Sunday, October 6, 2013

Blaguing, Pejorative, Abulia!, Audit Dr. Carson! Read "What Makes Sammy Run."

Pedantic words that define or describe Obama - blague, pejorative, abulia and they all explain what it is to be a questionable  leader.
When  conservative blacks get in the way of liberals they must be stopped at all costs because any  black capable of thinking for themselves poses a serious threat to the pap liberals have been feeding those who have become enslaved by the Democrat Party.  Thus, Col. West had to be defeated by tons of outside money and a questionable election vote which he chose not to challenge and now Dr. Ben Carson is being audited by Obama's IRS!

Blacks who think for themselves, seek a good education and challenge liberal orthodoxy are castigated and accused of  being Uncle Tom's.  They must be harassed and crushed! (See 1 below.)
One can argue til the cows come home who is most to blame for the current state of affairs in D.C.  No doubt there is enough blame to go round many times but the public is blaming the Republicans as being the obstructionists with help from the media and press.

Republicans are frustrated  by our mounting debt, the imposition of laws by methods that circumvent the intent of The Constitution and most particularly  'Obamascare' which radically alters the nation's health care delivery and eventually seeks control of 17% of the nation's GDP.

Democrats object to constraints on their spending habits and understand if they cannot spend open endedly their power and ability to bring voters under their banner will be threatened.

Dependency upon government largess has been liberal's modus operandi since Roosevelt took advantage of the Depression - read "The Forgotten Man." by Amity Shlaes!

What we are experiencing is pure political drama and is a fight between reversing course and retaining power.

Obama believes his obdurate stance will win him the sympathy of  voters because Republicans overplayed their hand when Sen. Cruz  linked defunding ' of Obamascare' and caused the split in Republican ranks to surface.

I maintain, as the partial shut down drags on and Republicans keep sending bills to re-open government which Obama, Reid and Pelosi reject and we get closer to another contrived ruse, the debt ceiling issue, pressure could shift from Republicans to Obama. Perhaps a long shot but a possibility.

The Fed will not allow a default so,once again, the press and media along with selected groups chosen by Obama, are sending out false messages using scare tactics. After all, this is what sells newspapers and increases TV audiences.

Obama has learned from the current Mayor of Chicago, who was his former Chief of Staff, never let a crisis go to waste even if you must create one.

Everyone has a right to their opinion.  I submit most clear eyed observers,who have tracked Obama's career, should know he leads either from the rear or by being disengaged.  His words are those chosen to inflame and their impact is heightened by his contrived  'coolness' posturing. Again more drama for the unwashed who are taken in by his empty words about caring for the middle class, the downtrodden blah blah blah. But give the devil his due he is slick.

Obama told us early on what  interested him - transforming America.  What, perhaps, was not understood were the lengths to which he would employ questionable methods to achieve his radical objectives.

Maybe Obama's arrogance will cause him to overplay his hand but then the press and media are always there to dust him off and send him on his unscathed way.

If you want to understand Obama, I urge you to read "What Makes Sammy Run." It is the story of a Chicago hustler.

Sowell's thinking is worth repeating (See 2 below.)
1)Ben Carson's IRS Audit Can't Possibly Be Coincidence

IRS Abuse: It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that the IRS audit of Dr. Ben Carson can't be a mere coincidence. In any powerful syndicate, the capos know who to whack without the godfather ordering it.
he only way the FBI could put Gambino crime family boss John Gotti in prison was to bug an old lady's apartment in New York's Little Italy and record him giving orders to kill.

But until the FBI bugs the West Wing of the White House, or the Treasury building next door, or the Internal Revenue Service's headquarters a few blocks to the southeast, we might never know the exact origin of America's tax collectors harassing President Obama's political adversaries.

Maybe there was never an explicit order. Considering the threat of being overheard, it's part of the job of the capos to know what the boss wants and make him happy by giving it to him without him even having to ask.
The IRS and the Obama administration are on the same page when it comes to big government: Tea Partiers and other conservatives threaten the massive state they love, and the IRS' powerful army of bureaucrats is a pretty handy weapon for use against them.

In the already blossoming IRS scandal, political organizations' applications for tax-exempt status were delayed or denied during last year's presidential campaign, and well into this year, simply because their names sounded too conservative. The IRS audit of renowned neurosurgeon Carson looks like exactly the same kind of abuse, and it must be subject to a formal independent investigation.

Carson on Wednesday told Fox's Bill O'Reilly that the IRS began examining his real estate holdings after his speech to the National Prayer Breakfast in February, in which he used tithing in the Bible to make a compelling case against progressive taxation. A humiliated Obama sat steaming a couple of seats away.

