Friday, November 20, 2015

Savannah, Too Unsafe For Syrian Refugees! Councilman Gilman For President? Obama-Losing it!

Congress is Constitutionally authorized to declare war and it's about time they begin to take responsibility. That said, nothing will come of this. (See 1 below.)

Obama and his fake war. (See 1a and 1b below.)

Obama is offended by Republicans who challenge his rationale.  He offends me and most Americans  but that is what he does best!

"Obama owes Christians an apology, says pastor
[Church] Pastor Bruce Engelman of Triumph Baptist Church in Fort Worth says Christians should be tired of a president who lectures people of faith as if his view is always right and the American public wrong."

Today's Mali attack suggests various Islamist radicals are now vying for attention.  Has another JV team resurrected itself?  Obama keeps looking smaller and smaller, wronger and wronger but he does not care because he is convinced he can drink his own bath water and arrogance, petulance and disdain is his soap. (See 1c below.)
Bulgarian police discover fake passports. (See 2 below.)

A Saudi advises- "Don't take the bait!" (See 2a below.)
A friend of my son and fellow reader of mine writes that local government responds. Maybe Councilman Gilman  should be president. Could not possibly be worse than Obama.(See 3 below.)
Can you blame them?  (See 4 below.)

This was sent to me by a friend and fellow memo reader who received from his friend. (See 4a below.)
To Obama: I told you Savannah was too unsafe for Syrian refugees.  Dodged that bullet?(See 5 below.)
Letter in WSJ today worth reading.  (See 6 below.)

Congressman Authors Declaration of War Against ISIS

By Walter Hudson

Following the terror attack in Paris last Friday, a first-term congressman from Minnesota seeks an official declaration of war against ISIS. The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports:
This is the first time a declaration of war has been authored by a member of Congress since 1941 — although Congress has authorized use of military force several times since then, including in both Iraq in 2002 and Afghanistan in 2001.
[Congressman Tom] Emmer’s measure would require congressional approval, which is no small hurdle given the political gridlock over the issue. Democrats are hesitant to authorize any ground forces again and many Republicans are wary about giving President Obama more power.

But Emmer, a House freshman, said Thursday he is fed up with the partisan bickering over the strategy Obama should ultimately use against ISIL [also known as ISIS] that claimed responsibility for multiple attacks in France last Friday.

“They’ve committed an unprovoked, horrendous, cowardly but well-planned attack in Paris,” Emmer said in an interview from his office on Capitol Hill. “I think the majority of this country could agree if we do nothing, they will come here. They have put us on notice. It’s not only the repeated unprovoked attacks, in this horrific attack on Paris, it’s the fact they are growing and are getting stronger.”
Emmer's move threads the needle between opposing factions within the Republican Party, those weary of war without such a declaration and those desiring decisive action against the emerging caliphate. His proposal provides opportunity for public debate on America's role, something previous authorizations of military force have sidestepped.

Emmer has "struck out on his own" here. No other member has signed onto his effort, and a request to fast-track the measure past committees has not been answered by Speaker Paul Ryan.

1a)  Obama’s phony war

Tell me: What’s a suicide bomber doing with a passport? He’s not going anywhere. And, though I’m not a religious scholar, I doubt that a passport is required in paradise for a martyr to access his 72 black-eyed virgins.
A Syrian passport was found near the body of one of the terrorists. Why was it there? Undoubtedly, to back up the ISIS boast that it is infiltrating operatives amid the refugees flooding Europe. The passport may have been fake, but the terrorist’s fingerprints were not. They match those of a man who just a month earlier had come through Greece on his way to kill Frenchmen in Paris.

If the other goal of the Paris massacre was to frighten France out of the air campaign in Syria — the way Spain withdrew from the Iraq war after the terrorist attack on its trains in 2004 — they picked the wrong country. France is a serious post-colonial power, as demonstrated in Ivory Coast, the Central African Republic and Mali, which France saved from an Islamist takeover in 2013.

Indeed, socialist President François Hollande has responded furiously to his country’s 9/11 with an intensified air campaignhundreds of raids on suspected domestic terrorists, a state of emergency and proposed changes in the constitution to make France less hospitable to jihad.

Meanwhile, Barack Obama, titular head of the free world, has responded to Paris with weariness and annoyance. His news conference in Turkey was marked by a stunning tone of passivity, detachment and lassitude, compounded by impatience and irritability at the very suggestion that his Syria strategy might be failing.

