Sunday, July 10, 2022

Dufus Does It Again. White House Hiring Japanese. Israel Will Not Stand Idle. Dershowitz. Running The Gamut. Ordman. Next Election.

Right before I left for Tybee, Dufus screwed up because he read from his teleprompter what he was supposed to do not read. Those who voted for him, if they have any compassion at all, have to feel sorry for this manipulated piece of human flesh.. They might even feel some compassion for America if they care about this nation any more. 

As for yours's truly, I am shaking in my boots as to what could be the end because of their hatred of Trump and utter disregard of the various schemes to make sure of a Biden victory.

I have every reason to fear similar efforts, to determine the vote turnout before the election, will be attempted again because this is the manner in which America will/can be destroyed - implosion from within.  

This White House is now  employing a host of Japanese trained in falling on their sword for the emperor.


White House Tries to Deny Biden's Teleprompter Blunder

By Sarah Arnold

You won’t believe your ears, and according to the White House they don’t want you to. 

After President Joe Biden misread the teleprompter, White House assistant press secretary Emilie Simons attempted damage control in defending Biden’s word blunder. 

During a White House event, Biden was reading the teleprompter and instead of following the instructions that read “End of quote. Repeat the line,” Biden actually read that line word for word. 

Just another reason why Biden should not be running the country. 

In response to critics lambasting Biden, Simons and everyone in the Biden administration is denying the fact that the president did mess up his words. 

“No. He said, ‘let me repeat that line,” Simons tweeted after the video of the president went viral. 

Additionally, Washington Examiner's Jerry Dunleavy pointed out that the White House transcript of Biden’s speech also covered up his mistake.

"White House transcript of Biden remarks is now incorrectly aligned with what this WH assistant press secretary falsely claimed on Twitter, despite the video showing Biden clearly stating 'End of quote. Repeat the line.' & *not* 'Let me repeat the line," Dunleavy tweeted.


BRIEF / Lapid: ‘Israel will not stand idly by while Iran tries to attack us’


Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid calls for the “full force” of sanctions on Tehran after IAEA reports that the Islamic Republic has spun up advanced centrifuges.


Why is the Flawed Palestinian Cause So Prominent on the Hard Left?

by Alan M. Dershowitz, GATESTONE INSTITUTE  

Why does the Palestinian cause get so much attention, when there are much more compelling causes around the world such as those of the Kurds, Uyghurs, and other stateless and oppressed people? There are more demonstrations on university campuses against Israel than against Russia, China, Belarus and Iran. Why?

The answer has little to do with the Palestinians, and everything to do with Israel, as the nation state of the Jewish people. It is a political manifestation of international antisemitism. It is only because the nation accused of oppressing Palestinians is Israel.

It has little to do with the merits and everything to do with antisemitism. It calls itself anti-Zionism, but it is only a cover for anti-Jewish bigotry.

A recent example is the decision of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream to boycott parts of Israel, while continuing to sell to countries in which far greater abuses occur. When asked why Ben and Jerry’s limits their boycott only to Israel, its founders admitted they had no idea.

Who is leading the crowd of antisemitic bigots? The movement to single out the nation state of Israel for boycott, known as BDS, was originated by a Palestinian radical named Omar Barghouti, who does not hide the fact that his goal is the destruction of Israel….

Do the Palestinians deserve a state? Yes, but no more so than the Kurds and other stateless people. Why no more so? Because the Palestinians have been offered statehood numerous times and have rejected it.

Palestinians were offered a state on the vast majority of arable land, as part of a United Nations proposed two state solution; the Jews were offered a state on a far smaller area of arable land. The Jews accepted the compromise two state solution. The Arabs rejected it and went to war against the new Jewish state seeking to destroy it. It was this act of unlawful military aggression that resulted in the Palestinian refugee situation, which they call the “Nakba” (“catastrophe”). But it was a self-induced catastrophe. And many current Palestinian leaders and followers fault their predecessors for not accepting the two-state solution offered by the United Nations 75 years ago.

The Palestinians could have had a state in 1948, 1967, 2000-2001, 2005 and 2008. They still preferred no Jewish state to a Palestinian state living in peace with Israel. They can have a state now, if they would negotiate a compromise instead of fomenting terrorism.

I wonder how many of those who demonstrate against Israel have any idea of this history.

Palestinians have been offered statehood numerous times and have rejected it. As Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, then leader of the Palestinian people, essentially put it when the two-state solution was first proposed in the late 1930s: We want there not to be Jewish state more than we want there to be a Palestinian state. Al-Husseini, allied himself and his people with Nazi Germany during World War II. Pictured: Adolf Hitler meets with al-Husseini, on November 28, 1941. (Image source: German Federal Archive)

The anti-Israel claims of the Palestinians, though deeply flawed, have become a central part of hard left ideology, especially among those who adhere to so-called intersectionality.

