Friday, January 13, 2023

The Higher One Climbs. Wither Biden? Halcyon Times.


The higher one climbs the closer they get to the flames.

Will Biden be allowed to even get singed? Have American voters become so jaded and fed up with sensationalism they will ignore the Biden investigation or because Hunter is involved will it become taunting and sexually sleazy enough it will play grippingly well?  Stay tuned, because you could be in for one slimy ride of how America's first family sold America out in order to enrich themselves with  homes and fancy cars.

Will the potential stench of the investigation's revelation impact politics and truly drain the swamp for a significant period of time?  Most importantly will the fallout really, if sensational enough, drive politics long enough so true reforms of a critical nature be ensued to the end so that an historical period of cleaning the Potomac occurs?


This last memo is written before we leave for Florida and is devoted to a variety of topics that perhaps you already know about but I thought good reminders of times past, Halcyon Days and re-setting false attempts by the mass media to portray Israel as a pariah.  In no particular order they are:

 Johnathan Tobin.


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