Friday, November 3, 2023

C.G. Left Attacks. Pompeo. War Against Jews. Tobin. Yadin. Melanie Phillips. More.

Brilliant and smack on:
CG worked for/with me for many years as did Judy Hartley. I cam to love them both as well as their husband's.
Many thoughts of love being sent to y’all. 

Hi Dick & Lynn. I had bought a silly card to send you for no reason - just a cheerful hello. Then came the terrible attack on Oct 7. We were immediately horrified. I knew I couldn’t send the silly card, but I did mean to write earlier. Hamas is barbaric. Secondarily, I am disgusted at the support of Hamas that I see on tv around the world. It’s sickening. I’m praying for Israel, & wanted you to know how upset we are. 

Love, CG 
I responded :"The world needs more CG's. Stay well, thanks Me"

Attacks from the rabid left, on our new Speaker, have begun.  They equate him and even his wife to Hamas and say they are more dangerous because they are people of faith. He prays each day before he begins his arduous responsibilities.  We should be thankful our new Speaker is a man of faith. 

Democrats are absolutely insane and have truly gone off the rails. Their views are totally in line with Karl Marx, the father of  Communism. Obama knew what he was doing when he arranged for selective Islamic immigration.  Universities are also guilty because their student bodies have been shaped and purposely selected. Now the nation and the Jewish community are paying the heavy price for their prejudice, which SCOTUS has ruled is unlawful and America's campuses have turned into battlefields of hatred and bigotry.

Richard, as you may already know, Mike Johnson was elected Speaker of the House last week. 

Mike is a devout follower of Christ, and one of the first things he did before being sworn into office was say: “I believe that each one of us has a huge responsibility today to use the gifts that God has given us to serve the people of this great country.” 

But the liberal mainstream media doesn’t like that. Since being elected Speaker, Mike Johnson has been repugnantly criticized for making such a bold statement of faith. When I was Secretary of State, there was no separating my faith and my job – my faith is who I am in every situation of life. 

Richard, I have never seen such a blatant attack on Christian values by the media like this before. It’s obvious, our Christian values are now viewed as something to be eradicated. 

We must stand strong and show the world that our faith is not a political ploy, it is a way of life. Today, I am asking all Bible-believing patriots to chip in any amount you can to help me elect more followers of Christ.

The world will tell us to bow down and somehow separate ourselves from the very thing that makes us who we are. 

Romans 1:16 says - “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”

When the world looks us in the face and tells us that the word of God is meant to only “inform” our worldview instead of transforming it, let’s push back and fight even harder toward our goal of electing-faith driven leaders. 

Richard, if you agree that we must elect faith-driven leaders to defend our Christian values please consider rushing in $20, $15, $10, or even $5 to help me accomplish my goal of bringing Christ back to our nation.

I pray you’re following after Christ and supporting God-fearing people in the process. 

God Bless You,

Mike Pompeo 
The War Against the Jews
Some thoughts on the first pogrom of the 21st century
This essay is excerpted from letters the author has written daily since the beginning of the Hamas pogrom.

We, Jews in the exile, knew that we were not safe.

Christians could complain to the Christian authorities and Jews would be drained of their wealth and then imprisoned or expelled. At times, it suited the Christian rulers to allow their Christian subjects to “riot,” that is, to enter Jewish homes and to rob, rape, and kill Jews at will, with no punishment by the rulers. There are heart-rending scenes depicted in Jewish poetry and prose—of women raped in the presence of their children and husbands; of children torn apart alive; of slit throats of children and parents in the presence of each other, of whole communities enclosed in synagogues and then burned alive. It didn’t happen every day, or even every year. But it happened every once in a while. The word was “pogrom” and it meant a riot by Christians, the purpose of which was to kill Jews, in the cruelest ways, with the quiet sanction of the state.

To be sure, living in a society that preached that Jews were Christ-killers, demons, and sorcerers, the source of the plagues that killed large percentages of the population, and so on, ensured that Jews would be a target. Christian education and preaching prepared the masses for the murder of the Jews. Jews in Christendom knew they were not safe.

Jews in Muslim lands were not much better off. There are searing narratives and poems that describe what it was like living in a society that forced Jews to cross the street when they encountered a Muslim; that did not allow public celebration of Jewish holidays; that made Jews pay a poll tax and get beaten publicly when they did; that invented the idea of special Jewish garb to single out Jews; that allowed Muslims to seize Jewish orphans and raise them as Muslims; that punished Jews for assaulting Muslims but not Muslims for assaulting Jews; and more. And then, there were the “riots” in which the masses were allowed, even encouraged, to roam through the Jewish community, raping, killing, torturing, and humiliating the Jews of all ages and genders.

The riots didn’t happen every day, or even every year. But they happened every once in a while, and became part of Jewish reality. The word was “sin’ut,” Jew hatred, and it meant the long-term humiliation of Jews, mixed with the sporadic violent murder of Jews. To be sure, living in a Muslim society that preached that Jews were deniers, apes and pigs, dishonest, greedy, and sources of illness, ensured that Jews would be a target. Muslim education and preaching prepared the masses for the murder of the Jews. Jews in Islamic lands knew they were not safe.

Then, came the Enlightenment with the idea that humans are alike. “Liberty, equality, and fraternity.” “All men are created equal.” It wasn’t true. Women were excluded. Blacks were excluded. So were Jews. But, it was a dream which, very slowly, was extended until the declaration of human rights was understood to be universal.

European and American Jews were glad to live in the Enlightenment. There were still remnants of the old regime and they were called “anti-Semitic,” but we, Jews, believed them to be remnants of medieval Christendom that would fade away in the Enlightenment. The problem was that antisemitism had very deep roots in western culture and religion and, in their enthusiasm for the Enlightenment, the Jews of Europe forgot those roots. In time, the forces of deep Jew hatred reared their heads, and secular modernity also turned against the Jews. Jews were hated because they were Jews, again: greedy for world power, the source of the loss of the old traditional values, vermin, an inferior race, modern Antichrists. That resulted in the Holocaust, an almost-successful, systematic, mechanized, state-sponsored effort to annihilate all the Jews in Europe. The education of the populace by these forces, especially in the Nazi and communist states, prepared the masses for the murder of the Jews. Jews in the modern world learned that they were not safe.

The Enlightenment never came to the lands of Islam—not for the Jews, not for women, and not for others. Modern technology came, but not the Enlightenment. Rather, modern Islam borrowed the “antisemitism” of the Christian modern world, added it to Islamic antisemitism, and began to educate Muslims to murder Jews in the modern spirit and way.