Why does the Palestinian cause get so much attention, when there are much more compelling causes around the world such as those of the Kurds, Uyghurs, and other stateless and oppressed people? There are more demonstrations on university campuses against Israel than against Russia, China, Belarus and Iran. Why? The answer has little to do with the Palestinians, and everything to do with Israel, as the nation state of the Jewish people. It is a political manifestation of international antisemitism. It is only because the nation accused of oppressing Palestinians is Israel.

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From Constitutional Republic to Socialism to Globalism to Feudalism

by Linda Goudsmit, 

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite themselves, of course. Globalism has declared war on the nation state, and cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The tactical strategy is the incremental movement of America from constitutional republic -> socialism -> globalism -> feudalism. The target is your children. This is how it works.

Every natural force on Earth from fire to nuclear energy has the potential for construction or destruction. This inherent duality presents man with moral choices between construction and destruction. Traditional Judeo-Christian morality deems construction good and destruction bad. What happens when the accepted foundational morality of society is challenged by a competing narrative that insists construction is bad and destruction is good? Let’s find out.

Societies as small as families and as large as nation states are organized by accepted principles codified into written or unwritten laws accepted by member units. When societies abide by the accepted rules they are considered to be at homeostasis – they are at peace and in balance. When a competing narrative intrudes, the society becomes destabilized and must either accept or reject the competing ideology to regain balance, peace, and homeostasis.

Traditionally, American culture derives its stability and moral authority from its Judeo-Christian tradition, Constitutional law, and parental authority in the family unit. God, government, and family are the triptych of American culture and the foundations for America’s extraordinary ordered liberty. America’s triptych is the artwork of American greatness and portrays the triad that supports our unparalleled freedom and prosperity.

The globalist leadership understands that social change happens slowly, and then all at once. They have recruited the Leftist and Islamist enemies of America to wage war in America, on America. Today’s radical leftist Democrat party is challenging the foundational American triptych and is attempting to repaint its panels with socialism.

In politics it is essential that policies be analyzed and evaluated with rational objectivity–when they are not, the consequence is belief in the unbelievable. I call this political mysticism–the belief in the politically impossible. “Democratic” socialism is the 21st century’s political mysticism seducing Americans with promises of heaven on Earth. Millennials disenchanted with the religious teachings of their Judeo-Christian heritage are searching for answers to man’s moral dilemmas elsewhere. Some find it in supremacist religious Islamic sharia law. Others are duped by leftist radical Democrats advocating the political mysticism of secular democratic socialism.

No successful humanitarian huckster sells socialism by promising enslavement–hucksters promise utopian social justice and income equality instead. They promise “free stuff” to the hopeful masses and con them into voting for “deliverance” at the voting booth. Let’s be clear–FREE STUFF IS NEVER FREE–people pay with their freedom.

Collectivism, whether it is marketed directly as globalism, indirectly as socialism, or deceitfully as democratic socialism is a structure of centralized government control. Together, America’s radical leftist Democrat party, its allied Islamists and globalist funding partners, are selling the upside-down notions and inverted logic of “democratic” socialism to shatter America from within.

Collectivism is slavery marketed as freedom. George Orwell described collectivism’s upside-down notions and inverted logic in his 1949 dystopian novel, 1984. “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” Orwell was a political analyst who understood, “All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force.”

There is no private property in collectivism–individual citizens do not reap what they sow–the government does. So, first comes the fraud–the promise of social justice and income equality. Then comes the force–a centralized ruling government that owns and/or controls all production and its distribution. In the case of globalism, it is centralized government on a planetary scale.

Winston Churchill described the reality of socialism, “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” Churchill understood that socialism is a return to feudalism where the ruling elite benefit at the expense of the shared misery of the masses. Yes, you read that correctly, socialism is the stepping stone for globalism’s one world government. Let me explain.

Failed cultural Marxism has been repackaged with the magic word “democratic” to overcome reflexive American resistance to socialism, and to disguise collectivism’s tyrannical core. It is a fraudulent marketing technique designed to sell political mysticism. The word democratic is being used to paint lipstick on this particular political pig. Democratic socialism is presented with mystical reverence as deliverance of social justice and income equality–millennial salvation.

Barack Obama sold socialism to America by disguising it as “hope and change.” Today’s emboldened radical leftist Democrats and their “resistance” movement have repackaged their product reverently relabeling it “democratic” socialism.

In theater as in religion, there is the concept of suspension of disbelief. The audience does not examine the plot or characters with the same rational analysis that is required of objective scientific study. When political theory is presented as religion, the same suspension of disbelief is accepted. Why does this matter?

