Thursday, April 21, 2022

Penny's Saga Continues. BLM Collapse Consequences. Much More

The saga of Penny continues:
Last week, I was so excited to post an update of Penny walking off leash putting her foot down in the right direction without her knuckling at least for a few steps.  We took her camping and she just fits right in. (Doesn't she look amused after Dagny styled her ears?). Although the progress has been very slow, we were seeing progress. She was finally off the pain meds and anti-inflammatories and was wanting to jump on beds and couches to snuggle. And then we took her to the vet for her updated x-ray and that knocked our excitement down about 10 pegs. Basically we were given 2 options...amputate or redo the surgery.  The plate is not holding and the surgeon thinks at this point the previous surgery is doing more harm than good and hindering her bones from properly healing. The fact that she was making any progress knowing what we now know leads us to believe that with it fixed properly she will continue to make progress and hopefully at a quicker pace. They want to do a bigger plate, bone graph and shockwave therapy with her sedated. Hopefully just a setback and now on to surgery number 5.

As BLM collapses, because it was never intended to function per it's name but only as a scam to shakedown American corporations and bleeding hearts, the black community is left with four options if it ever wishes to gain traction from existing opportunities:

a) Rebuild the family unit and remain married.

b) Cease having children out of wedlock.

c) Break your dependency on government and bondage with The Democrat Party which has hypocritically taken you for a ride.

d) Get an education so you can compete on your own.


BLM’s Anti-Police Racket Is Coming Undone

The organization has squandered its moral authority by acting like a hustler on the make.

By Jason L. Riley 





How to Kill American Infrastructure on the Sly

The White House revises NEPA rules that will scuttle new roads, bridges and oil and gas pipelines.

The Editorial Board 

Americans are going to need a split-screen for the Biden Administration’s policy contradictions. Even as the President on Tuesday promoted the bipartisan infrastructure bill he signed last November, the White House moved to make it harder to build roads, bridges and, of course, oil and natural-gas pipelines.

The White House Council on Environmental Quality is revising rules under the National Environmental Policy Act for permitting major construction projects. CEQ Chair Brenda Mallory says the changes will “provide regulatory certainty” and “reduce conflict.” Instead, they will cause more litigation and delays that raise construction costs, if they don’t kill projects outright.

NEPA requires federal agencies to review the environmental impact of major projects that are funded by the feds or require a federal permit. Reviews can take years and run thousands of pages, covering the smallest potential impact on species, air or water quality. Project developers can be forced to mitigate these effects by, say, relocating species.

While the 1970 law was intended to prevent environmental disasters, it has become a weapon to block development. The Trump Administration sought to fast-track projects by limiting NEPA reviews to environmental effects that are directly foreseeable—e.g., how a pipeline’s construction would affect a stream it crosses.

Some liberal judges, however, have interpreted NEPA broadly to require the study of effects that indirectly result from a project such as CO2 emissions. Now the Biden Administration is mandating this. CEQ’s new rule will require agencies to calculate the “indirect” and “cumulative impacts” that “can result from individually minor but collectively significant actions taking place over a period of time.” This means death by a thousand regulatory cuts for many projects.

The Transportation Department will likely have to examine how a highway expansion could increase greenhouse-gas emissions in concert with new warehouses. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission might have to calculate how a new pipeline would affect emissions from upstream production and downstream consumption.

Wait—didn’t FERC recently walk back its policy to do exactly this? The White House is thumbing its nose at West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, who blasted FERC’s now-suspended policy for shutting “down the infrastructure we desperately need as a country.”

The rule’s obvious intent is to make it harder to build pipelines, roads and other infrastructure that would enable more U.S. oil and gas production, even as the Administration makes phony gestures to reduce energy prices. Last Friday the Administration announced it would comply with a court order to hold oil and gas lease sales on public land. Those leases won’t matter if energy companies can’t get federal permits for rights-of-way.

While fossil fuels may be the rule’s political target, don’t be surprised if green energy is snagged in this trip-wire. Environmental groups have used NEPA to block new mineral mines and transmission lines that connect distant renewable energy sources to population centers. In this Administration, the left hand doesn’t seem to know what the far left hand is doing.


The Left Unmasks Its Hatred of Individual Freedom 

By Spencer Brown


Disney's stupid Chairman  touched a live wire and thought the "woke" nuts were worth more than Disney's  exclusive franchise. He should be fired for caving.  Liberals are prone to 

be bleeders and wear their hearts on their sleeves.

Disney is Out of Touch With Mainstream American Values


Conservatives are once again shooting themselves in the foot and handing the Left an easy victory. In their confrontation with the Disney company over its opposition to an education bill that liberals mislabeled "don't say gay," Republicans are playing into their opponents' hands by picking the wrong side of a culture war that's already been decided against them.

Or so liberals think.

As one Politico writer put it, the very notion that the GOP would "demonize one of America's most beloved and trusted corporations seems so quixotic on its face that it invites a simple question: not 'Why would they do this?' or even 'Why would they think it could be done?' but 'Why would it even seem advantageous to try?'"

On its face, this assessment of the dustup between Gov. Ron DeSantis and the company that operates "the happiest place on earth" seems accurate. That's especially true if you believe that the culture wars over gay and transgender issues were already won by the LBGTQ lobby and its corporate allies years ago.