The Jews responded to Christian, secular, and Muslim Jew hatred by creating their own state. It was to be a place where Jews could live without pogroms and sin’ut, where Jews could breathe freely. At first, Jews moved to the Holy Land and settled there with their own self-government. Then, they established their own state with the purpose of making it into a place where they could live without fear of pogroms and sin’ut. They had to fight for it. Many died, but it was worth it. They were free to live, to work, even to quarrel with one another. There were occasional incursions of Muslims and wars with them, but the Muslims were fought off. We paid a price, but we thought we were safe—even to have mass protests against our own government. We knew that the Muslims hated us, but we held that at a distance and, when their hatred of us, welled up, we responded. A stalemate, but a livable one.

Then came the Enlightenment with the idea that humans are alike. ‘Liberty, equality, and fraternity.’ ‘All men are created equal.’ It wasn’t true.

The “Hamas pogrom” changed all that. The invaders were of two sorts: untrained invaders who came across the border on motorcycles, bicycles, and even on foot. Their job was to kill, or take as hostages, as many people as they could, and then retreat into Gaza. They did this well. The other sort were trained special forces who were heavily armed. Their job was to invade communities and military bases, kill and seize hostages and equipment, and then move farther into Israel. Some of them stole Israeli cars, police and army uniforms from the dead, weapons, ID cards, etc. If needed, they had contacts in the local Palestinian community who will hide them. Some of these terrorists are still on the loose, which is why all apartment doors have to be locked and one never opens a door to anyone.

Suddenly, here were the Muslim masses overrunning Jewish villages and murdering Jews in their sleep, tearing babies apart, raping women, seizing the elderly, dragging our soldiers out of tanks and abusing them, burning whole families in their homes, and then putting up videos of all this, bragging to the world of what they had done. And the Islamic world saw this as a victory, and celebrated it. The old Christian and anti-Semitic secular worlds were quick to join in, celebrating the slaughter of Jews and blaming Israel for it all.

True, the Enlightenment world did rally, at least in words. Even minute segments of the Islamic world that understood the Enlightenment condemned the sin’ut. But, it was too late. We, Jews, learned from the Hamas pogrom that even in the land that we thought was more or less safe, we have been subject to a pogrom. We learned that even in the State of Israel, we are not safe. We also know, deep down inside, that it could happen again. We will strike back this time, but the reality of the resurgence of Jew-hatred even in the Jewish state is now upon us.

It is actually worse than that. The success of the Hamas pogrom has reinforced Jew haters everywhere. Their hand has been strengthened by the Hamas pogrom. What will happen when the Jew haters in the U.S., Britain, France, South America, Germany, Poland, Russia, and elsewhere realize their power?

Sin’ut is a worldwide phenomenon with worldwide communication and funding. Many of the non-Muslims are still in the shadows, but they won’t stay there long. Word of Hamas’ victory will spread, as the blood libel that began in England during the Crusades spread, igniting Jew hatred everywhere. The right-wing Jew haters, the left-wing Jew haters, and the Christian Jew haters will join the Muslim Jew haters. Modern media will make this possible. After the Hamas pogrom, Jews are no longer safe anywhere. My European daughter-in-law says: “This feels like Brussels.” We have reports from Texas that groups of Palestinians are turning up at gun ranges, learning how to shoot, and then buying guns. There are times when I feel that I am in a nightmare, one of those that makes you wake up trembling but, in the end, you know it isn’t true. This, however, is no nightmare. It is our reality.

Therefore, a few words of advice: First, know that it is OK to be angry. It is OK to be outraged. Westerners have a tendency to be stiff-upper-lipped. Don’t be that Westerner. If you run across a university president or a religious or political leader who is not outraged enough, call them out on it. Don’t be shy. Second, know that it is OK to cry. Some things require tears. A person who does not cry is not quite human. Third, do pray even if it is not your usual custom and even if you don’t believe, or are not sure of what you believe. Prayer, that is, turning to a Presence that is beyond us, is natural. Just say what comes from your heart. It doesn’t hurt, really.

Yesterday, my son Philippe went to see an older colleague who is one of the academic experts on Hamas. He has had a stroke and can no longer go out. I know him too and have read his book. He lives in Tel Aviv. Normally, I would have gone along, but no one needs an old man with a suprapubic catheter tagging along and I did not want to leave my wife alone. So, I did not go. Then, Philippe went to see an old woman, a famous European businesswoman whose family fled here after Kristallnacht (1938). She, too, lives in Tel Aviv. It turns out that her Thai helper lost two people in the south: one who was killed and the other who is one of the known Thai hostages.

Then, Philippe went to two military funerals in the local cemetery. The first one was delayed because the coffin had been sent to the wrong place. So everyone had to wait, including the group for the second funeral. In Israel, bodies are buried in shrouds. If a coffin is used, it means the body has been severely mutilated. Both funerals were with coffins. Normally, at a military funeral, the commanding officer speaks. In these funerals, one commanding officer had been killed and the other is on the front line.

In one funeral, the deceased was a 23-year-old girl. In the other, the deceased was a 19-year-old girl who had just finished her training as an observer (these are the young women who watch the electronic cameras and pass on any dangerous information they gather). The Hamas terrorists carefully shot out the cameras, bombed the communications tower, and attacked the observation tower, raping, abusing, and killing these girls. She was one of those killed, from a Yemenite family of the community of my daughter-in-law Nili’s parents.

Philippe remarked that you could feel the anger in the crowd of hundreds gathered for these funerals. Yes, they are angry, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli commentators reflect this anger, promising a long war that will “eliminate” Hamas in Gaza—not Gazans or Muslims or Arabs, but Hamas. Upon objective reflection, such a goal seems hardly possible. In the long run, it would be useless because others will rise and take their place. Still, the Jewish anger is there. The more we read, the more we, too, feel that anger. 

Many years ago, when I was about to write the concluding chapters of Facing the Abusing God: A Theology of Protest, I fell physically sick for several days. I’m beginning to feel like that now. There are a lot of Hamas documents that have been recovered showing that killing civilians was the major goal and taking hostages next, plus a guide for how to take hostages. One article reports a document on how to torture hostages. American senators were forced to go to shelters because of rockets and a session of the Israeli parliament was suspended for 40 minutes for the same reason. Pro-Hamas demonstrations are multiplying all over the world. Anti-Semitic incidents are also multiplying all over the world. The Times of Israel and the Jerusalem Post are dedicating space to photos and write-ups of known hostages and victims.

