Tuesday, January 12, 2016

What Happened in Cologne Does Not Smell Like Perfume. Where Are You Hilarious When It Comes To Women's Right's? A Mouthful of Issues! Condell and Truth!

SIRC, Jan 28th meeting canceled:

Unfortunately, we must cancel the Jan 28 scheduled meeting.

Lee Smith must be in Atlanta for Savannah Day. 

We will reschedule asap.
 I have received many favorable comments about our granddaughter Emma and her work.

A few representative comments:

"Dick,Emma's work is edgy and for this generation. She is very talented and great ideas. Had a meeting yesterday and conversation was about reaching the younger generation which she is one of and able to share new ideas and life styles. Congrats to Emma and to proud grandparents? Hugs A----"

"Go Emma Beauteous Love!  You know I have strong belief in your magic.
Glad you are getting proof from outer world as well! Heart smiles, hugs and kisses, and
Much Love, S-----"

Great looking Hopefully she will succeed  It's a tough area but she is already getting recognition 
Justly proud. M-----

Emma's art work is for sale and cheaper than it should be if anyone is interested.  I keep telling her to raise  her prices but she did not go to business school.

What can be done these days with technology:

GOP's Sen. Alexander is about to shoot his party in the foot because he is personally ticked.  (See 1 below.)
Rabinowitz always clear eyed. (See 2 below.)

What has happened to common sense and logic?  Why can't public officials tell the truth?  What are they hiding from when most everyone who hears their tripe knows otherwise?

Condell pretty much sums it all up! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHLcrfhwPtc           

Why haven't we heard from Hillarious about the Cologne event?  What happened there does not smell like perfume.

Where are you Hillarious, defender of women? All talk again? (See 2a below.)

Meanwhile ISIS ideology is infiltrating Gaza. (See 2b below.)
Messing with the Constitution has become something Liberals have been doing since Wilson.

If not stopped, America will be just another European nation and  a shell of its former greatness.

We still have it in our power to change and reverse course but I suspect Obama and political gridlock has placed us in an untenable position from which we cannot change unless some miracle , called real leadership, descends upon us. (See 3,3a and 3b below.)
Get ready for sharp Obamacare price increases. No they will not be a mirage. (See 4 below.)
Political correctness as defined by HST in a telegram back and forth conversation with McArthur and Nimitz..

The following are copies of those telegrams on the day before the actual signing of the WWII Surrender Agreement in September 1945 – they are exactly as received at the end of the war – not a word has been added or deleted!

This was sent to me by a very dear friend, a fellow memo reader and prolific LTE writer. (See 5 below.)
Pakistan send a message to Iran! (See 6 below.)
This has been a vicious market and I have no doubt Hedge Fund Managers have been shorting the market and pounding it down and, in many cases, to levels that are unrealistic and from which a decent recovery will occur.  That said, I also do not expect 4th quarter earnings to be robust so we probably have a choppy market with a downward bias to look forward to and a lot of  volatility for the entire year because of various news factors, ie. election, N Korea, Iran, ISIS, Obama ineptness and continued desire to bring about unwanted and unwarranted change, Fed rate action, energy prices domestic terrorism, possible outbreak of war in The Middle East, Putin and overall slack world economic activity. That is a mouthful.

1)Senate GOP About to Hand Chuck Schumer a Huge Win. Wait For Amnesty, Folks.