It matters because suspension of disbelief is the core of political mysticism. Duped millennials argue that old attempts at socialism were not the “real” socialism–democratic socialism is the real deal. Oh my!

The aspiration for world domination simply will not go away, and make no mistake, socialism is the stepping stone to one-world governance. A sovereign United States of America is the existential enemy of any aspirational movement for one world government whether secular or religious. After WWII it was clear to anyone and everyone that if the United States of America was ever to be defeated, it would have to be shattered from the inside out–culturally–military defeat was out of the question.

It was with this mindset that the enemies of America resolved to destroy America from within. The Culture War against America took aim at the foundational structures of the triptych–God, government, and family. The hearts and minds of patriotic Americans would have to be turned against themselves to defeat America. America would have to implode.

The Leftist/Islamist/Globalist axis is targeting the triptych of American greatness to destroy her from within. The Leftists are selling the political mysticism of secular democratic socialism, the Islamists are selling the political mysticism of religious Islamic sharia law, and the globalists finance and foment both anti-American campaigns.

Winston Churchill remarked, “Islam is an ideology wrapped in religion.” He understood that peace on Earth to an Islamist means when all the world is Muslim. Churchill recognized the theocratic foundation of Islam and its socio-political requirement that no separation exist between mosque and state. In Islam, religion is the centralized controlling government. Winston Churchill spoke the inconvenient truth about Islamist aspirations for world domination in his time. He was, after all, a globalist who believed in English hegemony.

History is repeating itself. Today Islamism and democratic socialism are domestic enemies of American sovereignty, but their provisional alliance will remain only until they can destabilize America and make the country ungovernable. Social chaos is the prerequisite for seismic social change. Anarchy is the goal.

Anarchy will launch globalism’s final takeover, and it will become manifest that the globalists have been financing and fomenting the Leftist/Islamist alliance in the United States for decades. Leftists and Islamists are globalism’s useful idiots, exploited to usher in the New World Order ruled by the globalist elite themselves–of course.

The globalist elite have been playing chess while the Leftists and Islamists are playing checkers. Globalism’s opening moves begin at the beginning.

Our Founding Fathers established a constitutional republic with distinct separation of powers designed to protect the nation from the centralization of power required for any binary system of rulers and ruled. Barack Obama’s “hope and change” attacked the separation of powers and made socialism mainstream in America. Joe Biden’s globalist “build back better” went further, and made globalism mainstream in America. Socialism was always the stepping stone to globalism, and globalism was always the stepping stone to 21st century feudalism–the Great Reset.

The United States of America is at the tipping point. We are teetering on economic and social collapse, precisely the conditions globalism requires to impose its planetary New [Old] World Order. The globalist elite’s New World Order is a regression back to the socio-political infrastructure of feudalism, a variation on the binary monarchical system of rulers and ruled rejected by our forefathers.

Globalism’s war on America is a long-range war of attrition. The older generation of American patriots is dying. Their children’s generation of woke indoctrinated millennials is transitional. It is the grandchildren’s generation that is the primary target of globalism’s war on America, and war on humanity. Young children are being indoctrinated, groomed, and socially engineered to become submissive, dependent, wards of the planetary globalist managerial Unistate.

They will be the first generation of completely propagandized, eternally dependent, genderless, submissive slaves in globalism’s New World Order. These children will never know freedom. It is absolutely essential for Americans to recognize that we are a nation at war. We simply must adopt a wartime mentality to make sense of the nonsensical social policies, and understand that the globalist Biden regime’s domestic and foreign policies are intentionally designed to collapse America from within.

Change happens slowly, and then all at once. The nation is teetering at the tipping point of all at once. If Americans insist on a peacetime mentality during a time of war, they will surrender America’s national sovereignty to the grasping managerial state, and surrender our nation’s children to the globalist elite who will consign them to a life of indentured servitude. Denial is not a survival strategy–it endangers the children and empowers the enemies of freedom. Parents and grandparents must fight the globalists for the children, or they will lose the war for the children. There is nothing in between–and the globalist enemy knows it.

Linda Goudsmit is the devoted wife of Rob and they are the parents of four children and the grandparents of four. She and Rob owned and operated a girls’ clothing store in Michigan for forty years before retiring to the sunny beaches of Florida. A graduate of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Linda has a lifelong commitment to learning and is an avid reader and observer of life. She is the author of the philosophy book Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus? and its political sequel, The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, along with numerous current affairs articles featured on her websites and The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage completes Linda’s trilogy of insightful books that connect the philosophical, political, and psychological dots of the globalist war on both American and individual sovereignty.

