Saturday, January 29, 2022

Two "Spirals." I Never Took An Ancestry Test But Must Have Some Shamrock Blood In Me.

This memo will be exclusively related to two "spirals."  The first will be that of America.

1) I have been of the opinion, America's flirtation with Socialism began when we elected Woodrow Wilson, to be president. He was an elitist intellect, held racial views and believed in Socialism.  The second major event that accelerated our flirtation with Socialism came with the Depression followed by the election of FDR and his connection with/embrace of Socialism and dictatorial efforts to Pack The Court and introduction of legislation he claimed was essential to get us out of the Deep Depression, ie. price controls, CCC Camps, support of unions etc.. FDR ignored "The Common Man" and actually prolonged the Depression.

Then WW2 and Truman's desegregation of the military set the basis for Civil Right's legislation, marches, protests and you know the rest.

With the good often comes some bad.  Desegregation of the military was both overdue and moral.  Why should someone fight for a nation that did not allow them their rights? The upside is, many blacks took advantage of this event and bettered themselves but a vast number proceeded with greater demands. Far too many others, through militancy, sought to expand their pursuit of rights culminating in The BLM and CRT Movements of today and other such radicalized organizations patronized  justification of rioting , sedition and law breaking.  

During the height of the Civil Right's Movement, the great leader , MLK, set the tone with his "I Have A Dream" message "you shall judge...not by the color of one's skin but the content of one's character."

Then came the Korean and Viet Nam Wars and the latter was disproportionately fought by black citizens.  Again, a vast number of blacks were not happy with the pace of continued injustices and demanded "affirmative action" and equity replace replace equality. In addition there began an entire earthquake for change among America's entire population. The major events were:

a) The breakdown of law and order.
b) The wearing of one's views on clothing. 
c) The Peacenick and Hippie movement followed by large protest movements culminating in the monumental "Woodstock" where it seemed all of America's disaffected youth gathered to smoke pot and  "let it all hang out."
d) While this was happening, vulgarity crept into our humor with Mort Saul and George Carlin leading the way, among others.
e) Music changed, nudity became "the thing,"  movie ratings changed, our society became coarser and the challenges to authority became increasingly evident.
f) Police became "pigs" and politics seemed to become more combative. 
g) A national culture involving drug usage was born and deaths from illegal drugs spiraled and as did deaths from other sources.
h) Road rage became a national problem and the nation took on the appearance of ripping itself apart.

i) The Carter years brought unheard of inflation and capitalism, driven by profit, sought cheaper labor and along with that came the consequence of manufacturing moving overseas and employment declining. The dent to the Middle Class was tragic.

While this was occurring, radicals were penetrating every aspect of and institutions in our society from first grade education, to religion, from the breakdown of the family to church attendance, from re-segregation in higher education to campus attacks on those holding diverse views and, again, you know the rest.

The first black president was the first major national evidence of a willing disregard for MLK's pledge that character take precedence over color. Meanwhile, I believe SCOTUS, led by Justice Thomas, will soon overturn affirmative action as inherently un-constitutional.  Fighting fire with fire is detrimental and affirmative action is reverse discrimination.

When all else fails lower your standards now supplants one for all, all for one.

There are those who believe Truman was a racist because he unleashed the first atomic weapon on people of color. I began this memo by noting good often comes with bad.  Truman believed it was his moral obligation  to save more lives than an atomic explosion would kill and he proved correct in this horrible/stressful but courageous decision. "The buck stopped here."

What do I conclude, from the above, America is in a "death, spiral?" For any rational person it should be self-evident and unless the course we are on can be sharply corrected/reversed America, capitalism, the greatest constitution ever devised by man and the greatest, most productive civilization man has created/known will become unrecognizable and a last best hope for mankind..

We have allowed Obama to nurture Iran's thirst for becoming a nuclear power meanwhile, we are watching Biden preside over challenges from China, N Korea and Russia, to go unmet.  A foreign policy that feeds bullies begets an increased appetite for more of what it wants to avoid.  A nation that substitutes a false narrative for a history of tremendous progress and, every intent to make more, is doomed. 

CRT and 1619 are the gold/goals of dangerous fools.
2) The second spiral is of a more personal nature. 

No one escapes it. One can only hope to prolong life through luck and healthy methods.  In my case, I am the only child of inveterate smokers. I was ingesting smoke while in my mother's womb and breathed it through 13 years of continued living in their home. They knew it was bad but they lived in a generation that "smoked" and went to doctors who "smoked."

Consequently, they made a deal. If I did not smoke before 21 they would give me  $1,000. I took the challenge and did not smoke until I was 22 (began in 1955.) They kept their promise. 