President Obama made remarks and answered questions at the G-20 summit in Turkey on Nov. 13. Here's what he said about the path forward fighting the Islamic State, welcoming Muslims and protecting Syrian refugees. 
The only time he showed any passion was in denouncing Republicans for hardheartedness toward Muslim refugees. One hundred and twenty-nine innocents lie dead, but it takes the GOP to kindle Obama’s ire.

The rest was mere petulance, dismissing criticisms of his Syria policy as popping off. Inconveniently for Obama, one of those popper-offers is Dianne Feinstein, the leading Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee. She directly contradicted Obama’s blithe assertion, offered the day before the Paris attack, that the Islamic State (a.k.a. ISIL) was contained and not gaining strength. “I have never been more concerned,” said Feinstein. “ISIL is not contained. ISIL is expanding.”

Obama defended his policy by listing its multifaceted elements. Such as, “I hosted at the United Nations an entire discussion of counterterrorism strategies and curbing the flow of foreign fighters.” An “entire” discussion, mind you. Not a partial one. They tremble in Raqqa.

And “We have mobilized 65 countries to go after ISIL.” Yes, and what would we do without Luxembourg?
Obama complained of being criticized for not being bellicose enough. But the complaint is not about an absence of bellicosity but about an absence of passion, of urgency and of commitment to the fight. The air campaign over Syria averages seven strikes a day. Seven. In Operation Desert Storm, we flew 1,100 sorties a day. Even in the Kosovo campaign, we averaged 138. Obama is doing just enough in Syria to give the appearance of motion, yet not nearly enough to have any chance of success.

Obama’s priorities lie elsewhere. For example, climate change, which he considers the greatest “threat to our future.” And, of course, closing Guantanamo. Obama actually released five detainees on the day after the Paris massacre. He is passionate about Guantanamo. It’s a great terrorist recruiting tool, he repeatedly explains. Obama still seems to believe that — even as ISIS has produced an astonishing wave of terrorist recruitment with a campaign of brutality, butchery and enslavement filmed in living color. Who can still believe that young Muslims are leaving Europe to join the Islamic State because of Guantanamo?

Obama’s other passion is protecting Islam from any possible association with “violent extremism.” The Islamic State is nothing but “killers with fantasies of glory.” Obama can never bring himself to acknowledge why these people kill and willingly die: to advance a radical Islamist millenarianism that is purposeful, indeed eschatological — and appealing enough to have created the largest, most dangerous terrorist movement on Earth.

Hollande is trying to gather a real coalition to destroy the Islamic State, even as Obama touts his phony 65. For 11 post-World War II presidencies, coalition leading has been the role of the United States. Where is America today? Awaiting a president. The next president.

Terror attacks have everything to do with Islam

Even after the Paris atrocities, the West still isn’t joining up the dots. The free world was shocked by 9/11, shocked by the 7/7 London bombings, shocked by the 2008 onslaught in Mumbai, shocked by January’s Paris massacres at Charlie Hebdo and the kosher supermarket.

Now it is shocked by Isis, which it presents as “nihilists”. So they just happen to be the same type of nihilists as al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Jaysh al-Islam and Boko Haram.

By an amazing coincidence, these all just happen to have the same aim: to spread Islam through holy war using the same tactics of shootings, stabbings, be-headings, dis-emboweling and human bomb attacks.

Theresa May fatuously said of the Paris attacks that they had “nothing to do with Islam”. David Cameron inched towards realism by saying on Monday night it was “not good enough” to “deny any connection between the religion of Islam and the extremist”. Yet on other occasions he says Islamic terror is a “perversion” of the religion.

Such contortions are an attempt to avoid lumping all Muslims together. But Islam is simply what Muslims practise. There are radical and moderate Muslims; both draw on religious sources; both use legitimate interpretations of those sources.

The problem is that the radical interpretation, which takes literally the Koranic instructions to kill unbelievers and those who attack Islam, is backed by mainstream Islamic institutions and religious thinkers.

Al-Azhar university in Cairo, the nearest thing Islam has to a religious authority, uses curricular materials which teach that “war against the infidels is an obligation of all intelligent, healthy, free and able men”.

The 57-state Organisation of Islamic Co-operation (OIC), whose prime aim is to “promote Islamic solidarity”, excludes from its definition of terrorism (and therefore implicitly condones) “armed struggle against foreign occupation, aggression, colonialism, and hegemony”.

