Sunday, December 29, 2013

Overall Good Family Year Not So For Our Nation

In many ways 2013 was a good year from a personal standpoint. Our family had some ups and downs but overall the grand kids progressed in a variety of ways and our kids accomplished most of their goals.

As for the nation, perhaps it was not as good. We seem to have lost traction not only overseas but we also went backwards at home.

Obama did not, in my mind, provide leadership we sorely need.  He continued to desert our friends, he continued to create more discord in our nation and most of all he deserted his own race.

Above all he lied in ways that became so evident he had nowhere to hide.  Even the press, media and late night comedians distanced themselves.

In the new year our nation faces a variety of challenges. Overseas we continue to back away from any leadership role in the Middle East. Egypt, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Pakistan and Afghanistan continue to boil.  The Saudis and Israelis have been left to pick up the pieces caused by Obama's desire to retreat off the stage and abdicate to Russia and China by allowing them to fill the void his mis-judgement and fecklessness has created.

Domestically we have evidence of a modest economic improvement but it can easily be undercut by the implementation and cost of Obamacare.  At some point The Fed will begin withdrawal of bond purchases in the hope the economy has a firm enough foundation to make it under its own power notwithstanding, the roadblocks of excessive and abusive government and the incalculable costs of ballooning rules and regulations.

Polls suggest most  American no longer trust their president, their government and how we are going to emerge from all the negative consequences  Obama's intentional change has wrought.

The weightiness of mounting Federal Debt and  the emergence of China as an economic and military power   must eventually  be dealt with and that should concern every American. Obama's actions and handling of this year's challenges do not instill confidence that we are prepared to meet them not only head on but also in an effective manner.

We continue to be a nation adrift and I suspect Obama will continue to lead in pretty much the same manner because he is too arrogant to acknowledge he is the problem.  His new staffing suggests he is prepared to continue playing hard ball with Congress and  rule by Executive Order rather than in consultation and co-operation with Congress.

America is a resourceful nation and continues to be inhabited by citizens who have always risen to a variety of challenges but our schools are failing to educate for the technology world in which we live.  Poverty is rampant,dependency upon government is exploding, the middle class are being squeezed and the unemployed are realistically discouraged that even if they find a job the income received will be substantially below that previously earned,

I have no doubt the dour picture I have painted, though realistic, will reverse but I have no clear vision or predictable confidence how this will be accomplished.

The 2014 election might result in more Republican office holders but that is no recipe for reversal in and of itself because Obama is not likely to reverse course.  That leaves up with two more years of a lame duck president and the prospect of more discord as we enter the 2016 Presidential Campaign.

Eight years of anchor-less direction comes at a high and possibly irreversible cost.

Stay tuned !

Save the Date: February 17, 2014 SIRC Presidents Day Banquet    

SIRC Presidents Day Banquet Featured Speaker is Star Parker. She is the founder and president of CURE, the Center for Urban Renewal & Education, a non-profit think tank which promotes market-based public policy to fight poverty. Before involvement in social activism, she had seven years of first-hand experience in the grip of welfare dependency. Now, as a social policy consultant, she brings new energy to policy discussions on how to transition America's poor from government dependency.
Star Parker has been prominent in recent critiques of major White House initiatives – for example see the article below on the Dishonest Selling of Obamacare to the America public.
Click here



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