We went to the mourners’ services again this morning. The boy was 28 years old. He was in charge of the outgoing shift at the Sderot police station. He sent home two men early and, as the next shift arrived, he saw the attackers arriving. He warned the new shift to run away because they did not have the necessary heavy arms to fight, only pistols. He then engaged the enemy to cover their retreat.

One woman still in the station fled to the roof. She was shot in the hand. So, she smeared the blood on her face and played dead. She survived. Another policeman hid in a shaft for seven hours until help arrived. Our young policeman and about a dozen others were killed.

From the porch of Philippe’s apartment, Ursula can hear the afternoon service from the parking lot next door. It is very moving.

Everyone agrees that this was a pogrom, a successful mass-killing of Jews, the worst since the Holocaust. The last tally shows: 1,300 Jews killed, 3,300 Jews injured, many of them seriously, and over 200 Jews and others taken as hostages. The Israelis have retaliated, killing uncounted numbers of Hamas and Palestinians, and reducing large parts of Gaza to rubble.

Now, the real war has begun. It is a second war—a war of words, blackmail, and standing in the world. It is the midgame battle in a larger chess game.

Israel, with the backing of many Jews and others worldwide, wants to “eliminate” Hamas. This cannot actually be done because there are too many Hamas members and way too many Hamas believers, and because this would require a ground invasion that would cost many more Jewish lives. There are also the hostages to take into consideration, including those of Israel’s closest ally, the United States. Nonetheless, after the Holocaust and “Never Again,” the Jewish state, representing dead and living Jews, must make the price of killing Jews with the cruelty that only Jew hatred can evoke as high as possible. The world of Jew haters must know that any such action will evoke a very, very serious response in kind. Jew haters must learn that we will fight back, that we will punish severely such action against us, no matter what the price.

Jewish anger is there. The more we read, the more we, too, feel that anger.

The Jew-hating world wants to recuperate as much as possible and to go on to plan the next step in the war against the Jews. They have two pieces to bargain with: the hostages and the devastation of what they present as innocent civilians whom the West, but not Islam, regard as precious. The center of this movement is Iran. It is the leader of the anti-Western and anti-Jewish world. Iran’s leadership of this jihad is at stake. To win this midgame battle is to lose a few Palestinian pieces but to be able to advance to the next move toward an ultimate win. The rest of the Islamic world knows this well and is watching very, very carefully. So are the Jew haters in the West, on both the left and the right.

America has reason to be a loyal ally of the only democracy in the Middle East. This would restore America as the leader of the Western world and the Western values of human rights, especially after decades of defeats in the Middle East. The return to this position of power is politically crucial for America’s leadership in the South China Sea, in the Middle East, and in Europe. Japan, Korea, Australia, Ukraine, NATO, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and others are watching very carefully.

Israel can occupy the Gaza Strip. The Americans, who have long experience with the futility of such occupations, argue (correctly, I think) that such an occupation will not work. Israel could invade the Gaza Strip, destroy as much as possible of the Hamas personnel and infrastructure, and then withdraw. But, the world of bleeding hearts and the world of Islamic solidarity will pour in enough money to rebuild that human and military infrastructure as well as the ideology of Jew hatred that motivates it.

The Americans could intimidate Iran and its proxies into refraining from intervening. That would result in a “check,” but not a “checkmate.” The Iranian Jew haters will then do what any chess player would do. They will strategically withdraw, and the dead Gazans will be declared martyrs who go to paradise while the surviving Gazans will be declared heroes who will live to fight again. The Iranians will then declare victory in a serious and successful preliminary battle. Make no mistake: This would indeed be a victory for Iran, and a major loss for the Americans and the Jews.

In the process, much fuss will be made over “freeing the hostages.” The price demanded for freeing the innocent people who were unjustly seized will be high. There will be no justice; only bargaining over what the losers should pay for the lives of the women, children, grandmothers, strangers working in the Holy Land, and soldiers to “free” them, or their dead bodies. Not all of them will be released. Hamas is already claiming that they do not know where all of them are. Whatever is agreed upon, no matter how unjust, the payment is a victory for the Jew haters. It is blackmail paid.

The reinforcement of the jihad against the Jews (and also against the Christians though Christians don’t take this seriously, yet) will have the secondary effect of being the death of the “two-state solution.” Why, after a great victory against the Jews, should the forces of Islamic antisemitism agree to a Palestinian state that would imply the recognition of the legitimacy of the despised Jewish state? The West will continue to “push” for the two-state solution but the success of the Hamas pogrom has torpedoed that forever. For that matter, what Jew would ever trust a Jew hater to agree to “peace”?

For the same reasons, the success of the jihad against the Jews probably means the end to “normalization.” Who leads the Islamic world? If Iran wins the midgame chess battle by taking its Palestinian losses and withdrawing from further military action until the next move, Iran, not the United Arab Emirates and others, will be the leader, and normalization will have been an interlude.

Antisemitism, on the right and on the left, will grow. It is already spreading rapidly, particularly on college campuses. Sometimes, antisemitism is violent Jew hatred, and sometimes it is couched in equity, diversity, inclusion language which shrinks from declaring the killing of babies a crime against humanity.

There is a concept called “moral injury” that we discovered among American soldiers returning from wars in the Middle East and Asia. It is not PTSD, for which there are established treatment protocols. Moral injury is the realization that one did something in a wartime situation in which the morality of the military protects one psychologically but which, when one returns to normal moral life as civilians, one realizes was terribly wrong. For instance: A soldier in the Middle East sees a pregnant-looking woman dressed in Islamic clothing walking toward him. He does not know whether she is pregnant or has a bomb under her clothing. He shouts at her several times in the local language to stop. He fires into the air to deter her. But she keeps coming toward him. In the end, he follows standard instructions to protect himself and his unit, and he kills her. But she turns out to have been pregnant, and not a terrorist. After release from the army, he returns home and sees his pregnant wife walking toward him. The scene comes back to him and the soldier turns violent, or turns to drugs or alcohol, or commits suicide. This is “moral injury.” He did what he should have done in the situation but, in a normal context, he realizes it was a terribly wrong thing to have done. I think that, for many Israelis and Jews, the anger, indeed the rage, that we are experiencing now and our intense desire for revenge as we read the stories and watch the videos of this horror, are going to become moral injuries as life moves forward.

Finally, remember that 2033 is the 100th anniversary of the rise to power of Hitler; that 2038 is the 100th anniversary of Kristallnacht; and that 2041-44 is the 100th anniversary of the Nazi death camps. The Jew haters know this, for sure. I won’t be around to see this. Many of you won’t either. But our children and grandchildren will.