By   | 

Senator Lamar Alexander has been privately working with Senator Chuck Schumer to gut the filibuster and make it impossible for conservatives to stop the growth of government. Senate Republicans are going to vote on the plan any day and should vote no.
Several years ago, Lamar Alexander left his Republican leadership position in order to work across the aisle with the Democrats. In addition to supporting amnesty, Alexander also worked with Carl Levin to gut the filibuster. Their work was rejected by the Senate, but Alexander has continued ever since slowly trying to whittle down the power of individual Senators, conservative Senators, to stop the growth of the leviathan.
Alexander, you see, has been nursing a grudge since 2013 when it became apparent he was coordinating the timing and taxpayer funding for an exhibit about himself in the middle of his re-election campaign. How dare conservatives raise a stink. And it was a terrible, terrible thing that conservatives might be able to filibuster such government largesse being spent on guys like Alexander.
This whole effort with Schumer is short sighted because Republicans are willing to surrender the very tools they used while in the minority to stop Democratic plans. They are willing to cut their noses to spite their faces. Chuck Schumer is just licking his lips.
But the crazy thing is that Senate conservatives are pointing out there are already rarely used Senate rules that could preserve the filibuster, while also helping the Republicans get their job done. But Senator Alexander and Chuck Schumer would rather further gut the filibuster than enforce existingrules.
Because though Democrats have been able to block Republican spending measures, more often than not it is conservatives who slow down the process with the very rules Alexander and Schumer want to eliminate. Alexander never wants anyone stopping him from funding a government propaganda campaign about himself.
Now, just you wait until Schumer and Alexander get this done. Suddenly you will find Alexander, a proponent of amnesty, declaring it a spending matter — just like they did with Obamacare. And they’ll be able to push it through. Just you wait.

Denying the Obvious About Islamist Terror

After another ISIS-inspired shooting, Philadelphia’s mayor joins the chorus: It’s not about religion, no sir.

By Dorothy Rabinowitz

It required only half a minute for the mayor of Philadelphia, Democrat Jim Kenney, to achieve national fame. On Friday, an already sensation-crowded day, it fell to the mayor to take part in the official pronouncements on the attempted murder of city police officer Jesse Hartnett, shot and severely wounded as he sat in his patrol car when a would-be assassin emptied his gun at him—13 shots in all.

Police Commissioner Richard Ross Jr., appointed just three days earlier, delivered the details with noteworthy eloquence: The wounded officer, bleeding heavily from three wounds, one arm useless, had gotten himself out of the car, chased the attacker and shot him.
The drama of this recital needed no amplification, but there it was anyway: Clear security video images showed the assailant in his flowing white dishdasha—a robe favored by Muslim men—running toward the patrol car, shooting, sticking his hand in the window, and racing speedily away. Pictures too of the police officer lurching out of the car to give chase.

The wounded shooter, Commissioner Ross revealed, told police after his capture that he had mounted the attack in the name of Islam, that he believes that “the police defend laws that are contrary to Islam.” The man apparently wanted to talk only about his devotion to Islam.
Undaunted by anything he’d heard so far, Mayor Kenney then came to the microphone and declared: “In no way, shape or form does anybody in this room believe that Islam or the teaching of Islam” had anything to do with the attack. “This was a criminal with a stolen gun.”

Mr. Kenny’s tone was fervent. Out of this event—involving a murderous assault on a police officer, and a heroic response by that officer—the mayor, awash in excitation, had divined what was, for him, the most important concern of this day. Namely, persuading citizens that this attack had nothing to do with allegiance to Islam.

It added to the surreal wonders of this scene that, immediately after the mayor’s pronouncement, the commander of the police department’s homicide unit calmly took the microphone. Capt. James Clark reported that the shooter (later identified as 30-year-old Edward Archer) had said, repeatedly, that he followed Allah, that he pledged allegiance to Islamic State and “That is the reason I did what I did.”

The mayor’s comments, so bizarre in their determined denial of the deluge of facts delivered by top police officials standing next to him, were, nonetheless, familiar enough. Americans have learned to expect, after every Islamist terror attack, lectures instructing them that such assaults should in no way be connected to Islamic faith of any kind.
To hear the mayor of Philadelphia was to grasp, more clearly than ever, the fury that has led to Donald Trump’s success in attracting voters—the fury of citizens who know official lies when they hear them, whether about border security, immigration, or the ever-expanding requirements of multiculturalist dogma.

These are not the easiest of times for the enforcers of such dogma, especially in Europe, as another mayor, a German, has reason to know. Much of Germany is, today, still in shock over the coordinated assaults that took place New Year’s Eve, when bands of young men surrounded, sexually molested and robbed women in the streets of Cologne—molesters unanimously described by eyewitnesses to have been of Arab and North African origins. For four days following the mass assaults, Germany’s ZDF public TV station reported nothing about the attacks.

