Monday, April 23, 2018

Chappaquiddick and Fauda. Israel's Dangerous May? Schumer And His Despicable Democrats. Stephens Surrounded By Pseudos - Must Be Uncomfortable. Devin Nunes!

                                                                My son in law took this picture while in Sedona (see above).
This from one of my most severe critics:  "You are mighty silent on Trump's golf and you were never silent on Obama and golf. Your man no longer makes any pretense  of "working" games.

I wonder how much each costs us tax payers and doesn't it all into Trumps pocket? Strange for you to be so silent on subject."

" My, admittedly, snide response: "He seems to be accomplishing more in two years than Obama in eight and the man only sleeps half as much.  One trade reduction and his golfing will be more than paid for."


How did we get here? Given the daunting odds against it, how is any kind of life possible? Those who have religious faith have an answer: God. Those in scientific circles have a different answer: The Multiverse. In this week’s video, Brian Keating, Professor of Physics at the University of California, San Diego, explains the multiverse theory and poses a sincere question: Who’s taking the bigger leap of faith?
Sunday night Lynn and I went to our first movie in a movie theater in months. We went with dear friends and the husband is a fellow memo reader.  We saw Chappaquiddick.  It was a good movie, probably took some license but overall laid out a fairly unbiased account of Sen.Kennedy's tragic episode with one of his brother's interns.

For  all those who hate Trump and love the cast in"Camelot" it would be wise to see this movie.

Yes, there is a deep state that sadly runs our government and exists in D.C. The characters may change, the names do change but the motivations remain the same - power, lies and deceit so it is little wonder the "deplorables" were delighted to opt for a new deck of cards and understandable why they were anxious to risk something different and elect someone unlike anyone we have had before.

For some this may not be funny but I thought it was hilarious when I read it, ie. there is a group pushing for Trump to be given the Nobel Peace Prize.  I am sure that is the furthest thing from the  Nobel Committee's minds and/or agenda but Trump has done more to seek changes that might produce peace than Obama did before he received the prize. The mere fact that there are those suggesting this simply highlights the mockery of the entire matter and reminds us how undeserving Obama was simply because he had a silver tongue.

It seems everything one used to hold sacred has been cheapened.  Kids are not allowed to fail and get awards for just showing up. No more valedictorians because it would hurt the feelings of those who did not get the award  Students are given points on SAT Exams just for writing their names.  God knows what else the PC crowd has in mind for us.

Yes, when all else fails lower your standards.

When we came home our friends urged us to watch FAUDA which is on NETFLIX.   They said we would not be able to stop. They were right.  We watched 3 of the first season's 12 episodes.  For those who like drama and authenticity you would be well advised to watch this series. I won't reveal what it is about.
Also,don't forget to watch Good News Israel from time to time and keep abreast of their progress in a variety of fields that will benefit mankind should they be successful.
Stopping Putin's Mafia. (See 1 below.)
Israel's most dangerous May. (See 2 below.)
Apparently Pompeo will sneak by for approval by The Senate but probably will not be approved by the Senate Committee.

Just one more despicable piece of evidence Democrats, led by Schumer, continue to put politics above the nation's interest and the right of the president to have his Sec, of State, who is imminently qualified, to serve. (See 3 below.)
A knock on wood? (See 4 below.)


Trump is not going to lay down and take it as most Republicans would.  The new law suit filed by the DNC will turn into another boomerang.  Stay tuned. (See 4a below.)
The only possible reason Bret Stephens went to  the New York Times was for money because to be surrounded by Episcopalian pseudo Jews like the Sulzberg and Och's families and Roger Cohen has got to be an uncomfortable/unnerving experience.. (See 5 below.)
Devin Nunes is probably the most tenacious and effective committee chair person in Congress. I have extended an invitation to him to be the featured speaker at the 2019 SIRC President's Day Dinner. (See 6 below.)
Some have suggested the death of Barbara Bush could begin a resurgence in America's embrace of the core values which define what it means to be an American.

I doubt her death can accomplish this worthy task but her story is exemplary and should be required reading for every grad school child. I doubt that too will happen.

How to Stop Vladimir Putin’s Mafia

The real enemy is a group of about 100 beneficiaries of the regime and several thousand accomplices.