Holy war is being waged by Muslims drawing on the radical interpretation of Islam. The young western Muslims they recruit are hooked through a lethal cocktail of social, political, psychological and religious factors.

Some of these young people are losers involved with drugs and petty crime. Others are culturally and spiritually deracinated university students. All are vulnerable to the jihadi message that they can give their lives meaning and purpose by defending their people, Islam and God himself.

The incendiary impact is achieved through telling them the West is out to destroy the Islamic world. And what fries the brain is that this myth of victim hood arises from the Islamic inversion of reality.

Islam is held to embody perfection because it is the word of God. Equality, freedom and justice are therefore to be found only under Islamic rule. So they can only exist in a theocracy, where there is in fact no equality, freedom or justice.

Believers upholding such perfect Islamic precepts can never be at fault. So attacking infidels is never violence against the innocent but always justified defense.

Even amongst those many Muslims who abhor terror or theocracy there are those still trapped by the implications of Islamic perfection. So in conflicts where Muslims initiate violence — Kashmir, Chechnya, Israel — or cultural aggression, such as censoring the Mohammed cartoons or criminalizing “Islamophobia”, they believe Muslims are instead victims of malevolent or murderous conspiracies.

This helps to explain the poll finding that 27 per cent of British Muslims felt “some sympathy for the motives behind the Charlie Hebdo attacks”, with a further  10 per cent saying they weren’t sure or wouldn’t say.
This false victim culture is the toxic sea in which Islamic terrorism swims. To deradicalise their young, the wider Muslim community has to say loud and clear that it is based on myths and lies. But how can they, if they too subscribe to it?

Worse still, it is hugely amplified by the echo chamber of non-Muslim liberal society, which also blames the West for all the ills of the world, sanitises terrorism and promotes the doublespeak of victim culture.

Muslim reformers who understand Islam has a major problem are now courageously speaking up for a religious reformation. It is crucial to support such people. Which is why the “nothing to do with Islam” mantra is so damaging. For if that were true, there would be no need for Islamic reform.

Radical Islam must be identified, confronted and defeated. That means treating as pariahs all those promoting it — the OIC, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran, the Palestinians — unless they stop their incitement to hatred and mass murder and their backing for holy war. 

Instead, the free world treats these people as regular statesmen and members of the world community to be negotiated with, traded with  and appeased.

Unless the West finally tears off these blinkers, all the bombs it may rain down on Isis will not defeat this scourge.

1c) Obama: Delusional or something worse?David Kupelian examines the president's stunning denial of reality

David Kupelian    

"Is Barack Obama delusional?”

That’s how Bill O’Reilly led his Fox News show last night, addressing Obama’s press conference in Turkey in which the president defended his disastrously ineffective policies for dealing with the rapidly metastasizing terror army ISIS which, after last week’s hellish Paris attacks, vows Washington, D.C., is next.
After the commercial break, O’Reilly started in again: “Is President Barack Obama delusional about ISIS? Joining us now from Washington, Charles Krauthammer. Is he?”

Responded Krauthammer, a Pulitzer-winning columnist and former psychiatrist: “Judging from the press conference, there are several explanations for that appalling performance; the kindest is that he’s delusional.”

Krauthammer explained: “He said on Friday that ISIS was not gaining in strength, [though] even his own Dianne Feinstein said essentially it’s a delusion. Of course it’s gaining in strength. … But the reason that ‘delusion’ is the kindest [explanation], is I think the more likely explanation is, he knows that opposition is weakening, he knows that ISIS is strong and that it’s a threat, but in the end, he doesn’t think it matters. He’s never thought the war on terror was important or existential.”

O’Reilly: “But how can you say that he doesn’t understand that millions of people – millions of people – are either dying, being dislocated, being tortured, being wounded … and you still, Charles Krauthammer, say he doesn’t care? It doesn’t mean anything to him?”

Krauthammer: “There’s a difference between millions of people suffering and an existential threat to the West, which is what it is, and which is what he denies.”

A little later in Fox’s primetime lineup, former CIA operative Mike Baker, a guest on “Hannity,” described Obama’s actions and attitude with regard to radical Islam as “surreal.”

Then Hannity, in an exchange with psychology expert Dr. Gina Loudon about the Paris terror attacks, observed: “Some good people have a hard time grasping that these people could go into a crowded theater and start shooting innocent men, women and children. That’s just evil, in our time. This president’s not recognizing, won’t recognize – it’s pathological that he won’t recognize radical Islam.”