Cologne’s police chief would soon stand accused of concealing that the assailants were Middle Eastern males. The mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker, found herself in instant trouble when she advised women that if they wanted to protect themselves, it was certainly possible to keep strange men at arm’s length. She ventured no explanation of how this might be done when a woman was tightly encircled by men grabbing at her private parts while others stole her handbag, as was typically the case during the assaults.

Mayor Reker also announced that it was “absolutely impermissible” to suggest that the perpetrators could have been part of the recent refugee flood into Germany. Within days investigators were able to report that most of the 33 suspects rounded up were asylum seekers.
The current political piety dictating what is and is not permissible to say about terrorism and Muslims didn’t spring from nowhere. Nor did the compulsion to preach on the subject. The Philadelphia mayor’s bewitching half-minute lecture on Friday was only the most recent example. The sermonizing reflex—a quintessential element in Barack Obama’s notion of leadership—has by now taken on a life of its own. Who doesn’t know now to expect, in a speech by the president, or in some exchange of his with reporters, the glum rebuke, “That’s not who we are”?

On no subject has there been more sermonizing than on Muslims and terrorism and on what the real Islam is and is not—no surprise in an administration which has from its outset tended to the apparent view that the American nation is essentially composed of yahoos whose barely controlled instincts to riot require regular monitoring and checks by their enlightened betters.

All this notwithstanding the history that shows that, after the slaughter of 9/11 and through all the bloody assaults since that were committed against them by rampaging soldiers of Islam—Fort Hood, the Boston Marathon, San Bernardino—Americans have conducted themselves with exemplary courage and dignity. Neither the president nor other moral instructors who hasten forth after every terror attack to bring light unto the nation appear to have noticed.

Years of effort by this administration to deny, conceal and sermonize the nation out of its awareness of facts clearly evident to them is the sort of thing that doesn’t escape Americans in this election season, shadowed by the threat of terrorism. That is a fact Hillary Clinton might consider as she goes forth to celebrate her identification with the Obama years.

Ms. Rabinowitz is a member of the Journal’s editorial board.


The Cologne Portent

In the spirit of Christian charity, Merkel has imported Muslim misogyny.

By Bret Stephens 

Among the hard lessons of our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, surely one of them is that it’s foolish to expect that backward and often barbaric societies can be transformed into functioning liberal democracies. So why do liberals seem so surprised that so many people from these societies behave in barbaric ways after they’ve shoved their way into the West?

As I write, 516 criminal complaints have been filed in Germany against men of mainly North African or Arab origin who went on a New Year’s Eve sexual-assault rampage in the city of Cologne.

“Twenty or 30 men, foreign men, surrounded us and we couldn’t even move anymore,” a woman identified as Michelle told the BBC. “They just grabbed our arms and tried to tear us apart and pushed our clothes away and tried to get between our legs.”

Similar events also took place in Hamburg, Stuttgart and Berlin. In Sweden, a scandal erupted after it emerged that police had suppressed a report of mass groping by Middle East migrants at a festival last summer. In September, Soeren Kern of the Gatestone Institute chronicled some 30 cases of rape and sexual assault perpetrated by migrants against German and migrant women alike.

“In Bavaria, women and girls housed at a refugee shelter. . . are subject to rape and forced prostitution on a daily basis,” Mr. Kern writes, citing reports from women’s rights groups. “The price for sex with female asylum seekers is 10 euros.”
For anyone even minimally acquainted with Mideast mores, none of this is news. Mob sexual assaults in Egypt became notorious after the 2011 attack on reporter Lara Logan, but they have become a staple of Egyptian life. “Suddenly I was in the middle, surrounded by hundreds of men in a circle that was getting smaller and smaller around me,” one Egyptian woman wrote of a 2013 attack in Cairo’s Tahrir Square. “They were touching and groping me everywhere.”

