Abby loves Blake and why not? Blake at 9 Months!
Dagny also Loves Her Brother!
Israeli medical technicians and doctors focus on insuring life. Arabs and ISIS focus on stabbing and beheading.
If Obama really wanted racial accord he would not select Al Sharpton, one of the two the most prominent race hustlers, as an advisor.
Ferguson was about a thief, apparently high on some narcotic,challenging and threatening a policeman who wanted to interrogate him. Brown's unlawful resistance led to his death thereby, creating an opportunity for Holder and Obama to intrude. Their misplaced comments encouraged their hustler friends to inflame the assembled mob turning the event into a racial confrontation. It ended, predictably, in honest hard working citizens losing their livelihood and the police blamed as instigators.
Obama, when first elected, had a golden opportunity to move us forward but he chose to play race cards and to divide.
Everything Obama does seems politically motivated and ends being divisive. The list of Obama's purposeful missed opportunities to "transform" our nation in productive and meaningful ways is endless and the best evidence of same is his contempt for the rule of law, our Constitution and the voice of the people.
It appears Ferguson and Obama's racial conference provided Obama a chance to seek more money to spend in furtherance of his desire to 'transform' police methods. .
A president was elected and he morphed into an arrogant king. Not the magnificent Martin Luther variety. What a tragedy! (See 1 and 1a below.)
Several of my liberal/progressive friends always cite Tea Partyers when I bring up failed policies that have wrecked our society. Well at least Tea Partyers clean up after their protests and believe that document called our Constitution is better than anarchy and should be taught in school and cited as a model of the waya civilized democratic society should conduct itself..
Call me a racist for posting these.
New Threat in California
Investigative sources in California say that radical Muslims are planning to go on a rampage in the city of Los Angeles, killing anyone who is a U.S. citizen.
Police officials fear the death toll could be as high as 9
I woke up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night and I noticed a Muslim man, sneaking through my next door neighbor's garden.
Suddenly my neighbor came from nowhere and smacked him over the head with a shovel, killing him instantly.
He then dug a grave and put the body in it and covered it.
Astonished I got back into bed.
Carol, my lovely wife said, "Warren, you're shaking, what is it?
"You'll never believe what I've just seen," I said, "that son of a bitch next door still has my shovel.
Or call me a realist. You decide!
This is reality and Europe has learned what we may soon experience: (See 2 below.)
1) In a development that may portend extended disruptions, veteran street organizer Lisa Fithian, previously dubbed “Professor Occupy,” recently trained Ferguson protesters how to “simulate chaos.”
Fithian is a legendary organizer who once announced she seeks to “create crisis, because crisis is that edge where change is possible.”
She was one of the luminaries of the Occupy Wall Street movement and was a lead organizer in the infamous 1999 Seattle riots against the World Trade Organization that descended into violence.
The 1999 WTO event in Seattle devolved into widespread rioting in which more than 40,000 protesters, some using violent tactics, descended on the city, prompting police to use tear gas and rubber bullets. The clash became known as “The Battle of Seattle.”
According to Discover the Networks, Fithian specializes in aggressive “direct action” tactics.
Prior to the grand jury decision in the Michael Brown shooting case, Fithian was interviewed Nov. 14 on NPR.
NPR host Emanuele Berry stated Fithian was “leading a training session for demonstrators, instructing a hundred people to shuffle through a small lime green room in the back of a nonprofit office, simulating chaos.”
Foreshadowing chaos that she herself may have helped to provoke with the training, Fithian warned, “Now does anybody think that when this non-decision comes down that it might be a little crazy like that out there?”
Discover the Networks, meanwhile, notes Fithian previously provided training and support for the controversial ACORN group, National People’s Action, the new version of the Students for a Democratic Society, among other radical organizations.
With additional research by Brenda J. Elliott.
1a) Opinions Versus Facts
Everyone seems to have an opinion about the tragic events in Ferguson, Missouri. But, as Daniel Patrick Moynihan used to say, "You're entitled to your own opinion but you're not entitled to your own facts."
Soon after the shooting death of Michael Brown, this 285-pound young man was depicted as a "gentle giant." But, after a video was leaked, showing him bullying the owner of a store from which he had stolen some merchandise, Attorney General Eric Holder expressed displeasure that the video was leaked. In other words, to Holder the truth was offensive, but the lie it exposed was not.
Many people who claimed to have been eyewitnesses to the fatal shooting gave opposite accounts of what happened. Some even gave accounts that contradicted what they themselves had said earlier.
Fortunately, the grand jury did not have to rely on such statements, though some in the media seemed to. What the grand jury had, that the rest of us did not have until the grand jury's decision was announced, was a set of physical facts that told a story that was independent of what anybody said.
