Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Cynical, But Have Faith In Deplorables Who Are Now Awakening. Much more To Digest.

I am cynical as hell but I do believe  "deplorables"  will eventually get it right.  In America we have freedom and too many "coliseum" distractions which disrupt our sense of timing and concern.  I believe oir sense of morality is finally stirring, our attention to the upcoming election is being awakened and the "woke" nonsense is finally being challenged and will expand.

You can only push Americans so far and then they respond.  If we lose our moral sense of justice, of right versus wrong then we are finished but that is something buried deep in our DNA and is what makes us a very distinct people. It must not be allowed to be permanently diluted by Biden and Obama.
To Those Who Support The Palestinian Cause
“Love Wins”
An Appeal to Those Well-Intentioned Idealists Who Support The Palestinian Cause

I saw a photo last evening of a portion of the separation wall in Israel which is painted with graffiti. Amidst the various declarations in Arabic, emblazoned in large English letters are the words “Love Wins.” It is a poignant statement in a place where violence is all too common and love is all too scarce.

The photo was posted online by someone I know who is a staunch proponent of human rights in general and Palestinian rights particularly. He is a true warrior for social justice, and he truly cares for the disenfranchised and downtrodden. He has been to “Palestine,” and he believes with all his heart that Israel is a colonial oppressor that has no rights to the territory “from the River to the Sea.” He is Jewish, and he insists that it is his duty to stand up for the truth in this lopsided conflict, just as he stood with Black Lives Matter, for LGBTQ rights, for the Me Too movement, and for a host of other causes.

He is a good person. He cares less about himself than he does about others. He not only roots for the world’s underdogs, but he devotes his life to supporting and uplifting them.

And if he had been in the Gaza region of Israel on the morning of October 7th, he would have been brutally murdered, mutilated, possibly burned alive.

He might have tried to tell his attackers that he was a peace activist. It wouldn’t have stopped them from slitting his throat. Hundreds of the 1400 victims that were killed on October 7th were peace activists. The Nova music festival was a celebration of peace, but that did not matter to those who butchered over 250 of its participants. Many of the Jews who lived near the Gaza border were there precisely because they were activists for the Palestinian cause, but they died there in spite of their ally ship, simply because they were Jews.

There is a certain confusion and disbelief that is currently being experienced by the Pro-Israel community in the wake of October 7th: how is it possible that so many liberal and principled people around the world are ignoring Hamas’ savage acts? How is it conceivable that rather than rallies demanding the release of over 200 civilian hostages, including dozens of children, there are demonstrations on college campuses and cities around the world protesting Israel, rationalizing murder, and calling for further Palestinian resistance?

Some of this can and must be attributed to good old-fashioned antisemitism, of course. Those who blatantly call for violence against not only Israelis, but Zionists worldwide, and Jews in general are clearly expressing a hatred that goes beyond the Middle East conflict. But there is another phenomenon at play here which is more subtle, and in a way, even more troubling than the racism and bigotry against Jews which is the oldest form of hatred. And that is a swelling movement of well-meaning idealists who believe wholeheartedly that in their tacit defense and support of some of the most grotesque brutality in the modern age, they are in fact on the side of justice and love. 

How on earth did we get to such a stunning convolution?

The goal here is not to decry or disparage those many well-intentioned activists in America, Europe, and around the world who are not, in fact, anti-Semitic but who have passionately taken up the Palestinian cause. The goal is to invite them to consider, for just a moment, an alternative perspective. That will not happen if we excoriate them or brand them as bigots or fools. No one is inclined to listen to those who are screaming at them. Raised voices are often the hardest to hear.

I am hoping that if we can maintain a certain level of civility, patience, and empathy, we can pose a few questions which may be helpful. I am respectfully asking those who genuinely aspire to peace for all of humanity and who seek justice in Palestine and throughout the world to please take a few minutes to consider the following. If you read this and remain firmly convinced that your positions and attitudes are proper and justified, that’s fine. You have at least taken the time to consider an alternate perspective, and perhaps that will fortify your conviction. 

The first and most fundamental question is this: what are you fighting for? What is the cause that you are incredibly passionate about which compels you to stand up and lend your energy to this conflict? I believe your answer will be freedom. Freedom, equality, justice, and love. These are the ideals that I believe the average western, democratic liberal pursues wholeheartedly. These are good motives. These are indeed things to fight for and even die for.

The next question is this: what are the people you are rallying behind fighting for? What is the cause that the Palestinian people have been pursuing for the past 75 years since the establishment of the State of Israel? I believe your answer will once again be freedom. Freedom, equality, justice, and love. That is why you support them. And it is a noble cause to defend those who are oppressed and robbed of their liberty and dignity.