In the end, it is my thinking that Iran will play it rationally. They will not risk nuclear war for Palestine. They will, therefore, take their Palestinian losses, restrain Hezbollah and other pawns from intervening, declare victory, and return to planning the next major step in their jihad against Jews, Christians, and the West. Israel will do something in Gaza but will not be able to “eliminate” Hamas or Islamic Jew hatred. Hamas will suffer, will declare victory over the Jews, and will succeed in getting more money to rebuild. America will claim to have prevented another damaging war and will go on believing that it leads the free world in its march for justice and peace. Jews everywhere will grudgingly be forced to acknowledge that “there is nothing new under the sun”; that Jew hatred is here to stay. The Hamas pogrom will take its place, alongside other pogroms against Jews, as the first pogrom of the 21st century. Welcome to Jewish history.
Biden and Blinken's call for a humanitarian pause not a cease fire. Their subtle nuance favors terrorism. What the hell is the difference? 

On D Day did Ike have to deal with a comparable plea?  Did such a demand emanate from the world when America and Britain lighted the skies over Dresden?  

Biden is losing the radical Muslim vote and his morality, if he has any, is being tested and, as usual when it comes to the right decision, he fails.

As for myself, now that the world has shown it's true collective belief, I can make racial comments and need not fear any criticism. I can even go on any campus, not feel intimidated because anything goes! 
What a free and wonderful world progressives, radical liberals and Islamist members of the Democrat Party have created.


Don’t fall for the Islamophobia scam!
A false narrative about Muslims being under attack after the Oct. 7 atrocities has it backwards. It is Muslim groups and their leftist allies who are fueling the surge in antisemitism.

What’s the federal government doing in response to a massive surge in antisemitism on American streets and college campuses since the Oct. 7 atrocities on Israel by Hamas terrorists? It’s getting serious about stopping Islamophobia.

The announcement that President Joe Biden has assigned Vice President Kamala Harris to work on developing “the first-ever U.S. national strategy to counter Islamophobia” can be dismissed as nothing more than a political gesture. It’s clearly intended to counter the bitter criticism he has received from his party’s left-wing intersectional base that is deeply upset about the president’s support for Israel.

As The New York Times has reported, the Democratic Party is splintering over the administration’s stand in support of Israel’s efforts to eliminate the Hamas terrorists running the Gaza Strip. Not even his efforts to delay the Israeli offensive or his insistence that it allow humanitarian aid to enter the terrorist-run enclave that effectively resupplies Hamas has been enough to dampen the criticism that is placing his re-election campaign in jeopardy.

While his pro-Israel stand has shored up his support with centrist Democrats and independents, his party’s intersectional wing is, unlike most Americans, hostile to Israel. The only way for him to conciliate them is to double down on the administration’s embrace of the ideology of racial and ethnic grievance that is the driving force of liberal Democrat activism in the 21st century.

The myth of an anti-Muslim backlash

The nation has been shocked by the brazen Jew-hatred on display in the pro-Hamas demonstrations in many cities, in academia and in the widespread increase in anti-Jewish incidents. But even as the administration acknowledges this dismal reality, it is also buttressing a false narrative about hatred for Muslims.

Prejudice against any group is deplorable, and where there are incidents of bias against Muslims or Arabs, they should be vigorously condemned. Yet as FBI statistics for the past two decades have shown, there is little or no empirical evidence to back up the claims that Muslims faced a backlash of prejudice after the 9/11 attacks.

Throughout this period, it has been the Jews, who constitute a small fraction of the population, who have been the targets for the vast majority of religious hate crimes. That continues to this day with a real backlash. Paradoxically, the worst mass slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust—the barbarous Oct. 7 attacks that resulted in the deaths of 1,400 men, women and children, the wounding of thousands and the kidnapping of as many as 230 civilians—has created a surge of sympathy for Hamas and their jihad to eliminate the one Jewish state on the planet and to slaughter its Jewish population.

The evidence of burgeoning Jew-hatred on American streets and college campuses comes in many forms. It’s not just demonstrations and speeches where mobs chant their support for the destruction of Israel and their contempt for Jewish victims. It also means acts of intimidation and violence against individuals or those who publicly express their opposition to Palestinian terrorism.

Vandalizing victim posters

The most ubiquitous evidence of this hostility to Jews has been the frequent incidents in which people are tearing down posters showing the images of Israelis who are being held as hostages in Gaza. As another Times article made clear, those who commit these acts of vandalism believe that it is wrong to highlight Jewish victims since it distracts from their efforts to flip the discussion about the war Hamas launched into one about Palestinian suffering. According to the Times, the posters are viewed as “anti-Islamic war propaganda.”

The fact that so many people are carrying out this anti-social act—who, after all, would think of tearing down a poster for a missing cat or dog, let alone one about a child abducted by terrorists—speaks to something truly insidious in our culture. While there have been no reports of police tearing down the posters—as they have done in British cities such as London and Manchester, presumably to soothe the hurt feelings of Muslims who are offended by them—the contempt that these Muslim and leftist vandals feel for Jewish victims is raw, unadulterated antisemitism.

But as counter-intuitive to the facts as it may be, it actually makes a great deal of sense that an administration that has embraced the intersectional worldview of critical race theory, like Biden’s has, would attempt to flip the script from this blatant antisemitism to one about alleged Islamophobia.

To those who have embraced the woke catechism of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), the only legitimate forms of diversity or inclusion involve those races or groups designated as victims. From that point of view, it doesn’t matter that incidents of Jew-hatred overwhelmingly outnumber those few reported incidents of anti-Muslim prejudice. Since Jews and Israel are falsely labeled as possessors of “white privilege” and oppressors—and Arabs and Muslims are “people of color” and victims—only the latter really count.

The administration’s willingness to impose DEI policies that reject equality in favor of racialized quotas rendered their much-ballyhooed plan to combat antisemitism meaningless. And that betrayal is only underlined by the pivot to Islamophobia in the midst of the greatest crisis to face American Jewry in living memory.

If young people on college campuses, as well as thugs on the streets of all backgrounds, are tearing down posters of Jewish victims, it is because they have been indoctrinated to believe that Jews have no right to live in freedom in their own land or to defend themselves. In the upside-down world of intersectionality, it is the terrorists and their supporters who deserve sympathy—not those they attack or the forces seeking to stop the murderers from striking again.

That’s the reason why the administration believes that it must play the Islamophobia card.