By Mikhail Khodorkovsky

After Donald Trump’s victory in 2016, I predicted that Russia’s stance toward the U.S. would become more antagonistic. Vladimir Putin always needs a foreign enemy to rally his nation around him and divert attention from the poor Russian economy. Mr. Putin’s aggression has indeed managed to raise tension between the U.S. and Russia. But instead of reinforcing Mr. Putin’s narrative by punishing Russia as a whole, the U.S. should target its response toward Mr. Putin and his inner circle.

Mr. Putin’s conflicts with the U.S. are clearly intended to improve his reputation among the Russian people. Through his policy and rhetoric, Mr. Putin has spread the notion that the U.S. is a cunning enemy trying to undermine Russia and is responsible for Russia’s every problem at home and abroad.
Kremlin propaganda makes clear that Russia’s fights in eastern Ukraine and in Syria are aimed specifically at opposing the U.S. Mr. Putin sees the rest of the West—with the exception of the United Kingdom—as nothing but feeble U.S. puppets. And even the U.K. is a weak but crafty opponent.
But to sustain his illusion of strength at home, Mr. Putin must be seen scoring victories over the entire U.S. alliance. This is why he has targeted the internal cohesion of Western nations. The Kremlin has funded fringe movements in France and Germany, provoked conflict in Catalonia, attempted to influence elections in the U.S., and brutally punished Russian defectors in the U.K. and Austria.
While the Kremlin sees its target in clear focus, the West has often failed to identify its enemy correctly. It is only in recent statements by British Prime Minister Theresa May and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, following the Kremlin’s poisoning of a Russian defector to the U.K., that a gradual awareness has begun to appear. The enemy is not Russia, a country of nearly 150 million people like you. It is not even the Russian government as a whole, which is composed of nearly three million civil servants, most of whom receive a modest salary and work for the benefit of society as best they can.

The West’s real enemy—and the enemy of the Russian people too—is a group of about 100 key beneficiaries of the Putin regime, and several thousand of their accomplices, many of whom hold posts in the Federal Security Service and the presidential administration.

Most of these people began their careers in the criminal underworld of St. Petersburg. Despite having now taken control of the presidency, the group retains every aspect of the criminal ilk from which they came. They are even conscious that they are a band of criminals whose goal is to steal money and avoid accountability by holding on to power. Their methods include buying people off, blackmail, murder and phony elections. But now they can operate world-wide, not merely in one city.
Acknowledging the mafia origins of Vladimir Putin’s entourage will allow the U.S. and its allies better to understand and resist the group’s actions. Mr. Putin’s strategy is often incomprehensible from a normal political perspective, but the background of his circle indicates his aims and vulnerabilities.

They are unconcerned about people—to them ordinary Russians are mere cattle and rabble. They are unconcerned about the country’s long-term future—for them Russia is something to be plundered and, at the same time, serves as a means of protection.

Mr. Putin’s cronies don’t mind being known as ruthless and unconscionable brutes, so long as their critics pose no challenge to their interests. They don’t rely on the law, so only power matters to them; they want to be feared in the international arena.

On the other hand, these people are very sensitive to exposure—to having their activities become public knowledge—because they are used to hiding from society. They also place a high value on money and luxury; losing wealth and comfort is painful to them.

This is a mafia, after all. But it is a mafia with access to the finest lobbying firms, corrupt politicians, and lawyers (who have forgotten that they are also accountable to the law). They also boast the support of the politically obedient Russian mass media.

The effective method of fighting mafia groups is already well established. It isn’t diplomacy, though negotiations are necessary. It isn’t broad economic sanctions, which hit ordinary people but are ineffective against the mafiosi.

The best method of targeting Mr. Putin’s circle is to identify its individual members, along with their accomplices and the politicians they have paid off. Then, the U.S. and its allies could act to cut them off from the mechanisms of their influence loot—the people, money, and corporations they control in the West.

The Magnitsky Act, passed by Congress in 2012 to punish murderous Russian officials, shook the sense of impunity among Mr. Putin’s allies. A recent Spanish probe uncovered one of their criminal groups—with connections to the very top.

