Obama wants Israel to make peace with Abbas who spews forth venom as Obama does with respect to Iran.
Abbas claims all of Israel belongs to The Palestinians. (See 1 below.)
Bloomberg reporter writes Trump did not make the grade hosting SNL. (See 2 below.)
I will be attending a charitable event, Nov. 10, the night of the debate.
The effort to obtain information on Carson is legitimate. The stretching of the truth is not.
Carson is also correct to chastise the press and media for not having applied the same investigatory standards practiced on him to Obama.
We still do not know whether Obama is actually a legitimate president because it has never been convincingly proven where he was born, we have never seen a legitimate Social Security Card, his record of college attendance has never been verified, no girl friends have been interviewed and their comments reported nor have we learned about any roommate he might have had while in college. Obama's vetting was more like a kit glove exercise because of his race etc. Carson, of course is the same race as Obama but the difference is he is a Conservative and blacks are not supposed to be conservative, capable of earning their way out of a bad and prejudiced past. According to Demwits and their friends in the media and press, blacks are supposed to be dependent, have low expectations and need help to overcome prejudice. Their soft prejudice is called compassion but low expectations, affirmative action etc. are demeaning.
There is more left on the cutting floor than has truly been documented about Obama. Yes, the press and media have double standards and that is no secret for anyone whose eyes are open. What is becoming more evident is the fact that many of the current Republican candidates no longer act like wimps and have been willing to fight back, make comparisons and expose the press and media for who they are - biased circle the wagon drivers who will bend over backwards to help Hillarious and Demwit candidates.
Don't hold your breath expecting Hillarious to be run through the same wringer washing machine the press and media have reserved for Carly for instance or Ben etc.
This is not whining it is simply the truth.
The consequence of the press and media bias can make Republicans better candidates if they fight and learn how to manipulate and turn the bias around.
Time will tell if they can and will.
Demwits have fissures but you may not hear too much about them. (See 2a below.)
On August 8, 1945, Dartmouth University's president publicly announced an oxymoronic anti-Semitic admission policy and the impact of this policy continues to this day and perhaps explains why Dartmouth has the lowest percentage of Jews in the Ivy League ? You decide. (See 3 below.)
Yesterday, I attended a lecture on a scourge that is sweeping over the world and is increasing its prominence in America - child theft, slavery and prostitution etc. The speaker began with a quote from MLK which I will paraphrase: 'A person dies when they remain silent in the face of injustice.'
I do not claim to be an activist but I, at least, have always been outspoken when my sensibilities, such as they may be, are challenged. (See 3a below.)
I would like to revisit a theme I have espoused before as presidential debates gather steam.
Every president has two basic choices. They can make decisions based on politics and/or they can make decisions regardless of political impact and base them on their sworn pledge to defend and protect our nation, as required by their oath.
In the case of Barak Hussein Obama, I maintain he has opted to base virtually every major decision on politics and to the detriment of our nation's security and place in the world.
In no particular order, he began his initial overseas trip by apologizing for America's arrogance and laid the foundation for supporting the Moslem Brotherhood bringing down the leader of Egypt.
He played to ethnicity by criticizing actions on the part of a Cambridge policeman and laid the foundation for his later support of anarchists (Soros, Saul Alinsky, Wall Street Protesters, Ferguson and Baltimore Rioters and Black Lives Matter activists) versus various police departments of our nation.
He sought re-election on the backs of and by disregarding the fate of four Americans serving their country in Libya - Benghazi!
Obama recently voted against the construction of a pipeline that would have helped insure our own energy independence while reducing our dependence on volatile foreign energy sources and at the same time allow our nation to export energy to friends and allies dependent on Russian sources. He took this action to curry favor with Green Voters.
Obama has repeatedly and vehemently stated Climate Change is the greatest threat to American security. This claim is based on challenged scientific evidence mixed with a lot of emotional hype yet, this president is weak on efforts to combat ISIS and other radical Islamic groups whose intentions to destroy Western Civilization are happening before our very eyes while their capabilities are mounting
He transferred over $700 billion from Medicare to fund Obamacare in order to finance health care for the uninsured and in the process created a program in utter disregard of voters, contempt for the opposition party, perhaps in violation of The Constitution and this program is now falling apart. In doing so, he added trillions to our deficit thereby, weakening our ability to confront other serious challenges to our freedoms
Obama added additional trillions in debt with 'shovel ready and green projects' which were ill prepared, payoffs to constituents and all politically motivated to quell rising anger from the ranks of increased unemployment.
