Thursday, March 14, 2019

Ross Rants. Morris Falls On His Own Sword Will Beto Suck The Oxygen From AOC? Disband The Democrat Party?

Time that used to knit the raveled sleeve of care? (See 1 below.)
I heard about this and found it hard to believe.  There is hope after all? (See 2 below.)
 Ross rants anew. (See 3 below.)
Henninger on socialism. (See 4 below.)
Morris Dees, who I have written about and co-founder of The Southern Poverty Law Center, was fired for undisclosed reasons but apparently he violated rules relating to behaviour with co workers.

Morris was the person Carter depended upon to raise campaign money through direct mail.  After Carter won, Morris loved playing tennis on the White House Court and established the SPLC.

Dees was a rabid liberal, a dedicated and courageous fighter for civil rights.  He also was a very shrewd businessman and turned the SPLC into a tax free organization allowing him to solicit funds as tax deductible contributions. He was a great fund raiser and also knew how to take care of himself.

I lost touch with him and then,in recent years, I began to read how radical his organization had become and lately is being sued and charged for RICCO violations.  I am not surprised that Morris has self-destructed. The SPLC has drifted far from it's original mission and might be struggling raising funding. Apparently SPLC  has a half billion dollar foundation that should sustain their efforts to brand anyone they want evil doers. One of their most recent targets has been Tucker Carlson.

Dees and his organization have become a southern version of Soros and is tax free entities
I believe BETO is going to suck air away from AOC.  The liberal  mass media always is looking for and needs a new rock star and they now have Beto. Will AOC gasp for air because of  the potential loss of oxygen?  Stay tuned.
It is becoming clearer, with the release of documents, senior members of the FBI allowed their bias against Trump and their insurance policy (FISA warrants obtained under a false premise) to become the basis for what has been going on in the past two years. ie The Mueller investigation which seems to be coming to a slow halt.

History will eventually reveal Obama and his various partisan employees sought to destroy Trump and through their various Democrat friends in Congress are still engaged in one of the worst political betrayal episodes in our history.  The Democrat Party should be disbanded.

Skidaway Island Republican Club Presents:

True Perspectives
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Updates from the Chatham County 
District Attorney
Meg Heap

Click Here to RSVP

Tuesday, March 26

Plantation Club
Cocktails/Cash bar: 5:00 PM
Presentation: 5:30 PM
Sustaining Members: Free
Regular Members: $5
Non-Members: $10

All Welcome

Chatham County District Attorney Meg Heap will join us for our March True Perspectives. Her discussion topics will include Domestic Violence, the Special Victims Unit, and updates on the new Family Justice Center she is spearheading. DA Heap will also bring us up to speed on current events on the state level, such as the recent Georgia Supreme Court ruling on monitoring sex offenders.

Please join your friends and neighbors for this important presentation and to have your questions answered by DA Meg Heap. Arrive at 5pm for cocktails and to connect with friends and neighbors.

For reservations:

1)Scientists Used IBM’s Quantum Computer to Reverse Time, Possibly Breaking a Law of Physics

The universe is getting messy. Like a glass shattering to pieces or a single wave crashing onto the shore, the universe’s messiness can only move in one direction – toward more chaos and disorder. But scientists think that, at least for a single electron or the simplest quantum computer, they may be able to turn back time, and restore order to chaos. This doesn’t mean we’ll be visiting with dinosaurs or Napoleon any time soon, but for physicists, the idea that time can run backward at all is still a pretty big deal.
Normally, the universe’s trend toward disorder is a fundamental law: the second law of thermodynamics. It says more formally that any system can only move from more to less ordered, and that the chaos or disorder of a system – its entropy – can never decrease. But an international team of scientists led by researchers at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology think they may have discovered a loophole.
Computing Power
For their experiment, the scientists used IBM‘s simple public quantum computer program, which uses two qubits – two units that, like a regular computer bit, can be a one or a zero. But unlike regular computer bits, qubits can also take a form called superposition, where they are both one and zero at the same time. In this way, they follow the laws of quantum mechanics, which are less clear-cut than the classical world humans inhabit.
The scientists set up the computer so that both qubits are zeros. According to quantum laws, the simple passage of time will cause the computer to fall out of this order, so that the qubits are soon in a random assortment of ones, zeros, or both. But scientists can also cause this to happen by running a program on their simple, 2-qubit computer.
The scientists then ran a different program, which tells the computer to run “backward.” They then ran the first program again, and were able to recover their original, zero-zero state about 85 percent of the time. They published their results March 13 in Scientific Reports.
The tricky part of the program is telling the computer to run backward, effectively making time run backward. Scientists investigated this “in the wild,” by isolating a single electron and calculating how long it would take for random perturbations in the universe to cause such an effect. They found that even if they studied 10 billion electrons every second, it would take the lifetime of the universe for such a phenomenon to happen just one time.
That’s why you’ll never drop a handful of glass shards and see them leap together to form an unbroken mirror, while a dropped mirror will almost always splinter into many pieces. The system will always tend toward disorder.
But by forcing order to rise from disorder with a quantum computer program, scientists may have found a way around this basic physical law.
2) Democrats Are Alienating Jewish Millennials
The new "Jexodus" movement aims to pull more Jews away from bondage to Democrats.