Linda believes the future of our nation requires reviving individualism, restoring meritocracy, and teaching critical-thinking skills to children again. Her illustrated children’s book series, Mimi’s Strategy, offers youngsters new and exciting ways of solving their problems and having their needs met. Mrs. Goudsmit believes that learning to think strategically rather than reacting emotionally is a valuable skill that will empower any child throughout his or her life. Plus, in Linda’s words, “I have yet to meet the child who would prefer a reprimand to a kiss.”


Ordman"s  Israel: (edited)

It may be the start of the summer holidays, but the busy pace of Israel's positive activities remains at the highest level. Israeli scientists and medics have been busy kick-starting the immune system, boosting the body's repair system, and (yes still) healing Ukrainian refugees. Israelis have been feeding the poor, swimming the Kinneret, schlepping baby formula to the US, training farmers, installing water pumps for the thirsty, and eradicating plagues of locusts. Innovative Israel startups are busy removing CO2 from the atmosphere, powering vehicles efficiently, heating and cooling offices without energy, securing and speeding up construction work, making production smarter, and helping businesses search their data. Israeli trade with Arab states is at unprecedented levels, Israeli technology is making on-line business safer and can help busy airlines and airports get travelers to their destinations quicker. Finally, Israel is busy welcoming numbers of tourists and new immigrants not seen for years.

The photo is of the busy Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem's Old City.

Please recommend and forward this email to friends, family and colleagues and especially to any individuals who you think need to know about the good work that Israel does.