That assumption is based on the way Hollywood helped normalize gay marriage in films and television shows, powering the push for the courts to ultimately mandate its acceptance everywhere in the country. That campaign illustrated the truth, enunciated by the late Andrew Breitbart, that politics was downstream of culture. Since the entertainment industry remains firmly in the grip of the Left, its leaders likely assume every policy shift they endorse will inevitably be made a permanent part of American culture.

Hence the belief that Florida Republicans are crazy to think they will succeed in stopping the indoctrination of young children to accept radical ideas about gender. If Hollywood, including heretofore family-friendly Disney, plans to promote gender ideology, it's because it believes mainstream American culture will follow along even when it advocates for the use of life-altering medical treatments on minors, with or without their parents' permission.

But while Breitbart's rule still holds, the Left and its corporate enablers, such as those running Disney, are fundamentally mistaken about their power to control public opinion.

Liberals may believe that supporting the right of parents to be involved in decisions regarding their children's well-being and to limit discussion of gender and sexuality issues in classrooms is reactionary. But no matter how many times they call Florida's HB1557 law "don't say gay" and assume that will be enough to ensure its defeat, that doesn't make it so. Nor does it change the fact that there is a huge difference between acceptance of adult gay couples and the attempt to normalize the idea of young children changing their gender, or allowing biological males to compete and dominate in women's sports at the high school and college levels. Such things are not rooted in basic American values.

Moreover, the growing polarization of American political culture means that liberal confidence in Hollywood's power to determine societal norms is also mistaken. In the last three years, the bifurcation of society has become almost complete, with Americans reading, viewing and listening to entirely different sets of press outlets and becoming isolated from each other on social media platforms.

In the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement, many Americans stopped listening to cultural or media outlets that call them racists because of their skin color or their adherence to equality instead of "equity." The same is true of conservatives who are ignoring mainstream media that label them traitorous insurrectionists because they voted for Donald Trump or question the fairness of the 2020 presidential election.

Now, even demographic groups that Democrats believed to be unshakably liberal are joining the backlash against woke doctrines about race and gender being imposed in the schools. When Disney, acting under the pressure exerted by both left-wing employees and liberal opinion leaders, chose to publicly oppose the Florida law, it started something it couldn't finish.

DeSantis and the GOP are not trying to turn back the clock to the 1950s while the rest of the country has moved on. They are actually in tune with much of mainstream America, which is rejecting the Left's demonization of those who think parents should be in charge of their kids' education and that sex ed, including indoctrination about gender, isn't appropriate for kindergarten students.

Disney, as one former writer for the network recently acknowledged, has long been involved in the sexualization of children, and it is not so powerful as to be able to mainstream ideas about race and gender that ordinary Americans reject as racist or too left-wing. And as it takes on a popular governor who is unafraid of such confrontations, it is about to find out that its influence may fall short. The GOP could inflict serious financial damage on a corporation dependent on state acquiescence in a sweetheart deal from which it has long profited.

This sort of comeuppance has been long in coming. But it will still shock the cultural Left to learn that there are limits on its power and that there are some things it can't make Americans swallow, no matter how hard it tries through its programming and public advocacy. Backlashes against pop culture are also upstream of politics, and that wave of anger about wokeness could swamp not only Disney but its Democratic Party supporters this fall.

Jonathan S. Tobin is editor-in-chief of, a senior contributor to The Federalist and a columnist for the New York Post. 


Q&A: Lt. Col. Oliver Lause (USAF) On Strengthening America's Deterrence Capabilities For Twenty-First-Century Threats
via Hoover Daily Report

Lt. Col. Oliver Lause, representing the US Air Force, is a National Security Affairs Fellow for the academic year 2021–22 at the Hoover Institution.


Over 20 years ago we attended a meeting at Rollins' College, our daughter was a student,  and heard from Ellen Cannon who was speaking to visiting parents that, in time, radical and most particularly those of the Islamic faith would be running for public office, particularly in media, school boards and various Congressional and local offices and their election would cause significant upheavals etc.

Her words have proven prophetic as radicals have taken over so many of our public and private institutions:


Graphic Books Are Being Given Out At School Library

( According to the National File, despite pushback from parents, a Pennsylvania school district is continuing to offer books promoting sexually-explicit books to children as part of its “social-emotional learning” curriculum.

The Haverford School District’s middle school library contains books on gender ideology, as well as books that graphically describe rape and pedophilia. While parents have objected to the use of such material, the school board refuses to drop the material from its library.

One of the books, “Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out,” promotes “gender transitioning” for children and includes graphic details about first-hand accounts of sexual acts and molestatio

Another book, Out of Darkness, which is promoted by Black Lives Matter, was found in the Haverford High School library. This book graphically details an interracial sexual relationship between two Texas children in the 1930s.

A parent of a Haverford High School student read a graphic passage from “Out of Darkness” during a recent school board meeting. However, district officials have dismissed parental concerns over the inappropriate books kept in the district’s libraries.

The school district’s mental health professionals claim that these explicit books are beneficial to children whom they claim are struggling emotionally and mentally.

The National File had previously reported that the Haverford School District was offering a trans-centered book as part of its K-3 curriculum.

The book, “Jacob’s New Dress” chronicles the story of a boy who wanted to wear dresses to school. Parents from the Haverford school district in Delaware had notified The National File that the book was being offered to students in five elementary schools within the district.

The media and elected Democrats have argued that Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law is targeting a phony boogeyman. They claim schools aren’t indoctrinating children in “gender ideology” using sexually inappropriate material. And yet this very indoctrination is being exposed in state after state and school district after school district.


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