Friday, May 10, 2019

Hell and Skidaway Island Might Become Paved With Good Intentions Of The Innocent Who Succumbed To/Got Snookered By Trojan Horse Developers?

Another recent work by my artist friend Rolland Golden.

So you that did not want to incorporate have been snookered? Most developers are Trojan Horses who prey upon the emotional who get caught up in causes, act irrational and eventually  against their own interests and those of others.  Hell is paved with their good intentions and now Skidaway Island might become as well.

 As many of you know there is a planned development for 26 acres on the end of Green Island road for a senior living community. This community is planed for over 200 residences offering independent living and assisted living featuring nursing and memory care.

There is gossip ( no factual confirmation ) of a similar plan on McWhorter.

The old Smith Bros grocery is now being used as a golf cart warehouse. I am unsure if the existing zoning permits a commercial warehouse use rather than retail.

Considering the loss of the vote for the City Of Skidaway Island it will be a challenge to oppose this development and request for zoning variance. Chatham county has a significant incentive to maximize the tax revenue from our island. We only have 3.5% of the voting population in Chatham county and accordingly our tax revenue will benefit 96% of the voting population. It will be an up hill battle to assure future development is consistent with the island living we all enjoy. If we have any hope of controlling these and other issue that effect us we will need a very loud voice from 100% of our residents.

We now have two large assisted living facilities and one planed that is seeking a zoning variance for height. We also have a question of zoning and usage in the village.  

How will this development effect our already limited water supply?

 What effect will this density of population have on our roads and infrastructure?

 Do we want a large four story building on our island that will require a zoning variance from the original concept of our island aesthetic?

How will the Village look if we have commercial warehousing usage and will it be in character with the image of our island?

What precedent will this development set if it goes forward unopposed?

Below is a link that contains more information and a sight plan for the new development.

If you oppose this I would suggest you pass this along to everyone you know. We will not succeed without all of us speaking as one. Perhaps we could use this letter as a petition to forward to Chatham county. 

In any event I will oppose this action. Because of personal reasons I am unable to assume a leadership role in this effort. I do hope someone will pick up the ball and run with it. 


What's At Risk

Quality of Life. That's why people moved to Skidaway Island. Quality of life.
 You hear real estate agents talk about it, residents, visitors, and surrounding 
communities in Savannah. In the early 2000s all you would hear over and 
over again is how quiet and peaceful it is on Skidaway Island. With little to no 
traffic, the morning commute off the island is the best in Savannah! 

I remember coming on and off the island in 2000 and you would be hard 
pressed to see more than a couple of cars in the early morning, after the rush
 hour morning commute, and during the day while you were on the causeway
.  But all of this has changed and quite a bit over the last 20 years. Why? The
 slippery slope of commercial development and rise in two-income families/
young families moving onto the island. Why did the two-income families move
 here??? You guessed it, Quality of life. Hard working people deserve a 
place to enjoy at the end of their day no matter where they live. One of the 
best parts of the day is coming home over the causeway to this beautiful 
island. It's a great place to raise a family. Why? Quality of life. But what's 
happening to our quality of life on the island? It's tanking. Why? The slippery
 slope of development. We already have two assisted living facilities and now
 we are looking down the barrel of a gun at a third facility and possible fourth 
on McWhorter.  

First, we had The Marshes, now the new development in the village and soon
 a possible 216 unit on Green Island Road. What will the traffic be like during
 construction? What will the traffic be like after it's built? Will crime go up on 
Green Island road due to the construction? Will the causeway have more 
traffic during and after the development? Yes, is the answer to all of them. 
We would be kidding ourselves if we thought anything less.  Here's an awful 
thought...McWhorter Drive could be the next development of assisted living 
units and this development would be twice the size at a minimum of the one
 proposed now on Green Island Road. The land is already cleared. What are
 we doing people? We're destroying the quality of life on Skidaway Island. 
That's what we are doing. 

I'm not opposed to job creation, development, turning a profit, helping the 
elderly...not at all. I'm opposed to development when it reaches a point that 
the quality of life is reduced. When the main reason we moved out to 
Skidaway is being destroyed. How stressed are you in the morning after you 
get passed the gate headed towards the causeway? How stressed are you 
coming home when the traffic is backed up from the entrance of The 
Landings? Only you can answer that, but I can't tell you it's going to get 
worse with the proposed Green Island Road Project. A lot worse.