The one story that backs up this decision is the murder of a 6-year-old Palestinian-American child by his family’s landlord, reportedly because of anti-Muslim prejudice. This murder was shocking and tragic. But that incident—likely motivated, like so many mass shootings including those at synagogues, by mental illness as much as bias—does not demonstrate a national problem. More to the point, those crying out about Islamophobia are, in almost every case, the same people and groups who are guilty of promoting antisemitism.

An unreliable source

The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is the source most often cited for the claim that there is a surge in Islamophobia. To say that it is not to be trusted on the subject is an understatement. Founded in the 1990s as a fundraising group for Hamas in the United States, it has since rebranded itself as a so-called civil-rights organization. But it has been consistently guilty of promoting Jew-hatred and has sought to silence groups that called attention to their incitement by falsely labeling them as Islamophobes. That continues to this day when it reacted to the Oct. 7 atrocities by refusing to condemn Hamas and, instead, blaming Israel for the attacks.

Once one strips away the veneer of concern for a religious minority, CAIR demonstrates that most of what is called Islamophobia involves those calling out groups like its own and others that champion efforts to destroy Israel or to target Jews and Israelis via illegal BDS discrimination campaigns, for their open antisemitism.

As we have seen in the last month, Muslims and Arabs are not the ones being attacked by Jews or, for the most part, by anyone else. Instead, they are the ones who are targeting Jews—and as the videos of the pro-Hamas demonstrations and the poster incidents show, they think they are right, even proud, to display their Jew-hatred.

It is no consolation to recognize that Biden’s Islamophobia initiative will be no more serious than his administration’s efforts to combat antisemitism, or that he has assigned the least respected and most ineffective member of his team in Harris to lead it.

Nevertheless, putting the government’s imprimatur on what is nothing more than an effort to create a false moral equivalency between a surge in antisemitism and the belief of those fueling that hate that they are the real victims is deeply troubling. Criticism of the antisemitism spewing forth from the Muslim and Arab sources—and those who back up their hatred—is not a form of prejudice. The Islamophobia scam means legitimizing those supporting the eradication of the one Jewish state on the planet and the murder of its Jewish population. Rather than helping to curb prejudice, the Biden administration is encouraging it.
The Fed acknowledges their rate structure is biting and job growth has both slowed and even begun to shrink.  The market wisely anticipated this and  is why it rallied. Earnings are also good and stocks are responding.

Earning comparisons should be decent in the first quarter of 2024 and The Fed could cut rates early in order to avoid impacting/shaping the election.

The company's founder is Jewish.
I have written  the various legal actions against Trump and  brought by SOROS funded district attorneys are based more on a desire to disrupt his ability to campaign for a second term than any principle of Constitutional law based on supportable evidence. These cases are brought by Trump/Maga haters and have more to do with a second legal system than justice. The district attorneys expressed their contempt for Trump prior to trial, sent campaign funds to his opponent and refused to recuse themselves.

Their bias drips from their mouths.

The Silent Revolution: Free Speech, Censorship, And The Campus Dilemma In America

by Joshua D. RauhGreg Kearney via Liberty Lens - An Economics Substack

In recent years, America’s leadership class has become increasingly antagonistic toward long-standing norms around free speech. As we laid out in one of our recent pieces, government bureaucrats have increasingly endorsed the use of censorship under the guise of protecting Americans from so-called mis- and disinformation.


One Sick War

By Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness

The best way of understanding it is that Israelis are Jews and the ancient plague of anti-Semitism is again sweeping the globe.



EXCLUSIVE: DeSantis Tells MRC’s Bozell How He’d Fight Big Tech Election Interference


Editor’s Note: All major 2024 candidates polling above one percent nationally across the spectrum — Republicans, independents, and Democrats — have been invited to participate in similar sit-downs. Our offers remain on the table. FIRST ON.


Hamas has learned Israelis can become



Yadin is the cousin of vervy, very dear friends who came to dinner recently:


Here’s Yadin’s interview with CNN this afternoon.


We havecome a very long way from

certified  patriots to our current


It is sad, it is disgusting and I believe it

 can only get worse if we keep electing

 those  like we have been. This not only

 includes those who occupy the Oval

 Office but also those who wear Judge

 and Justice robes

 and those who sit in cushy leather

 seats in Congress.


The war against the Jewish people and

the west

It's as if both Stalin and Hitler are being

afforded a posthumous victory

By MELANIE Phillips

Pro-Hamas demonstration, London

I gave some talks in America over the

past weekend. What follows is a

composite of what I said in them.

In Israel, the population is traumatized,

shocked and grieving. During the Hamas

pogrom on October 7, Israelis were

slaughtered with a level of barbarism

and depravity not seen since the Shoah. 

In such a small country, there’s hardly a

 family that’s not personally touched by

 what’s unfolded. They have relatives

 who were murdered in the pogrom, or

 who were kidnapped and taken hostage.

 Their children and grandchildren have

 been called up to military service and

 are now in harm’s way on the front.

 Hundreds of these conscripts have

 already been killed. Israelis are going

 to funeral after funeral. The rocket

 barrages keep coming. The anxiety

 levels are off the scale.

The agenda of Hamas and its puppet-

master Iran is very clear. Destroy

 Israel, genocide against the Jews, and

 then wipe out the Christian west and all

 unbelievers. We know this is their

 agenda because they say so.


The greater shock, however, has been

 the reaction to this of an enormous

 number of people in the west.

Western depravity

There have been shocking scenes in

 British, American and Australian cities

 of massive and mostly Muslim mobs

 celebrating the mass murder of Jews

 and calling for more. Among the non-

Jewish population, this genocidal

 hysteria is being viewed by millions

 more with indifference or even

 support, especially among the young.

Polling has shown that among 18-24

 year-old Americans, nearly half — 48

 per cent — say they side more with

 Hamas. More than half — 51 per cent —

 think the Hamas pogrom in which 1400

 Israelis were slaughtered can be

 justified by the grievances of


In Britain and America, young people

 have been tearing down posters

 bearing pictures of some of the

 kidnapped Israeli children.

Thousands of demonstrators have

 been chanting “From the river to the

 sea, Palestine will be free” — the

 demand for the destruction of Israel.