“In the hierarchy of crackpot Leftist intersectionality, it’s now clear that Muslim trumps black; black trumps woman; female trumps male; and all of the above trump white males, especially Christian males. And everybody hates the Jews.” —columnist Michael Walsh
Sarcastic? Absolutely. But there was also something quite telling in Nancy Pelosi’s effort to paper over — literally — the transparently anti-Semitic outbursts of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN). In the entire seven page, boilerplate-against-all-hate resolution, mentioning “African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other people of color, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, the LGBTQ community, immigrants, and others,” only two descriptors were attached to the word white: “supremacist” and “nationalist.”
Moreover, in the world of increasingly mainstream leftist intersectionality, Jewish Americans are a “two-fer:” Jewish and white, with the latter word becoming virtually interchangeable with the word “privileged,” among the nation’s self-appointedarbiters of morality.

Yet like the #WalkAway campaign initiated by openly homosexual Brandon Straka, and the “Blexit” movement birthed by conservative black American Candace Owens, another effort aimed at getting Americans to leave an increasingly radical and divisive Democrat Party is taking shape. Elizabeth Pipko, a 23-year-old Jewish figure skater-turned-model, has spearheaded the “JEXODUS” movement. “We are proud Jewish Millennials tired of living in bondage to leftist politics,” states the movement’s website.

Pipko illuminated her aims in an interview with Arutz Sheva. “The whole point is to have actual, physical events,” she stated. “We’re going to have rallies and other events where we can get people excited and have an environment where young Jews can feel safe and unafraid and stand up for their beliefs.”

Pipko further explains her undertaking was not a spur-of-the-moment decision. “I’ve had it in my mind for a long time,” she adds. “I think we saw it in the Obama presidency — the turn towards anti-Israel policies, accompanied by a rise in anti-Semitism in our country. And it’s only gotten worse, and right now we have anti-Semitism in the halls of Congress. So if not now, when?”

Remarkably, the same Democrat Party obsessed with “Russian collusion!” was conspicuously silent when Barack Obama’s administration sent $350,000 in taxpayer funds to Israeli group OneVoice, who campaigned to oust Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu. Obama also employed the NSA to spy on Israeli officials — collecting conversations with U.S. lawmakers and Jewish American groups in the process.

Those efforts were an attempt to preserve Obama’s deal with Iran — the same Iran whose annual celebration of Al-Quds Day would not be complete without the requisite shouting of “Down with America” and “Death to Israel” by millions of Islamist loyalists.
Pipko was asked why liberal Jewish Americans still support Democrats. “That’s a question I’ve been trying to answer,” she said. “I grew up an incredibly proud Jew, which is what led me towards the Republicans. I was not raised a Republican, I was raised as a Jew before anything else.”

As columnist Bruce Bawer explains, that particular order of priorities doesn’t resonate with Jewish progressives. “Alas, I’m afraid it’ll take more than a little Der Stürmer-type rhetoric by Muslim Democrats to budge True Believers whose weekly religious devotions consist not of attending shul but of soaking in the Sunday New York Times, that secular Torah,” he writes. “No devout adherent of the Gospel according to Sulzberger would jump ship, after all, as long as all-knowing guru Paul ‘I won the Nobel Prize’ Krugman can write, as he did last Thursday, that ‘only one brand of antisemitism scares me — and it’s not on the left.’ I wonder what Natan Sharansky has to say about that.”