“It’s absolutely pathological,” responded Loudon. “And it’s not just pathological; it’s stupid and it’s dangerous.”

“Delusional.” “Surreal.” “Doesn’t care.” “Pathological.” “Stupid.” “Dangerous.” That’s America’s 44th president they’re talking about.

For the past seven years, sane Americans have been trying to explain Obama, evoking various hypotheses – including the possibility that he’s a genuine sociopath, that is, without conscience.

Fox pundit, long-time ABC News personality and Pulitzer-winning columnist George Will described “Barack Obama’s intellectual sociopathy – his often breezy and sometimes loutish indifference to truth.”

America is unraveling! How can we heal a nation broken by a lawless government and a godless culture? Read David Kupelian’s latest blockbuster book,  “The Snapping of the American Mind.”

Here’s a typical description of “sociopathy,” so let’s see how it fits: “Sociopaths are often well-liked because of their charm and high charisma, but they do not usually care about other people. They think mainly of themselves and often blame others for the things that they do. They have a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly. They seldom feel guilt or learn from punishments.” Seems like a pretty good fit, but let’s continue.

One veteran forensic psychiatrist I know – an expert witness in thousands of court cases, whose expertise is sizing up criminal/antisocial people and determining what makes them tick – has described Obama to me in terms of “malignant narcissistic personality disorder.” The modifier “malignant” signifies the version of “narcissistic personality disorder” that may cross over into criminality, he explained.

He reviewed with me a list of some of the major symptoms of NPD, comparing them with Obama’s behavior as president. Among the key markers: 1) a grandiose view of one’s achievements (everything with Obama is “historic”), 2) an utter inability to handle criticism (almost everyone criticizing Obama or his policies is attacked as selfish, “partisan” or racist) and 3) lack of genuine empathy. (Obama’s designation of the apocalyptic Paris terror attacks as a “setback” in his foreign policy was reminiscent of his televised speech on the day of the Fort Hood terror attack. With the entire nation reeling in shock and yearning for strong, reassuring words from their commander in chief, Obama instead engaged in small talk and an inane “shout-out” for two full minutes before even mentioning that the worst terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11 had just occurred hours earlier.)

Here’s how psychiatrist M. Scott Peck, M.D., explains people like Obama in his classic best-seller, “People of the Lie”:

Malignant narcissism is characterized by an unsubmitted will. All adults who are mentally healthy submit themselves one way or another to something higher than themselves, be it God or truth or love or some other ideal. They do what God wants them to do rather than what they would desire. “Thy will, not mine, be done,” the God-submitted person says. They believe in what is true rather than what they would like to be true.

In summary, to a greater or lesser degree, all mentally healthy individuals submit themselves to the demands of their own conscience. Not so the evil, however. In the conflict between their guilt [i.e., conscience] and their will, it is the guilt that must go and the will that must win.

The reader will be struck by the extraordinary willfulness of evil people. They are men and women of obviously strong will, determined to have their own way. There is a remarkable power in the manner in which they attempt to control others.

With the catastrophic Obama-era decline of America now threatening to spin entirely out of control, many are again straining to understand what on earth is really going on inside Obama’s mind:

•Some, as previously mentioned, cite the disturbing degree to which Obama manifests full-blown symptoms of narcissism and/or sociopathy.
•Some cite his barely disguised Marxist worldview (Fox pundit Monica Crowley recently said on the radio, “Obama’s not a Democrat. He’s a Marxist revolutionary”), with its obsession with radical redistribution of wealth and power. Marxism, by definition, justifies as “moral” not merely lying, but ruthless suppression of dissent, violence and tyranny – as long as these measures advance the glorious (though delusional) utopian cause. “Exhibit A” for this point would be the entire 20th century.

•Some cite Obama’s childhood and upbringing. His Marxist-atheist-alcoholic-bigamist Kenyan father abandoned him, his Islamic stepfather raised him as a Muslim in Indonesia, his mother essentially abandoned him, and his most influential mentor as a young teenager was Frank Marshall Davis, a card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA, a pornographer and admitted sexualabuser of minors.

•Some cite Obama’s religious background – his 20-year affiliation with his “spiritual mentor,” the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who preached raw hatred of America, capitalism and white people, and whose “black liberation theology” gospel amounts to Afro-centric Marxism dressed up with cherry-picked Bible verses.

