Monday, December 27, 2021

America Loves Passing Laws So Progressives Can Grow Government/Restrict Freedoms. Flawed Man? Must Watch Costner's "Yellowstone." Live By The Sword.

Biden just sits back and allows the corruption and criminalization of America to continue and where is Kamala our border VP?  We have a president who borders on serious mental problems and a V.P whose
achievements do not border on pathetic, they are pathetic:

EDINBURG, Texas –Two migrants with sex offenses against children are arrested by law enforcement in the Rio Grande Valley.

At approximately 6 p.m. on Nov. 1, Rio Grande City Border Patrol Station agents responded to a group of migrants making an illegal entry into the United States near Rio Grande City, Texas. The migrants were taken into custody for processing.

At the station, criminal records checks revealed a previously removed Guatemalan National Jose Yojcom-Rocche, as a registered sex offender. Yojcom-Rocche was arrested in 2019 by the Los Angeles Police Department for lewd or lascivious acts with a child under the age of 14. The 35-year-old man was convicted in 2021 and sentenced to 180 days’ confinement and five years’ probation. Yojcom-Rocche also has an active warrant out of Los Angeles, California.

Approximately one hour later, Texas Department of Public Safety troopers working in Brownsville, Texas, requested assistance after a subject ran from the vehicle during a traffic stop in an attempt to avoid arrest. Fort Brown Border Patrol Station agents determined Humberto Tiburcio-Loyo to be a citizen of Mexico and took him into custody.

At the station, it was discovered that Tiburcio-Loyo, a 33-year-old man, was convicted in 2011 following an arrest for sexual assault of a 12-year-old child in Brownsville, Texas. Tiburcio-Loyo was sentenced to 6 years’ imprisonment. The aggravated felon was removed from the United States earlier this year.

Read the full report on


Your woke government at work.  Supposes some of our TSA personnel are Islamist radicals and/or Taliban sympathizers and just pass their fellow beings through airport security?

This article supports what I recently posted in a previous memo.

One thing America is particularly good at is passing laws. This is a progressive method of criminalizing all behaviour and eventually restricting the freedoms of "we the people." This is purposeful and intended to grow government. Even worse, many of the laws are passed and then read, according to Pelosi's infamous comments. Even "worser" far too many laws are seldom enforced when government bureaucrats are involved, particularly if "royalty" (read Clinton's etc) are alleged of frequent wrongdoing.

Then we have American businesses yielding to autocratic governments like China because, as recently was the case, Intel apologized to China following a backlash related to a letter Intel sent suppliers asking them to avoid sourcing  from China's Xingjiang region. 

Money ,all too often, drives capitalism's pursuit of placing profits over moral behaviour. Consequently, it makes it easier for our adversaries to point to the fact  we too come into the court of world opinion with equally dirty hands. This undercuts the human rights component of our espoused foreign policy initiatives.  More hypocrisy.

I know we need government to function, to maintain law and order and for a civilized society to exist and the world, as we would want it to be, otherwise, everything would collapse. But why do we have to drag along the negative baggage of hypocrisy? I assume, because man is flawed and prone to evil.
 Lynn and I have been been "binge" watching "Yellowstone" starring and produced by Kevin Costner. It rises to the heights of the great John Huston Western's, Gary Cooper, John Wayne and Rhonda Fleming. While covering all the old virtues and verities of these classic's it covers pictorially and rhetorically issues of today concerning  CRT, White man versus Native American, land development versus ecology, governance, politicians and their scheming ways, murders  "doused in justification," and even anti-Semitism.

The language is coarse, the scenes are bawdy and, of course, there is a degree of sexuality for the male audience. In a sense, whether intended or not, it is Costner's response to Hillary's "despicable deplorables" who made this country what it was and is because they went West and laid the foundation of the greatest nation on earth despite it's many faults.

"Yellowstone" is a must watch full of everything.
From Putin's view, he sees NATO as a provocative threat and seeks to surround Russia with increased border protection and buffering.  He has ambitions to return Russia to its former status and the only way he can do this is through invasion.

The West seeks to assist nations that want freedom and competitive markets so their citizens can prosper and avoid the tragedy of Communism and Socialism.  It is "Yellowstone" being replaced by countries but the age old battle between good and evil remains.

Nikole Hannah-Jones Says She Doesn't Understand Why 'Parents Should Decide What’s Being Taught' in Schools

By Landon Mion


What goes around eventually comes around. Live by the sword get "nicked" by the sword.

Sowing Winds and Reaping Whirlwinds The Left is being consumed by its own hatreds and hubris.