Krugman wasn’t alone in the attempt to shift the blame to the Right. Fellow Times columnist Michelle Goldberg “assumed” that while “Omar has been reckless rather than malicious,” there’s “still only one political party in America that is a safe place for hate.” Juan Williams insisted “Christian evangelicals’ frustration at their failure to divide Jewish voters from Democrats and bring them to President Trump,” was the “real story” behind last week’s House vote. And liberal Jewish group J Street warned that the greater threat to the Jewish community comes from “the surge of ethno-nationalism and racism that forces on the right, including President Trump, have unleashed here and across the globe.”

Then there were the rationalizers. Pelosi insisted Omar didn’t understand “the full weight of the words.” Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) argued Omar’s anti-Semitism was “more personal” than that of Jews whose parents were Holocaust survivors. Jewish American Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), who didn’t want to “trivialize” what Omar said, nonetheless asserted that “part of being a Jew is to be welcoming to the stranger. And I want to tell you, Ilhan Omar is a refugee from Somalia. She comes from a different culture. She has things to learn.”

Yet it was Women’s March co-founder and rabid Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions supporter Linda Sarsour who provided the greatest insight into modern leftist priorities. She attacked Pelosideclaring that the House speaker — increasingly in name only, it appears — is a “typical white feminist upholding the patriarchy doing the dirty work of powerful white men.”
In another column, Walsh explains what Sarsour is really saying. The American Left has created a “Victimization Flow Chart,” where “oppression flows down from the top, starting with white men,” and any group “can only be oppressed by the groups above it,” he writes. Ergo, “Ilhan Omar, a non-white woman, simply cannot be guilty of bigotry against Jews. It is definitionally impossible.”

Yet there is something even more cynical at work here. Omar, and her equally radical House colleagues, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), might best be described as the Democrat Party’s “crash test dummies.” When they say whatever pops into their head, the bet here is party higher-ups take polls to see what resonates. If they get a positive reaction, leadership takes credit. If the reaction is negative, leadership, as they have already demonstrated, can “rein in” the behavior of their “inexperienced” but “passionate” colleagues.

It’s an ugly way to forge a party agenda, but as Walsh reminds us, “Victimhood rules must always be followed, no matter what. And that means Ilhan Omar can say whatever the hell she wants to say.” So can Tlaib, and AOC.

Will JEXODUS succeed? President Trump tweeted his support for the organization, and Pipko remains optimistic. “Our first events are going to be happening in April in New York and Florida around Pesach,” she revealed. “Hopefully right before and after Pesach will be our first events. Then we’ll continue through the month and on until the election in 2020.”

In the meantime, spells out its agenda in no uncertain terms: “We reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left. Progressives, Democrats, and far too many old-school Jewish organizations take our support for granted,” it states. “After all, we’re Jewish, and Jews vote for Democrats. Until today.”
3)U6 is the unemployment rate which includes a measure of the people who have stopped looking or who are working part time and looking to work full time. It is considered the most accurate and comprehensive rate measuring unemployment. In Feb it was the lowest in history since 1994 except for two months in 2000 when it was 6.9% and 6.8%. So you can conclude from that, the employment picture is excellent, with wages rising faster than any time in ten years. And what the Dems claim is, they are going to help working people who are struggling.  Utter nonsense. The last month of Obama, the U6  rate was 9.4% and in two years the Republicans have down to 7.3%. That is a 22% decline in unemployment rate in two years of Republican control and deregulation. Minority unemployment is record low. One of the big issues now for job creation is that the labor force is only growing by 1%, vs 3-4%.   40 years ago. The birth rate around the world, and in the US, is negative now. That is a whole separate issue which will impact who pays for all the old people who are living longer if there are relatively fewer young workers paying taxes. In fact, who is going to pay for a lot of things in 30 years when there are fewer tax payers than tax takers due to demographics. Who is going to cover the deficit?   Despite the 20,000 jobs report, the reality is the economy is doing fine, and the job market remains very strong. There is a slowdown underway, but slower is not recession in 2019 and maybe not in 2020. The US cannot grow at 4% when the rest of the world is at 1%. We are still doing 2-3x as well as everyone else with unemployment half, or less than the EU and much of the world. Cap ex spending is up .7% last month, a very strong level. The whole China trade issue is hanging over many things, and if it is resolved well, then the markets will react well, and the economy may pick up further, but not a lot. It is unclear if there will be a deal with China over IP. China and the EU have major structural issues that trade deals will not fix. The US remains the world’s strongest and most solid economy.