 In London, mobs have been chanting

 “Khybar, Khybar, oh Jews, the army of

 Mohammed will return” — the

 reference to the seventh century

 slaughter of the Jews of Khybar by

 Islam’s founder Mohammed, which acts

 as a jubilant glorification and

 incitement of the slaughter of Jews


The western media have been pumping

 out Hamas propaganda. The BBC and

 other outlets headline civilian

 casualty figures put out by Hamas —

 regardless of the fact that these are

 always hugely exaggerated, and with

 no acknowledgment of the fact that

 terrorists are presumably included in

 these figures and may constitute the


While berating Israel for causing a

 humanitarian “catastrophe,” they make

 no mention of the thefts of fuel and

electricity to service the Hamas

terrorist infrastructure in the miles

of underground tunnels. They make no

mention of the rocket attacks which

continue without remission against

Israeli civilians. Instead they demand

of Israeli spokesmen: “Why are you

killing babies in Gaza?”

Even though Hamas is committing war

 crimes by using Gazan civilians as human

 shields, western “progressives” are

 accusing Israel of war crimes. Even

 though Israel has been warning Gazan

 civilians to flee for their own safety as

 required by international law while

 Hamas is forcing them under gunfire to

 stay in place, Israel is being accused of

 breaking international law.

Thousands of cultural and intellectual

 figures have been signing declarations

 of solidarity with Gaza. They have not

 condemned Hamas for butchering and

 kidnapping Israelis. Nor have they

 acknowledged the plight of the 240-

plus hostages. 

Instead, they have blamed “settler

 colonial occupation and European

 empire”. They have blamed Israel for

 “collective punishment” of the

 Palestinian population, who voted

 Hamas into power and a majority of

 whom tell pollsters they still support

 it — and even if they don’t support

 support Hamas, a majority support the

 killing of Jews. 

All civilian casualties are regrettable.

 In war, however, these are inevitable.

 And these are Gazan civilians who

 handed out sweets and rejoiced at the

 slaughter of the pogrom. Gazan

 civilians who poured  through the

 broken boundary fence after the

 Hamas terrorists smashed through and

 joined in the orgy of bloodletting,

 looting and kidnap. Gazan civilians who

 spat upon and desecrated the bodies of

 those who had been kidnapped and

 paraded through the streets.

Across the west, antisemitic attacks

 which were already at record levels

 have now increased many times over.

 People hurled firebombs at a

 synagogue in Berlin. In Amsterdam,

 three Jewish schools closed

 temporarily over safety worries. In

 Sydney where mobs chanted “gas the

 Jews” in front of the Sydney Opera

 House, the police advised the Jewish

 community to “stay home” for their own


What’s been revealed is something far

 wider than the battle by Israel against

 genocidal Iran and its proxies.  The

 depravity witnessed in the slaughter

 within Israel has put down roots in

 Britain, Europe, America and Australia.

 What we are seeing is a war of

 annihilation against Judaism and the

 Jewish people. And behind that is a war

 against the west from within the west,

 as expressed through what we might

 describe as its mass psychopathy

 moment. This is the west’s civilizational


Where did this come from? Despite the

 astonishment and bewilderment of so

 many — and untold thousands of

 decent, sane, civilised people are

horrified by what they have seen

unfold in the west over these past

terrible weeks — it hasn’t come out of

the blue. It’s been building up for

decades. That’s because a horrifying

number among the west’s ruling elites

themselves were, and continue to be,

complicit in the agenda to destroy

western civilization. 

This onslaught within the west has four

components: Muslim communities in

western countries, support for the

Palestine cause, liberal ideology and

the disintegration of conservatism.

Biden administration

At the most obvious and immediate level,

 the Iran-backed Hamas pogrom and the

 war against Israel are the result of

 American policy under the Biden

 administration and, previous to that,

 the Obama administration.

These two administrations have pursued

 policies that have hugely empowered

 Iran. The Obama nuclear deal, which

 contrary to the claims made for it

 actually legitimised an eventual Iranian

 nuclear weapons programme,

  funnelled billions of dollars in

 sanctions relief into the coffers of

 the Iranian regime, enabling it to expand

 its power in the region and funding the

 weaponry and training it gave its

 proxies in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen,

 Gaza and the disputed territories of

 Judea and Samaria, the “West Bank”.

The Biden administration followed suit

 with further backdoor sanctions

 relief as it grovelled to Tehran in an

 attempt to revive the nuclear deal.

 Dozens of Iran-backed attacks on

 American assets in the region have been

 ignored by the Biden administration or

 answered with only a feeble response.

 The administration has given the Iranian

 regime — as well as Russia, China and

 North Korea — the impression that the

 United States is no longer prepared to

 go to war anywhere in the world over

 anything. This impression of a toothless

 and weak America has hugely

 emboldened Iran to increase its


And Iran was behind the Hamas pogrom,

 as it is behind the Syrians, the

 Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthis in

 Yemen who are all currently

 developing a multi-front onslaught

 against Israel.

So far, there has still been a muted and

 ambiguous response from America.

 There are persistent doubts that it will

 allow Israel to destroy Hamas. An

 existential war of self-defence — as in

 the Allies’ war against Nazi Germany —

 requires for its victory that the entire

 enemy population is regarded as

 hostile. Yet the Biden administration

 has been warning Israel to hold back

 its assault and to admit “humanitarian”

 aid even though this will be

 appropriated by Hamas, and even

 though weapons are likely to be

 smuggled in among the aid trucks.

Moreover, for a deterrent to work it

 has to be credible. America has sailed a

 mighty force into the region to deter

 Iran from escalating the war. But

 although Hezbollah has been firing

 missiles at northern Israel to probe

 American resolve, and although

 American assets have now been

 repeatedly attacked, the US has

 responded only sparsely and feebly. If

 even America’s friends don’t believe it

 will decisively enter this fight, why

 should the regime in Tehran believe it


The question is why these Democrat

 administrations are so keen to appease

 rather than fight and defeat tyranny.

Liberal delusions of reason

One reason is the liberal “kumbaya”

 mindset: the belief that everyone in the

 world is governed by reason, that

 everyone is susceptible to appeals to

 their self-interest, and that all

 conflict can be ended by negotiation

 and “conflict resolution”. War, to such

 liberals, is never ever necessary and

 always self-defeating. Such an attitude,

 so prevalent in the west during the

 1930s, facilitated the rise of Hitler and

 the Holocaust; had it continued to

 prevail, the Nazis would have overrun

 the free world. 

Today, such liberals can’t get their

 heads around Islamic religious

 fanaticism and the belief in jihadi holy

 war that elevates death to the highest

 goal of life. 