The World Economic Forum publishes a Global Gender Gap Report, which ranks the status of women in 142 countries. Bottom of the list: Yemen, Pakistan, Chad, Syria, Mali and Iran, all Muslim-majority countries. A 2013 Pew survey of Muslim views on women’s rights found that only 22% of Egyptians and 14% of Iraqis thought that women should have a right to divorce their husbands, while fully 92% of Moroccans and 87% of Palestinians thought a wife must always obey her husband.
Put bluntly, there is a pronounced tendency among Middle Eastern men to view women either as chattel or as whores. This is not a pleasant reality to acknowledge, but it’s an even more dangerous thing to ignore. So why is it ignored?

Mr. Kern writes that police have remained silent about incidents of rape “because they do not want to give legitimacy to critics of mass migration.” That fits the pattern in Sweden, as it does with the Rotherham child sex-ring case, involving some 1,400 English girls abused over 16 years by men of Pakistani descent. In that case, police and social services ignored evidence of the abuse for fear of “giving oxygen to racist perspectives,” according to the Independent Inquiry into the case.

Or, as Denis MacShane, Rotherham’s former Labour MP and self-declared “Guardian-reading liberal leftie” put it, it was a matter of “not wanting to rock the multicultural community boat.”

That’s a telling admission. Multiculturalism is a liberal fetish that is also the antithesis of liberalism, classical or modern—a simultaneous belief in individual autonomy and cultural equality, irrespective of whether different cultures believe in individual rights or not.

Typically liberals have elided this incoherence by pretending, as President Obama often does, that Western cultures are no better than non-Western cultures in respecting human rights, or by demanding radical liberalism inside the West while supinely accepting violent anti-liberalism outside it.
But the events in Cologne make a nonsense of this. What was outside the West is now inside. In the spirit of Christian charity, Angela Merkel and other European leaders have imported a culture of Muslim misogyny. In the name of humanity, the benefactors are asked to close their eyes to the brutishness of so many of their beneficiaries.


At his State of the Union address Tuesday night, Mr. Obama is expected to make the case for opening our doors to Syrian refugees. As the son of a displaced person who arrived with her mother in the United States after World War II with seven dollars, I’m sympathetic to immigrants, particularly the lowliest among them. Whether their papers are in order doesn’t matter to me. It’s their intentions that count.

No amount of vetting is going to find all the bad apples in the new wave of Middle Eastern refugees. So here’s my modest proposal, for Mr. Obama and Ms. Merkel. Let’s open our doors wide to women, young children and the elderly. And let’s close it shut to the men. They have a mess to clean up in their own countries. And much to prove in the horrifying wake of Cologne


ISIS Followers Plan to Take over Gaza Strip

In the video produced by the pro-ISIS Palestinian Islamic Army (PIA), Hamas leaders are denounced for aligning themselves with moderate Arab leaders in the Gulf, who are described as "criminals and enemies of Islam."
  • Apparently, Hamas has been too kind to Christians living in the Gaza Strip. The narrator blasts Hamas leaders for offering greetings to Christians on their holidays.
  • It seems that there may be valid reasons for Egypt's reluctance to reopen the Rafah border crossing with Gaza, as well as to Israel's opposition to lifting the naval blockade on Gaza -- initiated to prevent weapons from being imported to Hamas and other extremists in Gaza. The PIA video provides proof that the Gaza Strip has become a hub for jihadi groups posing a murderous threat not only to Israel and "the West," but also to Muslims who are deemed by the terrorists as lacking in religious standards.

A new group calling itself the Palestinian Islamic Army (PIA) has popped up in the Gaza Strip, signaling incontrovertibly the growing influence of the Islamic State (ISIS) among Palestinians.
A thirty-minute video put out by the PIA shows its followers pledging allegiance to ISIS "Caliph" Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, and paints Hamas leaders as "apostates" and "infidels" for failing to implement Islamic sharia law in the Gaza Strip. The video constitutes proof positive that the ISIS ideology has infiltrated Gaza -- a truth that Hamas has unsuccessfully been trying to conceal for the past year.

