Saturday, December 11, 2021

Innovative Workrise. CNN Squeeze The Lemon Out And Everyone Connected with Their News Room. Hillsdale Poignant Op Ed. Biden Scotus Packing.

Our grandson has gone to work for this creative privately held company whose mission is to train workers of the future in order to enhance both their opportunities as well as restore America's productive abilities and competitiveness:

Upgrading Infrastructure and Energy Staffing

 Practices to Unleash the American Economy

Reimagining Skilled 


by Xuan Yong and Mike Witte, Co-Founders of Workrise

Workrise CEO and Co-Founder Xuan Yong (L) and COO and Co-Founder Mike Witte (R)

Today, we are changing our name from RigUp to Workrise. For a seven-year old company, a name change is a risk. But it’s one we had to take. Because Workrise is the result of uncovering a massive opportunity to unleash the forces that will allow the United States to once again lead the world in the twenty-first century.

Our new name means many things. It is:

- A representation of our commitment to empower people who get the hard work done.

- Not a departure from our origins in oil and gas — an industry to which we remain committed — but the encapsulation of our own evolution to a company that is working ambitiously to serve as many infrastructure and energy industries as possible.

- Emblematic of the update and upgrade to outdated energy and infrastructure skilled labor staffing practices that will allow the American laborer and the industries they serve to rise to meet the demands of the future.

Most of all, Workrise is a rally cry for skilled laborers to reimagine their careers, where they will gain multiple skill sets in order to work in multiple industries. It is to imagine a future where they will move nimbly among industries as a means of avoiding economic hardship, or even despair, when a project ends or a company faces its natural end.

Working to push infrastructure and energy staffing practices into the future — a future that is coming, whether these industries are ready or not — is our mission, our obsession. But, this was not the original intention of Workrise when we launched in 2014. If we’re honest, we stumbled into the work that has become our calling — by encountering a series of opportunities that opened our eyes to the macro problem that is today our single-minded focus since.

Opportunity 1: Outdated Staffing Practices Drive Excess Costs and a Worker Shortage

Workrise was born as a platform similar to Angie’s List, where oil and gas companies could find, vet, and hire vendors and skilled laborers for projects. The technology was robust and user-friendly — but we weren’t getting much traction.

We would come to learn that most oil and gas companies had no problem connecting with larger vendors. Yet, we watched as individual workers eagerly used our platform to showcase their skills and find work. Matching individual workers to work was the one area of our offering getting a consistently positive response.

Included in our platform were services that made work easier on the individual worker. We made sure they got paid on time. And we connected them to more jobs. As it turned out, what we viewed as basic benefits for workers had not been consistently available to skilled laborers for decades thanks to the clunky worker-staffing model.

Traditionally, the individual oil and gas worker has gone through staffing companies that take steep finder’s fees from their paychecks. They also require workers to sign non-competes, which legally bar them from employment through other staffing firms and risk limiting their universe of available jobs.

At the same time, operating companies struggle to find workers with specific skills. The mix of benefits and flexibility we offered workers meant we were able to attract and partner with a deeper bench of them. As a result, word spread that Workrise is a “one-stop shop” for a large worker pool free of non-competes. As we continued to iterate our technology to deliver the best experience possible for individual workers, our network scaled rapidly. In turn, we created more value to client companies. Along the way, we discovered that the workforce dynamics in oil and gas weren’t unique to just oil and gas.

Opportunity 2: Widespread Staffing Inefficiencies Exacerbate Job Supply-Worker Demand Challenges

The same issues — of steep commissions out of workers’ pockets, outdated staffing practices, and companies struggling to find workers — plague skilled laborers across all energy and infrastructure industries. Similarly, companies across industries have work for which they can’t find workers.

With this knowledge, we found our mission — to empower people who get hard work done.

Two years ago, we made the strategic decision to methodically grow our infrastructure industry base and, eventually, serve more skilled trades in the United States. Everything we do is directed at making it easier for workers to find work and for companies to find in-demand workers.

