Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Hour is Late and Time Is No Longer Our Ally!

Tonight will obviously prove a fascinating evening as results trickle in from around the nation.

Our nation is at a crossroad because China and other emerging powers are in the ascendancy and we are either going to continue our relative decline or we must learn to live among others who now have intentions and opportunities that will challenge our own.

We have lost our productive edge in so many fields of endeavor, we are overburdened with unfunded obligations and unsustainable budget deficits.

As I have written many times, we have a political system that is dysfunctional considering the enormity of our problems and currently have a totally unqualified and highly contentious president.

One of the most pressing issues involves Iran and its campaign to dominate the Middle East and extend its power through nuclear means. Once again, this president's policies have proven wholly inadequate. Obama does not seem to have the stomach for taking a tough stand and following through but rather seems to have more of an appetite for crafting vapid speeches comprised of meaningless words.

He promised much and, except for unwanted legislation, has delivered very little. He has lied and used deceit to get what he wanted in total disregard of the nation's better interests and voter's desires. Consequently, many of the races tonight will prove to be a referendum on Obama regardless of how the spin-meisters spin it and they should.

After the results are in, the 2012 election cycle will begin to dictate the nation's political path and discord might heighten unless those elected can reach agreement and do what circumstances dictate - not compromise. We have had enough compromises. Watered down solutions don't work. The patient needs a full does not half measures.

Being cynical and having lived long enough to observe the way Disney East works I am not overly encouraged.

The stock market and Wall Streeters, historically, like gridlock because they distrust politicians as they have every right to but when the problems are as momentous as they now are gridlock is unacceptable. Obama's solutions have proven anathema so the road ahead is going to be difficult and far from smooth.

The hour is late and time is no longer our ally.


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