Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Not About Me!

My memo "Does Big Foot Actually Reside in The White House?" and the comment
"For a variety of personal reasons am suspending future memos for a month or so. I need the reprieve as much as you! " has caused some consternation which I should have realized it might. I have received a lot of 'hope everything' is ok etc. e mails.

I am fine and it does not involve me. Thanks for inquiring.

That said, I will be out of the loop for a while but could not resists sending these last missives and cartoons.

Yesterday's earthquake caused Obama to miss a putt. He was asked later by a reporter how his game as and he blamed his missed putt on the "Bush Fault."

Then another family member and fellow memo reader suggested the earthquake was caused by: "... the Founding Fathers collectively turning over in their graves..."


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