He has weakened the sinews of our military at the expense of entitlements dispensed to buy votes of various constituents and to provide financial support and other comforts to illegal immigrants flooding our nation's borders. In addition to this, various departments of his Administration covered up a weapon transfer program that went astray.
This president used the IRS to quell the voices of opposition groups and his own Department of Justice found no evidence of law breaking.
Another policy that threatens our nation, could lead both to another World War and the total annihilation of a strong ally, Israel, is the Iran Deal. This Deal was pressed upon a Congress that was highly suspicious of the Deal's background planning and has, as with Obama Care, proven to be based on deceit and it's terms of enforcement are beginning to prove baseless.
Finally, we come to a series of disregarded pronouncements and markers which Obama has made and that have led to the diminished status of our nation as a world power, a threat to NATO and some of its Eastern European Members, the complete abandonment of our role in The Middle East to Russia and a weak reticence to challenge Putin's expansionary vision. What of his lack of support against mass killings of Christians and other innocents at the hands of "JV radical Islamists," which Obama remains unwilling to characterize as such, followed by the tragedy of Syria with its dire consequences for Europe and world stability?
There are other serious omissions and commissions which suggest Obama favors actions that benefit our adversaries and reflect a contempt for our nation's vital interests, support of the Constitution and against adherence to our nation's laws and religious based values.
The above acts, at the very least, are evidence of Obama's incompetence and dereliction of his Constitutional obligations. A more extreme view suggests something deeper, more pernicious, sinister and dangerous.
In less than a year, voters will have another chance to indicate both their concern and perspicuity. Their latest selection and reappointment ,I believe, indicates their utter lack of reasoning and perception. It suggests they were willing to embrace press and media bias, were mesmerized by empty showmanship and afraid of being accused of racism and political incorrectness.
The obligation of a good citizen is to be informed, to vote for what is best for our nation, to place prioritization above partisanship and recognize the first obligation of government and any president is to defend its citizens and uphold its laws. By any objective measure I submit our current president has failed to meet this test and the fact that his own party is now about to offer us one of the more significant players to take his place would be a grievous and dangerous error in view of her own questionable character, lack of positive accomplishments and history of lies and deception etc. Being a woman, wearing pant suits does not equate with competence and is nor sufficient evidence to gain my vote.
These are perilous times for our nation, for world peace and I hope, when the time comes, we will not again prove that POGO, a native of Georgia, was right, ie. The Enemy is Us!
Apathy, ignorance and contempt for law are powerful forces which we must overcome if our Republic is to survive.(See 4 below.)
1) All of Israel is "Palestine"
according to Abbas' National Security Forces
and Governor of Ramallah
and Governor of Ramallah
Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Following the Palestinian Authority policy of portraying all of Israel as
"Palestine," two recent Facebook posts by the PA National Security Forces
presented Israeli cities Haifa and Acre as "Palestine" and "occupied."
"Palestine," two recent Facebook posts by the PA National Security Forces
presented Israeli cities Haifa and Acre as "Palestine" and "occupied."
A few days ago, PA Chairman Abbas himself referred to all of Israel as an
"occupation," and asked the UN Human Rights Council "how long this
protracted Israeli occupation of our land [should] last?"
"occupation," and asked the UN Human Rights Council "how long this
protracted Israeli occupation of our land [should] last?"
Palestinian Media Watch has documented that the PA has presented all of
Israel as "Palestine" numerous times. The PA does this on maps in
schoolbooks, maps in the offices of PA officials and maps in public places,
such as sculptures in town squares showing maps of Israel and the PA areas,
depicted as "Palestine."
Israel as "Palestine" numerous times. The PA does this on maps in
schoolbooks, maps in the offices of PA officials and maps in public places,
such as sculptures in town squares showing maps of Israel and the PA areas,
depicted as "Palestine."