 By Victor Davis Hanson

“For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind. “

Joe Biden, first as a candidate and then in the White House, from the outset saw the COVID-19 pandemic mainly as a means of leveraging political support, from the manner in which the lockdowns allowed him to run a virtual campaign from his basement to equating Donald Trump with the COVID-19 virus.

Like many on the Left, Biden was overt in such cynicism. So were Hillary Clinton, Gavin Newsom, and Jane Fonda—who claimed that COVID was a “never-let-a-crisis-go-to-waste” moment. Panic and lockdowns could help achieve single-payer health care, or a recalibrated capitalism, or the end of Donald Trump himself.

At the height of the last presidential campaign, Biden in September 2020 declared that Trump was responsible for the then-current 200,000 COVID deaths: “If the president had done his job, had done his job from the beginning, all the people would still be alive.”

Biden felt no need to list details where Trump had lethally erred or had not “done his job.”

He did not explain how any president should be able to prevent all deaths from a plague. And in 2020, Biden certainly had no expectation that before his own first year as president was over the cumulative deaths from the pandemic would exceed 800,000. He would have found it surreal to even imagine that soon there would be far more deaths under his own tenure than during Trump’s presidency—despite being the beneficiary of ubiquitous vaccinations, new therapies, and antiviral drugs unavailable throughout most of 2020.

During the 2020 campaign, both Biden and vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris also had cast doubt on the safety and efficacy of the Operation Warp Speed vaccines. They repeatedly implied that any forthcoming jabs would be tainted by Trump’s sponsorship.

Yet, later in office, both would publicly deplore any doubt similar to their own about vaccination safety or efficacy. Indeed, they equated remaining unvaxed to being unpatriotic. In addition, when Biden was inaugurated, he claimed that no Americans had been vaccinated. In fact, on some days under Trump more than a million people were receiving vaccinations.

Given that the new daily cases and COVID fatality rates had begun to decline shortly before Trump left office, and due to the growing ubiquity of the Warp Speed vaccinations, Biden gladly took ownership of the virus and boasted it would be essentially gone by July 4—due to his own rebranding of Trump’s vaccination programs.

Biden had assumed he could blame Trump for all 2020 COVID-19 deaths, while few would die from the pandemic in 2021, and that, again, he could take credit for the Warp Speed vaccination program.

But fate, not Biden, was the master of our COVID-19 destinies. Soon both the Delta and Omicron variants arrived, and we are now back to a Groundhog Day of possible lockdowns and mask mandates. Certainly, Biden would not wish a political rival to do to him what he did to Trump: question the efficacy and safety of the vaccines, blame Biden for more than 400,000 deaths on his watch, and claim the continuance of the pandemic was Biden’s fault alone.

Truth and Consequences

What’s the moral of Biden’s current troubles? From the Bible and the Greeks and throughout the Western tradition, there is a constant refrain of being wary of hubris, the lying and arrogance that are innate to it, and the divine power that ultimately levels things out.

Biden and the Left so despised Donald Trump that they lost all sense of moderation, of proportion, of logic itself. Thus, they find themselves in the current ridiculous situation of suffering the consequences of their own unhinged rhetoric and actions.

This madness was birthed in part because Trump’s newly calibrated populist Republican Party had the potential to permanently draw the working class away from Democrats. In part, they found Trump’s salesmanship and braggadocio repulsive and contrary to bicoastal manners. Partly his agenda had more success since any first term since Ronald Reagan. Add it up, and the result was toxic hatred and mindless rejection of the successful policies.

Biden’s undoing was claiming not just to be antithetical to Trump, but the antithesis of all that Trump did. His hatred blinded him to the reality that Trump’s record on Afghanistan, the border, COVID-19, the economy, foreign policy, energy, and regulation was in each instance either adequate or very good. To simply nullify all of it, and to claim Trump was an ungodly disaster, meant Biden’s own one-dimensional rejectionist policies had to be winning and successful. And when they were neither, he suffered not just the wages of failure, but of hypocrisy and nemesis as well.

This irony of blindly speeding over the cliff to one’s own destruction is not limited to COVID-19.

How did the once omnipotent, omnipresent Hillary Clinton descend into a caricature of a shrill, mean-spirited, and pathetic has-been? Even more so than Biden, she assumed that her hatred of Trump would excuse anything. And anything not excusable could simply be fobbed onto Trump as if it was his own doing.

Illegal to use a private, unsecured private email server to avoid government audit? When caught simply cry that Donald Trump encouraged the Russians to hack it.

