Saturday, July 18, 2020

Covid-19 Mislabeling? Random Thoughts and Some Postings.

This from a dear and long time friend and fellow memo reader:

"Tagging on to this post, just one small anecdote, but interesting/amusing/disturbing:  My eye doctor's daughter lives elsewhere in NC.  Maybe one of the big
cities.  She had no symptoms, but learned free Covid 19 tests were available in her area.  So she goes there, fills out a bunch of paperwork, then gets in a long
line to await the test.  After 2 hours, she was still in line, so she says, screw this, I am not waiting longer, and leaves.  A couple of days later, she gets a notification
that she tested POSITIVE for C-19. 

If you think that is crazy, just wait until they start counting votes in the November election...........B--"


Story out this am that a 20yr old killed in a motorcycle accident in Orlando cause of death was recorded as a  COV19 death. This link is to a 4 min interview of a doctor (and state senator) in MN. If you scroll to time 3:12 he explains a likely reason deaths may be overstated, follow the money!


 4 Things to Know About the Mob Violence in Portland
Back from the beach.  Daniel and Tamara are going back to Florida to be with her family and Abby and Brian are going home to Orlando. Dagny and Blake are staying for Tennis Camp.  Stella could not stay this year but her time will come again.
The rest of this memo is devoted to  my random thoughts and I will end with some postings.
If Biden is elected his strings will be pulled by a former bar tender who has been allowed to take over the Democrat Party and is drunk with power.

Biden has never been a strong and principled politician.  He changes his mind frequently and has a history of being wrong and seldom correct.  The influence from Pocahontas, Bernie and AOC
will eventually force him to get out on a limb while they are sawing. I suspect his "green" ideas/proposals will be seen as  playing to the radical audiences  but totally inoperable, too costly and bordering on insanity.

Taking money from those who mostly earned it so those who want it and cannot earn it themselves has been tried at a cost of  many $trillions of dollars. Far as I know it has not worked and is akin to filling a bottomless pit. Sexually speaking it is "nympho" economics.

AOC tells Cuomo, ‘it’s time to tax the rich’ | GOPUSA
I post a lot of cartoons that are insensitive because they unveil hypocrisy and therefore, liberals  find them offensive. Today's crop should be particularly revealing.
John Lewis was a good man but like all good men, he too did some things he should not have like failing to attend the inauguration of GW and Trump. They were disrespectful acts and when he gave as his reason it was because he believed they were illegitimate presidents he simply threw salt on the wound.

When an otherwise righteous person does something like that, whether they realizes it or not, they send a bad signal which is used by hot heads to "kosher" their own ill behaviour.
I spoke with the owner of the house we have rented at Tybee for 12 or more years as we departed. We did so from a physical distance but I know Rusty is a conservative and is sick over what is happening to our republic.  Like me, he believes it is hanging by a thread and if Biden is elected we will not recognize America nor will it ever be the same.

There is much to dislike about Trump and his methods and personality but his goals are basically sound, he has been effective in bringing about needed change and if that upsets those who threaten us or have taken advantage of us so be it.  I remain particularly concerned regarding what China intends not only for America but the world. Most of the major nations  have been asleep at the switch as China continues on their path of domination.

I know an alliance against China will not happen because getting Merkel to agree would get her nose bent and Macron is French and though France struts like a peacock it is a pigeon.

As for NATO, it is prepared to defend Europe but the action is more likely to be in Asia and The South China Sea. Meanwhile, China's technology theft is all over and their intentions are not honorable.

If the major nations of the world were smart they would begin to withdraw diplomatic relations and economic involvement because China's economy is highly leveraged and they depend upon exporting whatever they make.

China has earned their right to be totally "dissed."

As for America, I would cancel about $8 trillion of the debt they hold of ours as down payment on the cost we have endured because of the Corona-virus. It might not even be legal but it would send a wake up call a bit louder than our recent  warship sail-by voyages.

Justice Bader is now being treated for cancer in the liver area.  She has been through the wringer.  I wish her well but the picture is not good.
While at Tybee I had no book to read so I started reading the book my son was reading.  I read about 210 pages and then we left so did not finish.  I forgot the title but will get it.
We are in for a nasty campaign and many surprises before election day.  I still believe it is Trump's to lose and now that he has a more focused campaign team and Biden is going to have to come out of the dungeon I believe you will see some interesting developments.

The mass media will remain biased and most newspaper polls will continue to reflect Biden is ahead. They remain unaware that America is a big country  they do not care about because it would mean having to report facts that, from time to time, might be unappealing to their shrinking reader and listener-ship.

Trump SURGES In National Poll, Nearly Wipes Out TEN POINT Lead By Biden


Bret Stephens just wrote a column that tells the truth and could be putting himself out on a limb like Bari Weiss:
It would be nice if we could resolve the current rupture that is ripping our nation apart but you cannot talk with anarchists who enjoy rioting and throwing bricks and when Democrat leadership is infected both with the appeasement virus and desire to win at any cost in 2020..

There will always be something wrong that needs addressing because we are a diverse country with a long history of struggles and efforts to improve.  That is the beauty of America and our constitution both allows for and encourages change within the confines of a law and order structured society.