Resisting Mr. Putin’s regime will require this type of action. Identifying the group’s members, cutting them off from their overseas resources, and making their crimes public—that is the recipe for success in the confrontation with one of the most dangerous mafia gangs of the century.

Mr. Khodorkovsky is founder of Open Russia.

2)Former Head of IDF Intelligence: This Will Be Israel’s Most Dangerous May Since 1967
The former chief of Israel Defense Forces intelligence believes the upcoming month of May could be the most dangerous Israel has faced since before the 1967 Six Day War.

“When I look at the month of May, I say there wasn’t a month of May so dangerous since 1967,” said Amos Yadlin in an interview with Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth.

In May 1967, the security situation in the Middle East began to deteriorate as Egypt expelled UN peacekeepers from Sinai and three Arab nations mobilized their forces along Israel’s borders.
Israel eventually launched a preemptive strike in early June and decisively defeated Egypt, Jordan, and Syria.

“In the last Independence Day ceremonies I was reminded of the independence ceremonies of ’67,” Yadlin said. “The Jerusalem parade, everyone was satisfied, but they didn’t pay attention to the beginning of developments that snowballed into the Six Day War.”
Yadlin also warned against Israeli complacency and overconfidence. He pointed to Israel’s failure to predict the 1973 Yom Kippur War, in which Egypt and Syria caught Israel unaware on its holiest day and inflicted heavy casualties on the Jewish state before being defeated by the IDF.

“When the heads of state talk about Israel as a superpower, it also reminds me of the noises from ’73,” Yadlin stated. “So let’s be more modest, more careful, and understand where we’re going.”
Yadlin pointed to recent escalations between Israel and Iran in Syria. In February, an Iranian drone infiltrated Israeli airspace. It was later found to be laden with explosives, apparently for a terror attack. Israel retaliated by striking the control center for the drone and Syria’s anti-aircraft system.
Last week, Israel reportedly struck a Syrian airfield also used to control Iranian drones. Iran promised strong retaliation for the strike.

Israel has unequivocally stated that it will not permit Iran to entrench itself along it’s northern border.
Yadlin related the escalation to a recent statement by a top Iranian military official. “The deputy commander of the Revolutionary Guards said that his army can erase Israel and destroy our airforce, and so the only thing we can all do is escape into the sea,” said Yadlin. “From a military point of view he can’t threaten the existence of the State of Israel, he can’t even harm the air force.”

Nonetheless, Yadlin continued, Israel must exercise extreme caution in dealing with Iran.
“A preventive strike doesn’t absolutely have to involve the danger of a full-scale confrontation,” he said, “and I hope the people who sit in the cabinet room and the intelligence and security services know how to differentiate between when to go for the head of the Iranian snake in places that we can’t tolerate Iranian entrenchment in Syria, and on the other hand expelling every last Iranian from Syria. That’s an unrealistic and incorrect goal.”

Yadlin also noted that the Palestinian “March of Return” along the Gaza border will intensify as the Palestinians mark “Nakba Day” next month, on which they lament their failure to annihilate the nascent State of Israel in 1948.

In addition, President Donald Trump will be making his decision on whether to dump his predecessor’s nuclear deal with Iran. This could influence Iran’s decision to retaliate against Israel.
“All these things together enter the month of May,” Yadlin said. “The Israel-Iran issue and the Iranian retaliation, Trump’s decision on the agreement with Iran, and also the Palestinians’ ‘March of Return’ on May 15.”

A Warning to My Fellow Liberals

Burying our heads in the sand and hoping everyone we disagree with goes away is not an effective solution.