Was Clinton’s “Russian reset” a failure? Was her campaign’s opposition research via British ex-spy Christopher Steele a dud and a lie? Then simply amp up the Russian collusion hoax, accuse Trump of being a Vladimir Putin asset, and count on the “friends of Hillary” in the administrative state to seed and fuel the lie.

Lose a supposedly sure-thing presidential election? Then blame the terrible, failed campaign on voting fraud, or on the Electoral College, and then claim the winner was illegitimate, while joining #TheResistance.

What Hillary Clinton could not abide was that the loud Trump had outsmarted her hip campaign experts, that his agenda was more applicable to the times and the national mood, that she was a nastier and more egocentric candidate than Trump, and that dislike for her grew in proportion to her public appearances.

Weapons of Self-Destruction

The military traditionally polls as the most popular of all major U.S. institutions. No longer. In a recent Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute survey, only 45 percent of Americans expressed trust and confidence in our armed forces. That is a stunning, almost inexplicable reversal—until we remember what has transpired over the last four years.

Why would our most esteemed retired generals routinely violate the Uniform Code of Military Justice in smearing and slandering the commander-in-chief between 2016 and 2021?

They did so freely and arrogantly on two assumptions. One, they were assured that the bipartisan establishment would applaud their political attacks and provide them legal and political exemptions in a way unthinkable had they compared, say, Barack Obama to a Nazi, a fascist, a Mussolini, a death camp jailer, a fraud, and a liar deserving removal “the sooner the better.”

Second, they were so taken with their stars and epaulets, their high public profiles, and their entry into the corporate monied class upon retirement, that the public would surely listen to their supposedly sage, insider advice.

Instead, their hubris earned them the opposition of half the country—ironically the half once most supportive of the military.

Just as importantly, the high-ranking officer class, fairly or not, was humiliated in Afghanistan. China and Russia now assume the United States has lost much of its prior deterrence. The Pentagon was seen as reckless and wasteful: gone in a matter of days were a $1 billion embassy in Kabul, a $300 million refitted air base at Bagram, and some $80 billion in U.S. weapons and equipment.

When the people looked for contrition, for apologies, for explanations, they got instead the opposite: generals blaming Biden off the record; Biden blaming generals on the record; the sense that China has reached parity with the U.S. military; the chairman of the joint chiefs apologizing for usually routine photo-ops with the president, unlawfully interfering in the chain of command, and claiming a pandemic of mythical “white rage”—all done with the full acquiescence of his superior, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, another retired general.

Meanwhile, suspicion continued to grow that much of the woke agenda was fast-tracked through the military because it served the careerist trajectories of the compliant officer class. Again, those who felt their self-importance had earned them commensurate influence and power well beyond their tasks of ensuring deterrence and military preparedness, lost both influence and power—both for themselves and the military itself.

The Rot Spreads

The Green New Dealers assumed that by the sheer force of their own superior morality that they could abruptly curtail fossil fuel use, with little if any concern that millions of the lower-middle class depend upon inexpensive natural gas and gasoline for their daily survival.

After bragging they would end fossil fuel use in a decade, these same purists ended up begging the carbon autocracies of Russia and the Gulf Arab states to produce more of the toxic fuels they had done so much at home to curtail. The radical climate changers had little idea how unlikeable and unpopular they had become—not just because of their credo, but due also to their own hypocrisies, arrogance, and preening.

Black Lives Matter is similar. In summer 2020, it assumed the role of arbiter of all race relations. Corporations rushed to send it cash. District attorneys competed to drop charges of the arrested. Mayors stampeded to defund police departments. And criminals vied to commit crimes on the assumption that they would not be caught, or not be indicted, or not be convicted, or not be jailed—and that societies were culpable, not the criminals, for the damage wrought.

And now? BLM is polling even lower than Joe Biden and the U.S. military.

The lessons from these hypocrisies? There are natural, eternal laws that transcend personalities and are the ultimate adjudicators of right and wrong.

Good leaders acknowledge the talent of those they despise. They are not so obsessed in their hatred that they mindlessly fixate on the negation of unwelcomed success. General George S. Patton found General Bernard Montgomery a poseur, affected, and condescending—but Patton also appreciated that Monty was methodical, professional, and, as a defensive tactician, admirably tough and stubborn.

Churchill privately saw Charles De Gaulle as vain, exasperating, and narcissistic. But he publicly acknowledged that no other man of France in 1940 would have, or could have, rallied the defeated in exile, orchestrated a triumphant return, brought order to chaotic France, and restored French sovereignty, and, yes, chauvinism, to a defeated and humiliated people.

Republicans who joined FDR on the eve of World War II knew him to be vain, duplicitous, treacherous, and an egomaniac. But also, they conceded that he had the rare talent to galvanize the nation to defeat its enemies, and to charm and cajole the capitalist classes to produce weapons and goods as no other nation in history had done.