Federal tax revenue is now up 10% and payroll tax collections are up 5%. The loss of tax revenue from lower rates has now been 80% offset by higher payrolls, so the tax cuts are mostly paid for.  Obama had the largest fiscal stimulus in history- $10 trillion in deficits, plus $4 trillion of monetary stimulus from the Fed, but he could never achieve sustained growth, and the economy was headed for further slowdown by the end of 2016. The Fed has raised rates under Trump and withdrawn monetary stimulus. Pretty clear whose policies work.

The issue as always is too much spending, which is why the administration is trying to reduce spend by 5% across the board other than the Pentagon.  The top generals have testified last week that Russia and China now pose major threats due to the lack of spend by the US during the Obama administration. Rand Corp staged war games and the result was the US is not able to prevail in a Baltics war due to the lack of spend the prior eight years. We are playing catch up now, and that is dangerous. It empowers Putin and Iran. It also may contribute to why Kim is continuing to cheat and not do a deal. The damage by Obama and the Democrats was huge to our military readiness and power and therefore to our ability to exercise stronger foreign policy responses. It will take time to rectify the problems. We lost 8 years of needed weapons upgrades and technology improvements. And now we get the millennials in Silicon Valley saying they refuse to help the Pentagon. That is thanks to their brainwashing in college over the past few years. If you think what is going on at universities today is not dangerous, here is a prime example.

Which is worse- the kid who got into the top college because his parents bribed someone, or the black kid who got in because he was born black. They are equally unfair to the heterosexual, middle class, white male who worked hard to get good grades and SAT’s and extra-curricular activities. The bribery is stupid and disgusting, the diversity is discrimination against white, middle class kids. Both need to stop. Merit needs to be the only basis to get into college and get a job. All the left wing, and now Dem messaging about “disadvantaged communities” is propaganda and utterly wrong. Minority college kids who claim they are oppressed and need special privileges is disgraceful. These days minority kids are heavily advantaged as to admissions, and have advantages their parents and grandparents could never dream of. That is reality, and that message needs to be the one we put forth. Read “Diversity Delusion” by Heather Mac Donald. America needs to stop the victim mentality which is rampant on campus and now ingrained in college kids. I am rich because I worked very hard and sacrificed to get there from nothing, not because I am privileged, which I was not. Today’s kids need to learn how we all got where we are.

Reality check on electric cars. They are still many years from major acceptance. If you turn on the heater in very cold weather you will not go far as the battery has 40% less charge in winter and the heater drains it. They are still only 1% of all cars. When you go to a gas station to get gas it takes little time. Recharging is slow so when you go to a recharging station in some areas there is a waiting line. Electric is fine for a commuter, car but not for long trips.

Nobody still knows where Brexit ends up. A delay does nothing to solve anything. Labor will vote solidly against it just to try to get a new election. The Brexiteers will vote to leave and the EU says it will not budge so delay accomplishes nothing. March 29 is almost here. It is a mess. May will likely be out before year end, adding further to the political dysfunction of Europe.

A new survey shows millennials are not willing to work as hard nor sacrifice the way we did. They just think they should get ahead. Not all millennials, but a sizable number. On campus they experience that they run the asylum. Protest, make demands and the dean folds. Now they make demands on companies, and in some cases they fold. We are raising a generation of under educated, brain washed, feeling entitled, lazy brats, 30% of whom think socialism is best because it takes care of them with little effort by themselves. They have it vastly better than many of us ever did, but they think they are oppressed and unfairly treated. They have zero sense of history and reality. It needs to change. Capitalism is what works better than any other way, and to work it requires people to work and take risks for what they get paid and earn through investing. Socialism is for lazy people who want someone else to take care of them for little effort. It works until the money runs out. Sweden is a prime example of a democracy that tried to go fully socialist, and it failed, and had to be reversed. China has a large private, profit driven, industry sector of its economy. The left refuses to look at the failed history of socialism.

Fracking allows producers to quickly respond to price moves by letting them add or subtract production. Experts believe this allows there to be a pretty stable price band of between maybe $50-$60 for US produced oil, sine as prices rise to, or past $60, producers simply produce more and the price goes back to the band.  If this proves true, then stable oil prices will be a major good thing for the US economy. Why Germany insists on going ahead with the new pipeline controlled by Putin instead of importing US LNG is hard to fathom. The price might be a little higher, but the long term cost of having Putin control your energy sup[ply is far higher.