It was an unseasonably cold night, but I made the trek from Harlem to a meetup in Brooklyn. The organizers promised a night of big ideas and freethinking; the group 
thread included a quote from David Bohm about the virtue of free dialogue. But as 
with many such meetups in New York, I was quickly disappointed.
Instead of open minds and lively debate, I found dogmatic progressive ideology and groupthink. One attendee told me that I, a former Hillary Clinton campaign staffer, 
am “no better than Roger Ailes” because my company aggregates both liberal and conservative commentaries and thereby is “pushing a right-wing agenda.” Someone
 else said: “Trump supporters are so stupid . . . they think the tax bill was a good 
deal because they got back—what, a few thousand a year?”
I don’t claim to have the answers. I am, after all, a card-carrying member of the 
liberal elite. I went to high school on the Upper East Side, graduated from Bryn 
Mawr, and once made a six-figure salary at a Big Four accounting firm.
Still, I know that burying our heads in the sand and hoping everyone we disagree with goes away is not an effective solution. has received lots of positive and constructive feedback from liberals and conservatives. But the most unconstructive criticism we’ve received comes from the left:
• “We need to convince the Trump supporters they’ve been duped.”

• “Trump supporters are not the norm; they are an aberration.”
• “You’re a traitor to the cause.”
• “Some ideas do not need to be engaged with, they need to be ridiculed.”
I am a bleeding-heart liberal, a patriot and an optimist. I refuse to believe that 63 million of my fellow Americans were “duped,” that exposing people to different viewpoints is betraying “the cause,” or that liberals have all the answers.
For all our smugness, we liberals have little to show. Republicans control the White House, Congress, and 32 state legislatures. Yes, polling data suggests we may be in for a “blue wave” this November, but we’ve gotten overconfident about polling numbers before.
Let’s assume the pollsters are right this time, and Democrats win the majority in 2018. Then what? Follow Mr. Trump’s example and undo everything from the last two years? What happens the next time Republicans regain control? Unless we hatch a plan to stay in power forever, we’re going to need bipartisan support for our policies so they can survive the pendulum swings. How is that possible if the left refuses to engage with viewpoints from the right?
When I launched TheFlipSide, I had no idea it would provoke such strong reactions. I never thought I’d have to explain to people why understanding the other side is vital for a functioning democracy, or that someday I would feel alienated in a roomful of fellow New York liberals.
We were once the party of hope and change, the party of tolerance and inclusivity. From one liberal to another: Can we stop the ideological purity tests and admit that there are more ways than one of solving a problem? Can we please stop being such jerks?
Ms. Wahed is founder of, a daily digest of liberal and conservative commentary.
4) KIMBA WOOD, the Cohen Case Judge 
Federal Judge Kimba Wood will be overseeing the court case against President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen. Here are five facts about Judge Wood – and why Trump should be very worried.
1. She was President Bill Clinton’s pick for Attorney General in 1993
President Bill Clinton nominated Wood to become the first female Attorney General. In fact, Wood was hand-picked by Hillary Clinton, who had been asked to submit a list of possible nominees for her husband’s consideration. However, Wood withdrew from the nomination after the White House learned about her brief time as a Playboy Bunny – and that she employed an illegal alien as a nanny. Further, Wood actually helped the nanny to illegally remain in the country by paying taxes for her.
2. She trained as a Playboy Bunny
The daughter of a U.S. Army career officer and speechwriter, Wood spent much of her childhood and young adulthood in Europe. While studying at the London School of Economics in the 1960s, she trained for a few days as a croupier at a Playboy Bunny casino, but quit because “she thought the gig was silly.” Nevertheless, the job would haunt her in her later career and played a role in costing her the position of Attorney General.
3. She had an extramarital affair that earned her the nickname the “Love Judge”
Wood might be a judge, but her personal past indicates that her moral scruples are lacking. In 1995 at the age of 51, Wood began an affair with married multimillionaire Wall Street financier Frank Richardson. The affair was uncovered by Richardson’s wife when she found passionate passages written about Wood in Richardson’s diary. The tryst earned Wood the nickname the “Love Judge” during Richardson’s divorce trial. Wood married Richardson in 1999.
4. She officiated George Soros’s wedding
Wood officiated the 2013 wedding of notorious liberal billionaire George Soros. At the time, Soros was 83 and his bride, Tamiko Bolton, was 42. Numerous prominent liberals attended the wedding, including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and then-California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsome. In lieu of wedding gifts, the couple asked that donations be made to several organizations including Planned Parenthood and Global Witness, an environmental activist group.
5. She doesn’t believe in attorney-client privilege
During Cohen’s hearing on Monday, Wood forced Cohen to expose the identity of a previously unnamed client. That client turned out to be none other than Fox News host Sean Hannity, who maintains that he only asked Cohen for legal advice as a friend and never retained or paid him for any legal services.
This is the woman presiding over the court case involving @realDonaldTrump’s lawyer.
Her name is Kimba Wood.
She forced lawyer Michael Cohen to disclose the names of his OTHER clients.
She is a Clinton confidante who was chosen by Hillary to be AG.
— Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) April 16, 2018
As many people have pointed out, you couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried.
You really can’t make this stuff up. The Federal Judge, Kimba Wood, who officiated the wedding of George Soros is presiding over the already controversial case regarding a raid of the President’s lawyer. How can anyone possibly argue this isn’t explicitly partisan optics?


