Sunday, January 17, 2016

Obama Makes Chamberlain Look Tough. Jane Fonda For Sec. of Defense! A Call For New Metrics!


Just returned and a friend and fellow memo reader forwarded this to me.

I too believe something is fishy and I doubt we have been told the truth because the truth is something that constantly eludes Obama and particularly if it means a dent in his precious" legacy surrender" to Iran.(See 1 and 1a below.)


This from a good friend and fellow memo reader: "I saw 13 hours today. Very powerful when no American help arrives. No political inference , but it's glaring to all embassy staff and private contractors that no help would arrive. That should be dropped right on the doorstep of Hillarious & Obama 

Sent from J==="
Obama conned us again by telling us his "edited" side of the Iran Deal.  He told us it was a victory for  diplomacy,the world.  Hell, if I give in to my adversary's every demand I submit that is a one sided successful form of diplomacy.

As with N Korea and "Ole" Bill Clinton, The Iran Deal  will come back to haunt Obama and his successors and the world. Appeasement never works and the 'illegal detainees' for 'criminals 'swap will set a new low in America's continued humiliation and impotence and I have yet to add the capture of our two naval vessels,red paint lines in the sand of Syria.  Obama makes Chamberlain look tough!

What Obama has knowingly done is to sell out and betray America as well as Israel. Before he leaves office he might appoint Jane Fonda as Sec. of Defense.
Say what you will about Trump, he is correct in one regard - America is a declining manufacturing nation. Using metrics that relate to "America's past" is scaring the market because they reflect the obvious fact we no longer make more widgets and gidgets as we once did..

We need to come up with a new set of metrics to more accurately reflect the fact America has become a service nation. In essence, these metrics should track the growing number of bartenders and pizza delivery people. Following up on the logic of this proposal, perhaps we should also pay these new "workers" $50/hour while welders etc. should be reduced to $10/hour. Think how this would elevate the number in the middle class which, incidentally, has become another declining sector, decapitated by the stifling impact of our bloated government.with its crushing rules and regulations etc.

Another significant change occurring  is in the philosophy and direction of the traditional Democrat Party which has become radicalized and is now being challenged by a 74 year old Socialist. Yes, the direction of the Democrat Party has shifted very far left. On a political map  Bernie would locate us between Sweden and Denmark.

Hillarious is seeking to sit on the Party's historical throne but her favor-ability ratings are down around her ankles and there is a growing threat The FBI will produce enough evidence to commend her indictment for breaking laws and enriching her foundation while Sec.of State.

Up to now, liberals and their slavish press and media lackeys have been mocking the raucous machinations of Republicans but I suspect the Democrats are about to take a torpedo in  their hull as Bernie possibly knocks off Iowa and New Hampshire and the contest between the two gets nastier as the prospect of a Biden and possible Sen Warren nomination resurfaces.

Add to the above the appeasing negotiations of our president and his belief that his accomplishments have elevated our nation and it is little wonder the market is frightened.

Obama's SOTU, ignored the capture of our naval personnel and highlighted how strong our unstable  economy was while ignoring the enormity of what is becoming a crippling debt burden. Again, all of Obama's smoke and mirror talk is having a frightening impact on the markets.

Stay tuned.  The campaign is revealing what a mess we truly are in and the unease being caused is totally justified. Markets seldom lie.
Palestinian animals continue their lust for killing Israelis.  This time a mother of six in her home while her children were there. (See 2 below.)


