Thursday, September 24, 2020

Ron De Santis Proposes Needed Legislation. Question for Biden By Wallace About Hunter. Books By Fitton/Sowell. Stella Sells Cottage IN Natchez.


The Old Folks Anniversary


Ron DeSantis is proposing/submitting needed and overdue legislation regarding rioters and those who finance same.  Obviously,  the legislation has only been proposed but it must be passed and drafted in keeping with our sedition laws and thus, constitutional.  If we do not actively and forcefully respond to the perniciousness that we are witnessing, we will have laid the tombstone for our own republic's burial and our adversaries will have achieved their long sought goal.

We will not be able to depend upon the mass media to assist because The Los Angeles Times were complicit in encouraging the rioting  in Louisville, The NYT's and WAPO favor the radical element within the ,now morally defunct, Democrat Party so the voice of the people must be the moving force behind this proposed legislation.

God save and bless our troubled nation.


This from a friend and fellow memo reader:


In the event you missed the following from Rush Limbaugh on Wednesday, September 23, 2020: So the bottom line is, Joe Biden was specifically briefed on the United States government’s concerns about Hunter and his role with Burisma and that Biden specifically did bring up these concerns to his son through this guy, Hochstein.

Now, “How does that comport with ‘I have never spoken’? If Joe isn’t asked about this at the debate, it will be journalistic malpractice.” Do you hear that, Chris Wallace?

If you don’t bring this up, the fact that Biden’s lying through his teeth when he says he’s never spoken to his son about this, it will be journalistic malpractice.





Btw, I have been wondering how long it was going to take Limbaugh to open up on Wallace, the never Trumper??


The mass media like to advance the tragic by rushing to judgement, reporting news that sensationalizes so they can perpetuate their effort to prolong, entertain and earn money. They have have become worse than  worthless as they continue to sink to new lows. They are no longer the bulwark or serve in the role of ombudsman of our republic.

Judicial Watch's, Fitton's new book Coming October 20th!

Dear Mr. Berkowitz,

On October 20th my new book, A Republic 

Under AssaultThe Left’s Ongoing Attack on 

American Freedom will be released!

If you haven’t already ordered your copy today 

in response to one of my letters to you, I 

encourage you to pre-order it now

Never before in our nation’s history has there 

been such a sustained and vicious attack on 

our republican form of government…and never 

have I seen a more seditious conspiracy by the 

radical Left in collaboration with the Deep State. 

In A Republic Under Assault: The Left’s 

Ongoing Attack on American Freedom I go 


detail about the dangers to honest elections 

coming from Leftist organizations…and how 

Judicial Watch is fighting back in the court of public opinion and the court of law.

I want my book to broadcast loud and clear:

  • The Left’s efforts, aided by the Deep State, to weaken election safeguards and make it 
  • easier for noncitizens to vote in our elections;
  • The Left’s efforts, aided by the Deep State, to undermine our immigration laws, 
  • overwhelm immigration law enforcement and surrender our national sovereignty, and;
  • The combined efforts by the Left and the Deep State to protect Hillary Clinton from 
  • accountability for her crimes, spy on Donald Trump and force him out of office in a 
  • conspiracy carried out with the help of politically-driven career bureaucrats in 
  • government agencies including the FBI and Departments of Justice and State.

If you haven’t already ordered your copy – preorder it today so you can get your copy 

first when it publishes on October 20th.

Thank you for your support!


Thomas Fitton

And another worthy book, I am sure, by one of my favorite/ most revered persons and authors:

“A methodologically rigorous, closely argued, data-driven case for charter schools.... Thomas Sowell is a national treasure in a nation that does not entirely deserve him.”
National Review
On sale now in hardcover, ebook, and audio
wherever books are sold
The wife of my dear departed artist friend, Roland Golden, is selling their exquisite  cottage in 
Natchez,  one  of the most beautiful and quaint cities in America. I have posted the information 
below.  A true charming steal.

Dear friends,

It's so hard to believe that it has been over a year since Rolland passed away.  Sixty-two years of marriage and 
being a  part of his career, has made this time very difficult for me. During his lengthy illness, we rarely went to our 
other home in Natchez.  Earlier this year, I decided to list with a realtor; it expired last month.  Home sales are 
starting to move again, due to low interest rates.  I have decided to sell it myself, listing it on  Without a 
realtor's commission fee, I can pass this savings on to a buyer.  

Rolland and I loved the authentic, Victorian cottage with embellished front porch and interior.  Needing more room 
for his studio and storage, we connected an addition with large rooms and ceilings, using the same style mouldings 
and hardwood floors.  Our eldest daughter, Carrie Lambert and her husband, Don, have been living in the front part
of the 100 + year old cottage; Rolland and I had moved into the new section. 

Here is the link to photos of exterior and interior with brief info:

This house can easily be converted into 2 homes: owner and renter.  Very few historical, one-story homes become 
available in the center of Natchez's old town - ours is one of them. Rolland's studio was in the back part, where he finished painting his Katrina series, exhibited at NOMA, etc. and later the majestic MS River, which traveled to 6 museums.

On one side is a beautiful yard and the other is a long driveway for 5 cars, off-street parking.  This week-end starts 
Fall Pilgrimage of beautiful antebellum homes in Natchez - runs thru October 23rd.  They will obey the present 
guidelines: social distances (fewer people), masks and sanitary gloves.

I have decided to include additional information on the house, which I am including at the bottom of this email and is
not currently not on the website.  Please share this with your email list.  For appointments and more info, you can 
email me or call my LA home @ 985/796-9533. Carrie will be glad to show our home, given enough notice. We also
take precautions according to the safety guidelines regarding Covid-19,

Best regards and be safe.

                                                                                     ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Queen Anne Victorian style front cottage – built 1900 – Arlington Heights
1 large room can be exercise room or game room or den
Separate office space with internet access
2 Central Air/heat units – front and back
Plantation shutters – 2 sealed fireplaces with mantels
Dining room next to kitchen
Kitchen: Range/oven, Refrigerator/freezer, Microwave, Dishwasher, Garbage disposal
Breakfast nook
Living room and entrance foyer - long hallways
Ceiling fans: 8, with light fixtures
Closets: many and attic
ROOF: shingles/cottage and metal/addition
Driveway for 5 cars – off street parking
3 porches
Brick patio and walkway

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