We have since begun incorporating solar, wind, construction, and shipyard/marine industry workers and companies into our platform. We have replicated the success we found in oil and gas across these industries. Workers are finding more jobs and more often, and clients are finding a solution to the job demand-worker supply problem that had otherwise frustrated their efficiency and growth.

Supporting workers in additional industries provided an unexpected advantage — it gave us a bird’s eye view on what is a huge and troubling worker shortage across all infrastructure and energy industries. We had stumbled into the third opportunity — a problem whose solution is the reason we at Workrise exist today.

Opportunity 3: Decades of Socioeconomic Issues Have Culminated in a Skilled Labor Shortage

After World War II, a global realignment positioned the United States at the epicenter of the world economy. Various innovations that were born of wartime need would prove to have alternative applications. This paved the way for an unprecedented American boom in the creation and production of tangible assets. Importantly, the U.S. also experienced an unprecedented population boom, which provided the manpower needed to fill skyrocketing job demand.

Post-WWII America built the strongest and largest middle class the country — and world — had yet seen. Thanks to meteoric demand for infrastructure and manufactured goods — on American shores and beyond — skilled laborers had secure employment and solidly middle-class wages.

This persisted through the 1970s, after which growing trade imbalances and the early stages of globalization prompted American companies to seek cheaper labor in developing countries. Since then, old-guard manufacturing jobs have consistently moved overseas, leaving once-thriving manufacturing towns — and families — decimated.

Meanwhile, four additional socioeconomic circumstances collided to create a skill gap and skilled labor shortage that has impacted both skilled laborers and the companies that could otherwise employ them:

  1. The locus of American industry shifted from infrastructure and manufacturing to computer and internet technologies and services. While this spurred an employment boom, these new jobs demanded a skill set that the skilled laborer lacked.
  2. Various effects of trade policy and globalization have served to depress real wage growth for decades, further gutting the middle-class skilled labor force.
  3. As a net effect, more families discouraged their children from infrastructure or manufacturing skilled labor, believing rightly that it no longer afforded sufficient career and economic opportunity. Today, the majority of skilled labor workers are Baby Boomers, set to retire throughout this decade.
  4. In more recent years, infrastructure and energy industry shifts have opened up new skilled labor opportunities. While the sun is setting on certain industries, the sun is rising on new ones — such as solar and wind. Commercial construction, and its related infrastructure industries, continue to realize projected industry growth (and are on pace to continue to do so despite setbacks resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic). Jobs to build out and operationalize these industries are in desperate need of filling.

The skilled labor workforce has been shrinking as skilled labor jobs are returning. This has amounted to a sprawling skill gap and labor shortage that has yet to be reconciled. If it is not, it could amount to a $2.5 trillion loss for the American economy by 2028.

As we expanded our offering to more industries, we grasped that there are multiple transferable skills between these industries that neither the companies nor the workers could see. It clicked — we would retrain skilled laborers whose employment opportunities are on the wane for energy and infrastructure jobs on the rise. We would also retrain laborers for other areas of industry in which they have an interest and desire to work. Along the way, we would unlock a degree of job autonomy, mobility, and skill fungibility not yet seen for these workers.

The Opportunity No One Is Talking About

The skilled labor shortage introduced us to a larger problem — and, thereby, an opportunity — that no one is talking about.

The countries that can develop, build, and harness technologies in energy infrastructure will reap enormous economic rewards and lead the way for others to follow in this century. We believe that the pieces are in place for the United States to take this lead 

As innovation and investment expand in this area, job demand in it will soar. However, as of today, the United States fundamentally lacks the number of skilled laborers to meet this demand.

This is a high-stakes problem, where the missed opportunity if not solved or the captured opportunity if solved is massive.