Trump Slams Democrats Ridiculous 


President Trump needled the Democratic Party Saturday over its multimillion-dollar 
lawsuit claiming damages for an alleged conspiracy among WikiLeaks, the Russian
government, and the Trump campaign to swing the 2016 presidential election.

“So funny, the Democrats have sued the Republicans for Winning,” Trump goaded 
in a 2:52 p.m. tweet. “Now [the] R’s counter and force them to turn over a treasure 
trove of material, including Servers and Emails!”

The threat of a Republican countersuit followed Trump’s initial tweet on the topic, 
which hailed the DNC lawsuit as “good news.”

“We will now counter for the DNC Server that they refused to give to the FBI, the 
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Servers and Documents held by the Pakistani mystery 
man and Clinton Emails,” he posted Friday night.

The New York Times’ Roger Cohen Laments 

Israeli Self-Defense

By Jerold Auerbach

Among the court Jews, Roger Cohen of The New York Times leads the coterie identifiable as
“ashamed Jews.” He laments Israel’s defense of its borders and by extension its citizens as the 
despicable and reckless exercise of power, periodically wringing his hands and twisting his mind in the 
attempt to find appropriate words of condemnation.

Back in December, he deplored President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. 
Echoing left-wing historian Tom Segev, who assailed the “strong nationalism and strong religion” that 
has supposedly transformed the Jewish state into a “colonialist power,” Cohen labeled Israel an “ethno-
religious Jewish state.”

One month later he reported on his visit to Hebron, where he ostensibly encountered “the biological 
metaphors of classic racism” driven by “a fanatical settler movement.” This in King David’s first 
capital, where the patriarchs and matriarchs of the Jewish people are buried. His mentor, predictably, 
was a founder of the left-wing anti-settlement group Breaking the Silence. Seemingly oblivious to the 
place of Hebron in Jewish history, Cohen lacerated Hebron’s Jews without any indication that he 
conversed with a single one of them.

Cohen’s most recent lamentation, published April 20, focused on Israel’s alleged “insanity,” evidenced 
by its “stomach turning” reliance on “a disproportionate military response” to Gazans, mobilized by 
Hamas, who have been attempting to breach Israel’s border. Quoting an array of former Mossad 
directors who cannot abide the Netanyahu government, he concluded that “Israel, through overreach, 
has placed itself in a morally indefensible noose.” He conveniently failed to mention the kite marked 
with a swastika and carrying a petrol bomb that flew across the border a day earlier – appropriately on 
Adolf Hitler’s birthday. The day his column appeared an Israeli warehouse was set on fire by another 
kite equipped with a flaming rag.

 Cohen grew up in London, where Jews of his generation learned 

at an early age to keep their identity to themselves. He has broken

 that mold, emphasizing his ancestry so as to lacerate Israel as an 

ashamed Jew. Ostensibly concerned that Israel’s violent response 

to Gazans massed at its border only feeds “Israel haters” and “Jew 

haters,” he laments “the Messianic fanaticism opposed to all 

territorial compromise that has steadily gained influence since 

1967.” He conveniently ignores Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s 

decision to withdraw the IDF from Gaza and dismantle all 

settlements, leaving 8,000 Jews homeless and allowing Hamas to 

establish its terror regime.