Understand the following. The zoning for this piece of property is different
 than all others (interesting that it's zoned differently than all other property) 
and if they get approval to move forward, they can open a Red Lobsters, 
CVS, Immediate Care, or a possible office for Ken Nuggent.  The reason 
people moved out here is to not to deal with traffic and deal with commercial 
real estate. The other assisted living facilities didn’t impact the 4 way stop 
(they never passed the traffic light during their construction phases...never). 
Not even close.  Understand this will hurt all on Skidaway. Green Island 
Road and Skidaway Island will never be the same. This is completely
 different than the development in the village where we have a gas station 
and grocery store.  

All of us has to make the May 14th, 2019 meeting at MPC to voice our 
concerns over the possible development of 216 units across the street
 from South Harbor. We need at least 400 people at MPC. The petition 
will help, the presence of 400 plus people will impact the board even
 more. Please carpool and bring a friend. One hour of your time will 
save a life time memories for all of us on the island. 

Please make the May 14th meeting at the MPC at 1:30 pm.  If you can't 
make it, call now and speak with (or leave a message for) Marcus Lotson 
(very nice gentleman). 912-651-1497

As Israel's birthday nears love is in their air. 

Would it not be nice if the same sentiments could be said about our own 
nation? (See 1 below.)
1) 71 things to love about Israel

What made my Israeli heart a little bigger this year? Our 

humor, brashness, kindness, the intrinsic sense of family, and 

that dust that gets everywhere

By Alan Flashman

What made my Israeli heart a little bigger this year? Our humor, brashness, kindness, the 
intrinsic sense of family, and that dust that gets everywhere.
It’s that time of year again. When the weather starts warming up, the rains finally stop, 
and the blue and white flags start to decorate… well, everything. Car flags spurt from 
windows, buildings get dressed up, and LED displays show images of the Israeli flag 
waving behind a Ner Nishama (Azrieli Mall — I’m talking about you).

It’s the end of Yom HaZikaron (almost Yom HaAtzmaut) and each year, thanks to Benji 
Lovitt, we start to really enumerate the things that have made our Israeli heart just a little
bigger. So without further ado, here are the 71 things that I love about Israel.

71. The radio, on Friday afternoons, not only tells you the news and weather every hour, 
but also tells you the times Shabbat comes in and leaves.
70. The teenagers in the crowd cheer for Israel’s lacrosse team by chanting Ashrei.
69. It’s cute that Israelis think they know what an omelette is. Or a grilled cheese. Or a 
milkshake. It’s not a chavita, a toast, or a shayk (I feel like Dr. Suess). It’s not right, but 
it’s cute.
68. On Shavuot, in the streets of Jerusalem, Haredim and arsim have water fights 
together, in good fun, just to cool off.
67. When you turn on children’s programming randomly, the TV stations and shows 
center around holidays so that even edutainment is relevant to life.
66. Delivery men kiss your mezuzah even if they don’t enter your apartment.
65.  Israelis are everywhere around the world — you walk around Paris on the Rue de 
Champs Elysees and suddenly you hear HaTikvah on an udd only hours before you fly 
64. The vegetables and fruits have so much flavor that you start to think you used to eat 
plastic in the old country.
63. Speaking of, if you’re vegan, you’d better start living in Tel Aviv — the vegan capital 
of the planet.
62. We all call each other “Jew” and no one gets offended.
61. If you’re craving the comforts of your old home, you can just head to Ra’anana and 
find most of it (thanks Meatland!).
60. There’s nothing like the excitement and anticipation leading up to the holidays, 
especially that moment you get to leave the office.
59. The entire country, north to south, gets all excited and teary eyed over the Yoreh (first 
rains) and the depth of a big puddle in the north (read: Lake Kinneret).
58. Israelis live on hope, even when it’s about the fast train from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv.
57. When the rockets and missiles start falling again in the South, houses and hearts 
across the tiny land open for those who need shelter and a home-cooked meal.
56. Agree or disagree, the joy and passion and love presented in Sarah Tuttle-Singer’s 
posts inspire those feelings in others and reminds us to appreciate each other as people 
and citizens of Israel.
55. It’s 2019, and people may still vote with paper ballots in cardboard boxes decorated
with blue construction paper (like in 5th grade), but parents take great pride when they 
bring their kids to the voting precints.
54. Goshen (the third best steak in Tel Aviv — and it’s kosher, baby!).
53. Israel has 137 official beaches and most have nicknames based on the “types” who 
occupy them seven months of the year (Hof Metzitzim — go into that one eyes wide open).