That this problem is not getting nearly the attention it deserves is, in our observation and analysis, a function of many possible factors:

  • In part, this problem is the byproduct of certain industries approaching their natural end or new energy sources or manufacturing technologies rendering them obsolete. Those in this camp are focused solely on self-preservation.
  • Industry itself is at the center of numerous environmental and political debates. Many players are distracted by these conversations and therefore missing and failing to plan for the larger inevitabilities and opportunities.
  • Especially when they struggle to find enough workers to begin with, companies are disincentivized from supporting the reskilling of their workers for other areas of industry and might be resistant to the idea — even though, ultimately, it will put more and entirely new candidates in their pool.
  • Many stakeholder groups, if not most, simply lack the macro-environment perspective that we have been fortunate to gain.
  • But here’s the thing we have found: skilled laborers prioritize consistent employment and sufficient pay to provide for themselves and their families.
  • The politics, the controversy surrounding this industry or that industry, and the myriad distractions from the macro-industry circumstances are pulling the narrative away from what truly matters in to workers — the economic opportunity and resilience to provide nice lives for themselves and their families.
  • As a company steadfastly committed to expanding the universe of potential work for any individual laborer so that he or she can once again earn a solidly livable wage, we care about what the workers care about. We also can see that when the workers are well paid and consistently employed, the entire American economy will benefit.
  • This is our lens. And it shapes all of our conversations and plans — present and future — at Workrise.

Our Vision for the Future of Skilled Labor

A fateful series of events set us on a path of uncovering opportunities that would, in time, deliver us to the work that we at Workrise consider the most important of our lives. Going to bat for our vitally important skilled laborers — so that they may push the American economy into the future — is our purpose. This means we cannot simply help them find work in the industries they’ve always worked in; it means we must help them leverage transferrable skills and train them with the qualifications to work in multiple industries — current and of the future.

It also means that the appeal of skilled labor must be restored to draw more people to it. We need more skilled laborers in general, and we need more with transferable skills. The United States is in the uniquely fortunate position of being the only developed economy not staring down devastating population decline. Thanks to immigration, our population will continue to grow. More people will be available to fill vital jobs in multiple industries — so long as they have this breadth of skill sets needed to move freely among them.

Central to our vision to address this most urgent of problems is creating the incentives and circumstances that will both retain current skilled laborers and attract new ones with great pay, unparalleled benefits, job access, relevant re-skilling, and respect. The future demands it.

Skilled Laborers Will Propel Us Into the Next Frontiers of Industry

When one of our workers shares with us how game-changing, even life changing it has been to partner with us, we are overcome with pride. And gratitude — while it was a path with twists and turns, we arrived at the work we were born to do. While we are just getting started, we are grateful that we have not missed our fate.

Similarly, we are hell-bent on ensuring America’s skilled laborers also do not miss theirs. And their fate is to dramatically elevate their potential and earning power by changing their career mindset. It is to step out of blue collar work as they’ve always known it and into future collar work — work that unlocks autonomy, an upward path, and the wherewithal for consistent employment weaving in and out of the skilled labor industries of their choosing.

And America’s fate is to march the world forward once again in the industries that will define the twenty-first century, leaving more prosperity for all in her path.

The pieces are in place for the United States to take the lead in the twenty-first century. We won’t stop until the barriers blocking her otherwise stratospheric growth are removed.


CNN needs to re-start. 

I seriously doubt whether they will ever regain the status they had when Ted Turner conceived of it.  They could begin by squeezing their Lemon out and/or firing the entire news crew.

CNN Should Part Ways With Don Lemon, Too, If Guilty Of Smollett Charges

imageIn the Smollett case, elitist racism, combined with media-star arrogance, to help aid and abet CNN host Don Lemon's alleged aiding and abetting of Smollett's false police report early in the investigation according to reports from the court.

Workrise is the leading workforce management solution for the skilled trades.

    Very poignant and timely:

      The Way Out
      November 2021 • Volume 50, Number 11 • Larry P. Arnn
      Larry P. Arnn
      President, Hillsdale College

      Larry P. Arnn is the twelfth president of Hillsdale College. He received his B.A. from Arkansas State University and his M.A. and Ph.D. in government from the Claremont Graduate School. From 1977 to 1980, he also studied at the London School of Economics and at Worcester College, Oxford University, where he served as director of research for Martin Gilbert, the official biographer of Winston Churchill. From 1985 until his appointment as president of Hillsdale College in 2000, he was president of the Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy. From October 2020 to January 2021, he served as co-chair of the President’s Advisory 1776 Commission. He is the author of several books, including The Founders’ Key: The Divine and Natural Connection Between the Declaration and the Constitution and Churchill’s Trial: Winston Churchill and the Salvation of Free Government.