If you want to know how really stupid DeBozo is, he just declared schools will have meatless Mondays “to help the environment”. I guess he thinks less meat, less cows, less gas. Under his watch we have public housing which has lead paint, mold, no heat, and filth, but no meat is what matters. You can’t make this stuff up.

Next time the Dems and press say the tax cut went to the wealthy and “working families” are suffering, here is a different fact: Low income workers’ wages are up 5% last year, vs Wall St wages are up only 2%, and supervisory workers are up only 2.4%. Overall wages were up 3.4%. Low income workers are employed full time now vs part time under Obama, and their wages are going up faster than ever in over ten years. Plus they got higher standard deduction and child care credits such they do not pay taxes.
4) Socialism? Yes, Be Afraid

The next Democratic president will come from a zombie army of anti-capitalists. By Daniel Henninger

There are moments when the Queens congresswoman calls to mind the “Saturday Night Live” feature “Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey.” AOC posted an Instagram video of herself making chili while wondering out loud about the social implications of climate change—“It does lead, I think, young people to have a legitimate question: Is it OK to still have children?”
This got me to thinking my own deep thought: Is there a point at which self-absorption should be considered a threat to humanity?
At last week’s South by Southwest festival, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez was the event’s biggest draw and received wide coverage for her thoughts on capitalism. She told the Austin, Texas, audience, “We live in a society where if you don’t have a job, you are left to die.” Finally, the AOC bottom line arrived: “To me, capitalism is irredeemable.”
Social-media stardom is a hard habit to kick, so there is going to be more of this, running alongside the presidential campaign. The question for the Democratic Party is whether Rep. Ocasio-Cortez can baptize enough neosocialists into the party to offset the number of traditional Democrats she drives into the arms of Donald Trump. Media stardom aside, eventually it all comes down to who has the most votes.
A recent New York Times article noted that the House Democrats’ new Washington act isn’t playing well in some districts the party won from Republicans in the midterms, such as in Michigan, Utah and Virginia. A Utah constituent summed up the issue in a question to Rep. Ben McAdams: “How long do you intend to ride that train with those people?”
That’s the good news for President Trump. The bad news is there are valid reasons why every Democrat and her mother is lining up to run against him in 2020.
Mr. Trump’s approval rating looks as if it will never hit 50%, no matter what. His insistent personal abrasiveness will be a significant X-factor for suburbanites, independents and some traditional Republicans in tossup states, such as Michigan. The strong economy, Mr. Trump’s ace, could soften. And again, at the critically important margin for victory, some GOP-leaning voters are simply tired of Mr. Trump being in their face all the time (as inevitably will happen to Ms. Ocasio-Cortez).
In short, one of these Democrats could win the presidency. If they win, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wins.
What AOC knows, in part because Donald Trump taught her, is that social media’s strength lies in the fact that so many people vastly overstate its powers. Traditional politicians have convinced themselves that massive armies of millennials, on order from people like AOC, are out there waiting to roll over them. Virtually all other reality fades into irrelevance.
How else to explain a nominally intelligent person such as Sen. Kamala Harris instantly signing off on the zillion-dollar costs (and that’s barely an exaggeration) of nationalized health care and the Green New Deal and now her own family tax credit of up to $6,000 a year?
In fact, there is an explanation, offered this week by Democratic Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware: “It’s not possible to run for president and be a serious legislator at the same time.”
How else to explain the party’s leading “moderate” candidate, former businessman and Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, answering whether he considers himself a capitalist: “Like, it’s maybe not the first label I’d choose.” They’re all anticapitalist zombies now.
If, as expected, former Vice President Joe Biden announces he’s in, nothing—nothing—will be more entertaining than listening to Mr. Biden talk his way out of this paper bag.
The reality is that Bernie Sanders of Vermont and now a first-term House Member from New York City have pushed the Democratic Party through an already open door into an infatuation with democratic socialism.
This means the next Democratic administration, and that would include a Biden administration, will sit to the left of the Obama presidency, which itself was a distinct ideological break from all the party’s left-of-center presidencies since World War II.
The Obama administration was managed capitalism. Its successor will push past that to administered capitalism, a private-sector co-controlled by the party’s representatives.
The blueprint isn’t AOC’s cooking videos. It’s the proposal Sen. Elizabeth Warrenintroduced on these pages last August—the Accountable Capitalism Act, requiring that large firms obtain a federally approved charter and let employees elect 40% of company directors.
Every Trump stump speech now includes this line: “America will never be a socialist country.” True. But they, and she, will settle for something just this side of socialism.

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