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Rebooting the immune system. Israel’s NeoTX (see here previously) is now conducting a Phase 2 trial of its naptumomab estafenatox (NAP) bacteria-coated, immunotherapy cancer treatment on 30 patients in the US. It is also enhancing an AstraZeneca checkpoint inhibitor. NeoTX has 3 Nobel prizewinners in its team.
How we fight fungal infections. Scientists at Israel’s Weizmann Institute have made a vital discovery in how Candida infections are countered in healthy humans. Until the immune system’s TH17 T-Cell lymphocytes turn up, rare lymphoid cells (Aire-ILC3s) spring into action to hold back the potentially dangerous fungal infection.
T-Time. Dr. Elad Jacoby - Head of cell therapy, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology at Israel’s Sheba Medical Center talks at Talpiot xmed 2022 about how they re-educate T-cells in the immune system to destroy cancers that used to take the lives of young children.
Bacteria may help cancer patients. Israel’s Biomica (see here previously) has given 12 cancer patients, who had poor responses to immunotherapy, pills containing bacteria missing from their gut microbiome. In 2020, doctors at Sheba hospital used fecal bacteria to shrink the tumors of three cancer patients.
Smart fabric accelerates repair of nerves. Scientists at Israel’s Technion Institute have developed an ultra-thin silicon-based membrane that speeds up the repair of damaged nerves. The material is wrapped around the nerve while the wound is open. When the wound is closed, the material is stimulated using near-infrared light.
Diagnosing diseases in space. Scientists at Tel Aviv University and Israel’s Volcani Institute developed the kit that Israeli astronaut Eytan Stibbe tested on his mission on the International Space Station. It proved that even under zero gravity, diagnosis known as CRISPR-Cas can identify viruses and bacteria infecting crew members.
Warning of patients at risk of hospitalization. Suboptimal polypharmacy is when medication for two or more chromic conditions clash. Israel’s FeelBetter has been deployed by Israel’s Leumit Healthcare and preliminary results show it can identify 70% of elderly patients at risk of hospitalization in the next 3 to 9 months.
Joint medical research with UAE. Israel's Maccabi Healthcare Services HMO and health organizations in the United Arab Emirates have signed several deals to promote joint medical research and tech innovation. They focus on advancing personalized medicine and includes building a genomic research registry for the UAE.
Rescuing food for the poor. The 4th annual Leket Live 2-day tour of Israel took volunteers to a moshav farm, to prepare food parcels near Haifa, to an IDF training base, to see South Tel Aviv, to pick vegetables in Rishon LeZion, and to pack parcels in Jerusalem, and more. Spaces are available for next year’s Leket Live mission.
A special swimmer. Ayelet was among 424 other women from Israel and abroad who took part in the 2km Kinneret swimathon in May to raise funds for the special-needs adult workshop at Gevaot in the Gush. Ayelet herself has Downs Syndrome yet has swum the Kinneret for the past 9 years, holding hands of other swimmers.
Bringing peace to the region. Article about the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation provides information on its collaborative programs between Israelis and Palestinian Arabs. They include the Saving Children program, the Training Doctors program, and its mentoring events.
Jews and Arabs bring baby formula to US. Israel’s Jonathan Feldstein personally transported 119 containers of Israeli baby formula to churches in the US for distribution to needy families. He enlisted help from his own Genesis 123 Foundation and the Palestinian Arab branch manager of his local Rami Levy supermarket.
Global training in Agriculture. (TY UWI) The Arava International Center for Agricultural Training (AICAT) trains 1,200 people annually from 16 countries in methods that raise their yield and their income. The students pay tuition fees from the money they earn while gaining practical work experience on local farms.
A solar water pump for Ethiopian farmers. Scientists from Israel’s Technion Institute have developed a unique water pump powered solely by solar energy. It can deliver water from wells to crops, to give farmers a second annual harvest and increased yields in Ethiopia and remote areas across Africa.
Fighting locust infestation in Sardinia. President of Sardinia, Christian Salinas, asked for help to eradicate the locust infestation plaguing his country for the last 3 years. Israeli agro-tech companies in the field were quick to respond with advice. Israel’s last plague of locusts in the Arava region was dealt with in under two weeks.
Still healing Ukrainians. It may no longer be making headlines, but physicians from Hadassah Medical Center are still performing surgery for sick and injured Ukrainians at the Przemysl refugee camp on the Ukraine-Poland border. This article describes one doctor who operated on 10-year-old Alexandra to cure her foot pain.
Israel’s first conference on carbon removal. There are 20+ Israel companies involved in carbon capture and removal. Many of them, and others, presented at Israel’s first conference on carbon sequestration. Projects included deep-sea seaweed to capture CO2 for photosynthesis and converting organic waste into biochar.
Smart Israeli batteries to power smart Israeli scooters. (TY UWI) The light, powerful AI-designed 3D electric batteries from Israel’s Addionics (see here previously) will soon (in 2023) power the smart electric scooters from Israel’s Blitz motors (see here previously). The partnership is a first for both companies.
Computer chips to protect road users. Israel’s autotalks (see here previously) has unveiled 3rd generation chipsets TEKTON3 and SECTON3, designed to support future V2X (vehicle to anything) requirements. They will enable automatic braking to help protect car users, two-wheelers, and pedestrians.
The age of Aquarius. (TY IsraelUnwired) Newsmax video provides an update on the latest progress of Israel’s Aquarius Engines (see here previously) and its replacement for the combustion engine. It weighs 22lb, can run on pollution-free hydrogen and can power a car for 750 miles on a single tank of gas.
Preventing overuse of pesticides. (TY UWI) Article features three Israeli companies developing technology to combat agricultural diseases without harmful pesticides. Ecophage uses harmless bacteriophages; IBI-Ag uses insecticides tailored for a specific insect; and Projini AgChem uses AI to identify molecules that combat pests.
Humidity can heat and cool your house. Israel’s ThermoTerra (see here previously) uses the water vapor in the air to heat and cool.  Humidity power involves using evaporation to cool and condensation to heat, via an absorbent material. It saves energy, money, and the environment.
AI to prevent falls from scaffolding. Israel’s Pangea IT (see here previously) has developed AI technology to solve the problem of construction workers' falls from scaffolding. Pangea's sensors, AI analytics and computer vision systems send immediate alerts if a dangerous load is detected, or if workers are not tied to the lifeline.
Extreme Tech Challenge winner. (TY WIN) Israel’s “super-sweet” sugar replacement startup Amai Proteins (see here previously) was named overall global winner out of more than 2,000 entrants at the Extreme Tech Challenge (XTC) awards in Berkley, California. Amai was also judged best in the agtech and food sector.