This liberal mindset is a bottomless and

 lethal delusion. It is largely why the US

 has remained hell-bent upon

 “negotiating” with Iran. And it’s why

, even now, President Joe Biden is

 insisting “what comes next has to be a

 two-state solution…a path towards


This is deluded on two grounds. The

 first is that the issue behind the battle

 with Hamas is the non-existence of a

 state of Palestine. This is asinine. The

 issue is Iran’s genocidal war to destroy

 Israel and murder Jews, an aim that

 Hamas fully shares. 

The second delusion is the belief — so

 evident in the Biden administration —

 that there are the “bad” Palestinians of

 Hamas and the “good” Palestinians of

 the Palestinian Authority (PA) under

 Mahmoud Abbas. 

This distinction is false. The PA’s tactics

 may be different from Hamas but its aim

 is the same. The PA wants the

 destruction of Israel, as anyone can

 see from its maps of “Palestine” which

 consists of the whole of Israel; it has

 said repeatedly that a Palestine state is

 a means to that end in its “strategy of

 stages”; and it teaches its children that

 their highest calling is to murder Jews

 and steal all their land including Tel

 Aviv, Jaffa and Haifa. Moreover, Abbas’s

 role model is the Nazis’ Middle Eastern

 ally, Haj Amin al Husseini, who promised

 Hitler that if he won the war al Husseini

 would exterminate every Jew in the

 Middle East. 

A Palestine state would mean importing

 Gaza into the heart of Israel.

Victim culture

But there’s a broader degree to which

 liberals have been complicit in fuelling

 the current incendiary atmosphere. The

 “progressive” world has not only

 created a dominant narrative of Israeli

 “colonialism” and Palestinian

 victimisation by Israeli “oppression”. It

 has created a similarly

 unchallengeable narrative of a Muslim

 world composed entirely of victims of

 the west.

For decades, it has promoted the

 doctrine that white-skinned

 westerners are colonial oppressors

 so everything they do is bad, while

 those in the brown or black-skinned

 developing world are their victims and

 therefore morally pure. 

Under the dogma of identity politics,

 victim status gives “powerless” (and

 therefore morally pure) groups

 defined by race, ethnicity, sexuality or

 gender a free pass for their misdeeds,

 for which their “oppressors” are

 blamed instead.

Accordingly, no criticism can be made of

 Muslims; those who do so are promptly

 accused of “Islamophobia”. According to

 this mindset, Islamic terrorism or

 extremism has nothing whatever to do

 with Islam; it is instead caused by

 poverty, discrimination, marginalisation

 and so forth.

This failure to understand the

 theological driver of Islamic

 extremism, whose aim is to Islamise the

 world and defeat modernity as a

 source of evil that threatens Islam,

 means in turn a failure to grasp the

 Islamists’ belief that modernity is

 driven by the Jews who they believe are

 the prime source of evil in the world.

 Islamism, or modern jihadi Islam, fuses

 theological Jew-hatred with Nazism,

 reflecting the Nazi influence on the

 fanatical ideologues who created

 Islamism in the early decades of the

 last century.

Antisemitism is rampant throughout the

 Islamic world. This is ignored by the

 west, which also doesn’t understand

 anti-semitism and thinks it’s just 

 another form of racism rather than a

 uniquely deranged, paranoid and

 murderous creed.

Accordingly, the west is gripped by the

 naive and ignorant belief that the

 “Middle East conflict” is over the

 division of the land. It is not. It was

 always at root an Islamic holy war

 against the Jewish presence in the land.

 The west’s mistaken support has

 conscripted western liberals into a

 Palestinian narrative based entirely on

 lies, demonisation and the writing of

 the Jewish people out of their own


Restoring the narrative

The narrative of Israeli oppressors and

 Palestinian victims is the default

 position in progressive circles. But

 with the Hamas pogrom on October 7

 this narrative was holed below the

 water line. To their unbridled horror,

 western liberals watched people

 whose cause they had supported

 commit acts of barbarous depravity,

while the people they had called

colonialist oppressors were

slaughtered — in the cause that

western liberals had supported,

 sanitised and legitimised.

It’s hard to exaggerate the

consternation and disorientation this

 has caused among such liberals. It’s

 not just the humiliation and

 embarrassment at having made a bad

 mistake. It’s much deeper than that.

 Their entire moral personality is

 constructed around the belief that

 everything they stand for is morally

 virtuous. Anyone who dissents is not

 just wrong but evil. All who dissent are

 “right-wing”. All evil is right-wing and

 all right-wingers are evil. Tyranny can

 only come from the right. Anti-semitism

 therefore can only come from the


But now it’s come from their own side.

 So what does that make them? Also

 right-wing and evil? This is intolerable.

 So they have to get their Israel-

Palestine narrative back on track. 

That’s why they seized upon Israel’s

 alleged bombing to destruction of

 Gaza’s al-Ahli hospital which they

 claimed had caused hundreds of

 patients to die. This was quickly shown

 to be totally untrue: the hospital

 wasn’t destroyed (even the solar panels on the roof were left intact),

 and it wasn’t an Israeli attack at all but

 a Palestinian rocket aimed at murdering

 Israeli civilians that had misfired and

 fallen within Gaza, hitting the

 hospital’s car parking lot. Yet despite

 this, the liberal media continued to try

 to pin this “atrocity” upon Israel. The

 narrative had to be got back on track.

But there’s something even darker that

 had to be got back on track. This is the

 need to blame the Jews for their own


As the black joke has it, the west can’t

 forgive the Jews for the Holocaust. It

 can’t deal with the fact that the Shoah

 was perpetrated by the country,

 Germany, that stood at the very apex of

 high western culture; it can’t deal with

 the fact that other western countries

 stood by as accessories to the


To deal with this intolerable burden of

 guilt, the west tries to erase Jewish

 victimisation. Demonising the Israelis as

 latter-day “Nazis” gives it the perfect

 means to do so. It legitimises the Jew-

baiting which went underground after

 the Holocaust. It makes it acceptable to

 demonise the Jews again, this time under

 cover of “merely” being “anti-Israel” or

 “anti-Zionism”. It enables it to get back

to disliking Jews again.

So Gaza is misrepresented as an “open

prison” (ignoring altogether its border

with Egypt, which normally keeps it

closed to the aid Israel allows

through its own crossing-point)

“occupied” by the “cruel” Israelis who

cause a  humanitarian “catastrophe”.

It’s no use telling such people that

 Israel has the most moral army in the

 world, or leads the way in medical

 advances and saving lives, or is always

 first to offer help after any natural

 disasters. Such people don’t want to

 know how moral the Jews are. That

 makes them feel really bad. They need

 the Jews to be bad.