Dems need to be more careful with their guns. (See 2a below.)
1) Former Seal Officer on Iran / Boat Situation
A former Navy Seal’s opinion...... I can’t verify any of this information and I don’t know the writer but based on my knowledge of these kind of situations I believe the below
scenario is credible..... 
 Matt Bracken Former Navy Seal on the Iran situation.
I rarely pull out my dusty old trident, but in this case, here goes. I was a Navy SEAL officer in the 1980s, and this kind of operation (transiting small boats in foreign waters) was our bread and butter. Today, these boats both not only had radar, but multiple GPS devices, including chart plotters that place your boat's icon right on the chart. The claim by Iran that the USN boats "strayed into Iranian waters" is complete bullshit.
For an open-water transit between nations, the course is studied and planned in advance by the leaders of the Riverine Squadron, with specific attention given to staying wide and clear of any hostile nation's claimed territorial waters. The boats are given a complete mechanical check before departure, and they have sufficient fuel to accomplish their mission plus extra. If, for some unexplainable and rare circumstance one boat broke down, the other would tow it, that's why two boats go on these trips and not one! It's called "self-rescue" and it's SOP.
This entire situation is in my area of expertise. I can state with complete confidence that both Iran and our own State Department are lying. The boats did not enter Iranian waters. They were overtaken in international waters by Iranian patrol boats that were so superior in both speed and firepower that it became a "hands up!" situation, with automatic cannons in the 40mm to 76mm range pointed at them point-blank. Surrender, hands up, or be blown out of the water. I assume that the Iranians had an English speaker on a loudspeaker to make the demand. This takedown was no accident or coincidence, it was a planned slap across America's face.
Just watch. The released sailors will be ordered not to say a word about the incident, and the Iranians will have taken every GPS device, chart-plotter etc. off the boats, so that we will not be able to prove where our boats were taken.
The "strayed into Iranian waters" story being put out by Iran and our groveling and appeasing State Dept. is utter and complete BS from one end to the other."

1a) America's sorry state
By Ruthie Blum

A few hours before U.S. President Barack Obama delivered his last State of the Union address on Tuesday evening, American sailors were captured and detained at sea by the Iranian navy.

Literally forced to their knees, nine men and one woman were held until the following day, when Tehran decided to release them, after determining that their boats' GPS had led them astray. Had the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy reached a different conclusion, the U.S. "Marines," as Iran referred to them, would have met a far more unpleasant fate.

While still under Islamic interrogation on the floor of an Iranian vessel, the 10 Americans were unable to listen to Obama's speech to the nation from the podium of Congress.
This is just as well.

The last thing you'd want in such a situation is to hear the commander-in-chief of your armed forces not even mention it when the topic of Iran came up. Indeed, not even refer to it at all.

What rang loud and clear to the rest of the world who actually watched the speech on television -- particularly the ayatollahs -- was the president's utter capitulation to the literal and figurative hostage-takers in the Middle East.

It began with four rhetorical questions he raised about the future, the third of which was: "How do we keep America safe and lead the world without becoming its policeman?"

Since the second part of the query has been the foreign policy of his administration from the get-go, Obama should have learned by now that the first part is unachievable when one's goal is to abdicate moral and military authority.

But since this president, who very shortly after taking the helm announced he would be "leading from behind," has never genuinely put the security of America or the rest of the free world at the top of his agenda, the words caused him no pause when they appeared on his teleprompter.

No, for Obama, the temperature of the planet has been of greater concern than the climate of jihad that has led to storm after tsunami of death and destruction everywhere the eye can see. And since wreaths placed on sidewalk memorials for freshly slaughtered innocent people are bio-degradable, it's all good.

So good, in fact, that this weekend the sanctions imposed on Iran's nuclear program are about to be lifted, after the International Atomic Energy Agency gives the green light.

About this travesty Obama had only positive things to say. After paying lip service to the danger posed to civilians by "fighters on the back of pickup trucks and twisted souls plotting in apartments or garages," who "do not threaten our national existence," the president took credit for having "built a global coalition, with sanctions and principled diplomacy, to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran."

Yes, he said, "as we speak, Iran has rolled back its nuclear program, shipped out its uranium stockpile and the world has avoided another war."

The applause Obama barely received during his hour-long ramble was faint enough to enable the louder sound of guffawing from Tehran to drown it out.

Or maybe it was not laughter we were hearing, but rather the clicks of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's calculator counting the multi-billions of dollars he is about to receive in unlocked frozen accounts. You know, as soon as the IAEA reports that Iran has fulfilled its obligations under the nuclear accord it supposedly signed in July with the P5+1.