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      The following is adapted from a speech delivered at a Hillsdale College reception in Overland Park, Kansas, on November 18, 2021.

      Here are two questions pertinent to our times: (1) How would you reduce the greatest free republic in history to despotism in a short time? and (2) How would you stop that from happening? The answer to the first question has been provided in these last two disastrous years. The answer to the second has begun to emerge in recent months. Both are worthy of study.

      Reducing a Great Republic to Despotism

      To establish despotism in a nation like ours, you might begin, if you were smart, by building a bureaucracy of great complexity that commands a large percentage of the resources of the nation. You might give it rule-making powers, distributed across many agencies and centers inside the cabinet departments of government, as well as in 20 or more “independent” agencies—meaning independent of elected officials, and thus independent of the people. 

      This much has been done. It would require a doctoral thesis to list all the ways that rules are made in our federal government today, which would make for boring reading. The truth is that very few people not directly involved know how all this works. Although civics education is practically banned in America, most people still know what the Congress is and how its members are elected. But how many know how the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) came to be, under what authority it operates, and who is its head? Here is a clue: it is not Anthony Fauci.

      Admittedly, this new kind of bureaucratic government would take—has taken—decades to erect, especially in the face of the resistance of the Constitution of the United States, which its very existence violates. But once it has been erected, things can happen very fast. 

      What, for example, if a new virus proliferates around the world? There have been procedures for dealing with such viruses for a long time. They begin with isolating the sick and protecting the vulnerable. But suddenly we have new procedures that attempt to isolate everybody. This is commanded by the CDC, an element of this bureaucratic structure, and by a maze of federal and state authorities, all of which see the benefit to themselves in getting involved. The result is that large sections of our economy were closed for months at a time, and citizens placed under the equivalent of house arrest. This has not happened before. The cost of it, and not just in monetary terms, is beyond calculation. 

      To set up a despotism capable of pulling this off you would need the media’s help. Those controlling the media today are trained in the same universities that invented the bureaucratic state, the same universities the senior bureaucrats attended. The media would need to be willing to suppress, for example, the fact that 50,000 doctors, scientists, and medical researchers signed the Great Barrington Declaration. That document reminds people that you cannot suppress a widely disseminated contagious virus through shutdowns and mass isolation, and that if you try, you will work immeasurable destruction of new kinds—unemployment, bankruptcy, depression, suicide, multiplying public debt, broken supply chains, and increases of other serious health problems. Some of the signatories to this Declaration come from the most distinguished universities in the world, but never mind: their views do not fit the narrative propagated by the powerful. They have been effectively cancelled, ignored by the media and suppressed by Big Tech.

      You would need some help from business, too. As far as influence is concerned, “business” is dominated by large institutions—those comprising big business—whose leaders are also educated in the same universities that conceived bureaucratic government and trained the bureaucrats and media heads. This provides a ground of agreement between big business and the bureaucratic state. Anyway, agree or not, businesses are vulnerable to regulation, and to mitigate the risk of regulatory harm they play the game: they send lobbyists to Washington, make political contributions, hire armies of lawyers. If you are big enough to play the game, there are plenty of advantages to be won. If you are not big enough to play the game—well, in that case you are on your own.

      Amidst the unprecedented lockdowns, imagine there comes an election, a time for the people to say if they approve of the new way of governing and of this vast, unprecedented intrusion into their lives. Then let us say that in several states the election rules and practices are altered by their executive branches—the people in charge of enforcing the law—on their own, without approval by their legislatures. Say this brazen violation of the separation of powers takes place in the name of the pandemic. One does not need to know what percentage of votes in the final tally were affected to see that this is fishy. No sensible person would place control of the election process in one party—any party—or in one branch—any branch—of the government, alone. In some crucial states, that was done.

