This author writes about what I raised in a recent memo.
I am sure there are intractable hard noses in the Chinese Communist Party who think this is an opportune time to bloody our own and, simultaneously, send a message to the world but I suspect cooler heads will prevail. China
Is Preparing to Start a War with America
William L. Gensert The Chinese want war. It's all they have left. More
Meanwhile, I can't think of a better last name for a Chinese sympathizing/lying former Obama executive.
Some of the most important results of investigations will come out and be totally missed because of the Coronavirus and the mass media's desire to bury the results.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This might be of interest and was drawn from Value Line's 1700 stock universe:
The median of estimated PER Rations of all stocks with earnings 11.The media of estimated div yields of all stocks paying div. 3.7%The median estimated 3 to 5 year price appreciation potential of all 1700 stocks in VL's Universe 145%The median estimated 18 month appreciation potential to target price range 72%
When valuations reach these levels it generally represents investment opportunities.
Personally I believe the market has a few more issues and clouds ahead but I do believe, should one have free in-vestible funds, they should strategize what action, if any, to take.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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