Recently, District Governor of Ramallah and El-Bireh Laila Ghannam posed
next to such a sculpture of a map that includes both the PA areas and all of
Israel, which is being set up in a village near Ramallah:
next to such a sculpture of a map that includes both the PA areas and all of
Israel, which is being set up in a village near Ramallah:
Posted text: "Dr. Laila Ghannam gets an update regarding the construction of
Al-Shuhada Square (i.e., The Square of the Martyrs) in the village of Deir
Ghasana (north-west of Ramallah) during a visit she made yesterday [Oct. 28,
Al-Shuhada Square (i.e., The Square of the Martyrs) in the village of Deir
Ghasana (north-west of Ramallah) during a visit she made yesterday [Oct. 28,
PMW has reported extensively on PA Governor Ghannam's ideologies and
messages to the Palestinian people. Ghannam has a well-documented policy of
glorifying terrorists, and has continued doing so with the many terrorists
who have killed and attempted to kill Israelis during the current wave of
shooting and stabbing attacks. The day after terrorist Muhannad Halabi
murdered two Israeli civilians, she described the morning as one "fragranced
by the blood of the Martyrs... a morning of pride and honor.
messages to the Palestinian people. Ghannam has a well-documented policy of
glorifying terrorists, and has continued doing so with the many terrorists
who have killed and attempted to kill Israelis during the current wave of
shooting and stabbing attacks. The day after terrorist Muhannad Halabi
murdered two Israeli civilians, she described the morning as one "fragranced
by the blood of the Martyrs... a morning of pride and honor.
Kind of Dead As Trump Hosts Saturday Night Live
The dancing and Larry David may have been the best bit as most cast members seemed not to want to be there.
There’s a certain look a cast member gets that longtime viewers of “Saturday Night Live” can instantly recognize. In many ways, it’s this look, and the performer’s mastery of it, that separates the truly great “SNL” performers from your run-of-the-mill hacks. You know this look: It’s the “this is bombing, isn’t it?” look.
Different performers handled it different ways. Will Ferrell would barrel onward, as if trying to physically bully the material into being funny. Phil Hartman would never break, treating every sketch like it was Scripture no matter how hammy. Jimmy Fallon would famously just start giggling. But the look is as undeniable as it is terrifying: There are millions of people watching me not be funny right now, and there’s nothing I can do about it. It’s as close as you can come to being completely naked on network television.
That look of discomfort, that “it’s gotta be getting close to 1 a.m., right?” that the entire cast of Saturday Night Live had during the Donald Trump-hosted show was impossible to miss, and all told, even Trump himself sort of had it. What might have seemed like a good idea initially—rather than have Trump do a walk-on, why not just have him host the whole show? What could go wrong?—was a disaster in practice, with both the host and the cast doing what they could to undermine the material and act like they were anywhere else but on stage. Some of the best Saturday Night Live sketches of the last decade have involved actual political figures having fun lightly skewering their personal foibles and exaggerating their weaknesses, including the infamous QVC sketcha few days before the 2008 election in which Tina Fey mocked Sarah Palin just a few feet away from John McCain, who happily played along. But no one had the energy for that this time. They all looked like they’d rather be anywhere else.
The whole cast was clearly off its game. “Weekend Update” hosts Colin Jost and Michael Che flubbed their intro and didn’t even feel particularly compelled to correct it. A musical sketch late in the show featuring Trump playing a “laser harp” somehow seemed simultaneously to never start yet never quite end. Trump’s monologue relied on two separate Trump impersonators. The “political” sketch was a thinly written, poorly (deliberately?) performed imagined 2018 Trump Oval Office, with lame jokes like the President of Mexico delivering Trump a check for his wall and Trump making Vladimir Putin cry. (It also featured a “surprise” cameo by Trump’s daughter made all the more painful by the audience having no reaction to her.) This hasn’t been a great season forSaturday Night Live so far, but I swear, it’s not usually this bad. No one’s heart was in it.
As you might suspect, Trump wasn’t required to work too hard. Worries about equal time laws aside, Trump showed up in several sketches but was never required to do much more than make some Trump grousing faces, with the possible exception of him doing a Hotline Bling dance in a sketch that might have been funnier if there hadn’t been roughly 90 billion Hotline Bling remixes on the Internet in the last 10 days.
