Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Valentine Day!!! Please Don't Be A Bleeding Heart!!! More On My Thoughts Regarding Obama's Destructive Impact on America!

Happy Valentine Day!!! (See 1 below.)
In my last memo I ended with some personal comments regading my observations about current immigration.

Perhaps a better way to sum up my feelings and what I believe I am observing is they come to America not  to become Americanized but with the intent of changing America and/or imposing their attitudes and are doing so by taking advantage of our laws which allow them great behavioral latitude and action..

There are certain characteristics, I believe, that being American entails - we are basically a decent people, we do not seek to take over the world, we have been willing to work hard, we have been industrious, we have a good sense of humor and we have been willing to fight for a certain set of ideals.  We are generous to a fault, perhaps overly sentimental and patriotic and are risk takers and innovators. Much of what we are is because we have been free, distrustful of government and those who seek power over us and are blessed geographically.

Government has expanded to the point of  becoming crushing and that is altering us because it is restricting and/or impinging on our freedoms.  Freedom is what made us unique and great.  Man is meant to be free. America was the first nation to codify citizen rights and declare government existed to serve the people.  We are a nation of laws and mostly law abiding citizens but that is breaking down along with a strong family unit which is the very foundation upon which our society rests.

Rather than help to reunite the family, to strengthen the pillar of our society this president has demeaned our nation's history, has pitted class against class and acted in a monarchical manner which is foreign to our heritage. He has brought a radical set of viewpoints to The Oval Office and has sought to change our nation in ways that he professes are positive but which, in practice, are divisive, costly beyond reason and based on politics of jealousy and greed.

Obama is proving to be the tragic mistake I always believed he would be. Where his 8 years in office ends in taking us is anyone's guess.
And so it goes!

One of the most effective ways to change a society is through the education system.  Radicalize the campus and the impact can become viral.

Youthful minds are like sponges.  They absorb and, all too often, in an unthinking manner which causes them to act  destructively, engaging in  less than mature behaviour.(See 2 below.)
At least Walker is smart enough not to put the dog on the car roof!

The elitist media feel compelled to trash anyone who threatens them and their anointed.

This is the same media elites who told us how brilliant Obama was and what a great president he would make yet called G.W a dunce who happened to be  the first president with an MBA from Harvard.  Can you trust them anymore?  And then we have Brian Williams.  Oh yeah, he never graduated from college either.(See 3 below.)
1)-MAKE THE WOMAN HAPPY On Valentine Day!!!!
              Do something she likes, and you get points.
              Do something she dislikes, and points are subtracted.
              You don't get any points for doing something she expects.
              Sorry, that's the way the game is played.
              Here is a non-exhaustive guide to the point system:
              SIMPLE DUTIES
              You make the bed. (+1)
              You make the bed, but forget the decorative pillows. (-10)
              You throw the bedspread over rumpled sheets. (-3)
              You go out to buy her what she wants (+5) in the rain (+8)
              But return with Jack Daniels. (-5)
              You check out a suspicious noise at night. (+1)
              You check out a suspicious noise, and it is nothing. (0)
              You check out a suspicious noise, and it is something. (+5)
              You pummel it with an iron rod. (+10)
              It's her pet Schnauzer. (-20)
              You stay by her side for the entire party. (+1)
              You stay by her side for a while, then leave to chat with an old school friend. (-2)
              Named Tina (-10)
              Tina is a dancer. (-10)
              Tina has breast implants. (-40)
              HER BIRTHDAY
              You take her out to dinner. (+2)
              You take her out to dinner, and it's not a sports bar. (+3)
              Okay, it's a sports bar. (-2)
              And its all-you-can-eat night. (-3)
              It's a sports bar, it's all-you-can-eat night, and your face is painted the colors of your favorite team. (-10)
              A NIGHT OUT
              You take her to a movie. (+1)
              You take her to a movie she likes. (+5)
              You take her to a movie you hate. (+6)
              You take her to a movie you like. (-2)
              It's called 'Death Cop.' (-3)
              You lied and said it was a foreign film about orphans. (-15)
              YOUR PHYSIQUE
              You develop a noticeable potbelly. (-15)
              You develop a noticeable potbelly and exercise to get rid of it. (+10)
              You develop a noticeable potbelly and resort to baggy jeans and baggy Hawaiian shirts. (-30)
              You say, "It doesn't matter, you have one too." (-80)
              THE BIG QUESTION
              She asks, "Do I look fat?" (-5)
              (Yes, you lose points no matter what)
              You hesitate in responding. (-10)
              You reply, "Where?" (-35)
              You give any other response. (-20)
              When she wants to talk about a problem, you listen, displaying what looks like a concerned expression. (+2)
              You listen, for over 30 minutes (+50)
              You listen for more than 30 minutes without looking at the TV. (+500)
              She realizes this is because you have fallen asleep. (-4000)