•Some cite his background in “Chicago politics” – a euphemism for wall-to-wall corruption and criminality. Indeed, the state of Illinois, where a staggering total of four recent governors – Otto Kerner, Dan Walker, George Ryan and Rod Blagojevich – have gone to prison for corruption, remains a political cesspool to this day, as confirmed by a study from the University of Illinois at Chicago’s political science department. Obama is a product of this legendarily corrupt “Chicago machine” and played the game ruthlessly while rising in the ranks there.

•Some cite Obama’s education, the most important part of which, by his own admission, came via Saul Alinsky. During the 2008 campaign, Obama said of his years steeped in the Chicago Marxist’s revolutionary “community organizing” methods: “It was that education that was seared into my brain. It was the best education I ever had, better than anything I got at Harvard LawSchool.”So, let’s take stock: abandonment by his father, early Muslim training, toxic teen influences, hardcore Marxist indoctrination and Alinsky training, drug abuse (“Choom Gang”), association with criminals (Tony Rezko) and terrorists (William Ayers), racist religious affiliation (Jeremiah Wright), extreme political ambition and probable mental illness/disorder.

Quite a cocktail that forms the current U.S. president’s worldview and sensibilities.

The question is not whether Obama is delusional or not – that is undeniable. The question is, in what frame of reference is he delusional – the narrow one Krauthammer cites, regarding Obama’s denial that radical Islam poses an existential threat to America and the world? Or the wider context of the rest of life? For when we widen our scope, we are forced to acknowledge that Obama gravitates toward evil and delusion not just with regard to the jihad threat, but in virtually every area: He wants to force 15-year-old girls to shower naked with boys who delusionally believe they’re girls. He intentionally allows our nation to be overrun with illegal aliens and legal “refugees” from cultures that hate America (today’s headline says of the Syrian refugees already in the U.S., 2,098 are Muslims and 53 are Christians). He annually releases tens of thousands of convicted criminal illegal aliens – we’re talking murderers, rapists and drug dealers – back onto American streets. He’s a radical proponent of what can only be called infanticide, the “aborting” of fully formed, full-term healthy human babies.

In every area, Obama demonstrates an unfortunate affinity for that which normal people would describe as destructive, corrupt, evil.
Whether this is because Obama is evil at his core, or whether there’s a decent person locked up inside but who has been traumatized and brainwashed – a Manchurian president, programmed not by exotic far-off communist brainwashers, but by a nonstop sequence of corrupting influences throughout his life – is not ours to know.

Ultimately, the question is largely academic. Whatever the ultimate explanation of Obama’s delusional presidency, he demonstrates at every turn a remarkable attraction for that which is destructive and corrupting to human life, that is, “evil.” And he is dragging America – and increasingly the world – through hell in search of it, which he somehow, however inexplicably, sees as good.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2) Bulgarian-police-discover-boxes-owned-by-Muslim-refugees-going-to-Germany-and-in-them-they-find-10000-fake-passports-that-were-going-to-be-given-to-Islamic-terrorist

Police officers in Bulgaria discovered boxes owned by Muslim refugees
heading for Germany, they found 10,000 fake passports made in Turkey, that
would have been given to terrorists. According to the report:

An ISIS terrorist posing as an “asylum seeker” has been arrested by German
police in a “refugee” center in Stuttgart, and German customs officers have
seized boxes containing Syrian passports being smuggled into Europe.

According to a report carried by RTL’s German language service, the
terrorist is a 21-year-old Moroccan using a “false identity” who had
registered as an asylum seeker in the district of Ludwigsburg. He was
identified after police linked him to a European arrest warrant issued by
the Spanish authorities. He is accused of recruiting fighters for ISIS,
where he acted as a contact person for fighters who wanted to travel to
Syria or Iraq.

This first confirmed arrest of a bogus “asylum seeker” came simultaneously
with the admission by a German finance ministry spokesman that “boxes” of
fake Syrian passports, destined for sale and distribution to the hordes of
nonwhite invaders seeking to settle in Europe as bogus “war refugees,” had
been seized

That news, carried in a report by the German Tagespiegel newspaper, also
revealed that 10,000 fake Syrian passports were seized by police in
Bulgaria, on their way to Germany.

The finance ministry official said both genuine and forged passports were in
the packets intercepted in the post. Possession of these passports is a
vital part of claiming “asylum” as “war refugees.”