      Finally, to sustain this new kind of government, you would need to work on education. You might build a system of centralized influence, if not control, over every classroom in the land. You might require certification of the teachers with a bias toward the schools of education that train them in the approved way. These schools, poor but obedient cousins of the elite universities, are always up on the latest methods of “delivery” of instruction (we do not call it teaching anymore). These new methods do not require much actual knowledge, which can be supplied from above. 

      As far as content, you might set up a system of textbook adoption that guarantees to publishers a massive and captive market but requires them to submit proposed books to committees of “experts,” subject of course to political pressures. You might build a standard approved curriculum on the assumption that everything changes—even history, even principles. You might use this curriculum to lay the ground for holding everything old, everything previously thought high and noble, in contempt. 

      Doing this, incidentally, deprives the student of the motive to learn anything out of fashion today. It is a preparation not for a life of knowing and thinking, but for a life of compliance and conformity. 

      This is by no means an exhaustive account of what it would take to build a thoroughgoing tyranny—for further instruction, read Book Five of Aristotle’s Politics or George Orwell’s 1984. But it gives an idea of a mighty system, a system that seems unassailable, a system combining the powers of government and commerce, of education and communication. Money and power in such a system would accrue to the same hands. The people who benefit from the system would be the ruling class. Others would be frustrated. And such a system would tend to get worse, because the exercise of unchecked power does not bring out the best in people.

      Any elaborate system of government must have a justification, and the justification of this one cannot simply be that those in the ruling class are entitled on the basis of their superiority. That argument went away with the divine right of kings. No, for the current ruling class, the justification is science. The claim of bureaucratic rule is a claim of expertise—of technical or scientific knowledge about everything. Listen to Fauci on Face the Nation, dismissing his critics in Congress as backward reactionaries. When those critics disagree with him, Fauci said recently, “They’re really criticizing science because I represent science. That’s dangerous.”

      The problem with this kind of thinking was pointed out by a young Winston Churchill in a letter to the writer H.G. Wells in 1901. Churchill wrote:

      Nothing would be more fatal than for the government of states to get into the hands of the experts. Expert knowledge is limited knowledge: and the unlimited ignorance of the plain man who knows only what hurts is a safer guide, than any vigorous direction of a specialised character. Why should you assume that all except doctors, engineers, etc. are drones or worse? . . . If the Ruler is to be an expert in anything he should be an expert in everything; and that is plainly impossible. 

      Churchill goes on to argue that practical judgment is the capacity necessary to making decisions. And practical judgment, he writes in many places, is something that everyone is capable of to varying degrees. Everyone, then, is equipped to guide his own life in the things that concern mainly himself.

      Another thing about the experts is that they are not really engaged in the search for truth. Instead, the powerful among them suppress the obvious fact that there is wide disagreement among the experts. There always is. 

      God save us from falling completely into the hands of experts. But God has given us the wherewithal to save ourselves from that. So let us move to the second question posed above.

      How to Defeat a Rising Despotism

      In answering the second question, I will tell two stories that are suggestive.

      The first took place in the small town of Jonesville, Michigan, five miles north of Hillsdale College. In our state, as in most places where the lockdowns were enforced, businesses were crippled or destroyed en masse. Restaurants were chief among them. One of our local restaurants is a 30-year-old diner called Spanglers Family Restaurant. Mitch Spangler is the proprietor. The business was founded by his late father, and Mitch was purchasing the business from his mother. The payments to his mother depended upon the revenues of the business, and his mother’s retirement depended upon the payments. The life’s work of two generations was at stake. Mitch was also helping to support a daughter in college.

      This is not to mention the more than 20 employees whose livelihoods are dependent on Spanglers. “Our employees are moms who have kids,” Spangler told the local paper. “One of our employees is pregnant; another is a 19-year-old kid. This is his first job, and he just bought a car.” Our leaders in Washington treat it as a small thing when trillions are being thrown about. To the Spanglers and people like them, their relatively small revenue streams are everything.