The internal threats to our nation have been building for decades. There are connective links/disparities among rich and poor, living conditions, education, family destruction, welfare dependency and unresolved grievances. Feeding bullies is not the way to resolve anything and intimidation serves their purpose and the meek are easily stilled and the self-righteous convinced they cannot be wrong.
Please answer from among your many choices:

When a nation denies equal opportunities to its citizenry and  promotes from a pool of those who are not qualified and does so to achieve racial equality it is:

a) Fooling itself?

b) Is not going to survive?

c) Is defying gravity?

d) Is America because of intimidation?

e) Should learn about history?

f) Likely to be governed by bleeding hearts?

g) Now in the brick throwing business?
Finally, we know Trump stretches the truth but the interview with Chris Wallace and the dust up about Biden defunding is a tempest in a tea pot.  You cannot take money from pot (a,) move to pot (b) and say that is not defunding.

A simple test, regardless of the name you are calling it, is put 10 marbles in A and none in B.  Then take 2 from A and place in B. How many do you now have in A?  If you still have 10 you need to go back to first grade.

Sorry Wallace, your liberalness and distaste for Trump is showing and maybe kindergarten would be better.

In fact, Wallace’s own network reported on it:
Joe Biden said in an interview Wednesday that some funding should “absolutely” be redirected from police, amid calls from some in his party to “defund the police” in the wake of the protests across the country.
Biden’s campaign has said he does not support defunding the police. But in a Now This interview with activist Ady Barkan, the presumptive Democratic nominee said that police forces don’t need surplus military equipment, saying this is what leads them to “become the enemy” in a community.
“But do we agree that we can redirect some of the [police] funding?” Barkan asked Biden.
“Yes, absolutely,” said the former vice president. 
Hi Patriots,
It will never cease to baffle me at just how hypocritical and ironic the Democratic left can be. 

And the saddest part is that they fail to even remotely see it.

Fighting for Freedom,
Chuck Little

Finally, Lindsey Thomas hits the nail on the head.

The FBI’s Dossier Deceit

New evidence that the bureau knew the Russia info was phony in 2017

The Editorial Board

The Justice Department’s release of documents from the Obama Administration’s 2016-17 Trump-Russia investigation is beginning to paint a picture, and the more we learn the worse the FBI looks.
The latest evidence comes from Friday’s declassification via the Senate Judiciary Committee of the FBI’s interviews, over three days in January 2017, with the primary source for the infamous Steele dossier. The bureau used the dossier’s accusations as the basis for four warrants to surveil Trump aide Carter Page during the 2016 campaign and early months of the Trump Presidency. The 57 pages of notes from the source interviews make clear that the FBI knew the dossier was junk as early as January 2017.
Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz disclosed some of this in his December report on the FBI’s surveillance warrants, but the interview transcript adds more color—as in red for embarrassment.
Former British spy Christopher Steele, whose dirt-digging was financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign, based nearly all of his dossier allegations on information from one unidentified “primary subsource.” The FBI didn’t corroborate the Steele dossier’s claims prior to its first application to surveil Mr. Page in October 2016, and it didn’t get around to interviewing the source until nearly four months later.
When agents finally got around to it, the source made clear that there was no factual basis to the dossier’s claims. The source noted he had mainly provided business intelligence to Mr. Steele, so he was “uncomfortable” when Mr. Steele in March 2016 asked him to investigate Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, and later Donald Trump. The source said his friends and contacts were “too far removed” from these matters, but that he “felt like he had to report something back to Steele.”
The source’s attorney insists the source didn’t have a “network” so much as a “social circle.” The source didn’t take notes, and he couldn’t remember which information came from whom. He acknowledged that he even passed along information derived from a telephone call from an anonymous “Russian male” who “never identified himself.”
The source said he warned Mr. Steele that his info was “rumor and speculation.” The FBI interviewer writes: “Steele pushed [the source] to try and either follow-up with people or corroborate the reporting but [the source] wasn’t able to do so.”
Friday’s disclosure also includes a February 2017 document in which leading FBI investigator Peter Strzokacknowledges the dossier is a bust, and that the FBI still had no evidence of any wrongdoing. The New York Times on Feb. 14, 2017 published a story with this headline: “Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence.”
Mr. Strzok wrote an internal FBI analysis highlighting the story’s numerous inaccuracies, explaining “we are unaware of ANY Trump advisors engaging in conversations with Russian intelligence officials.” He also acknowledges: “Recent interviews” reveal “Steele may not be in a position to judge the reliability of his subsource network.”
The FBI interview with Mr. Steele’s source should have put an end to the surveillance and broader investigation. Instead, the FBI continued to tout Mr. Steele as a reliable source as it renewed its requests for surveillance warrants. Former FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe expanded the investigation to include the President, and former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller as special counsel.
Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham gets credit for this declassification, and in an interview Friday he told us his next step will be “to go from the bottom of the pyramid to the top and find out just how many people were informed” about the source interview. “Those who knew about this exculpatory information, or should have known, and yet who continued—they are in legal jeopardy,” Mr. Graham said.
Democrats and the press corps that touted the phony Steele dossier will say this is a pursuit of a conspiracy theory, but it’s not a theory. The more evidence that is made public, the clearer it becomes that the Steele dossier and collusion narrative were dirty political tricks that became abuses of power.

Hatred pours out of liberal pores regardless of who you are yet, the mass media only criticizes Trump for his distasteful slurs and tweets.

Goya Gets Saved by American Conservatives…
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