A frame from the recent video produced in Gaza by the Palestinian Islamic Army (PIA), in which the PIA followers pledge allegiance to ISIS "Caliph" Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.

In the video, Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh and Khaled Mashaal are denounced for aligning themselves with moderate Arab leaders in the Gulf, who are described as "criminals and enemies of Islam." Apparently, Hamas has been too kind to Christians living in the Gaza Strip. The narrator blasts Hamas leaders for offering greetings to Christians on their holidays and condolences on the death of some of the community's members. Hamas leaders are featured making visits to Christian "polytheists" in the Strip.

Yet Christians are not the only bedfellows prohibited to Hamas by the PIA. The video also damns Hamas leaders for their alliance with the Shiite Muslims of Iran and Lebanese Hezbollah. For the PIA, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah is a "Satan" waging war on Sunni Muslims. And this "Satan" is in good company: "The Hamas government in the Gaza Strip is a sect of apostasy and blasphemy," the PIA video declares. Muslims are urged vigorously to distance themselves from the heretical Hamas.
The PIA holds Hamas responsible for the deaths of 11 of its members in the Gaza Strip. "The Hamas members executed them in front of their mothers, and left the wounded to die after preventing ambulances from reaching them," the video charges. "One of those killed in this massacre was brother Saeb Abu Obaida, who was executed by Hamas in cold blood." According to the video, Abu Obaida was the "emir" of the PIA in the Gaza Strip.

One of the leaders and founders of the ISIS-affiliated PIA, Mu'taz Daghmash (known by his nickname Abu Al-Majd), was killed in an Israeli airstrike two years ago -- much to the satisfaction of Hamas. The video reveals that arch-terrorist Daghmash was involved in the 2006 abduction of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit and the assassination of two Palestinian security commanders in the Gaza Strip -- Musa Arafat and Jad Tayeh.

A second jihadi mentioned in the video, Sultan Al-Harbi, is described as a senior member of ISIS who received military training in Yemen, Sudan and Libya before returning to the Gaza Strip. He too was killed last year in an Israeli airstrike.

Nidal Al-Ashi (aka Abu Huraira) was another PIA member in good standing, before becoming the first Palestinian to be killed in Syria while fighting for ISIS. Al-Ashi participated in multiple rocket attacks on "the enemies of Allah, the Jews," and attacks on churches and other Christian targets in Gaza, as well attacks as on Western journalists and diplomats.

Egyptian security officials have attested repeatedly that the Gaza Strip has become a major exporter of jihadis to Sinai. Events have proven those officials correct. It seems that there may be valid reasons for Egypt's reluctance to reopen the Rafah border crossing with Gaza, as well as to Israel's opposition to lifting the naval blockade on Gaza -- initiated to prevent weapons from being imported to Hamas and other extremists in the Gaza Strip. The PIA video provides definitive proof that the Gaza Strip has become a hub for jihadi groups posing a murderous threat not only to Israel and "the West," but also to Muslims who are deemed by the terrorists as lacking in religious standards.

Hamas has brought nothing but havoc to its people in the Gaza Strip. As for the Palestinian Authority and its leader, Mahmoud Abbas, all that is left for them is to be grateful for the presence of Israel in the West Bank. Without the Israeli military, Hamas and ISIS would eat Abbas and his Palestinian Authority for breakfast. One wonders: Is this the sort of state that Palestinians are seeking to establish

'Messing With the Constitution'