52. Uzi’s Hummus, the best  hummus in the country (did I mention this last year as well? 
Because they still deserve it).
51. I’ve become familiar with four areas of Tel Aviv and I still haven’t seen it all.
50. If you’re a museum lover, then you’re in the right place! Per capita, Israel has more 
than any other country.
49. The dust and the earth here
 have a smell unlike anywhere else. As I always tell my kids, Israel is a dusty country, but
 it’s special dust.
48. My friend’s little daughter was hospitalized the other day and even though our soldier
were busy defending our citizens from rockets, at least a dozen, in full uniform, still 
found time to visit the children’s ward to bring a smile to their faces.
47. Only in Israel could you get into a deep philosophical discussion with a random 
someone at the bus stop.
46. Everyone in Israel is mishpacha (family). Which basically means that everyone can, 
and does, tell you what to do. At least they mean it with love.
45. Israeli guys with bouncy curls. Mmmm.
44. Even during rocket season, Israelis keep their sense of humor. “Ehhh, they just wanted
 to give us fireworks for Eurovision.”
43. When leaving Misrad HaPnim (Ministry of the Interior) and the security guard yells
 at the lady pushing a wheelchair to stop just so he can spray it with WD-40.
42. Only in Israel can you go to your local park and get into an argument with a Russian 
guy about moving to Israel from the States, but get along great when talking about 
Communism, Stalin, Russia, and anti-Semitism.
41. Here it might be a bit uncomfortable to talk to someone about the size of eggs 
(“habeitzim shelahem mamash gdolim. rak tzrichim shtayim!”)
40. Beresheet had all Israelis, here and abroad, rooting for the little one to make it all the 
way to the moon. Little country, big dreams indeed! Next time, like all Israelis, she’ll 
learn how to park.
39. All year, they sell pink and white marshmallows. For Yom HaAtzmaut, they’re BLUE
38. Sandalim with socks!
37. Only in Israel do they post blessings outside of bathrooms (insert dirty joke here).
36. Making aliyah doesn’t mean moving away from friends. It means everyone will come
 HERE to see you (and Israel).
35. Israel has the best slang. “She ate my head with a spoon!” Whut.
34. Israelis are “sick” over their contractions (what I like to call smash-ups): shnahtz,
motzash, natbag, or just make up your own. It won’t even cost you a shnekel, achi.
33. The glorious, dreamy, and golden sunsets on the sandy Netanya beaches.
32. Israel is so entirely international. I have friends who are French, Ethiopian, South 
African, Russian, Israeli, German, Italian, Japanese, and British.
31. Sarona Market. The food, of course, but don’t ignore the action outside. Music, 
dancing, energy!
30. I didn’t used to like halva, the weird sesame dessert thing, but when it’s available 
everywhere in hundreds of flavors, you just can’t help yourself.
29. Graffiti and street art are everywhere. Want to see some of it? If you live here, look 
around. If you live in chul (“chutz la’Aretz” or Outside of the Land), follow me on 
Instagram @tdrissman.
28. Did you know Israeli paper money has Braille on it? I didn’t either.
27. Israelis are awesome volunteers. Roughly a third of them volunteer their time 
somewhere. You can’t just say they’re brash — you also have to talk about their softer 
26. We all know that Israelis are overachievers (startup nation, y’all), but their palm trees 
also work hard, producing 10 times as many dates as the average (about 182kg per year).
We gotta eat!
25. David Jablinowitz and his bus stories always warm the heart. If you’re lucky, you’ll 
be featured in one! And now he has a podcast, so you have no excuse but to be informed
and entertained.
24. Our family found snow up north this winter. Being a Michigander, I loved it. My kids 
are Israelis — one afternoon was enough.
23. Acre is super multicultural, historic, and gorgeous. If you haven’t made it there yet, 
take a day. Take money. Take your time.
22. If you’re a spelunker or just an admirer of caves and natural beauty, head waaaay up
north to Rosh HaNikra. Bluer than blue and the world’s steepest cable car.
21. In Jerusalem, there is a family tattoo parlor that has been inking religious pilgrims for 
700 years. That’s what I call staying power.
20. The most delicious meat and “cheese” nachos you can find (and is shockingly kosher)
 is at Crave in Jerusalem. It’s worth the trip, but you won’t want to share.
19. A more earthly set of beauty
can be found, where else, on all the Tel Aviv beaches playing matkot, sunning themselves shamelessly, or playing beach volleyball. I will always say that dads with their kids are the sexiest.
18. Animals! Kangaroo Park in the north, Monkey Reserve in Modi’in, the Safari and Zoo
in Ramat Gan, the Biblical Zoo in Jerusalem — love LOVE LOVE!