Hillel President Vows to Stop Hatred Against Jewish Students After Call to Expel Jews From South African University

Hillel International President and CEO Eric Fingerhut vowed on Thursday that his organization will not allow hatred against Jewish students to escalate, following a demand to expel Jews at a South African university.

“We will not permit such hatred to take root on any campus in the world where Hillel can extend its reach and offer support,” he said in a statement. “Hillel International stands in solidarity with Jewish students everywhere in their right to experience a safe and welcoming higher education.”

Fingerhut issued the statement in response to reports of the student council at Durban University of Technology  (DUT) in South Africa calling on the school to expel Jewish students who do not support the Palestinian agenda. DUT Vice Chancellor, Professor Ahmed Bawa, rejected the demand calling it “totally unacceptable.”

Fingerhut said he found the suggestion by DUT student leaders to expel Jews “positively chilling.” He connected the incident to the current environment Jewish university students are facing in the US.
“With US campuses continuously tested by BDS, we are mindful of the short leap between contending with an anti-Israel movement and one that is dangerously and unabashedly antisemitic,” he said.

In a subsequent interview with The Algemeiner, Fingerhut elaborated: “I think there is now very clear evidence that in every case where we have seen the anti-Israel activities on campus, that are evidenced by BDS resolutions and apartheid walls etc., that they are increasingly associated with these types of behavior; with the types of harassment of students who identify themselves as pro-Israel. The types of verbal violence and frankly, sometimes now too often, physical violence that can only be categorized as antisemitism.”

Fingerhut added: “The very short path from what is respected political activity regarding issues in the Middle East to antisemitism is being easily crossed and creating an atmosphere that is denying Jewish students in some places their right to an education free of harassment and intimation… and what I saw in Durban was the logical conclusion of that movement. Clearly we are not there yet in the US, but to think that the continuum of hate that we have seen the beginning of in places like UC Davis or other locales does not end at Durban is to mislead ourselves.

“I want us to be aware that we are not immune from the antisemitic consequences of this very significant campaign of hate against Israel that is coming to our campuses.”

Still, according to a recent report by the Israel on Campus Coalition, the hard work by pro-Israel organizations across the US resulted in a surge in campus support for Israel during the fall 2014 semester. The Fall 2014 Campus Activity Report showed there were 63 percent more pro-Israel events in the semester than anti-Israel events. There was also a 53 percent growth in pro-Israel events since 2012 and 36 percent since 2013. Overall, campuses hosting pro-Israel activity jumped by 25.4 percent in 2014.

The Assassination of Scott Walker By The Coward Liberal Media

Matt Vespa 

We all knew this was coming: liberal attacks on Gov. Scott Walker for not having a college degree. In 1990, Walker decided to drop out of Marquette University during the spring semester of his senior year - a decision that’s mystified the political left. But then there’s former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, who–as Dan wrote–basically questioned Walker’s intelligence:
"This is a particular problem for Scott Walker which has not been an issue yet, but it will. Scott Walker, were he to become president, would be the first president in many generations who did not have a college degree. So the issue here is not just the issue of dancing around the question of evolution for political reasons, the issue is, how well educated is this guy?"

