Monday, May 28, 2018

My oldest daughter, Debra Darvick has updated a previous book she wrote and it is now in print.

I have written a brief description below and you might find it a meaningful gift for your children and/or grandchildren as well as a birthday gift etc. Me

"We Are Jewish Faces is a hardcover picture book for ages 2 - 6. It portrays,
through wonderful photographs and a witty and fun text, the racial diversity in today's Jewish community.  

Debra's intention in writing the book was to banish the hurtful and exclusionary phrase, "Funny, you don't look Jewish." Jewish kids of color must see themselves in their Jewish books and the community, as a 
whole, needs a bit of consciousness raising.

This edition is a re-imagined version of an earlier book titled: " I Love Jewish Faces,"
no longer in print. 

I am quite proud of my oldest daughter's book. The graphic designer the publisher chose did a fabulous job in creating a lively and visually delightful book.  

It can be ordered on Amazon. If anyone wants to purchase the book directly from Debra and have
it inscribed and signed, she can be contacted via email. " See below.

Debra Darvick
Debra Darvick's profile photo

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