      Mr. Spangler was not prepared to surrender all this. When a second lockdown was ordered by Michigan’s governor a year ago last month, he kept his restaurant open. He put a sign on the door and posted on Facebook to make clear, among other things, that he was acting out of necessity for the sake of his business and the livelihoods of all those dependent on it; that precautions would be taken, including the installation of an electrostatic fogger that would disinfect the air; that he understood the thinking of those who would choose to stay away from his restaurant, but that he hoped they would understand his own thinking. “If you cannot support us, we understand,” he wrote, “but please allow us to have the freedom to do what we have to do.” 

      The wheels of bureaucracy began to grind. Spanglers was visited repeatedly by the health department, by the licensing authorities, and even by the agriculture department (one wonders what they had to do with it). Spangler was fined and threatened with forcible closure. But he persevered, never backing down, and his busines did well. On a typical weekend, not only locals but supporters from the neighboring states of Indiana and Ohio lined up outside to show their support.

      Mitch Spangler is our kind of fellow, and the College gave him some help organizing his legal representation. We did not wish to be in the newspaper about this because we were facing our own pressures, and we too were determined to resist them. But Spangler was no good at keeping a secret: he wore a Hillsdale College t-shirt on FOX News and thanked us for our help. And when he had a little ceremony in his parking lot in the spring to thank his staff and his customers, I was honored to say a few words.

      This may not seem on its face a big story, but it is a most important story. It is important because it is a story about the nature of human beings and of citizens and of our rights. The nature of a thing is the essence of a thing. One aspect of the nature of a human being is that he must eat to live. In condemnation of slavery, Abraham Lincoln loved to say that every man was created with a head, hands, and mouth, the implication being that the head should guide the hands in the feeding of the mouth. Because we are made to live this way, we are also determined to live this way. The alternative is dependence, which does not make us happy. 

      It should not therefore be surprising that, if you try to destroy the business of a man whose family has spent over 30 years building it, he will resist. Trying to strongarm people like Mitch Spangler is not a good idea. There are millions of them, and they have always made up the core of this greatest of free republics.

      The second story is more famous, but it too is about nature—indeed, about that word’s most basic meaning. The word nature, as I said, refers to a thing’s essence, but it comes from the Latin word for birth. Our nature begins with how we are born and how we grow. Just as we are attached by nature to the way we get our livings, so we are attached by nature to our parents, and still more to our children. And this second story, set in Loudoun County, Virginia, is about parents and children. 

      In schools throughout Virginia, including in Loudoun County, children are being subjected to critical race theory (CRT). This involves lecturing children, especially those belonging to the non-preferred races, about the “structural evils” of which they are told they are part. Being taught alongside CRT is a distorted view of the history of our country, which true enough has its warts, but which surely has its glories as well—including glories about equal rights regardless of race. Between fighting the armies of the English monarch, the Confederacy, the Nazis, the communists, and Islamic terrorists, something nearing a million Americans have died for the cause of equal rights. These Americans have come in all colors.

      Amidst statewide controversy over the teaching of CRT, the Loudoun County School Board also adopted a broad policy of recognizing “transgender” students in preference to their “biological sex” (excuse the redundancy). Even before this, boys were permitted to use girls’ bathrooms, in one of which there was an assault and rape of a female student by a “gender-fluid boy.” The boy in question was then allowed to attend another school in Loudoun County, where he assaulted another girl. This first girl’s parents were understandably outraged and, at the risk of being called narrow-minded, went so far as to complain to the school board.

      Groups of parents who had already been protesting CRT and policies promoting transgenderism joined in the complaint. There was no violence at the school board meetings with one exception: law enforcement was summoned, and the outraged father of the assaulted and raped girl was bloodied and dragged out of one meeting. It is true, however, that voices were raised. 

      The National School Board Administration called upon the Biden administration to investigate these protesting parents as potential perpetrators of “domestic terrorism or hate crimes.” Remember, these parents were citizens attending a meeting of an elected body to tell their representatives what they think. The rights of petition and assembly are protected in the First Amendment. Except for certain preferred groups, these rights today appear to have been repealed.

