Thursday, February 24, 2022

The CDC Has Fallen. The Magician. Romney And Media Minutia. Putin, Blitzer and Amanpour. Sting Like A Bee. Trump Launches App.

Recently, the formerly revered CDC decided, like happens with so many government agencies, to allow itself to become a political pawn. Consequently, the level of trust in this scientific complex, headquartered in Atlanta juxtaposed to the Emory University Campus, collapsed.

What is it about government that allows distrust to creep in when  truth is viewed politically damaging?  When I was a retail broker two of the top CDC scientists were clients. They were truly brilliant, totally professional.  They have since passed away. They must be rolling over in their graves.

By refusing to acknowledge the harms of lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination, the Centers for Disease Control has brought everlasting shame to itself.


Could this "magician" become president or even be nominated today?

The 'Little Magician' who transformed American politics

by Jeff Jacoby of The Boston Globe

MARTIN VAN BUREN, the eighth president of the United States, was something new in America's political life. He was the first president born after the Revolution, the first whose ancestry wasn't British, the first from New York, and the first to win the White House with neither a college education nor a military record. He is the only president who learned English as a second language — he grew up speaking Dutch in the very ethnic Hudson River village of Kinderhook, N.Y., where his father ran a tavern. And he almost certainly had more nicknames than anyone else who has reached the pinnacle of American power: He was known as "The Little Magician," "Matty Van," "The Careful Dutchman," "American Talleyrand," "King Martin," "The Enchanter," and "The Red Fox of Kinderhook."

In his day, Van Buren was among the most intriguing, famous, and influential men in US politics. "Six generations ago, it was impossible not to have an opinion about Martin Van Buren," writes historian Ted Widmer. "And those opinions were not for the faint of heart. In certain quarters, Van Buren was the most hated man in America." Yet today he is barely remembered, except perhaps for his whiskers and wild hair. In the popular mind, he has been reduced to just another in a string of barely distinguishable one-term presidents between Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln.

Van Buren deserves better than that. To be sure, he wasn't a great president; his four years in the White House were rocky at best. But he was one of the most gifted political architects in our history — arguably the greatest backroom political strategist to reach the White House until Lyndon Johnson more than a century later.

A member of what was then called the Democratic-Republican Party, Van Buren was a natural connoisseur of power and electoral discipline who created America's first statewide political machine. That machine was known as the "Albany Regency," and it revolutionized the practice of politics in the United States. Through the innovative use of nominating conventions, patronage appointments, a partisan newspaper, a clear political ideology, and the recruitment of candidates without regard to family lineage, the Regency dominated New York state politics in the 1820s and 1830s. "I do not believe that a stronger political combination ever existed at any state capital, or even at the national capital," wrote Thurlow Weed, a young journalist who would later become an influential publisher and Whig politician.

But Van Buren was just getting started.

In 1821, he moved to Washington as a newly elected senator. Almost at once he set about to replicate on the national level what he had achieved in his home state. Within seven years he had pulled it off. After John Quincy Adams became president in 1824, Van Buren embarked on a campaign to ensure that Andrew Jackson would win the next election. With single-minded focus, he shaped Jackson's loose network of supporters into a disciplined political party. The Founding Fathers had regarded the idea of political parties with distaste — in his Farewell Address, George Washington had made a point of imploring Americans to avoid "the baneful effects of the spirit of party." But to Van Buren, an effective party apparatus had become as indispensable as the locomotive and the industrial printing press, and a vital ingredient for representative democracy.

"Like a 19th-century Vito Corleone, he was always thinking ahead of his enemies," writes Widmer, "forging a new network of families and alliances that would forever redraw the map of power in the United States. Everything he did contributed to the goal of unfurling a new national party." He helped arrange for the launch of a Washington newspaper to oppose the Adams administration. He negotiated behind the scenes to absorb Virginia's old Jeffersonian dynasty into his new organization. He created a network of local committees that reported to state chairmen, and used them to control and disseminate the party's message nationwide. Americans now take such techniques for granted as standard party practice. But it required Van Buren's insight to dream them up in the first place and their effects, at the time, seemed almost supernatural. There was a reason he was called "The Little Magician."

On Election Day in 1828, Jackson and the Democratic Party crushed Adams in a landslide. Four years later, Jackson was reelected by an even larger margin over Henry Clay. Van Buren had permanently transformed the nation's politics. Without much exaggeration, America's two-party system can be described as his most enduring legacy.

Jackson named Van Buren secretary of state in his first term and then made him his running mate for the second. As vice president, he became Jackson's heir apparent and with Old Hickory's blessing, he was nominated by the Democratic Party to be the next president of the United States. Against a divided field of four Whig candidates, Van Buren cruised to victory. In March 1837, at the age of 53, he became the youngest American president to date.

