Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The Lah, Lah, Land. Everything About America Seems to Be Sagging.

A nation that is willing to be led by someone who is in his mid to late eighties is not a political statement it is a statement that it no longer is youthful. It is a message that it no longer wants to be competitive. 

I will soon be 90. if I make it to my next birthday in May. Yes, I look more youthful and many think I am in my mid to late sixties. That said, I can barely breathe when I walk, I no longer can play tennis and I have all kind of health issues that restrict my physical abilities.  I fall asleep while reading and the list grows with the passing of each day.

Should I be running for the president or campaign by hiding in the basement? C'mon man. Democrats want to win but care little about maintaining our leadership as a nation and this has all kind of scary implications.

China is passing us in a variety of ways either because we are already led by an octogenarian "dolt" or because they are stealing us blind when it comes to advanced technology etc.. They are buying up strategic companies and farms  that provide them the ability to spy on us. They burrow their way into our society and manipulate us with their propaganda through entertainment acquired opportunities. They are turning us into a disunited states as they pit citizen against citizen and are flooding us with death killing drugs and ideologies that elevate capitalism over Communism and fly balloons at random while we react like the aged fools we have become..

The sun is sinking on America and we seem to take it all in stride as if it is normal and to be expected.  Our next generation are being "gender" confused and served Pablum both in the cafeteria as well as in the class room.

I find everything happening reminiscent of "Atlas Shrugged." 


Ayn Rand, Controversial Author of Atlas Shrugged

By Nava Atlas | 

Ayn Rand (February 2, 1905 – March 6, 1982), American author born in St. Petersburg, Russia. Originally named  Alisa Rosenbaum, she was a bookish child who loved stories and started writing her own when still quite young.

Later, as a widely read (if not critically acclaimed) author, she became known for ponderous novels like The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, which were based on the philosophical tenets of Objectivism, which she developed.

Her novels’ leading men were mouthpieces for her objectivist views — especially Howard Roark in The Fountainhead and John Galt in Atlas Shrugged. Her philosophy, as she defined it was, “The concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute.”

The Virtue of Selfishness, the title of one of her best-known works of nonfiction, sums up what made Rand tick. She championed rugged individualism in her novels and nonfiction writings.

In the matter of America religion is in decline, mega technology billionaires are in ascendency. ESG, DAVOS, CRT, BLM have become thematic. The destruction of the family unit, the bedrock upon which our society rests, is crumbling, . Our borders are flooding,  Our police have lost the battle against law and order with assist from Soros and so it goes in "Lah,Lah, Land."

Even  pornography has sunk to a new low.  In the last few months I have been receiving, unsolicited, a link to "Granny Zone "  Everything about America seems to be sagging.


Sec. Pete is being investigated for his use of Government planes.  It is as if those who go to work for the government forget they are guests of the voters and  are spending tax payer dollars.  Everything they do seems self serving and they place no limits on their appetite and/or behaviour.

Probably began when casual dress began.  I served on the President' Commission on White House Scholars. My air fare , meals, hotel and cab fare were paid for and when I bought a Wall Street Journal or ate a candy bar I paid that out of my own pocket. I could have charged the government for misc items but I did not because I was judging candidates and did not feel it was right to be doing something I would not have wanted them to be doing.

I never will forgot after my service Sam Nunn wrote me a letter and addressed it to The Honorable Dick Berkowitz. My status had been elevated.



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