Mercifully, relief from Cohen’s hyperventilation was provided by Bret Stephens on the Opinion page. 
Marking the 70th anniversary of Israel’s independence, Stephens hailed “the creation of a feisty liberal 
democracy in a despotic neighborhood.” Perhaps with a backward glance at Cohen, Stephens noted 
that Israel “did not come into existence to serve as another showcase of the victimization of Jews.” The
 Hamas fantasy of breaching the border and marching to Jerusalem to claim Israel’s capital as its own 
is doomed.

Roger Cohen is surely worthy of inclusion among those lacerated by Stephens for providing “moral 
sustenance for Hamas in its efforts to win sympathy for its strategy of wanton aggression and reckless 
endangerment.” If 30,000 enraged Palestinians, armed with stones and flaming kites, targeted Cohen’s 
sedate London neighborhood, it is reasonable to assume that even he might request some bobbies for 
protection. Jews living on the Israeli side of the Gaza border are entitled to no less.

To be sure, Cohen is not alone at the Times, which has had a problem with Zionism ever since Adolph 
Ochs purchased the newspaper in 1896, several months after Herzl published The Jewish State. The 
very idea of Jewish statehood, to say nothing of its reality half a century later, provoked unrelenting 
consternation at the Times, which was determined to resist any intimation that it was a “Jewish” 
newspaper. It buried the Holocaust in its inside pages, declined to support the admission of desperate 
Jewish refugees to the United States, and warned that support for Zionism would ignite allegations of 
divided loyalty.

Ever since the 1920s, its Jerusalem correspondents – Joseph Levy, Thomas Friedman, Jodi Rudoren, 
and Isabel Kershner among others – have relentlessly criticized the idea and then the reality of a 
Jewish state. Inheriting former columnist Anthony Lewis’ self-appointed role as Israel’s hectoring 
critic, Roger Cohen has found his true home.
Jerold S. Auerbach’s newest book Print to Fit: The New York Times, Zionism and Israel 1896-2016 will
 be published this summer.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes says on 'Sunday Morning Futures' with Maria 
Bartiromo that potential "major irregularities" exist at the State Department with regard to how the FBI 
found out about the George Papadopoulos meeting with a Russian national that led to the FBI's original investigation into potential Trump/Russia collusion. 

DEVIN NUNES: It took a long time to actually get this... the original intelligence, the original  
reasons that the counterintelligence investigation was started. 

This is really important to us because a counterintelligence investigation uses the tools of our 
intelligence services, that are not supposed to be used on American citizens. So we've wanted to 
 know what intelligence they had that actually led to this investigation.
So what we found now, after investigators have reviewed it is that, in fact, there was no  

Nunes next speaks about confirming that the "Five Eyes" spying agreement between the U.S., U.K.,
Canada, Australia, and New Zealand is not the origin of the spying on Papadopoulos, adding: "We are
 not supposed to spy on each other's citizens, and it worked well."

NUNES: As you know, we are investigating the State Department, we think there are some 
major irregularities at the State Department, and we're trying to figure out how this information
 about Papadopoulos, of all people, who was supposedly met with some folks in London, how that
made it across to the FBI's hands. 

We know a little bit about that because of what some of the State Dept. officials themselves 
have said about that.

So we were glad to get this behind us, but as we peel another piece back, it leaves more
 unanswered questions.

MARIA BARTIROMO: You're telling us that in order for the FBI and DoJ to launch an 
investigation into so-called collusion between Trump and the Russians, there was no 
intelligence used? So I don't understand, how did this investigation start?

NUNES: I think that is the point. We don't understand, we've never understood. We don't have 
access to these finished intelligence products, and we've never seen one. We thought maybe one went through a different channel that was kept really secret... well, in fact, after our investigators reviewed this, there was no 
Five Eyes intelligence product, as has been reported. There was no product. And I think that is 
a major problem...

At the highest level, what is this about? A counterintelligence operation that was at the height 
of the political campaign, where you opened up an investigation, using these intelligence 
services to spy on the other campaign, it is really serious stuff...

I can tell you we now longtime associates of Hillary Clinton, including Sidney Blumenthal and 
Corey Shearer, were actively giving information to the State Dept. that was making its way to 
 the FBI... So we know this was at least from two witnesses, and so we're trying to piece all that

There was no official intelligence that was used to start this investigation, we know that Sidne 
Blumenthal and others wee pushing information into the State Department.

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