      U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland intervened, instructing the FBI to investigate these parents and others around the country. The FBI’s Counterterrorism Division has reportedly deployed tools and resources normally reserved for terrorist threats against parents who are angry at school boards for what is occurring in their children’s schools. All this provoked massive support, across Virginia and around the nation, for the parents of Loudoun County.

      This support is not surprising. By nature, parents love their children and feel responsibility for them. Citizens, especially one hopes American citizens, feel entitled to state their grievances. The Declaration of Independence itself contains a list of grievances against the King. The Biden administration reacted to these protests just as King George III reacted against the American colonists in the years leading up to the American Revolution: he called in law enforcement. And the people of Virginia reacted in a way reminiscent of the American colonists: they defeated the candidate for governor who took the position that parents should have nothing to do with their children’s education. 

      What do these two stories—one of them taking place in Hillsdale County, Michigan, a deep red county, and the other in Loudoun County, Virginia, which is deeply blue—have in common? In both stories we see reactions against violations of our rights, rights that we have by nature as human beings. 

      The story about Mitch Spangler is about our right to work and to store up the product of our labor so that we and our families can eat and thrive. The American Founders put this in terms of our natural right to property. The story about the parents of Loudoun County is about the natural right of mothers and fathers to raise their children. To interfere with these rights is to interfere with the nature of the human being.

      These facts about nature were well known during the American Revolution, the very Revolution that is besmirched by the members of our ruling class today, just as it was besmirched by the ruling class at the time of the Revolution. It was the interference with the colonists’ natural rights by that former ruling class that led to the American Revolution. These recent stories from Michigan and Virginia show that we Americans do not seem to like that interference any better today.

      In addition to the right to make a living and the right to raise our children, we have the right to participate in our government, even if we are not experts, and the right to look to the heavens and not to our ruling class for guidance. We have these rights because we—every single one of us—were born with them sewn by God into our nature, and we cannot find our earthly fulfillment without them. 

      If we put these facts together as a people, we will have recovered the understanding that produced the American Revolution. We will stop these current predations upon our rights. We will bring this overwhelming government back where it belongs, under the control of the people. 

      The signs of such a movement are emerging. Pray they are enough.
  • Radical Democrats want to pack SCOTUS. Republicans should start packing their pistols and shoot down this monster.
  • ++++
    • Biden’s court-packing commission just released their final report and Democrats are PLOWING AHEAD with a plot to pack the Supreme Court.
          Even though I believe a woman has a right to her body I still lean toward what Bob Livingston has written:

          Bob Livingston Alerts
          There is now a twisted sense of morality being foisted on Americans. Murder is received with little more than a sigh from the American people. We have fallen into the dishonoring and demeaning state of moral or value relativism. We no longer know right from wrong. Nothing is black and white. Everything is a shade of gray, which is to say that anything does go, and murder is on the menu.

          In case you don't believe me, then ask yourself why there have been around 625,000 baby murders in America this year, and it is not being reported in every newspaper?

          By contrast, media lapdogs want you to think there have been hundreds if not thousands of children being killed in all across the country in what they repeatedly and dishonestly refer to as "mass shootings."

          There have been 29.

          So, to recap:

          29 children murdered in school buildings — murdered by other children, most of whom are on anti-psychotic drugs — cause the country to go into convulsions, but not over the murders. They are apoplectic about guns and adamant about taking them away from everyone.

          625,000 baby murders performed by medical doctors in official clinics and hospitals and it is considered perfectly fine.

          No call for banning doctors... No calls for banning hospitals…

          What we do have is the lamestream media going apoplectic that Roe v. Wade might be overturned.

          Because heaven forfend that the baby killing machine ever stop.

          At issue in front of the Supreme Corrupt right now in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization is a 2018 Mississippi law that bans most abortions after 15 weeks of gestation. At this point, all the major organs have formed, each finger moves separately, and the body responds to touch and taste, according to the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute.

          "This case is before the Supreme Court today in large part because Americans have seen the evolving science and increasingly want a voice in a question of great moral consequence," Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie, a senior fellow for The Catholic Association, told the Washington Times.

