflation at 129.83% while today it stands at almost zero.  There is no question that Israel is in much better shape to absorb 35,000 asylum seekers today than it was to absorb 350 boat people in 1980. There is no question we can get this done.

To his credit, former Prime Minister Begin knew his Torah and he was a product of Jewish history. As such, he had no choice but to open the doors of Israel and say welcome.

It is a travesty of faith for a ministry headed by someone who claims to be religious to blatantly violate the religious laws he purports to uphold.  Shame on him for closing his eyes to this humanitarian crisis in the making and shame on us for standing by and letting it happen.

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