Liberal ideology

The western mind hasn’t just been

 poisoned by the Palestinian agenda of

 Israel rejectionism. Few realise the

 extent to which this agenda has

 knocked the west off its moral


The Palestinians blame the Israelis for

 behaviour of which Israel is totally

 innocent but of which the Palestinians

 themselves are guilty — such as ethnic

 cleansing, aggression, illegality, war

 crimes, genocide. This moral inversion

 is based on the Palestinians’

 pathological projection of their own misdeeds onto their victims. 

Support for this agenda of moral

 inversion has fed into the moral

 inversion of the west’s own identity


For decades, the progressive project

 has been to destroy the bedrock

 institutions of the west, its history and

 traditions and create a new world

 order around the individual and groups

 of the “oppressed”. These ideologies of

 race, ethnicity, sex and gender are

 based on the Marxist doctrine that all

 relationships comprise structures of

 power, in which the powerful oppress

 their victims.

Why do people want to be victims? It’s

 because members of “oppressed”

 groups can play an unchallengeable

 victim card when behaving badly, and

 blame instead as oppressors those

 they are themselves attacking. That’s

 precisely how Palestinianism works.

We can see the results of this broad

 victim culture in an education system

 that no longer teaches history or an

 appreciation of the institutions of a

 free society and subjects students

 instead to these twisted ideologies of

 “oppressors” and “oppressed”. Which is why the young now support those

 intent upon genocide against the Jews,

 themselves attack Jews and the Jewish

 homeland, and promote barbarism over


These ideologies of race, ethnicity,

 sexuality and gender are all based on a

 repudiation of the western nation state — which is supposedly responsible for all bad things in the world — by universal values. They are intended to replace the supposedly innate belligerence of the nation state by the brotherhood of man.

We can see how well that one has

 worked out in the UN, where the

 world’s worst tyrannies sit on the

 Human Rights Council which sanitises

 and excuses those tyrannies while

 persecuting democratic Israel and

 whose Secretary-General, Antonio

 Guterres, blamed Israel for the

 atrocities inflicted upon its own people

 by saying the Hamas pogrom “did not

 happen in a vacuum”.

Liberal orthodoxy ordains there can be

 no hierarchy of values. This means that

the west can’t say its principles — such

 as equality for women, freedom of

 religion and democracy — are any

 better than despotisms and tyrannies.

 The belief that the west oppresses the

 developing world means Muslims can

 never be held responsible for what

 they do. They are always viewed instead

 as victims. Jews can never be seen as

 victims. They are viewed  as white (even

 when they are brown-skinned or black)

 and are thought to be so powerful they

 control capitalism and the world in

 their interests and to the disadvantage

 of everyone else.

That was why when Karine Jean-Pierre,

 the White House press secretary,  was

 asked about the rise in antisemitism in

 America she answered by claiming that

 “Muslims and those perceived to be

 Muslim have endured a

 disproportionate number of hate-

fuelled attacks”.

According to this liberal mindset,

 genocide by the Muslim world is

 resistance and Israeli resistance to it

 is genocide. The way in which this

 grotesque inversion of truth and

 morality has fried the minds of so many

 reflects the tactics of the former

 Soviet Union. The way the west has

 succumbed to the lies of Palestinianism reflects the way in which so many in the west in the 1930s were convinced against all the evidence that Stalinism was creating a model society.

The current convulsions in the west are as if both Stalin and Hitler are being afforded a posthumous victory.


What this also points to is an utter

 failure of conservatism. Edmund Burke

 became the father of conservatism

 when he defended the inherited values of the Enlightenment against the

 murderous French revolutionaries. He

 understood the priceless value of

 what was in danger of being destroyed.

For decades, modern conservatives

 have lost sight of the west’s priceless

 values that need to be defended against the attack being mounted against them.

 They have failed to take the fight to the

 left on the ground on which it has made

 such advances. They have failed to

 understand the damage being done by

 moral and cultural relativism, the

 ideologies of race and gender identity

 politics and victim culture. For decades, conservatives have failed to

 stop the universities and the schools

 substituting anti-west propaganda for

 education and teaching young people

 to hate their nation, western society

 and its values. 

Conservatives have ignored all these

cultural issues. They decided instead to

make liberty into their lodestar, and

 devoted all their energies to

 promoting free-market economics.

 Instead of fighting the left, they put

 themselves on the same patch of

 ideological turf: while the left

 promoted the free market in sexual and

social values, conservatives promoted

the free market in economics. Both

threw the bonds of tradition out of

the window. Conservatives went along

with the mass breast-beating over

colonialism, the promotion of mass

immigration and lone parenthood, the

obsession with blaming humanity itself

for a man-made climate catastrophe

whose arrival has been persistently

and mysteriously postponed. 

Conservatives said they had no option

but to “go with the flow” of cultural

change. As the left hijacked language

to destroy morality, conservatives

were looking the other way. They

laughed at the inanity of the

professors of gender studies; they

saw insurrections like Black Lives

Matter or Just Stop Oil as principally

public order matters; they rolled their

eyes at the persecution of lesbians by

transgender activists. None of this,

they thought, had anything

fundamental to do with them. The

culture war, said conservatives, was a

distraction from the important things

like the economy. As for the Muslim

 world, US Republican as well as

 Democrat presidents pushed the

 Palestinian cause and ignored its genocidal antisemitism; it was a

 Republican president, George W Bush,

 who said Islam was a “religion of peace”.

Now conservatives and others are all

 looking in horror at the depraved

 outcome — on university campuses, in

 the cultural and administrative

 classes, and on the streets of great

 western cities. They are all staring

 aghast at a civilisation teetering at the

 edge of the cliff and asking how this

 could have happened. The answer is as

 bleak as it is brutal. It’s happened

 because of them. 

Israel is fighting for its own survival

and for the lives of its people. It is also

 fighting for civilisation against

 barbarism. The question is whether

western civilisation understands that

 this is now a tipping point in the fight to save it. The question is whether western

 civilisation actually wants to be saved

 since its leading lights appear to have

 have concluded that it is innately bad

 and not worth the fight.

Israel will win this battle — at terrible

 cost — because it is determined to

 survive. It fights because it

 understands what it is fighting for. The

 Jews know what they are because they

 are bound together as one through

 their roots in an ancient history; they

 love and value their own people and

 their nation; and they have risen up as

 one to defend them to the death. This is

 not true of the west, which seems

 instead to have decided to go the way of ancient Rome.

The west is looking in horror at events

 in the Middle East. Its needs to realise

 that the war is right here at home.



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