The Tagespiegel also revealed that the fake Syrian passports are being sold
for about $1,500 each—and the fact that many of the “refugees” can afford to
buy multiple passports is yet another indication of the bogus nature of
their claims to be “asylum seekers.”

Significantly, the Tagespiegel article continued, “It is not only Syrians
who are interested in Syrian passports. Refugees from Iraq, Afghanistan, and
Pakistan want to become Syrian in order to secure their recognition as
asylum seekers in Western Europe. According to press reports, nine out of
ten refugees who came from Macedonia to Serbia claimed they were Syrians.”

The trade in fake Syrian passports was also confirmed by the head of the EU
frontier police, Fabrice Leggeri, in a recent interview with the Europe 1 TV

Leggeri told Europe 1 that the trade in fake Syrian passports originated in
Turkey. “There are people who are now in Turkey, buying false Syrian
passports because they have obviously realized that it is a windfall since
Syrians get asylum in all Member States in the European Union,” he said.

“People who use false Syrian passports often speak in Arabic. They may
originate in North Africa or the Middle East, but have the profile of
economic migrants.”

The fact that these passports were made in Turkey show that the inundation
of refugees is part of a conspiracy devised by Turkey, ISIS and Saudi

What you are seeing in Europe is not the coming in of refugees, but an
invasion. These are not refugees, but invaders. These people barging into
Europe are criminals for the most part. They are coming into Europe with
their anti-Christian sentiments. In Macedonia, these Muslim heretics
rejected help from the Red Cross because their aid boxes had a Christian
Cross on them.

2a)  Don’t take terrorists’ bait
 IT is true that it will take Europe particularly France, a little time to recover and pick up the pieces after the cowardly terrorist attacks that took place last week. 

And it is also true that there will be some changes in the European behavior and daily life. It will take time for many families to recover from the loss of their loved ones. Such incidents have usually a huge impact on children.

But the Europe and specially France should know that the last terrorist act was just a prelude to a bigger threat to create a long and lasting headache not only for the Europe but also for the whole world. In other words, it was bait and a well-planned trap. Their goal is to create chaos. So, I say to Europe, don’t take the terrorists’ bait and don’t fall for their trap. We Saudis have seen this bait more than once in the past but refused to fall for it. 

In Saudi Arabia, Daesh attacked mosques in Saudi Arabia to drive a wedge between different communities and to tarnish the image of Saudi Arabia. However, Saudis foiled those attempts and showed solidarity with each other and expressed full confidence in their country’s leadership. Daesh failed to create chaos in Saudi Arabia because we knew that it was a bait to create mistrust among people in the Saudi society. This was not their first attempt, as they had tried this several times in the past as well but failed each time. 

During the 1990s, Saudi Arabia came under terrorists’ attack twice. In both the incidents, Americans living in Saudi Arabia were the prime targets. One was perpetrated by Osama Bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah was behind the other. The primary goal of those attacks was to create unrest in the Kingdom and to pit the United States against Saudi Arabia. 

Both the terrorist organizations realized that Saudi Arabia was invincible and it was not easy to harm the Kingdom’s stability. For the information of the readers, Osama Bin Laden considered Saudi Arabia as his enemy No. 1. But, he knew that penetrating Saudi society through terrorist attacks wasn’t that easy. So, he prepared the bait for the strongest nation on earth. Yes, I am talking about the good old US and the US took the bait.

On Sept. 11, 2001 four US commercial planes took off from the American east coast heading to the west coast, but never made it to their destinations. We all know the rest of the story. Osama Bin Laden’s real target was Saudi Arabia. He knew that the US would seek revenge. This was why; he recruited Saudis for the heinous mission. Shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks many people around the world knew that the US would attack Afghanistan. And it did. The goal of the US was to eradicate Al-Qaeda from Afghanistan but the US took its actions to a new level one by attacking Iraq. This is when people realized that the US had taken the bait.

During and after the American invasion of Iraq, more vicious terrorist cells were established in Iraq. The Americans built prisons that added to the anti-western sentiments. IS or Daesh was born in Iraq under the watchful eyes of the Americans. Ironically, the most dangerous terrorist organization in the world was born in the so-called American prisons that were supposed to keep terrorists on a leash. 
It is sad that the US with its advanced spying technologies didn’t know how to deal with the Iraqi Army after the fall of Saddam Hussein and didn’t know how to use their human intelligence capabilities to know who was friend and who was a foe among Iraqis. And now we have a terrorist organization that is going global.