Never mind that the Iranian military has been flexing its ballistic-missile muscles and threatening the U.S. warships in the Strait of Hormuz, while still calling for "death to America, the Great Satan."

No matter that Iran nabbed and grabbed American sailors, forcing the female among them to wear a hijab so as not to offend radical Muslim male sensibilities.

As the crew remained in custody while Obama patted himself on the back for the nuclear deal, the White House said, "We do not see this as a hostile intent."

Such is the state of the nation that Obama has helped its enemies demean -- a country that should cause Third World despots to cower, not taunt, ridicule and threaten.
An Israeli woman was murdered in a stabbing attack late Sunday afternoon in Otniel, a town in the southern Har Hevron region of Judea. The woman has since been identified as 39-year-old Dafna Meir, a mother to six children, two of them foster children. She waas initially critically wounded in the attack and succumbed to her wounds shortly after. The Arab terrorist who carried out the attack succeeded in breaking into the town, entering the woman's home and murdering her before fleeing the scene. The woman, who works as a nurse, fought with the terrorist at the entrance to her home as her children were nearby, according to testimony. The children did not see the attack but heard her shouts and came running, and then called up security forces to hunt the murderer. Security forces are currently pursuing the terrorist, aided by a helicopter, and residents of the town were asked to stay in their homes during the manhunt. The IDF has clarified that the terrorist is no longer in the town.
Witnesses of the attack have said the terrorist worked in the town and used his familiarity with the community to carry out the attack. Noam Bar, a senior Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedic, said, "the sight was difficult, we saw an unconscious woman aged around 40, who was not breathing and had no pulse." "She suffered from stab wounds to her upper body; we performed continued resuscitation but in the end we were forced to pronounce her death," said Bar. Former Interior Minister Eli Yishai, chair of the Yachad party which narrowly failed to enter the Knesset, responded to the murder by blaming the radical leftist groups B'Tselem and Breaking the Silence. "I am shocked by the murderous attack in Otniel. The cruelty of the murderers knows no bounds," said Yishai. "Again we come across the face of uninhibited evil. An awful murder of a Jewish woman hy''d in her private home, with her only 'sin' being that she was an Israeli Jew." "The struggle against incitement needs to be escalated. The Palestinian incitement at the side of the Israeli (incitement) managed by leftist organizations B'Tselem and Breaking the Silence is responsible for another despicable murder. God will avenge her blood." The attack came just minutes after a stabbing was thwarted at the western gate of Kiryat Arba, which leads to Hevron. In that incident, a female Arab terrorist was apprehended with a knife in her handbag before she was able to inflict any wounds.

In 1865 a Democrat shot and killed Abraham Lincoln, President of the  United States .

In 1881 a left wing radical Democrat shot James Garfield, President of the  United States - who later died from the wound.

In 1963 a radical left wing socialist shot and killed John F. Kennedy, President of the  United States .

In 1975 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at Gerald Ford, President of the  United States .

In 1983 a registered Democrat shot and wounded Ronald Reagan, President of the  United States .

In 1984 James Hubert, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 22 people in a McDonalds restaurant.

In 1986 Patrick Sherrill, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 15 people in an  Oklahoma post office.

In 1990 James Pough, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 10 people at a GMAC office.

In 1991 George Hennard, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 23 people in a Luby's cafeteria in  Killeen ,  TX .

In 1995 James Daniel Simpson, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 5 coworkers in a  Texas laboratory.
In 1999 Larry Asbrook, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 8 people at a church service.

In 2001 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at the White House in a failed attempt to kill George W. Bush, President of the US ...

In 2003 Douglas Williams, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people at a Lockheed Martin plant.

In 2007 a registered Democrat named Seung - Hui Cho, shot and killed 32 people in Virginia Tech.

In 2010 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner, shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed 6 others.

In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes, went into a movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.

In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people in  Minneapolis .
In 2013 a registered Democrat named Adam Lanza, shot and killed 26 people in a school in  Newtown ,  CT.

As recently as Sept 2013, an angry Democrat shot 12 at a Navy ship yard.

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