Three different medical forensic experts -- one representing Michael Brown's parents -- examined the physical facts. These facts included the autopsy results, Michael Brown's DNA on the door of the police car and on the policeman's gun, photographs of the bruised and swollen face of policeman Darren Wilson and the pattern of blood stains on the street where Brown was shot.
This physical evidence was hard to square with the loudly proclaimed assertions that Brown was shot in the back, or was shot with his hands up, while trying to surrender. But it was consistent with the policeman's testimony.
Moreover, the physical facts were consistent with what a number of black witnesses said under oath, despite expressing fears for their own safety for contradicting what those in the rampaging mobs were saying.
The riots, looting and setting things on fire that some in the media are treating as reactions to the grand jury's decision not to indict the policeman, actually began long before the grand jury had begun its investigation, much less announced any decision.
Why some people insist on believing whatever they want to believe is a question that is hard to answer. But a more important question is: What are the consequences to be expected from an orgy of anarchy that started in Ferguson, Missouri and has spread around the country?
The first victims of the mob rampages in Ferguson have been people who had nothing to do with Michael Brown or the police. These include people -- many of them black or members of other minorities -- who have seen the businesses they worked to build destroyed, perhaps never to be revived.
But these are only the first victims. If the history of other communities ravaged by riots in years past is any indication, there are blacks yet unborn who will be paying the price of these riots for years to come.
Sometimes it is a particular neighborhood that never recovers, and sometimes it is a whole city. Detroit is a classic example. It had the worst riot of the 1960s, with 43 deaths -- 33 of them black people. Businesses left Detroit, taking with them jobs and taxes that were very much needed to keep the city viable. Middle class people -- both black and white -- also fled.
Harlem was one of many ghettos across the country that have still not recovered from the riots of the 1960s. In later years, a niece of mine, who had grown up in the same Harlem tenement where I grew up years earlier, bitterly complained about how few stores and other businesses there were in the neighborhood.
There were plenty of stores in that same neighborhood when I was growing up, as well as a dentist, a pharmacist and an optician, all less than a block away. But that was before the neighborhood was swept by riots.
Who benefits from the Ferguson riots? The biggest beneficiaries are politicians and racial demagogues. In Detroit, Mayor Coleman Young was one of many political demagogues who were able to ensure their own reelection, using rhetoric and policies that drove away people who provided jobs and taxes, but who were likely to vote against him if they stayed. Such demagogues thrived as Detroit became a wasteland.
2) French parliament to hold nonbinding ‘Palestine’ vote today
Jerusalem will be carefully following Tuesday’s non-binding vote in the French parliament on whether to recognize “Palestine,” wanting to see if there will be significant opposition inside the National Assembly to the move.
Similar symbolic resolutions were passed in recent weeks with massive majorities in the British, Irish, and Spanish parliaments.
This time, however, the vote may be a bit different, as former French president Nicolas Sarkozy, who on Saturday was again elected leader of the center-right UMP party, came out squarely against the resolution last week.
Sarkozy was quoted as asking fellow UMP party members last week to vote against the resolution.
“I will fight for the Palestinians to have their state. But unilateral recognition a few days after a deadly attack and when there is no peace process? No!” he said, in reference to last month’s terrorist attack at a synagogue in the capital’s Har Nof neighborhood that killed five Israelis.
Sarkozy said that he would “not accept that the security of Israel be questioned.”
That, he said, “is the battle of my life.”
In a debate on the motion held on Friday, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius also stopped short of supporting the parliamentary motion, saying that the government wants to try other pathways to a negotiated settlement, including setting a time-line for a negotiated settlement in a UN Security Council resolution.
“At the United Nations, we are working with our partners to try to have a resolution adopted by the Security Council in order to relaunch the negotiations and to bring them to a conclusion,” Fabius said during a debate in the National Assembly on the matter on Friday. “A two-year time frame is often mentioned for that purpose. The French government agrees with this duration.”
This resolution is separate from the one the Palestinians intend to bring to the Security Council in the coming weeks.
Fabius said France is willing to recognize a Palestinian state if negotiations do not resume.
“If this final effort to reach a negotiated solution fails, then France will have to do what it takes by recognizing without delay the Palestinian state,” he said. “We are ready for this.
The current wave of parliamentary votes on the matter began shortly after the new Swedish government in October became the first major western European country to recognize “Palestine.”
Israel’s position is that these moves work against the diplomatic process, because they reinforce in the Palestinians a belief that, if they sit and wait long enough, then the world will impose a solution and “deliver” Israel.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said last week that the trend in European parliaments to support recognition is a “big mistake for peace.”
He said these steps – which are only symbolic and have no real substantive impact – encourage “the Palestinians to harden their positions, not to compromise on mutual recognition, not to compromise on the things that are needed to achieve genuine security.
I think these European positions actually push peace away, and I believe that they make reaching a solution much harder.”
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