The sketch that seemed to sum up the cast’s view on Trump’s appearance was one in which Trump announced that he would live Tweet. He didn’t actually Tweet the sketch – though I, like surely millions of others, went to check anyway – but instead fake Trump Tweets insulting the cast popped up as the cast members slowly checked out of the screen and ultimately began trying to crawl out of the shot. By the end of the sketch, after fake Trump joked about “the blacks,” cast member Leslie Jones pretended to rush the camera in rage, and the feed went out.
Like Larry David – once again, the funniest part of the show as Bernie Sanders, in a cold-open political sketch that, oddly, didn’t even mention Trump – pretending to yell “you’re a racist!” at Trump during his monologue, it was a winking meta-nod to the controversy of Trump hosting that allowed “SNL” to have its cake and eat it too. It could pretend it was above having Trump around solely to goose the show’s ratings while, you know, not being above it at all. There was a time when cast members openly revolted against hosts they didn’t want to be associated with, as in the famous week that Nora Dunn refused to be on set with Andrew Dice Clay. But tonight was far more passive aggressive than that. There wasn’t a cast member who didn’t consciously shrink.
Did Trump do himself any good with his appearance? It’s tough to see how. He wasn’t particularly funny – it’s always good to remember that being a showman in the realm of politics and a showman in the realm of entertainment are two far different things – and he didn’t look comfortable either. (Also: His suit was too big on him.) He surely will increase SNL’s ratings, a fact he’ll happily boast about it, but in a way that probably doesn’t benefit him or the show: He looks more like a huckster – the show actually made him look a little small, though again, maybe that was the suit – and the show got a lot more eyeballs to watch one of the worst episodes of the last several seasons. There was no breakout, instantly memorable moment, which ultimately seems to be by design. It was a night that everyone involved with wanted to move past as quickly as possible and hope no one ever discusses it again. It shouldn’t make much of a dent in the news cycle, but the oral history written five years from now, with the cast members talking about that lost, dead look they all had in their eyes the week Trump hosted … now that’ll be a must-read.
Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley didn't hesitate to take on Hillary Clinton on Friday night when the three Democratic candidates appeared at a forum hosted by South Carolina Democrats at Winthrop University.
"I have many disagreements with Hillary Clinton," Sanders said, speaking in front of more than 3,400 guests gathered for the First in the South forum. "And one of them is that I don't think it's good enough just to talk the talk on campaign finance reform. You've got to walk the walk."
One of the first questions that the forum's host, Rachel Maddow, asked O'Malley was about his opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline. He was quick to bring up Clinton, who has also said she was against the proposal.
"Secretary Clinton got there just last week," he said. "And I was against it a year ago."
"The issue of Keystone was kind of a no-brainer," he said. "It never made sense to me from day one."Sanders took the same shot. He didn't use her name, but his reference to Clinton was clear.
Clinton, on the other hand, didn't mention either of her rivals, even though Maddow gave her the opportunity to defend her relationship with Wall Street.
Clinton stuck to many of the same policy points she uses on the campaign trail, as her aides had planned, and her standout moment came when she recounted a meeting she held Monday with family members of young, African-American men killed by gun violence, often at the hands of the police.
"I just think we all need to take a very big collective breath and ask ourselves what is happening?" she said. "And what is motivating the kind of violence we're seeing?"
She spoke at length about the death penalty, which both O'Malley and Sanders are against. She reaffirmed that she believes it could be used under certain circumstances, such as for the gunman who went on a rampage at a church in Charleston in June.
"That's the kind of case that would cause people to have a legitimate discussion about whether or not it's appropriate," Clinton said.
The forum provided an important platform for the candidates to court African-American voters, who make up more than half of Democratic primary voters in South Carolina. Earlier Friday, all three candidates voiced their support for policies likely to resonate with African-Americans.
Clinton, who has pledged to rebuild trust between communities and law enforcement agencies, announced a new plan to boost investment in training programs for police while also expanding funding for Justice Department programs that both investigate and work to reform police departments.