Without a doubt, France and all Europe will act and react — policies toward refugees may change; intolerance and Islamophobia may increase. But, it is crucial for Europe not to drag itself into a war with the unknown or the invisible. European borders are wide open and no matter how many watchful eyes on the ground, it will be impossible to monitor every soul. The terrorists’ aim is to create friction between all of the Europe and the millions of Muslims living and working in Europe and around the world. We should not help them succeed.

It is true that France and all of the Europe have the right to do whatever is necessary to protect their people, their interests and their land. But it is also important to do it without taking the terrorists bait. Let us think about the roots of such terrorist organization and who is behind it and funding it. The world must join hands to eradicate all terrorist organizations-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Government gets it right (sometimes)

By Abby Schachte
Two cheers for government: One cheer for Pittsburgh City Council and especially Dan Gilman, and one for Pennsylvania's departments of Health and Education. It happens so rarely that government gets it right; we can't forget to applaud when it does.

Councilman Gilman is proposing to change the city ordinance that governs mobile food vendors — especially food trucks — so they can (more) freely operate within the city limits. The current ordinance was designed for ice cream trucks some 50 years ago.

Restrictions on where mobile food vendors are allowed to park and strict limits on the duration of their stay has meant that these small businesses were too restricted within the city. Many have chosen to operate successfully in surrounding boroughs and municipalities or by special arrangement within Pittsburgh.

Gilman now wants to change that.

“They bring people to the street, they create vibrancy in our neighborhoods. It brings people out into the community,” Gilman said.

The state, meanwhile, has decided to tighten immunization requirements for Keystone schoolchildren so as to increase Pennsylvania's percentage of vaccinated kids to achieve what's called “herd immunity” — the necessary proportion of the population that is protected so that those who are unvaccinated won't spread diseases like measles and pertussis.

What links these two reform efforts is not simply that elected officials are doing the right thing — in the case of food trucks, by changing an out-of-date law and getting out of the way of growth and economic expansion, and in Harrisburg, by taking the role of protecting the public health more seriously. In each case, the government brought the trouble on itself.

A vaccination exemption was the rare case in Pennsylvania, where Harrisburg did too little regulating (on this and abortion clinics that is).

Allowing exemptions from immunizations led to more and more parents claiming those exemptions for their children.

Then hundreds of people got sick with measles from an outbreak at Disneyland and, lo and behold, Pennsylvanians discovered that not enough kids were vaccinated.
Strengthening the rules about exemptions by requiring vaccinations for kids to attend school will hopefully result in higher vaccination rates, which in turn will protect all Pennsylvanians from these diseases.

If the state regulators wanted to do an even better bit of good, they'd require vaccinations at licensed day-care centers rather than waiting until children are old enough for kindergarten.

Reforming Pittsburgh's ordinance of mobile food vendors will go a long way to making the city even more business-friendly. But let's not forget that the problem was self-inflicted. Why are such ordinances even necessary?

Indeed, if Gilman and his colleagues really want to help broaden the tax base and lower the barriers for job creation, they'd simultaneously repeal the paid sick leave law.
Restaurants and the hospitality industry are so angry about the law that they're suing the city to stop it from taking effect.

Abby W. Schachter is a Pittsburgh writer whose first book, “No Child Left Alone: Getting the Government out of Parenting,” will be published next year