Carson said, "there must be something inherently fair about proportionality. You make $10 billion, you put in a billion. You make $10, you put in $1."

The black Detroit-born son of a single mother, who rose from poverty to the top of the medical profession, added, "Now some people say that's not fair because it doesn't hurt the guy who made $10 billion as much as the guy who made $10. Where does it say you have to hurt the guy? He's just put in a billion in the pot. We don't need to hurt him."
Carson recounted that ultimately the IRS conducted a full audit on him, finding no violations. Before giving his speech critical of Obama, the tax agency had never bothered the 62-year-old doctor.

Asked by O'Reilly if he thought he was targeted because of his politics, Carson said, "Whether that was the case or not, the fundamental issue here is that the freedom of our citizens is being threatened." He called IRS politically driven abuse a "much more serious thing than Watergate or Iran-Contra or Benghazi-gate. Freedom of speech — freedom of expression — is one of the major principles of our country."

This is not a coincidence, any more than awakening with a severed horse's head in your bed after being made "an offer you can't refuse" is.

Someone — either within the IRS bureaucracy or above it — saw what Carson did, didn't like it, and decided to make him pay. The American people must know who it was.

And there are two other crucial points to the victimization of this man who personifies the American Dream.
First, when a government is as big as ours has become, outrageous abuse from the soldiers of its financing machinery is inevitable, especially within a governmental climate that encourages it.
Second, there is no excuse for a president who's been in office for more than four years failing to ensure that such outrages couldn't happen.

Whether or not Obama instigated IRS abuse for political objectives, he is responsible for a culture within the bureaucracy that tolerated and even encouraged it.
2)Who Shut Down the Government?
By Thomas Sowell 

Even when it comes to something as basic, and apparently as simple and straightforward, as the question of who shut down the federal government, there are diametrically opposite answers, depending on whether you talk to Democrats or to Republicans.
There is really nothing complicated about the facts. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted all the money required to keep all government activities going -- except for ObamaCare.
This is not a matter of opinion. You can check the Congressional Record.
As for the House of Representatives' right to grant or withhold money, that is not a matter of opinion either. You can check the Constitution of the United States. All spending bills must originate in the House of Representatives, which means that Congressmen there have a right to decide whether or not they want to spend money on a particular government activity.
Whether ObamaCare is good, bad or indifferent is a matter of opinion. But it is a matter of fact that members of the House of Representatives have a right to make spending decisions based on their opinion.
ObamaCare is indeed "the law of the land," as its supporters keep saying, and the Supreme Court has upheld its Constitutionality.
But the whole point of having a division of powers within the federal government is that each branch can decide independently what it wants to do or not do, regardless of what the other branches do, when exercising the powers specifically granted to that branch by the Constitution.
The hundreds of thousands of government workers who have been laid off are not idle because the House of Representatives did not vote enough money to pay their salaries or the other expenses of their agencies -- unless they are in an agency that would administer ObamaCare.
Since we cannot read minds, we cannot say who -- if anybody -- "wants to shut down the government." But we do know who had the option to keep the government running and chose not to. The money voted by the House of Representatives covered everything that the government does, except for ObamaCare.
The Senate chose not to vote to authorize that money to be spent, because it did not include money for ObamaCare. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says that he wants a "clean" bill from the House of Representatives, and some in the media keep repeating the word "clean" like a mantra. But what is unclean about not giving Harry Reid everything he wants?
If Senator Reid and President Obama refuse to accept the money required to run the government, because it leaves out the money they want to run ObamaCare, that is their right. But that is also their responsibility.
You cannot blame other people for not giving you everything you want. And it is a fraud to blame them when you refuse to use the money they did vote, even when it is ample to pay for everything else in the government.
When Barack Obama keeps claiming that it is some new outrage for those who control the money to try to change government policy by granting or withholding money, that is simply a bald-faced lie. You can check the history of other examples of "legislation by appropriation" as it used to be called.
Whether legislation by appropriation is a good idea or a bad idea is a matter of opinion. But whether it is both legal and not unprecedented is a matter of fact.
Perhaps the biggest of the big lies is that the government will not be able to pay what it owes on the national debt, creating a danger of default. Tax money keeps coming into the Treasury during the shutdown, and it vastly exceeds the interest that has to be paid on the national debt.
Even if the debt ceiling is not lifted, that only means that government is not allowed to run up new debt. But that does not mean that it is unable to pay the interest on existing debt.
None of this is rocket science. But unless the Republicans get their side of the story out -- and articulation has never been their strong suit -- the lies will win. More important, the whole country will lose.

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