O'Malley wrote an op-ed published on CNN.com calling for an end to the death penalty, and Sanders, who perhaps faces the biggest challenge when it comes to African-American voters, said in a statement released by his campaign that he would consider "every option, including a constitutional amendment" to ensure that all Americans have the opportunity to vote
Clinton is the overwhelming favorite among likely Democratic voters in South Carolina. In a poll out this week conducted by the forum's host, Winthrop University, 71 percent of those surveyed said Clinton was their first choice. Fifteen percent chose Sanders while 2 percent chose O'Malley.
Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-South Carolina, who does not plan to offer an endorsement to any presidential candidate before the primary, said ahead of the forum that Clinton's popularity is the result of her experience.
"She cut her political teeth in Southern politics," he said, adding that the historic nature of her candidacy as a woman also presents a challenge for O'Malley and Sanders.
But speaking to reporters after the 90-minute event, which ended with the candidates on stage together, O'Malley was optimistic about his prospects.
"I believe that tonight that the American people saw a pretty clear choice between the three alternatives they have," he said, "two of them from our party's rather divided past and one of us, namely me, who can actually bring people together to get things done and give our kids a better future."
Sanders' campaign manager, Jeff Weaver, was bullish, too.
"We've only recently set up full shop here in South Carolina, but we are here, and we're committed to this state," he said.
Sanders and Clinton planned to continue campaigning across South Carolina on Saturday. O'Malley is set to make three campaign stops in Iowa
Dartmouth College Restricts Admission of Jewish Students “to Prevent Anti-semitism”
Jewish students who apply for admission to Dartmouth College are denied entrance simply because they are Jews, President Ernest M. Hopkins admitted in a statement today to the New York Post.
“We cut the quotas more on our Jewish applicants than we do the basis of applications from Anglo-Saxons,” he is quoted by the Post as declaring. “I think if you were to let Dartmouth become predominantly Jewish, it would lose its attraction for the Jews.” He added that “Dartmouth is a Christian college founded for the Christianization of its students.”
From Kristallnacht to the Kindertransport to, Finally, America
A group of Berliners said a stain on the street was a Jew’s blood. Even now I can hear their laughter.
Monday, Nov. 9, marks the anniversary of Kristallnacht in 1938, when Nazi hordes ran wild throughout Berlin, as well as in other German cities. Jewish houses of worship were desecrated and then set afire. Thousands of Jews were rounded up, some beaten to death, others sent to concentration camps. Jewish-owned businesses and homes were looted.
I will never forget seeing the unimaginable horror of the night and the following day 77 years ago. By luck, my parents were not in Berlin. I was at my grandmother’s. Through the window I could see my beautiful synagogue engulfed in flames as desperate screams rose from the street below. Each knock on our apartment door brought terror, followed by incredible relief. By some miracle, two of my uncles made it to my grandmother’s seeking safety from the savagery of this night.
The next morning as I wandered through my neighborhood, I saw shards of plate glass everywhere, as every Jewish-owned shop had been looted and painted with vile Jew-hating slogans. Uniformed Nazis and their sympathizers were having fun as they surveyed their brutality. One group looked at a large stain on the street that was said to be the blood of a Jew. Even now I can hear their laughter.
At that moment, I was an 8-year-old who had suddenly turned 18. My every thought turned to survival. When my parents returned, I told my father that I would never live to see my ninth birthday. He took my hand and told me that he would always protect me and that nothing would happen to our family—because he had been a decorated front-line soldier during the 1914-18 World War.
Though reports of Kristallnacht—called the night of broken glass—were circulated world-wide, there was no forceful reaction by the world powers, although the U.S. ambassador to Berlin was recalled to Washington for consultations. In retrospect this became a rehearsal for the Holocaust to come. Although my parents already had applied to immigrate to the United States, they were informed by the U.S. Embassy in Berlin that our quota number would not be reached for several years. There was no escape.
After I got into a fight with a member of the Hitler Youth, I sensed a new level of desperation by my parents. It was then that England, with an act of Parliament, threw a lifeline to Germany’s Jews, agreeing to admit 10,000 unaccompanied children. It was an act of kindness and humanity that I will never forget. Parents had to make agonizing decisions to send their children to safety and possibly never see them again. The Kindertransport trains started in December 1938 and continued to the start of World War II on Sept. 1, 1939. Farewells were filled with hugs and tears as children separated from their parents. In retrospect we could see how at that moment, all such parents became supreme heroes.