So, there were reasons why Socrates advised “Know thyself,” why the oracle at Delphi emblemized “Nothing too much”—and why you reap what you sow.

About Victor Davis Hanson

Victor Davis Hanson is a distinguished fellow of the Center for American Greatness and the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He is an American military historian, columnist, a former classics professor, and scholar of ancient warfare. He has been a visiting professor at Hillsdale College since 2004. Hanson was awarded the National Humanities Medal in 2007 by President George W. Bush. Hanson is also a farmer (growing raisin grapes on a family farm in Selma, California) and a critic of social trends related to farming and agrarianism. He is the author most recently of The Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won, The Case for Trump and the newly released The Dying Citizen.


Is Iran seeking to start WW 3 because Obama decided it wise to skirt ratification by  calling a treaty an agreement which allowed a rogue terrorist  nation to go nuclear?


Why Iran’s threat to attack Israel’s Dimona matters - analysis

The decision to unveil a new multiple-drone launcher while splicing that with a digital mock-up of Dimona is a new level of Iranian aggressive threats.

Iran has published and distributed a video of rockets and drones being used to attack Dimona in the Negev Desert. It says the attack took place during the recent 17th Great Prophet drill with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the IRGC Air Force.

Tehran says it “simulated a missile and drone attack on the Dimona nuclear center using 16 ballistic missiles and five suicide drones, successfully,” according to its semi-official Fars News Agency. The Jerusalem Post reported on the initial videos on Saturday. Iran has now doubled down with its own reports, bragging about its abilities.

This matters more than in the past because Iran is threatening to attack the Dimona nuclear facility, a dangerous escalation in rhetoric. It is also tied to Tehran revealing aspects of its drone program and new technology.

The video was published by Fars and Tasnim New Agency, main Iranian media outlets linked to the government and the IRGC. This means the video is a purposeful attempt by Iran to threaten Israel, which, of course, isn’t exactly new. Tehran threatens Israel everyday with various forms of destruction; it continually has to come up with new threats.

However, the decision by Iran to test long-range ballistic missiles and unveil a new multiple drone launcher while splicing that with a digital mock-up of Dimona appears to be a new level of Iranian aggressive threats.

Fars published the video in full, which has been circulated online for several days. According to Tasnim’s defense correspondent, “In the last stage of the joint exercise, 16 types of solid and liquid fuel ballistic missiles, as well as 10 suicide UAVs known as Shahed-136 drones, simulated targeting Dimona.”

Iran simulated “targeting the development of weapons of mass destruction by the Zionist regime,” the report said. In the initial stages of the drill, Iran had showcased IRGC missiles and drones, it said.

Tehran has now released the high-quality videos to its media. The videos “show the power of precision and accuracy of the missiles and drones,” the report said. The drones were used to “hit the cooling tower of Dimona,” Tasnim reported.

Iran said a similar drone used by the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, which is called “Eid,” was used against Aramco facilities in Saudi Arabia. This January, a report in Newsweek said the Shahed-136 drone might have been based in Yemen. This drone at the time was said to have a range of about 2,000 km. (1,240 miles). This means it could reach southern Israel from Yemen. It now appears Iran has confirmed deployment of this type of drone or a close copy of it in Yemen.

Overall, this points to increasing Iranian drone threats and also the way in which Iran is combining drones with missiles in its attack plans. In 2019, Iran used 25 drones and cruise missiles to attack Saudi Arabia’s Abqaiq energy facility. This lifted the curtain on Iran’s capabilities, which have expanded since then.

Iran has sent drone technology to Hezbollah, the Houthis, Hamas and to militias in Iraq. In May, pro-Iran elements in Iraq used a drone to fly over Syria in an attempt to attack Israel. In February 2018, Iran used a drone from the T-4 base in Syria to fly into Israel airspace. It has also used drones to attack US forces in Iraq and at Tanf base in Syria. This July, Iran used drones to target a commercial ship in the Gulf of Oman.

However, the new use of small kamikaze, long-range drones combined with ballistic missiles, as illustrated by the recent drill and videos, represents yet another combination of dangerous munitions. That Tehran has openly threatened Dimona and says it wants to use this technology to attack illustrates how Iran is seeking to influence the region through pretending it has this level of precision and technology.

Meanwhile, Tehran is still negotiating with the West and various countries about reaching a possible Iran deal in Vienna. Its aggressive video appears to indicate that it retains this military option alongside the talks, with no fear of consequences over its threats.



Vladimir Putin Has A CLEAR Message For The United States...


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