But the presidency that began with such promise quickly turned sour. Less than two months after his inauguration, the soaring American economy crashed. With frightening speed, the Panic of 1837 — the first great depression in US history — spread across the country. Banks failed by the hundreds; businesses by the thousands went bankrupt. A nation that had been awash with money and caught up in a spending and speculation boom suddenly found itself in economic free fall. As prices and profits cratered, unemployment soared. In New York City alone, 20,000 workers lost their jobs.

The cause of the depression is something historians debate to this day. At the time, Democrats blamed the bankers, but countless Americans blamed the Democrats, the party in the White House. Van Buren's reaction only made matters worse. "Believing the economy would improve only 'by retrenchment and reform,'" notes presidential historian Richard Pious, "Van Buren cut public expenditures by 20 percent and opposed internal improvements that would have greatly reduced unemployment."

The eighth president of the United States was the first of non-English ancestry. Born in Kinderhook, N.Y., a community dominated by immigrants from Holland and their descendants, Van Buren grew up speaking Dutch and didn't learn English until he was in school.

Had the crisis ended quickly, Van Buren might have weathered the storm and fought his way to reelection. But the misery lasted through the 1840 election. Not even the Little Magician could find a spell mighty enough to overcome the iron law of politics that economic suffering is charged to the party in power. Instead, he acquired another nickname: Martin Van Ruin.

The Whig Party, meanwhile, had learned from its experience four years earlier. Van Buren had demonstrated the political effectiveness of message control and a nationalized election strategy, and now the Whigs put those lessons to impressive use. With William Henry Harrison as their nominee, they ran a spectacularly mendacious campaign, falsely portraying Harrison as a common man of "Log Cabin and Hard Cider" origins and mocking Van Buren relentlessly as a dandified aristocrat. The president didn't stand a chance.

Van Buren was not one of the republic's great chief executives, as nearly everyone would agree, but there is no disputing that he left an indelible mark on American politics. He was an early example of the truism that in America, even the humblest kid can grow up to be president. All it takes is political genius, indefatigable drive, immense ambition, and the gifts of a magician.


Once again, a media fixated on the small and insignificant totally misses the larger message. Why?  Because minutia is more likely to capture attention than a serious discussion.

The ’80s Got Their Foreign Policy Back

Romney was right about Putin in 2012, as Biden is learning the hard way.

By The Editorial Board


Now that Putin has made his move and we have imposed sanctions I suspect  several developments are likely:

1) Obviously death and destruction will become front and center reporting because nothing sells better than blood and tragedy. I can just hear  nauseating Wolf Blitzer ticking off meaningless statistics and when will an  equally maudlin Christiane Amanpour surface?

2) Putin's every move and word will become a daily matter for analysis and dissection..

3) Meanwhile, China's Xi will be observing the impact of the feckless West's sanctions. The Russian pipeline, which is still under construction and therefore,  is not ready prevents us from boasting how  we have prevented the flow of gas to Germany.

The cold/cruel facts are there is nothing we are doing that is going to have much effect initially and only resistance and sabotage on the part of Ukrainians will matter.


Lynn loved listening to Rush.  She thought he was everything he was and I concurred.  So when Bo Snerdley's book, ( "Rush on the Radio"/James Golden)  was published I bought her an autographed copy and she enjoyed it so I am now reading it and find it interesting as well.  

Rush was to politics, capitalism, conservatism and human nature what Johnny Carson was to entertainment and comedy.  Both are irreplaceable and America is lessened.  Most of those who hated him, actually, had never listened to him. He could be very pointed at times but he was mostly clever and like "Ali" stung like a bee.


The irrepressible Trump launches his App:

Great news, Patriot! President Trump’s BRAND NEW app finally launched and we couldn’t be more excited.

Within hours of it launching, over 150,000 people signed up. We need every freedom-loving Patriot to support President Trump’s new app, so we’re asking you today: have you signed up for Trump’s new app yet?

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, YouTube… All of Big Tech are desperately trying anything they can to stop Trump and SILENCE his supporters.

We need to make sure Trump’s new app is a huge success. Please, can you reply to our poll by the end of the day?

Have you signed up for Trump’s new app?




Trudeau’s Canadian Fascism Is a Bigger Threat to America Than Putin

By Kurt Schlichter


WaPo’s Promise of a Trump Demise Did Not Last One Week

By Brad Slager

Why is the Left Suddenly Worried About the End of Democracy?

By Victor Davis Hanson


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