By Thomas Sowell

In recent years, a small but growing number of people have advocated a convention of states to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States. The reaction to the proposal has been hostile, out of all proportion to either the originality or the danger of such a convention.
The political left has been especially vehement in its denunciations of what they call "messing with the Constitution." A recent proposal by Governor Greg Abbott of Texas to hold a Constitutional convention of states has been denounced by the Texas branch of the American Civil Liberties Union and nationally by an editorial in the liberal "USA Today."
The irony in all this is that no one has messed with the Constitution more or longer than the political left, over the past hundred years.
This began with Progressives like Woodrow Wilson, who openly declared the Constitution an impediment to the kinds of "reforms" the Progressive movement wanted, and urged judges to "interpret" the Constitution in such a way as to loosen its limits on federal power.
It has long been a complaint of the left that the process of amending the Constitution is too hard, so they have depended on federal judges -- especially Supreme Court Justices -- to amend the Constitution, de facto and piecemeal, in a leftward direction.
This judicial amendment process has been going on now for generations, so that today government officials at the local, state or national level can often seize private property in disregard of the 5th Amendment's protections.
For nearly 40 years, the Supreme Court has been evading the 14th Amendment's provision of "equal protection" of the law for all, in order to let government-imposed group preferences and quotas continue, under the name of "affirmative action."
Equal rights under the law have been made to vanish by saying the magic word "diversity," whose sweeping benefits are simply assumed and proclaimed endlessly, rather than demonstrated.
The judicial pretense of merely "interpreting" the Constitution is just part of the dishonesty in this process. The underlying claim that it is almost impossible to amend the Constitution was belied during the very years when the Progressive movement was getting underway in the early 20th century.
The Constitution was amended four times in eight years! Over the years since it was adopted, the Constitution has been amended more than two dozen times. Why, then, is the proposal to call a convention of states to propose -- just propose -- amendments to the Constitution considered such a radical and dangerous departure?
Legally, it is no departure at all. The Constitution itself lists a convention of states among the ways that amendments can be officially proposed. It has not yet been done, but these proposals will have to be put to a vote of the states, three-fourths of whom will have to agree before any amendment can become law.
Is it better to have the Constitution amended de facto by a 5 to 4 vote of the Supreme Court? By the unilateral actions of a president? By administrative rulings by anonymous bureaucrats in federal agencies, to whom federal judges "defer"?
The idea that a convention of states could run amok and rewrite the Constitution overlooks the fact that it would take the votes of two-thirds of the states just to convene a convention, and then three-fourths of the states to actually pass an amendment.
Far from proposing radical departures from the Constitution, most of Governor Abbott's proposed amendments would restore Constitutional protections that have been surreptitiously eroded by unelected federal judges and by unelected bureaucrats in administrative agencies, who create a major part of "the law of the land," with the help of "deference" from federal judges.
Why are "We the People" to be kept out of all this, through our elected representatives, when these are the very words with which the Constitution of the United States begins?
Despite the left's portrayal of themselves as champions of the people, they consistently try to move decisions out of the hands of the general public and into the hands of officials insulated from the voters, such as unelected federal judges and anonymous bureaucrats with iron-clad job protection.
No wonder they don't want to have a convention that would restore a Constitution which begins with "We the People."


Has everyone lost their ability to see what is happening in the USA?

Think America! Before Obama there was virtually no visible presence of Islam in
All of a sudden Islam is taught in schools

All of a sudden we must allow prayer rugs everywhere and allow for Islamic prayer in
schools and businesses.

All of a sudden we must stop serving pork in public places and institutions.

All of a sudden we are inundated with law suits by Muslims who are offended by America.
(For God's sake, they are IN America)
All of a sudden we must allow burkas to be worn everywhere even though you have no idea
who is covered up under them.

All of a sudden Muslim training compounds are popping up throughout the USA.

All of a sudden Muslims are suing employers for being expected to do their jobs.

All of a sudden all of our aircraft carriers are recalled for maintenance by Obama rendering the
Atlantic unsupported.

All of a sudden our troops are withdrawn from the middle east.
All of a sudden there is no money for American poor, disabled veterans, jobless Americans,
hungry Americans or displaced Americans but there is endless money for Obama's refugee

All of a sudden Obama fills the Federal Government with Muslims in key positions.

All of a sudden there is an ammunition shortage in the USA.

All of a sudden Americans are threatened by the Federal government for complaining about Muslims.

All of a sudden the most important thing for Obama to do is disarm American Citizens.