Faster searches. Many companies use internal search engines as a critical part of their core technology. Israel’s Opster has developed AutoOps to prevent and resolve performance problems and other issues in real-time. It avoids the need for the company to waste time & money on search administration.
The factory of the future. Israel’s 3D Signals (see here previously) transforms industrial machines into ‘smart’ production facilities, boosting efficiency, cutting costs, and saving energy. IoT sensors are placed on the factory machines, connecting them via the Cloud. Samson AG saw productivity boosted by 30% in 3 months.
Create an app just by describing it. Israel’s Spiritt has launched a platform that allows the development of complex applications such as Tinder, Instagram, or Wolt, by merely describing them. This is achieved through conversation with a chat-bot which mimics a conversation with a professional.
Mapping the planet. Israel’s 4M Analytics (see here previously) uses remote sensing satellite technology, topographical maps, location data, and more, to map underground infrastructure. Its ability to identify power grids, oil and gas pipelines, and fiber optic cables underground is vital for construction companies.
More and more trade with Arab states. (TY Algemeiner) Israel’s $200+ million trade with the UAE in May represents a 130% increase on May 2021. Trade with Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, and Bahrain also leaped by huge percentages.
Solving the airline chaos. OurCrowd hosted CEOs from Israeli startups SeeTrueIntellAct, Freightos, and IBM’s digital transformation executive advisor to discuss how technology can improve our jet-lagged transportation networks.
Jefferies Bank opens Israeli branch. The prestigious American investment bank Jefferies is setting up an Israeli branch due to the recent the sharp rise in local activity – the most since the 1980s. Jefferies is currently working on seven deals and expects, by September, to bring 20 private funds to Israel.
Bayer to open Israeli cybersecurity center. German giant Bayer will open a cybersecurity development center at Bayer Israel’s existing Hod Hasharon offices in Israel, as part of the multinational’s global cybersecurity operation. Its aim is to engage and partner with the cybersecurity sector inside Israel’s tech ecosystem.
Helping Israeli cyber startups launch in US. Merlin (US) helps Israeli startups penetrate the U.S. federal market. Merlin Ventures arranges strategic investments in cybersecurity companies, Merlin Cyber helps with marketing strategies, and Merlin Labs brings the technology together. Merlin opened a Tel Aviv office in 2020.
Alt protein R&D for Tnuva. Following its success with alternative milk products, Israeli-based Tnuva has launched an R&D center for alternative protein products. It is investing NIS 5 million in the facility in Rehovot, which will be the first time Tnuva has dealt with meat, fish, and egg alternatives.
Another carmaker invests in UVeye. General Motors is the fifth multinational car manufacturer to invest in Israel’s UVeye (see here previously). The funds are “to help fund the development and commercialization of the company’s vehicle inspection technology.” The firms will explore using the tech at GM’s 4,000 dealerships.
Vegan on display. Several food businesses received popular acclaim at Tel Aviv’s Vegan Fest earlier in June (see here previously). They include The Dim Sum Shop, Green Roll Vegan Sushi, and EggZit. 
Investment in Israeli startups to 10/7/22: Voyantis raised $19 millionPhytolon raised $14.5 millionSpiritt raised $5.5 millionOpster raised $5 millionMaolac raised $3.2 million;  IBM has acquired Israel’s DataBand;
Old and new streets of Jerusalem. Avi Abelow gives a 9-minute tour of some of the streets in Jerusalem, from the 18th-19th century to the modern day.
Ein Hardalit. (TY OFEK) Ein Hardalit, found in the Western Galilee is a magical water hike which is suitable for the whole family. Ein Hardalit is completely shaded and great for a hot summer’s day. One can sit in the water or on the riverbanks, along the length of this gorgeous flowing stream.
Busy Jerusalem. (TY Sharon) Tourists filled Jerusalem’s streets in the past week, at the Machane Yehudah Market and Jerusalem Design Week’s “FOR NOW” event. Business was brisk at the Economic Conference and thousands more are expected at the forthcoming Jazz Festival, Paul Anka concert, and Maccabiah Games.
Israeli TV shows have gone global. Israel sells more scripted TV shows around the world than any other country besides the United Kingdom. Even more than the US. According to Dafna Prenner’s of Israel’s Artza Productions and producer of The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem, it’s because Jews have much to tell.
Tour de France stage winner. (TY Hazel) Australia’s Simon Clark, who cycles for Israel-Premier Tech, won the fifth stage of the Tour de France, the first-ever win for the Israeli team at the competition. "Israel is on the map at unbelievable levels today," said team owner and philanthropist Sylvan Adams.
A 3-min tour of the City of David. (TY I24 News & Inside Isael) A short video of the excavations revealing 5,000 years of the Biblical history of Jerusalem.
150 more Ethiopians arrive. One hundred and fifty new immigrants from Ethiopia landed in Israel as part of Operation Tzur Israel. One of them said, "This is a very great privilege. We have been waiting for many years to make Aliyah and do not believe that this is happening. The first place I would like to see is Jerusalem."
Ethiopian Book of Psalms rescued. After a separation of over thirty years, an Ethiopian family has finally been reunited with their precious Book of Psalms that they had to abandon when fleeing to Israel in Operation Solomon. The book, written in the ancient Ethiopian language of Ge’ez, is hundreds (if not more) years old.
Wandering Jewish wheat. The normally anti-Israel BBC made this video of Israeli wild wheat seeds.  Just like the Jewish story, the seeds have learned to move to places where they can take root and thrive. The re-discovery of hardy Israeli wild wheat (see here) is now helping breed crops that can grow in harsh conditions.
Indian Jews celebrate Bar Mitzva at Kotel. (TY UWI) At a moving bar mitzvah ceremony at Jerusalem’s Western Wall, dozens of young Indian Jews celebrated their Bnei Mitzvot.  The group was on a trip with Birthright, an organization that brings Jewish youth to Israel to experience their ancestral homeland.
Ukrainian Jewish refugees to marry in Israel. Yakov and Malka, refugees from Ukraine, are to marry on July 10 in Tiberias, a city on the shore of Israel’s Lake Kinneret. Both headed dormitories at a Kyiv yeshiva but only became friends after the Russian invasion. Quiet Yakov transformed into a hero and Malka was smitten.
New mosaic center in Lod. Children from both Arab and Jewish kindergartens and a youth music ensemble of Arabs and Jews joined in the festivities at the dedication of the new Lod Mosaic Center. It houses a magnificent 1,700-year-old Roman-era mosaic that was discovered in Lod in 1996 and has just returned from a world tour.
Mosaics of biblical Deborah & Yael unearthed. Archeologists have unearthed nearly 1,600-year-old mosaics in an ancient Jewish synagogue at Huqoq in Israel’s Lower Galilee. They are the earliest known depictions of the biblical heroines Deborah and Yael as described in the book of Judges.