I will never know how my parents secured a spot on one of the early Kindertransport trains for me, but I left Berlin in January 1939. Toward the end of 1940, much earlier than I would have believed, the American Embassy in London informed me that my quota number had been reached and I could now proceed to the United States. I left London with its nightly heavy bombing and its brave, resolute citizens. The North Atlantic voyage was perilous, and we never knew whether we might be torpedoed by a German submarine, as so many other ships has been. My parents ultimately escaped Germany too, but not without trauma.
After nearly 75 years in the U.S., I still am stirred by the thought of American freedom—so precious and thrilling that I cannot imagine life without it.
In the shadow of the Kristallnacht anniversary, I see that the Christian communities of the Middle East are being savaged by Islamic terrorists. Men are publicly beheaded, women condemned to acts of depravity, and churches destroyed. Who in our government has forcefully spoken out to stop this human tragedy? Who will throw the Christians of the Middle East a lifeline? I pray that our nation will.
As I recall my past and revel in my American freedom, I think of my favorite film, “Casablanca.” A couple, celebrating at Rick’s café as they prepare to depart for the United States, raise their glasses in a toast. They jointly say: “To America,” and so do I.
Mr. Lang is a managing director of the financial firm HighTower in Westchester, N.Y.
4)Rep. Rohrabacher: ‘What We Are Witnessing is the Destruction of Western Civilization’
“What we are witnessing is the destruction of Western civilization, not by an armed invasion, but by envelopment,” Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) said Wednesday during a hearing on Capitol Hill on the growing refugee crisis in Europe.
"What we have seen over the past few months is unsustainable, and if not checked, will change the fundamental nature of European countries which are now being inundated," said Rohrabacher, who chairs the House Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats.
"What we are witnessing is the destruction of Western civilization, not by an armed invasion, but instead through envelopment. The effects of this will not soon disappear, but instead could well turn out to be an historic change in the nature of many European countries."
"Migrants fleeing to Europe have been an issue of humanitarian concern for several years, but a wave of immigration erupted into a tsunami this summer when the German government announced it would ignore the Dublin Rules and accept all Syrian refugees that made it to the German border," Rohrabacher said.
The Dublin Rules are a European Union (EU) law that establishes which EU member states are responsible for taking in refugees from outside the EU.
“Earlier this week, the United Nations announced that 218,000 migrants crossed the Mediterranean Sea to Europe just last month. That is more than were recorded in all of 2014. It is expected that around a million asylum seekers of all origins will reach Germany in this year alone,” Rohrabacher noted.
He traced the current refugee crisis to a decision made earlier this year by German Chancellor Angela Merkel to grant political asylum to 800,000 migrants from the Middle East even though "Europe has been struggling to assimilate large Muslim populations."
"Even the most optimistic scenarios say that Europe will have to re-direct billions and billions of dollars from supporting their own citizens to accommodating the needs of these refugees," Rohrabacher stated.
“Some countries take various positions on what to do with the migrants: let them pass through, or maybe not even let them come into their country.
“One such example is Hungary, who is trying to protect the national sovereignty of its own country. And the United States, rather than try to understand the situation in Hungary, even last week the U.S. ambassador dressed down the Hungarians for what the State Department believed was not the right course in dealing with migrants,” said Poe.
“Hungary was totally justified in what it is doing to try to stem the flow,” Rohrabacher added.
“And frankly, if our European allies are not willing to stem the flow of large numbers of people who are not native to their territory, they will lose their territory. And let me note, that's true of the United States as well.”
Rep. Albio Sires (D-NJ) also discussed the need for a better screening process for refugees coming from the Middle East, recounting what the process was like when he immigrated to the U.S. from Cuba: “The influx has been so quickly, so many, that the security issue is very important.
“I remember as a boy when my father was taken away when we first arrived for about four or five days, and my father went through a whole process - 'Did you participate in the Communist Party? Were you involved in the Communist Party?'- back then, and after about four or five days he was returned to us.
“I don't think these countries have any way of screening the people that are going through there like what we went through when I first arrived here.”
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