Friday, January 15, 2016

Just Returned From Atlanta. Much Traffic.

Warren Buffet may wear rack suits but he knows how to play the system to his advantage while appearing as your next door benign uncle.

In the last decade or so Uncle Warren has become more and more engaged in politics and working the system behind the scene, has aligned himself with Goldman Sachs and has become a quiet power who gets what he wants behind the facade of giving his wealth away.

The media folks adore him because he provides them with good copy about the  righteous capitalist and  they excoriate the Koch Brothers.

Don't believe everything you read and the way the media and print folks characterize.
Meanwhile, Iran has picked our  pocket and Obama has facilitated the theft.  (See 1 below.)
Where oh where have the Democrats gone?  They have been replaced by zealot Demwits.

Who are these strange bedfellows.  Well one is a Socialist named Bernie, another is  a Native American who taught at Hahvahd and is now a radical Senator.

These are the emerging leaders of the new Demwit Party who are following in the footsteps of the worst president in American history.

If you vote for them you will not recognize America and if you vote for the remnants of a dying party you might as well close shop because Hillarious already proved she is capable of pillaging The Home of taxpayers. (See 2 below.)

What Détente With Iran Really Means

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