The Coronavirus has come to Savannah.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Memorial Hospital has their first positive admission. Testing 35 more right now and sent home 22 with mild symptoms while they wait for test results. Not encouraging.
I have a liberal friend who is very angry, hates Trump and blames him for everything even before he became president. I told him to plant a grape tree in the hope he can harvest "sour grapes."
I was informed there would be lots of babies born in January as a result of the Coronavirus. How can that be if we have to keep a distance of 6 feet? More fake news?
Lynn and I played tennis today. Sorry I did. She beat me 9 games to 1. She knows I cannot run. The Coronavirus would be far less hurtful to my pride.
In a previous memo I posted an article that explained what China has been doing in a commercial sense: "...OBOR is Beijing’s foreign policy play disguised as infrastructure investment. Here’s how it works: China and country X agree to do an infrastructure project in country X. Country X has to borrow from a Chinese bank to finance the project. A contract is always awarded to Chinese companies, which then bring supplies and Chinese employees to country X to build the project..."
OBOR reminds me of the old joke about a guy who goes to Miami and is sitting on the beach when a beautiful woman walks by and says"I am selling." The man responds 'I am buying." Several days later, after he goes home, he gets a social disease. After he is cured he goes back to Miami for a rest and the same girl walks by saying "I'm selling." The man replies "What are you selling this time, Cancer?"
It is critical for the Western world to stay away from China! Nixon/Kissinger may have been theoretically correct to bring China into the world community in the belief they would be a contributor to world peace as their population benefited from increased commerce. It might have occurred but not with the nation ruled by Communists. Never feed bullies. It increases both their appetite and ability to do harm.
I am going to focus on China in the rest of this memo. Why? Because those who read my memos must know, I believe China is both our greatest threat as well as the world's. I also believe the way our mass media reports on China and denigrates Trump's behaviour towards China makes them the next biggest threat to America and world peace.
Let me explain.
To begin with, Xi and his communist partners in crime believe America is in decline and China will overtake us militarily and commercially well before 2025. In many ways China is already ahead of us in space.
From a military standpoint, China is ahead of us in cyber technology, satellite capability when it comes to blinding our own intelligence and are moving fast in developing their naval power. America's media have given up on attacking Trump when it comes to Russia. They lost that battle with the Mueller Investigation fiasco. However, the mass media are lusting over the Coronavirus crisis because they and their Democrat lackeys see this as Trump's Achilles Heel and the path to a Biden victory.
The mass media's antipathy towards Trump has them playing into China's hands because China needs to deflect their birthing of the Coronovirus baby. Xi has manipulated our mass media to attack Trump for calling it such as racial. They mocked his establishment of a fifth force devoted to space. China has no desire to fight America tank for tank. They prefer to blind our military from space. As their navy escalates beyond ours, they will be in a position to rule vast commercial sea trade routes.
Trump has finally forced our various government agencies to wake up to China and these agencies have begun to respond The mass media does not report this because it would prove Trump has been effective and not the incompetent they would have us believe.They would rather portray how Trump failed to move swiftly to confront the virus issue yet, his barring of traffic from China was both correct and sent a powerful message to Xi he is not President Patsy.
The mass media also gives Trump no credit for, nor reports on his effort to blunt China's OBOR strategy by getting our EX-IM Bank to offer competing and more favorable loans.
Finally, I suspect Xi would prefer Biden to Trump because they can manipulate Biden based on their history with Biden who would probably reverse Trump's Trade Agreement among others. No doubt the Bank of China's huge investment with Biden's son was a test of Biden's integrity and they found him wanting.
Trump and Xi, I understand, speak once a month and respect each other. More often if required. Asians respect power and strength. They are a patient lot and their political structure allows them to bide their time, if need be, in order to ultimately prevail. Should Trump win, they believe his successor will be less obdurate based on presidential history and their own experience.
The Coronavirus is an embarrassment Xi must deflect. Therefore, he is assiduously seeking to turn it into a propaganda victory by convincing the world to respect China's growing power and to realize it is only a matter of time before they best America. Thus, the nation's of the world are being goaded/challenged to begin re-considering their diplomatic alignments.
China does not understand why former presidents allowed them to gain the advantages they have and
deem it a sign of innate capitalistic weakness. However, they respect Trump for negotiating as he has and take to heart what he said, ie. " China will not supplant America while I am president."
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