Israel, like ourselves, must get the next election right.


In this election we need to get it Right - opinion

By Douglas Altabef 

I believe that an across the board right-wing coalition, religious and secular, can and must address these issues.

Elections in Israel can be viewed as punishments or as opportunities. I would suggest that the lengthy string of inconclusive outcomes preceding the recently dissolved government were the former.

Conversely, the Bennett-Lapid government provided the context for regarding the election to come as an essential opportunity. The Bennett-Lapid government was instrumental in several regards. For one thing it highlighted the shortcomings of the government that preceded it. Not because Naftali Bennett solved pre-existing problems, but because those problems became inescapably evident.

Issues such as Supreme Court reform, illegal Bedouin construction, illegal Palestinian incursions into Area C – all issues that had festered and been “managed” became both more visible and more intractable. 

Bringing the Arab party Ra’am into the government was highly instructive, but also fraught with tension. What took Ra’am from a breakthrough coalition experience to a source of concern was its position as the “10th man in the minyan.” In other words, it had undue influence based on its ability to cause the government to collapse.

This influence colored the innovation. While it was perfectly appropriate for Ra’am to seek greater resources for its constituents, there was the emerging sense that it was involved in an exquisite dance of trying to be part of the government and yet still holding to values that could be fairly thought to be anti-Zionist.

In addition, the party received concessions, such as electrical hookups for heretofore illegal settlements, which many saw as unfair given the inability of Jewish settlements to be similarly normalized. The elaborate dance of the coalition to keep itself together was both gravity-defying and exhausting. It was hard to envision a lasting coalition whose driving raison d’être was keeping Benjamin Netanyahu out of power, and where its own weakness and vulnerability was touted as its greatest strength.

So now we have the opportunity to consider going in a different direction, and the experience of the recently dissolved coalition should be instructive as to what needs to be changed. Ironically, while the coalition highlighted the errors of omission of the Bibi governments, it also highlighted his astute handling of international relations. 

I do not believe Bibi would have handled the Ukrainian conflict in such a way as to endanger our delicate dance of accommodation with Russia. I also don’t believe he would have been as focused on obtaining the elusive if not impossible approval of US Democrats and progressives in the name of furthering bipartisan American support for Israel.

Bibi had correctly calculated that maintaining threshold consensus support for Israel in America did not necessitate a willingness to downplay opposition to Iran nor to soft pedal the importance of the Abraham Accords. I do not believe that Bennett and certainly not caretaker Prime Minister Yair Lapid understand the self-destructive progressive priorities of the Biden administration; priorities that inevitably hold Israel in disfavor as being the white privileged cisgendered oppressors of the indigenous Palestinian people. (Yes, there it is. You can’t make this stuff up.)

With that kind of an outlook, it is hard to see us as getting anything close to most-favored nation treatment. So, with this as background, what are the most important missions to accomplish in a new government? Answering that question should make the choices of a new coalition somewhat more self-evident.

A recent assessment by Robert Malley, the lead US negotiator on the JCPOA (the Iran deal), that Tehran is rapidly approaching the material ability to create a bomb and that all negotiations might thereby become moot, is truly frightening. The inescapable takeaway from this is that the task of stopping Iran from reaching nuclear breakout will inevitably fall to us.

Once again, we see that talk is cheap unto meaningless and we will be blamed for whatever we do on the world’s behalf. While none of our leaders has been superb in tackling Iran, I would certainly sleep better knowing that the ones who have been disrupting Iran for years were overseeing the effort.

Domestic issues and how to solve it

IN TERMS of domestic issues, the next government must stop kicking the can on all sorts of issues. The runaway price of housing; the oligarchical nature of the Supreme Court, including its self-reinforcing method of choosing justices; the assertion of sovereignty be applying one set of laws to all citizens in all matters, but especially as concerns the legality of building; restoring the teaching of Tanach as a priority in secular schools, these are among the most pressing issues that we face.