But the subsequent question is where things become more uncomfortable: what if that’s not truly the goal and root of the Palestinian cause? What if that is the way it has been presented and marketed, but it is not the reality that lives beneath the carefully crafted veneer?

‘Do you think I’m an idiot?!’ I imagine this would be the response at this point of any supporter of Palestine who is still reading this. ‘Do you think you know some deep, conspiratorial truth that I am too obtuse to have picked up on? Do you think I have not studied this conflict as much as you have? Do you think I don’t personally know Palestinians who are good and honest people who were displaced from their ancestral land and simply want the return of that which is historically, morally, and legally theirs?!’

And this is where we get to the crux of the issue. The Palestinian cause is different things to different people. There are those Palestinians who simply want to live in peace. They want the things that all of us want - shelter, security, sustenance, family, love, creature comforts, freedom of movement, freedom of religion, and opportunity. They are willing to accept a two-state solution and even co-mingle with others who are different from them in belief and culture.

And there are those Palestinians who will never tolerate a single Jew in the entirety of the territory between “the river and the sea.” They have been raised from birth to despise not just the Jew, but the Christian and any other “infidel” who does not accept the rule of Islam and Sharia law. Their aim is not the creation of two states for two people, nor is it merely the liberation of every inch of Palestine from the colonists. It is the establishment of a global Caliphate in which all of the people of the world will either bend the knee to Islam or die by the sword.

The liberal, peace-loving idealists that support the Palestinian cause are fighting for the former type of Palestinian. 

Israel and its supporters are fighting an existential battle against the latter.

The Big Lie is that the rabid, savage Islamo-fascist contingent of the Palestinian people pretend - in front of the world’s cameras at least - to be just like those of their brethren who genuinely desire peace. They are veritable wolves who dress in lamb’s clothing. They insist that they want nothing more than their fair human rights, yet their true objective is not freedom, but rather domination and ethnic cleansing. It is not equality or justice, but discrimination and religious supremacy. It is not love, but virulent hatred and bigotry.

This truth was laid bare on October 7th. Hamas showed itself for what it truly is. And the world stood aghast for a moment. 

But then the wolves ran back into their den, climbed back into their fluffy white costumes, and hid themselves among (and beneath) the sheep. Fully cognizant that Israel would have no choice but to retaliate - in order to try to a) regain its citizens that were taken hostage and b) dismantle the terrorist organization so that such attacks could never happen again - they waited for the innocent civilians that they were hiding behind to die. The world looked on in horror, and the wolves laughed, knowing that every civilian death would bolster their cause and in a sick, twisted calculus, retroactively justify their depravity.

It worked. Just as it has been working for generations. In a matter of days, the conversation had turned from the vicious October 7th massacre in Israel to the “disproportionate response” in Gaza. The perpetrators had once again covered their tracks and buried their crimes under cries of victimization.

This is what the well-intentioned defenders of justice must understand: in a righteous attempt to protect the sheep, they are giving cover and providing assistance to the wolves!

Hamas does not want what you want. They don’t think like you think. They don’t care like you care.

Not only don’t they care about the values of life, freedom, equity, and justice, they don’t care about their own people. The people that you care about are being led by Hamas to slaughter, and then, with crocodile tears they display the dead bodies for you and manipulate you to buttress their fanatic, global ambitions.

You are standing for love, but through a vile, cynical, and masterful campaign of lies and dissimulation, you are inadvertently aiding and abetting hate. 

This is not how “love wins.” This is how love loses. When masses of decent and well-meaning people are manipulated by masters of deceit, ideologies of hate are able to take root and spread like a virus. We have seen this before. We saw it in Nazi Germany, and for generations we wondered how that could happen. We are watching it happen again.

If you stand for the common Palestinian people, please distinguish between those who share your values of equity and peaceful coexistence, and those who exploit and oppress them and subject them to generations of ongoing conflict. If you stand for love, you must stand against Hamas, against the Islamic Brotherhood from which both they and Isis spawned, and against the Ayatollahs in Iran who fund their terrorism. 

As Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas’ co-founder, has warned repeatedly, Hamas and its ilk will not stop with Israel. If they were to accomplish their aims of ridding that land of infidels, they would march onward to Europe, to America and across the globe until they had either murdered or subjugated every person who did not convert to Islam and accept sharia law.

Love wins when people tolerate difference, respect diversity and cultivate empathy. Love wins when those who promote violent, supremacist ideologies are clearly identified, forcefully combatted, and soundly defeated.
Sent from very dear friend and fellow memo reader:
Jewish Boycott

......worth repeating..........

