I do not understand the logic of those who believe a third party
candidate, who is conservative and was selected by a conservative, will help defeat Hillary.
I acknowledge Kristol's passion but not his logic.
The candidate's name is David French but I still prefer Grey Poupon Trump. (See 1 below.)
We leave again for a wedding of the daughter of very dear and long time friends from Atlanta.
Have a nice weekend.
Bill Kristol Thinks a Nobody Named David French Can Take Down Donald Trump
Professional bloviator Bill Kristol has long teased a handpicked third-party candidate. His reported choice: a National Review blogger. This must be a joke.
Over the holiday weekend, the Weekly Standard chief confidently tweeted: “There will be an independent candidate—an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance.”
And so, as Bloomberg Politics reported Tuesday evening, he appears to be going with the most devastating pick of all:National Review blogger David French. A conservative thinker with such strong name recognition he doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page.
He does, however, fit the fan-fiction archetype of a Bill Kristol candidate.
According to his bio, French is a constitutional lawyer who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom, where he was awarded the Bronze Star. He lives in solid-red Tennessee with his wife and three kids. He once contributed to a New York Times best-selling book about fighting the so-called Islamic State widely known as ISIS.
He even has the Romney seal of approval. “I know David French to be an honorable, intelligent and patriotic person,” the former presidential candidate wrote on Twitter. “I look forward to following what he has to say.”
“To say that he would be a better and a more responsible president than Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump,” Kristol recently wrote of French, “is to state a truth that would become self-evident as more Americans got to know him.”
Assuming Americans ever got to know an obscure conservative staff writer, they’d learn that he’s pretty much your average neoconservative thinker: eager for military interventionism abroad; tough on crime; and sneering towards all things “cultural liberalism,” but with a distinctly intellectual posture.
Like a good Kristol-approved third-party alternative, French cheers the acquittal of an officer involved in Freddie Gray’s death; repeatedly parades the widely debunked “Ferguson effect” myth about a “war on cops”; exhibits a particular obsession with painting transgender individuals as “mentally unstable,” “troubled,” and “absurd” people; dutifully deflects the conversation over racial tensions to calling for abortion bans; and seems to believe that gays simply seek to “redefine sin as freedom.”
Perhaps his most shining moment, however, came following the death of beloved rocker Prince. As a nation grieved, Kristol’s champion-in-waiting offered up a verbose essay full of faux-intellectual pomposity—invoking Marx and “post-virtue culture”—to whine about Americans daring to consider the beloved rocker a “hero.”
Because there’s one thing that Americans of all stripes can agree on: musical geniuses are the worst.
Anyway, just because Kristol is allegedly taking French seriously doesn’t mean thisbearded schoolmarm is all too serious about himself.
As recently as last week, French, too, was pleading with Mitt Romney to mount another failed campaign.
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