This is emblematic of the politics of condescension and elitism that’s fraught within American liberalism; that one is not qualified for any public office lest he be a college graduate (preferably from an elite school) and has acquired a lexicon that shocks the masses. Dean is a Yale alumnus. 
So, what do we know about Walker’s years in college? Well, the Washington Post noted that he was active in student government. He won a senate position his freshman year and worked frenetically to combat wasteful spending. He ran for student body president his sophomore year and lost. After the loss, his influence on student politics waned. By the way, as the Media Research Center's Tim Graham wrote, the Post devoted a 2,223-word story about this whole ordeal. Oh, and they never devoted a single piece to Barack Obama’s undergraduate years prior to the 2008 election, but we digress.
The Post mentioned that Walker seemed more concerned about his student government work than his studies, often interrupting French class by arriving late. He also didn’t seem interested in his politics classes either. By the time he hit the spring semester of his senior year, he vanished. Mr. Walker had decided to get a job with the American Red Cross; that’s it! That’s the shocking revelation of why Walker left college. Walker left in good standing with Marquette–and is 34 credits short of earning his Bachelor’s Degree:
Walker’s disappearance from campus became a mystery that his political rivals seized on. As recently as 2013, the state’s Democrats were still alleging that he might have been kicked out for election-related misdeeds. They dropped that after Marquette officials told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that Walker had left “in good standing.”
What friends remember is that Walker got a good job, at the American Red Cross office near campus. Some also remember hearing that one of his parents had a health problem or about financial stress on the family. A spokeswoman for Walker’s political committee declined to comment about those suggestions.
“I think I need to take this opportunity,” [Mary] Riordan [Walker’s college friend] remembered Walker saying. “I don’t think he ever said to me, ‘I’m not going to finish school.’ I don’t think that was his intention.”
At the time, the Journal Sentinel found, Walker was not close to graduating. After four years, he was at least 34 credits short — about one-quarter of the required total away from earning his degree, according to its report. Walker’s political spokeswoman said she would not contest that finding.
He still has not found the time to finish. A spokeswoman for Walker’s state office said he is interested in a new University of Wisconsin program — begun during Walker’s tenure — that lets older students get academic credit for things they’ve learned in life. But he’s not taking courses now.
Walker has won three elections in four years; one of which carries the historical note of him being the first governor to survive a recall election in American history.
The debate about college degrees is ongoing, but certainly it’s not THEprerequisite for public office. We also have to understand that even the highly educated have driven this nation into disastrous situations. Kennedy and Johnson surrounded themselves with the smartest folks in the country when they built their administrations–Johnson mostly kept Kennedy’s people after his assassination–and they got us into Vietnam. A war–regardless of the reasons–that damaged America’s reputation abroad and the military–as an institution–at home. It wasn’t until we won the Gulf War that such issues were resolved.
Relating to the rule of law, we had Robert H. Jackson and Stanley Reed serve as Associate Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court. Both men never graduated from law school, and as far as I can tell; the institution still functions today.
Yet, I think the National Review’s Charles Cooke has a better explanation of why this whole college dropout business is absurd:
This being a democratic republic, it is dangerous in and of itself for our elites to condemn as unsuitable for office those they consider to be “less educated” than themselves. But it is downright repugnant to watch certain members of the journalistic class meditating on the question of whether a man who has been infinitely more successful than themselves should be deemed ineligible for want of their preferred credentials. It is difficult, too, not to divine a touch of caste-system snobbery in the initial inquiry. As higher education becomes increasingly fetishized, those who do not possess the right letters after their names will be increasingly in danger of marginalization — even, it should be said, when they are successful and happy and full of self-assurance. If Scott Walker is the nominee, there is no doubt his detractors will play as subtly but as brutally as they can on his being a “dropout,” nor that the professional class that determines the shape of the debates will mutter in irritation that he is not one of them. If he has any sense about him, he will refuse to entertain the premise. “Sure I didn’t finish college,” he will say. “But look where I am now. This is America, goddamnit.”
This narrative–and his recent punt on a question about evolution–will sadly only confirm such biases within elite media and political circles. Walker was on a trade mission in London when he was asked about his belief in the theory of evolution.
"I'm going to punt on that one as well," Walker said. "I'm here to talk about trade, not to pontificate about other things," he said. 
When asked about foreign policy, Gov. Walker rightly stated, “I just don't think you talk about foreign policy while you're on foreign soil…I don't think it's wise to undermine your own president."
The latter response is completely understandable. The former elicited the typical liberal “we’re pro-science, my gosh how dumb are Republicans” response that you’d expect. All of this despite the fact that affluent liberals in California are mostly responsible for the measles outbreak because–wait for it–they didn't get their kids vaccinated.  In all, any rational person shouldn't really care about one's personal feelings about evolution or creationism.  Then again, we're talking about the liberal media; they love this stuff.
If you want to watch some serious trolling on Twitter about this, just read how The Federalist’s Sean Davis asked Ben White of Politico and Amanda Terkel of theHuffington Post if they knew about the dynamics of evolution when they mocked the Wisconsin Governor for his remarks.

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