Tuesday, September 15, 2020

My Rebuttal. Our Mouth From The North President Who Thinks Outside The Rink.

I want to address some of the wild accusations Biden makes with total abandon and the mass media's failure to challenge their veracity because they are in cahoots with the Democrats to defeat Trump.

a) First:  Biden accuses Trump of failing in his response to the pandemic.  

Trump reacted, late in January, by shutting down travel to China while Biden and Pelosi were attacking him as a racist etc. They got their act together around March.

Trump reacted quickly to replenishing medical equipment and supplies Obama/Biden had depleted and not replaced. 

Trump responded immediately to any governor who made requests regardless of party  affiliation and virtually all praised and thanked him.

Trump forced the government (CDC and FDA) to get moving at warp speed on a vaccine and the drug industry also responded in record time. We may be near as many as 3  vaccines clearing 3rd stage approval.

The mass media has seen fit to criticize Trump for a variety of actions like not wearing a mask, attending meetings blah, blah, blah that are designed to spread doubt and heap criticism to undercut his responses and credibility

Biden and Kamala have responded with no specific recommendations of their own that are any different than what Trump has and is doing but they have said they do not trust the safety of any vaccine.  

b) Biden attacked Trump in Florida because of the Woodward book revelations about Trump's relationship and comments regarding the military.

We know Trump made some impertinent comments at times, most specifically Sen. McCain's imprisonment, but he also has gotten military overdue pay raises, turned the VA  around so it is now serving their patient load more effectively and in a timely matter unlike the failing system under the Obama/Biden administration. I also posted a very large list of senior military officers endorsing Trump's re-election. Trump is very pro military and has seen to it that equipment needs have been replenished, morale is high and we are upgrading our fleet and numbers of ships. Trump also established a Space Branch to meet the efforts of adversaries, like China and Russia, challenging us in space.

c) Today Trump celebrated moves by two Arab Nations towards major happenings regarding treaties and locating an embassy in Jerusalem. Pelosi responded it was a distraction.  I see it as an accomplishment that virtually every prior president failed to bring about though all tried desperately.  Trump may get the Nobel Peace Medal for this as did Obama.  The distinct difference is Trump can point to something associated with world peace. Obama simply was given it apparently because he became the first black president. Obama then proceeded to lay the foundation for the rioting and discord America is currently witnessing and one must not forget his financing of Iran' ability to escalate terrorism and go nuclear.

d)) Trump has been called a bigot, an anti-Semite, a misogynist, a liar, a crook, a captive of Russia, a premier bankrupt developer and you know the rest.

He has brought a lot of these charges on  himself because of his Ted Turner like outbursts.  He is the Mouth From The North, a counter punching New York Real Estate Developer and not a suave double talking slick politician full of guile. What you see is what you get, warts and all.  That is why he was elected and he has come through more than many thought he could and against the most horrendous of odds and efforts to cripple him at a terrible cost to our nation's welfare.  Lamentable,  power means more to radical Democrats than decency.

Trump has his insecurities, an obvious unorthodox style, an excessive  need to be liked and an ability to overstate facts.  Show me a human without glaring faults, who aspires to lead a nation and I will show you,in Trump's case, a driving doer who will probably go down in history as one of our better, if not, best presidents. Biden does not hold a candle to Trump, even from a dank dungeon.

It should be evident to anyone with less than 20-20 vision nothing Trump does will be found acceptable because the personal hatred of this man borders on pathological. When he was a private citizen he was honored by those who hate him now.  New York called on him to build an ice skating facility they could not get completed. He called in Canada - DUH!  Proved he could think outside the rink.


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