Some enlightening statistics.  

A Jewish Boycott

A short time ago, Iran's Supreme Leader Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei urged the Muslim World to boycott anything and everything that originates with the Jewish people.

In response, Meyer M. Treinkman, a pharmacist, out of the kindness of his heart, offered to assist them in their boycott as follows:

"Any Muslim who has Syphilis must not be cured by Salvarsan discovered by a Jew, Dr. Ehrlich. He should not even try to find out whether he has Syphilis, because the Wasserman Test is the discovery of a Jew. If a Muslim suspects that he has Gonorrhea, he must not seek diagnosis, because he will be using the method of a Jew named Neissner.

"A Muslim who has heart disease must not use Digitalis, a discovery by a Jew, Ludwig Traube.

Should he suffer with a toothache, he must not use Novocaine, a discovery of the Jews, Widal and Weil.

If a Muslim has Diabetes, he must not use Insulin, the result of research by Minkowsky, a Jew. If one has a headache, he must shun Pyramidon and Antypyrin, due to the Jews, Spiro and Ellege.

Muslims with convulsions must put up with them because it was a Jew, Oscar Leibreich, who proposed the use of Chloral Hydrate.

Arabs must do likewise with their psychic ailments because Freud, father of psychoanalysis, was a Jew.

Should a Muslim child get Diphtheria, he must refrain from the “Schick" reaction which was invented by the Jew, Bella Schick.

"Muslims should be ready to die in great numbers and must not permit treatment of ear and brain damage, work of Jewish Nobel Prize winner, Robert Baram.

They should continue to die or remain crippled by Infantile Paralysis because the discoverer of the anti-polio vaccine is a Jew, Jonas Salk.

"Muslims must refuse to use Streptomycin and continue to die of Tuberculosis because a Jew, Zalman Waxman, invented the wonder drug against this killing disease.

Muslim doctors must discard all discoveries and improvements by dermatologist Judas Sehn Benedict, or the lung specialist, Frawnkel, and of many other world renowned Jewish scientists and medical experts.

"In short, good and loyal Muslims properly and fittingly should remain afflicted with Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Heart Disease, Headaches, Typhus, Diabetes, Mental Disorders, Polio Convulsions and Tuberculosis and be proud to obey the Islamic boycott."

Oh, and by the way, don't call for a doctor on your cell phone because the cell phone was invented in Israel by a Jewish engineer.

Meanwhile I ask, what medical contributions to the world have the Muslims made?"

The Global Islamic population is approximately 1,200,000,000; that is ONE BILLION TWO HUNDRED MILLION or 20% of the world's population.

They have received the following Nobel Prizes:

Literature:1988 - Najib Mahfooz

Peace:1978 - Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat
1990 - Elias James Corey
1994 - Yaser Arafat:
1999 - Ahmed Zewai



Medicine:1960 - Peter Brian Medawar
1998 - Ferid Mourad


The Global Jewish population is approximately 14,000,000; that is FOURTEEN MILLION or about 0.02% of the world's population.

They have received the following Nobel Prizes:

Literature:1910 - Paul Heyse
1927 - Henri Bergson
1958 - Boris Pasternak
1966 - Shmuel Yosef Agnon
1966 - Nelly Sachs
1976 - Saul Bellow
1978 - Isaac Bashevis Singer
1981 - Elias Canetti
1987 - Joseph Brodsky
1991 - Nadine Gordimer World

Peace:1911 - Alfred Fried
1911 - Tobias Michael Carel Asser
1968 - Rene Cassin
1973 - Henry Kissinger
1978 - Menachem Begin
1986 - Elie Wiesel
1994 - Shimon Peres
1994 - Yitzhak Rabin

Physics:1905 - Adolph Von Baeyer
1906 - Henri Moissan
1907 - Albert Abraham Michelson
1908 - Gabriel Lippmann
1910 - Otto Wallach
1915 - Richard Willstaetter
1918 - Fritz Haber
1921 - Albert Einstein
1922 - Niels Bohr
1925 - James Franck
1925 - Gustav Hertz
1943 - Gustav Stern
1943 - George Charles de Hevesy
1944 - Isidor Issac Rabi
1952 - Felix Bloch
1954 - Max Born
1958 - Igor Tamm
1959 - Emilio Segre
1960 - Donald A. Glaser
1961 - Robert Hofstadter
1961 - Melvin Calvin
1962 - Lev Davidovich Landau
1962 - Max Ferdinand Perutz
1965 - Richard Phillips Feynman
1965 - Julian Schwinger
1969 - Murray Gell-Mann
1971 - Dennis Gabor
1972 - William Howard Stein
1973 - Brian David Josephson
1975 - Benjamin Mottleson
1976 - Burton Richter
1977 - Ilya Prigogine
1978 - Arno Allan Penzias
1978 - Peter L Kapitza
1979 - Stephen Weinberg
1979 - Sheldon Glashow
1979 - Herbert Charles Brown
1980 - Paul Berg
1980 - Walter Gilbert
1981 - Roald Hoffmann
1982 - Aaron Klug
1985 - Albert A. Hauptman
1985 - Jerome Karle
1986 - Dudley R. Herschbach
1988 - Robert Huber
1988 - Leon Lederman
1988 - Melvin Schwartz
1988 - Jack Steinberger
1989 - Sidney Altman
1990 - Jerome Friedman
1992 - Rudolph Marcus
1995 - Martin Perl
2000 - Alan J. Heeger