I believe that an across the board right-wing coalition, religious and secular, can and must address these issues. The Right’s assertion of the illegitimacy of the previous coalition will be judged by its seriousness in addressing these very issues. Otherwise, it’s just more of the same with different faces singing similar lyrics to the same old songs.

While every election is important, I believe this one is critical. The West is reeling, losing its way in a morass of woke-instilled globalism. Traditional values are being discarded in favor of identity-driven politics.

Israel must stand up as the exception to all of this. We must stay true to the Zionist vision of creating a safe haven for the Jewish people, respecting the rights of non-Jews and elevating the importance and uniqueness of being a Jewish state.

We must show our citizens we are serious about these matters. They are the issues that will enshrine legitimacy, and irreplaceability if they are addressed with the goal of solving problems, not just of looking busy.

Given the stakes, I would certainly hope the junior high school demeanor of “who I will sit with and who I wouldn’t be caught dead associating with” has to be set aside in the name of the greater good. I would love to see each of the right-wing parties pledge to work to address these and other pressing issues as primary obligations owed to the citizens of Israel. 

We need to get serious about the business at hand. Let’s do it, and get it Right.

The author is the chairman of the board of Im Tirtzu, and a director of B’yadenu and the Israel Independence Fund.


Gantz and Sa'ar on verge of political merger in bid to take votes from Lapid

A breakthrough was reportedly achieved last week and an official announcement of the union is expected soon, the report said.

Benny Gantz's Blue and White and Gideon Sa'ar's New Hope are on the verge of merging their parties ahead of the upcoming election on November 1 .

New Hope will reportedly receive about one-third of the joint party's seats, versus two-thirds for Blue and White.  

Sa'ar will be placed in second place on the list, Education Minister Yifat Shasha Bitton will be in fifth place and Minister of Construction and Housing Zeev Elkin would be seventh place on the list, according to the report. 

Communications Minister Yoaz Hendel will not be on the list, the report added.

In addition, recent reports have indicated that former IDF chief of staff Gadi Eisenkot is considering running in the upcoming election and is debating whether to join Yesh Atid or Blue and White.

If he joins the new Gantz-Saar party he would be placed second or third on the list, and may receive a few more spots to fill with people of his choice.

It is not clear whether Deputy Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana of Yamina, who reportedly was looking into joining a different party, will join the list, and if so in which slot.

In a Channel 12 poll conducted ten days ago, such a merger would give the party 15 seats, making it the third-largest after Likud and Yesh Atid.

Elkin denied that New Hope would merge with any other party as late as two weeks ago.

Saar and Gantz were set to hold a press conference on Sunday evening.

Gantz's Hopes

Gantz’s thinking is that if he can win between 12 and 15 seats, he can be the dealmaker after the next election and potentially become the prime minister.

This would be relevant if Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu fails to get 61 seats and Lapid does not have a coalition as well. In that case, Gantz can potentially play both sides against one another.

On the one hand, he can tell the Israel electorate that by joining Netanyahu, he is preventing a 6th election – like Bennett did when joining Lapid – and that he will be able to prevent people like MK Itamar Ben-Gvir from becoming a minister in the cabinet. In this case, Gantz would be able to justify the decision to again join Netanyahu and he would also be able to demand and receive the right to go first in a prime ministerial rotation.

Party reactions 

New Hope refused to officially respond to a query about the report, although New Hope MK Sharren Haskel said that "This is not a healthy merger for New Hope, we have different ideological positions - and we will get fewer votes if it goes through" during an interview with Army Radio.

Blue and White also refused to respond. 

The Likud Party responded to the reports of a merger between Blue and White and New Hope on Sunday, saying "we don't get involved in how the left splits its votes."

UTJ MK Uri Maklev responded to the news that Hendel would not be part of the joint Blue and White and New Hope list, saying "Those who have violated the holiness of Israel with arrogance - now stand and court the gates with great self-contempt."

"Although the political map is not yet clear we already see Hendel and Kahana courting the party gates, standing despised time and time again and thrown from one to the other," added Maklev. "They are immediately paying for the harm to the ultra-Orthodox public and the saints of Israel. Saar dumped Hendel, and Matan Kahana is looking for a home when he no longer serves as a minister and does not understand why he is not wanted anywhere."

Otzma Yehudit head Itamar Ben-Gvir responded to the reports as well, saying "The union between Saar and Gantz shows Saar's desire to connect with the left. Benny Gantz, who has proven to be a leftist who wants to promote Oslo II, meets with the terrorist Abu Mazen (Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas) and makes him relevant. The home of right-wing voters is Otzma Yehudit."




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