          It should be considered a moral crisis, not merely a question. After all, just how intelligent is a race of people who will themselves to extinction? We fear tyranny, war, disease and fear economic depression, but we have absolutely no fear of self-extinction? It's madness.

          Baby murder, plain and simple

          Baby killing (abortion) is a ravenous highly profitable industry backed by all kinds of monstrous justification. The abortionistas and their defenders and proponents lament that the baby may be "defective" or born to poor or abusive parents, or it won't be properly cared for or properly educated (feeble-minded) and would, therefore, be a "drain on society" or possibly produce more progeny that would likewise be feeble-minded, so it would be "better off" if were sucked out of the womb and chopped up and bartered for Lamborghinis.

          Infant murder began under the altruistic sounding words "planned parenthood." As always in such chicanery, these words are totally misleading. But they have worked their charm on lukewarm churchgoing Americans. Not 1 in 10,000, when they hear the words "planned parenthood," thinks of child murder.

          For most of the people abortions are mainly for more selfish reasons of convenience. And by the way, Margaret Sanger, a proponent of eugenics, founded the precursor to Planned Parenthood in order to exterminate minorities — blacks in particular. Her plan seems to be working, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the majority of babies aborted are minorities.

          It wasn't so long ago that there was a terrible stigma placed on abortion, and it was done mostly in secret and only in extreme circumstances. Then it evolved into public policy and became in most minds no more serious a procedure than pulling a tooth.

          Before something becomes official and "public policy," it begins as unofficial public policy. In the beginning or unofficial stage, the government and its politicians appear to be silent or neutral on an issue. All appears to be spontaneous, coming from grass-roots idealism. For example, infant murder began under the altruistic sounding words "planned parenthood." Now Planned Parenthood is granted an annual stipend from the Federal Treasury.

          As always in such chicanery, these words are totally misleading. But they have worked their charm on lukewarm churchgoing Americans. Under the guise of universalism and tolerance, the world turns its back on all sorts of evil.

          In the beginning stages of creating the public mind to accept the formulation of public policy, it all has an aura of free expression and "free choice."

          While some people are mildly alarmed, few would ever suspect the progression pattern and how these altruistic social expressions finally evolve into law.

          This means in plain language that at some point, the government decides "by law" who is to die "in the public interest."

          That means that eventually the government will decide which children will die and which aged and infirm will die. And then they will come after you with no pretense.

          For now, unofficial "public policy" is that you can be legally murdered before you are born, you can be murdered if you live in the inner city, and you are expected to — and pushed down the path to — expire when you retire. Too many people and too much consumption is a real and present crisis for the government.

          It may not be official or stated, but you can be sure that population control to limit consumption is a serious government policy and program. As more and more consumption flows to non-producing people, the transfer of real resources reverses to these population segments. The tail begins to wag the dog. The economic system was designed to transfer real resources to the government. There is an economic agenda behind the unofficial policy of murder.

          Legalized abortion (murder) and population control, even if they were not moral issues, should be opposed because they are inconsistent with human liberty and free enterprise.

          But it is also a moral issue. And we must fight the prosecution of like-minded individuals who choose not to participate in the immoral activities being forced into their lives. Do not let them mold your Christian beliefs into their "Murder, Inc." multiculturalism.

          It's imperative to protect yourself and your loved ones from plunder — that's physical harm through manipulation by the powers-that-shouldn't-be.

          Those who do not will have surrendered their mind and body over to the tyranny of the murder for profit system.

          Yours for the truth,

          Bob Livingston
          Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter®

          P.S. — Some read these letters and call me a conservative... some call me a "liberal jackhole"... some say I am a libertarian. But those labels have been corrupted by the mainstream media and the political parties. Since I launched The Bob Livingston Letter®, my goal has always been to find the truth behind the lies told by the controlling elite and spread it far and wide. Do you want to learn how to have the best health and the most freedom and wealth to go along with it? Then be sure to subscribe today and I will send you, at no cost whatsoever, my compendium filled with advice that will keep you healthy, prosperous and free for years to come.



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