17. The amazing Ilana Goor  Museum. A stranger walked by me this past year, asked for 
directions, and then  passionately told me that I HAD TO GO. A curio cabinet of a house, it’s a 
historic  building filled with art, her own work included, which was all designed by the artist
 herself. Seriously eye-boggling.
16. Israel takes therapy very seriously. Haifa University has a medical clowning program
 — the world’s only official college program focused on clown therapy. Not of the “It” 
15. Eilat feels like a paradise unto itself. People go south to vacation and literally never 
leave (Hotel California by choice). The beaches, the aquarium, the dolphin reef, coral 
beaches, the underwater observatory, Petra, shopping tax-free, friendly cabbies, amazing
diving… shall I go on?
14. Israeli television shows used
 to be nothing to brag about. Now they are so good they’re picked up by major television 
studios. Add these to your list and make some popcorn: Fauda, Mossad 101,  Shababnikim, 
Shtisel, and best of all, When Heroes Fly.
13. The little, but delicious, winery inside the Scots Hotel in Tiberias (used to be operated
 by the Scottish Church). While you’re there, check out the hotel itself. Somehow those
 Israelis make those plaid pants look great.
12. EUROVISION! Americans, educate yourself. It is no joke.
11. This year, Tel Aviv celebrates 110 years of history, architecture, beaches, food, 
nightlife, sunshine, and markets galore. It’s most definitely the year to visit.
10. You never have to walk far to find a vegetable/fruit stand. Maybe that’s why Israelis
 have an average lifespan of 82.5 years and are listed as fifth for health longevity. 
9. The Israel National Trail is a hiking trail 683 miles long from north to south; it 
traverses a wide range of landscapes, flora and fauna, and a diversity of cultures. These
boots were made for walking and walking and walking and walking.
8. Even little Israelis as young as 2 and 3 stand quietly for sirens which remind us of the
cost of having our country. And we worry about those little Israelis growing up as we 
pray for peace. We feel fear and pride as we think of them, tall and handsome, wearing 
those Israeli green uniforms and defending our country.
7. Let’s talk business. Israel ranks fifth overall on the 2019 Bloomberg Innovation Index
 (moving up five places from last year) and in R&D, we’re number one. Makes me wish I
 could grow up to be a venture capitalist.
6. We’re super knowledgeable about the bird and the bees *wink wink.* I mean literally.
 Israel has 545 resident species of bird, and the 500 MILLION twice-yearly bird migration
 across Israel has been called the eighth wonder of the world. Israel also has 500
 beekeepers with a total of 110,000 hives and an annual yield of 3,000 tons of honey. 
5. Israelis are smart and educated with the highest number of engineers and scientists per 
capita. Which means that if you start arguing with someone on the bus, you’d better 
know what you’re talking about.
4. Arab Israelis make up 21 percent of the Israeli population and have created
breakthrough inventions from science and medicine (think along the lines of nanotech 
array tech or neurobiological basis for emotions) to technology (really really really tiny 
computers) to biochemistry (synthesizing homogeneous proteins for a variety of structural
and functional studies) and more. That’s a brainful!
3. The seriousness we feel, the depth of our feelings of personal loss on Yom HaZikaron 
when we remember our fallen soldiers and those murdered in terrorist attacks. Israel is 
such a small country that everyone knows someone. The tears that spill from our heart 
even as we push through the pain, keep insisting on not just surviving, but living and 
thriving. As Jews. As strangers name their new babies after the dead. Because that’s what
and who we are. And we stand together singing HaTikva, shoulder to shoulder, lighting 
candles as the sun goes down and the fireworks go up.
2. Mangalim to celebrate! Shipudim! Shnitzel! Ktzitzot! Inflatable hammers and waving
 flags! Smiles on everyone’s faces. Chag Sameach to everyone — Happy birthday, Israel! 
PARTY PARTY PARTY! Even Wonder Woman parties here.
1. Always and forever at the top of the list: I don’t have to be jealous of people living 
here, constantly posting pictures of loving family, amazing food, nifty tours and 
locations, and views of cliffs and valleys because, finally, I am the one living here. Israel is 
home — MY home — and there’s nowhere like it on earth.

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