80% of French Jews considering aliyah

Dr. Michael Bensaadon, director of the “Klita” umbrella organization for NGOs working to help French Jews immigrate to Israel, is calling on the government of Israel to prepare for a massive wave of aliyah from France following the Paris attacks on Saturday.
Bensaadon told Arutz Sheva about a report his group is preparing regarding the unique needs of French olim immigrating to Israel, and the anticipated increase in their numbers.
The upcoming escalation in aliyah can be predicting from the rise in immigration seen until now and the deteriorating situation in France, as well as from telling opinion polls among French Jewry.
No less than 7,000 French immigrants arrived in 2014, and “this wave will yet strengthen” he says, noting on the number of requests to make aliyah being received.
Polls in the French Jewish community show that approximately 80% are considering making aliyah to Israel. While not all will likely actually take the step, the number signifies a massive shift in consciousness and portends a huge increase in aliyah.
There are around half a million Jews in France now, notes Bensaadon. He explained that another million or so who are not Jewish according to Jewish law are extended the right to make aliyah given the presence of a Jewish grandparent or spouse, but this group is not figured into the poll and also does not intend to leave France.
Bensaadon argued that France has a negative atmosphere which is sending youngsters abroad – and not just Jews. This atmosphere is created by the weak financial situation and an identity crisis, and for Jews the growing anti-Semitism they are faced with on the streets just increases the desire to leave.
Let the absorption do the talking
Israel is the prime option for many, he says, but without a proper infrastructure to aid their absorption, they may turn to other options such as Canada and the US.
Bensaadon's organization is working together with the Jewish Agency and Nefesh B'Nefesh on a report detailing the needs of French immigrants, prime among them education, employment and degree recognition.
“We've gotten lots of promises and we hear the Israeli government call on Jews to come home to Israel, but we don't see definite steps,” he warned.
He noted on the education model tested in Netanya where many French olim live, citing possible educational programs that can aid immigrant absorption. Likewise he called to improve the process in the Health Ministry to have the degrees of French doctors be more easily and quickly recognized.
Bensaadon explained that now, after the Islamic State (ISIS) attack in Paris, is not the right timing to make a public call for French aliyah given that doing so might be seen as insensitive and could harm relations with France. However, he said that rather than a public call, improving the process of absorption is in fact a more effective way of encouraging aliyah, given that word will reach back to France.
“The Jewish community in France is very Zionist, but it wants a successful absorption in terms of education and employment, and those who want more olim need to make sure there is quality absorption.”

4a)Dear F----,

As soon as I heard about the terrorist attacks in France last Friday night, I bought a plane ticket to Paris.

I wanted to see for myself what a beautiful, free city, the heart of western civilization for centuries, looked like when it was being attacked by barbarians.

I was there for several days — filming the scene of the worst massacre; attending spontaneous gatherings in the city’s public plazas; talking to French intellectuals. You can see the full collection of my broadcasts from Paris here.
But it wasn’t until my last day in Paris that I really learned something. That’s when I went into Muslim neighbourhoods and asked random men on the street for their views about what had happened.

I heard some encouraging answers. But I also heard some shocking answers. For example, about half of the men I spoke with truly believed that the terrorist attacks last Friday were committed by “Jews or Americans”. Muslims had nothing to do with it. Some even said that “the Jews” had invented the Islamic State terrorist group.

I wish they were kidding, but they weren’t. You can watch the video of those street interviews by clicking here.

The CBC would never dream to ask such risky questions of young French Muslims. And if they did, they wouldn’t air the video footage. Because it interferes with their official narrative: that multiculturalism is working, that massive, unscreened immigration is working, and that terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.

You be the judge — click here to see that shocking video.
Yours truly,

E--- L-----
5)From: Savannah Morning News
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2015 1:46 PM
Subject: TRAFFIC ALERT: 54th Street between Cedar and Hickory closed due to shooting

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TRAFFIC ALERT: 54th Street between Cedar and Hickory closed due to shooting

The Savannah-Chatham Police have closed down 54th Street between Cedar and Hickory due to the investigation of a shooting.
SCMPD reports there is one male victim. His condition is unknown.  Motorists are advised to seek alternate routes.
Stay tuned to for updates. 

Indulging Hate Even a Little Leads to Bad Consequences

College campuses throughout the country are rife with Islamic-inspired hatred toward Israel and Jews.

Regarding Bret Stephens’s “The Islamist Tantrum” (Global View, Nov. 17): Throughout Europe the Islamist tantrums are “richly indulged,” as Mr. Stephens maintains.
I am afraid, however, that intolerance is being richly tolerated in this country as well. College campuses throughout the country are rife with Islamic-inspired hatred toward Israel and Jews. Here in New York students protesting high tuition rates at CUNY’s Hunter College are loudly blaming the “Zionist regime” (i.e., Jews) for their tuition problems. So far the administration has responded to complaints about this obvious tolerance for anti-Semitism with the usual line about “freedom of speech.”
Jews have always been the proverbial canary in the coal mine. The world chose to ignore Hitler’s actions against the Jews until that madman drove the entire world into war. In France as well, overt Muslim anti-Semitism has made life for Jews there a living nightmare. The latest horrific act of terror didn’t evolve in a vacuum.
If we are serious about preventing radical Islam from getting a foothold in our country, we better start by stomping out the flames of hatred wherever they may be. We cannot allow political correctness to destroy the freedoms we enjoy.
Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld
Kew Gardens Hills, N.Y.

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