The Syrian Misdirection Play

4)The Looming Obamacare Price Surge Disaster: How Bad is it? - See more at: http://americanactionnews.com/articles/the-looming-obamacare-price-surge-disaster-how-bad-is-it#sthash.6FgtHmVo.dpuf

Barack Obama essentially promised that the Affordable Care Act would provide more effective, lower cost health care to millions of Americans. As Maury Povich is so fond of saying, "that turned out to be a lie."
Forty-nine of 50 states will see premium hikes on the individual market in 2016, according to a tracker released by Freedom Partners, a Virginia-based non-profit.

Every state with the exception of Mississippi will see their health insurance premiums rise in 2016, and most states will see double-digit increases.

More than one in three states, or 17 percent, will see average premium increases of 20 percent or more including Alabama, Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, and West Virginia.

The five states facing the largest premium increases are Minnesota with 47.7 percent, Alaska with 39.1 percent, Tennessee with 35.2 percent, Hawaii with 30 percent, and Oklahoma with 29.4 percent.
Those are not moderate premium hikes. They represent a massive new cost of living increase for anyone happens to live in any of those states. They're also a reminder of  what happens when you distort markets to fit your ideologically bankrupt worldview.
- See more at: http://americanactionnews.com/articles/the-looming-obamacare-price-surge-disaster-how-bad-is-it#sthash.6FgtHmVo.dpuf
(1) Tokyo, Japan
0800-September 1,1945
To: President Harry S Truman 
From: General D A MacArthur
Tomorrow we meet with those yellow-bellied bastards and sign the Surrender Documents, any last minute instructions?

(2) Washington, D C
1300-September 1, 1945
To: D A MacArthur
From: H S Truman 
Congratulations, job well done, but you must tone down your obvious dislike of the Japanese when discussing the terms of the surrender with the press because some of your remarks are fundamentally not politically correct!

(3) Tokyo, Japan 
1630-September 1, 1945
To: H S Truman
From: D A MacArthur and C H Nimitz
Wilco Sir, but both Chester and I are somewhat confused, exactly what does the term “politically correct” mean?

(4) Washington, D C
2120-September 1, 1945
To: D A MacArthur/C H Nimitz
From: H S Truman 
Political Correctness is a doctrine recently fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of poop by the clean end!

Nuclear Pakistan Threatens to ‘Wipe Iran the Map’ if it Attacks Saudi Arabia

Tensions in the Middle East are expanding to Asia, with Pakistan, a nuclear power, standing beside Saudi Arabia against Iran.
Pakistani army chief Gen. Raheel Sharif has reiterated that any threat to Saudi Arabia’s territorial integrity will would evoke a sharp response. He said Pakistan would “wipe Iran off the map.”
Sharif made the remarks Sunday in a statement after Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman visited him in the garrison city of Rawalpindi, adjacent to the capital.

Salman earlier arrived in Islamabad, making him the second top Saudi official to visit Pakistan in a week amid growing tension with Iran.
The prince is also expected to meet with other Pakistani leaders. The visits came after Saudi Arabia and several of its allies announced the severing or downgrading of diplomatic relations with Shiite powerhouse Iran.
Pakistan, a predominantly Sunni state, also has a large Shiite population.
The bilateral relations between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are historically close and extremely friendly, occasionally described as constituting a special relationship. Pakistan has been called “Saudi Arabia’s closest Muslim ally.
Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman (L) and with Pakistan army Chief Gen. Raheel Shari
Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister 
Mohammed bin Salman (L) and with Pakistan army Chief Gen. Raheel Sharif. (Inter Services Public Relations via AP)

Pakistan’s current Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif enjoys exceptionally close ties with senior members of the Saudi royal family.

Pakistan maintains close military ties with Saudi Arabia, providing extensive support, arms and training for the Saudi Arabian military.

Pakistan, unlike Saudi Arabia, attains nuclear weapons.

Saudi Arabia has reportedly negotiated the purchase of Pakistani ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads. It is also speculated that Saudi Arabia secretly funded Pakistan’s atomic bomb program and seeks to purchase atomic weapons from Pakistan to enable it to counter possible threats from Iran.

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