I began smoking for no rational reason.  My first wife smoked. She died of colon cancer. Those I worked with smoked.  You could walk into a building smoking.  Lynn smoked when we met and when we became engaged we committed to stop. I did in Nov., 1972, Lynn a month or so later.  Neither of us have touched a cigarette since. Not one of our 5 kids smoke. None of our  9 grandchildren smoke. None of our daughters or sons in-law smoke.  I was told my smoking, even though I quit 50 years ago, has effected my bronchial condition.

When I was sent to Georgia Military Academy, in 1950, I weighed 100 lbs and was 5 ft in height. Upon graduation I weighed 150 lbs and was 5'10."  I worked out my entire 4 years with weights. Actually, I worked with too much weight and had back issues for many years.

Yes, that's me in 1949. I have been living off this experience ever since.


I was never an athlete nor took any specific training. I was a decent self trained golfer and got a letter in golf while in military school. I also placed second in a body building contest while in military school, could throw a mean accurate spiral football quite a distance and began tennis lessons when I met Lynn, from a neighborhood pro.  I continued with tennis and lessons until I had 2 unsuccessful knee replacements after 2 meniscus operations and 2 manipulations before and after moving to The Landings.

I could not play for two years and eventually went to Dr. Carl Savory, in Columbus Ga. who performed a third knee replacement. Carl  got me back on the tennis courts but my ability to run was basically over. Carl had retired from the Army as a Lt. Col, been Chief of Orthopedics at Walter Reed, graduated West Point, and was with The Huston Clinic. Carl and his lovely wife have become dear friends.

I believed the interruption in my ability to play tennis and not being able to run, after returning to play,  has been a negative as have those 8 operations and procedures on my left knee.

When I moved to The Landings, in 2003, I did some yardwork and used Round Up. I believe that also impacted, what is now, a chronic bronchial condition. I am a plaintiff in one of The Round Up Class Action Suits against Monsanto. I can only surmise this product led to my CLL (chronic leukemia) situation.

I also  seem to be susceptible to Savannah's extensive pollen period and have been  told I am possibly allergic to oak pollen but never took the definitive tests. Again, an impact on, possible connection to my bronchial condition.

For the last two years, I began a series of constant coughing and spitting up of sputum that has varied in color indicating lung infection and am being treated by a great local doctor, Gifford Lorenz. He concurred that I should got a second confirming opinion which I did from a superb Jax. Mayo Doctor, last name of Lee.

I have had every x-ray imaginable, diagnostic test deemed pertinent as well as two bronchoscopes. I am currently on a series of anti-biotics and am trying to prepare myself for a right hip replacement once my current bronchial infection and pneumonia subside.  I had a successful left hip replacement, due to a freak tennis accident, some years ago.

I trace my "spiral" to the mid to late '70's. My heart is sound, blood pressure fine but , over time, the energy wasted on/demanded by coughing has got to be a negative on my heart and my sleeping has become totally disrupted.  I lack stamina and my breathing prevents any basic activity though I try to go to the gym and exercise with machines and take Pilate's. Deanna Corbin is a class act instructor

As noted previously, I am currently being treated for pneumonia

At 88, I have outlived my own expectations, am in no way depressed but reality is creeping closer with the passing of each day and my lifestyle has changed considerably. How much longer I have remains a guess but I am no fool.

I took piano lessons for a few years in anticipation of not being able to play tennis and want to get another dog, man's best friend,  to replace Hairy, our 17 year old Bichon, who died some dozen or so years ago but if I can't walk him any distance the obligation falls to Lynn and she is unyielding about another pooch.

So that's my story and I will just have to learn to suck it up.

There is yet much ahead as the grands and greats grow up, meet each other and become closer. They are scattered from north to south, east to west but have begun the process.

I also want to see Lynn secure and able to continue doing for the family as we have tried.

My days of extensive traveling and arranging for art tours is essentially over but a long driving trip is still on the radar.

How one handles the end of their days is important to me because one must draw upon everything they have learned and what makes them who they are and were.  I plan to go out speaking my mind and trying to influence others to think rationally and lay aside their factually unsupported biases.

There will always be challenges. I regret the idea of leaving this country in a divided mess because my generation was flagrant and self absorbed.

My grandson, Blake, recently had a school project.  It was interview a family member about a major event  I wrote about being sent to Military School and how my father thought it was a great idea and I interpreted it as punishment for something I had done.  He was right and I was way off base. Best thing that ever happened to me at the time though it left scars which I had to resolve.

Parents have the advantage of experience and children are often mistaken about their motive.  Parenting is tough. Being subjected to parenting can be tough or tougher.

Overall, when my time comes, I can look back and take comfort in the fact that I had one hell of a ride, far better than I deserved, far beyond any expectations. I have met some fabulous people over the years, made some even more fabulous friends. God must have cared for me because he allowed me to have a great family and a second go at marriage.  I never have resolved why Lynn said yes and could never be what she deserved and yet we are fast approaching 50 years of marriage. 

I never took an Ancestry Test but I must have some Shamrock blood in me.



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