Economics:1970 - Paul Anthony Samuelson
1971 - Simon Kuznets
1972 - Kenneth Joseph Arrow
1975 - Leonid Kantorovich
1976 - Milton Friedman
1978 - Herbert A. Simon
1980 - Lawrence Robert Klein
1985 - Franco Modigliani
1987 - Robert M. Solow
1990 - Harry Markowitz
1990 - Merton Miller
1992 - Gary Becker
1993 - Robert Fogel

Medicine:1908 - Elie Metchnikoff
1908 - Paul Erlich
1914 - Robert Barany
1922 - Otto Meyerhof
1930 - Karl Landsteiner
1931 - Otto Warburg
1936 - Otto Loewi
1944 - Joseph Erlanger
1944 - Herbert Spencer Gasser
1945 - Ernst Boris Chain
1946 - Hermann Joseph Muller
1950 - Tadeus Reichstein
1952 - Selman Abraham Waksman
1953 - Hans Krebs
1953 - Fritz Albert Lipmann
1958 - Joshua Lederberg
1959 - Arthur Kornberg
1964 - Konrad Bloch
1965 - Francois Jacob
1965 - Andre Lwoff
1967 - George Wald
1968 - Marshall W. Nirenberg
1969 - Salvador Luria
1970 - Julius Axelrod
1970 - Sir Bernard Katz
1972 - Gerald Maurice Edelman
1975 - Howard Martin Temin
1976 - Baruch S. Blumberg
1977 - Roselyn Sussman Yalow
1978 - Daniel Nathans
1980 - Baruj Benacerraf
1984 - Cesar Milstein
1985 - Michael Stuart Brown
1985 - Joseph L. Goldstein
1986 - Stanley Cohen [& Rita Levi-Montalcini]
1988 - Gertrude Elion
1989 - Harold Varmus
1991 - Erwin Neher
1991 - Bert Sakmann
1993 - Richard J. Roberts
1993 - Phillip Sharp
1994 - Alfred Gilman
1995 - Edward B. Lewis
1996- Lu RoseIacovino

TOTAL: 129!

The Jews are NOT promoting brainwashing children in military training camps, teaching them how to blow themselves up and cause maximum deaths of Jews and other non-Muslims.

The Jews don't hijack planes, nor kill athletes at the Olympics, or blow themselves up in German restaurants.

There is NOT one single Jew who has destroyed a church.

There is NOT a single Jew who protests by killing people. The Jews don't traffic slaves, nor have leaders calling for Jihad and death to all the Infidels.

Perhaps the world's Muslims should consider investing more in standard education and less in blaming the Jews for all their problems.

Muslims must ask 'what can they do for humankind' before they demand that humankind respects them.

Regardless of your feelings about the crisis between Israel and the Palestinians and Arab neighbors, even if you believe there is more culpability on Israel 's part, the following two sentences really say it all:

"If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence.  If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel."

Benjamin Netanyahu: General Eisenhower warned us. It is a matter of history that when the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, General Dwight Eisenhower, found the victims of the death camps he ordered all possible photographs to be taken, and for the German people from surrounding villages to be ushered through the camps and even made to bury the dead.

He did this because he said in words to this effect: 'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

Recently, the UK debated whether to remove The Holocaust from its school curriculum because it 'offends' the Muslim population whichclaims it never occurred.

It is not removed as yet . However, this is a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how easily each country is giving into it.

It is now more than 65 years after the Second World War in Europe ended.

Now, more than ever, with Iran, among others, claiming the Holocaust to be 'a myth,' it is imperative to make sure the world never forgets.

This e-mail is intended to reach 400 million people. Perhaps you'll be a  link in the memorial chain and help distribute this around the world - or not....

How many years will it be before the attack on the World Trade Center 'NEVER HAPPENED' because it offends some Muslim in the United States?



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