Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Atlas Now Seeks Private Funding. Manipulating Justice New Rule of Law? Dershowitz Speaks and Missing The Target.

                                                                                 Photo by a friend and fellow memo reader.

In previous memos, I have mentioned our son, Daniel and his partner, are redeveloping an area of Pittsburgh that is full of "Archie Bunker" type homes previously inhabited by steel workers and other blue collar inhabitants. These home owners have retired, moved away and their homes are for sale.

Daniel and his associate began purchasing and rehabbing these homes and now "Atlas" owns and rents some 80 doors. After three years they were able to get bank financing and the reduced interest charges have allowed them to seek private  money.

Naturally, I am proud of what Daniel and his architect partner are doing because they are upgrading an old section of Pittsburgh, providing livable homes for young renters who want to seek their future. in Pittsburgh. They are doing it with attention to ecology and beautifying the area with the help of Penn State and are offering a percentage of veterans reduced rental charges.

The area, Beachview, has a refurbished trolley system which is 15 minutes from downtown Pittsburgh.

Pittsburgh is one of America's top livable cities but the weather remains negative.  The city houses some of the nation's finest universities, the public museums, zoo, parks etc. and sport facilities are excellent and among the nation's best and the neighborhoods are diverse and the ethnic restaurants are outstanding.

Pittsburgh is a city that is on its way to an outstanding  revival. (See attached below.)

We are proud to bring you our newest investment opportunity.
Pittsburgh Real Estate Income Fund II
An equity offering to revitalize 150 units of existing real estate for the growing millennial population of Pittsburgh
Target Raise

First Subscriptions Accepted
March 25 2019

Minimum Investment

Target IRR

Target Return of Capital
5 years
I Am Interested
Download The Memo
Chicago prosecutors drop all 16 grand jury indictments against Smollett. Chicago Mayor and police chief are outraged.

Manipulating justice seems to have become the new rule of law in our nation.
Ross Rants! (See 1 below.)
 Dershowitz speaks out and missing their target, .(See 2 and 2a below.)
By Joel Ross

What the country has been put through over the past three years is nothing less than gross election interference, and an attempted coup by the Democrats and the press.
The whole effort began in 2015 to destroy Trump before he was the nominee.
In mid-2016 the FBI, DOJ, Clinton campaign, and Obama team, set out in July, or earlier, to prevent Trump from being elected, and then when he was, they set out to have him unseated.
The main question is, who was the originator of the idea of the dossier, and the whole plan to destroy Trump and his presidency. Was it the Clintons, Obama, Jarrett, Comey, Brennan, Podesta, or Susan Rice.
CNN and NBC, NY Times and Washington Post, more than others, pedaled lies, and outrageous bias to try to help the Dems unseat Trump. On Monday night CBS aired a special where they replayed all of the fake news stories about collusion, but carefully edited to try to make the case again, that there was collusion.

So much for the responsibility of the press to be objective, and to enjoy freedom of the press.

They destroyed the key to freedom of the press, which is objectivity, and some basic level of proof before releasing stories. Schiff has been a disgrace to Congress and lied over and over again. That is terribly damaging to democracy. He is not just a nut job like Waters or Green from TX. Schiff needs to be brought up on ethics charges.

That is the reality of what has occurred. I have been saying for a year that when the true story comes out, it will be worse than Watergate - it is far worse.

The real collusion was this group of Democrats, and the Obama White House, and supposed professionals at FBI, DOJ conspired first to stop Trump, and then to unseat a sitting president, and they did it by laundering millions through Perkins Coie to end up paying Russian agents to concoct a dossier of stories about the US presidential candidate.

The FBI violated the rules, and maybe the law, with the phony FISA app.

The Dems have committed crimes, and they have disrupted government functions with their resistance efforts to disrupt the appointments of hundreds of political appointees and judges, as part of a massive effort to undermine our duly elected government. This made it harder for Trump to be credible when negotiating with Putin, XI, Kim, and Iran.

This is the real crime and scandal. The left wing press and academia went along with this, and promoted this conspiracy. There needs to be a total release of all of the information on that illegal effort, and people need to go to jail. Watergate was kindergarten by comparison. Trump paid off some bimbos. The Dems actually tried to stage a coup.

 Can you imagine what would have happened if they found collusion. The whole world would have gone berserk. The China trade deal would probably have blown up and Kim would decide correctly that he could start shooting off missiles again. Putin would likely attack somewhere.

Everything would have gone upside down. In the end having the Mueller investigation will have been a very good thing as it absolutely made objectively clear there was a conspiracy by the Clintons, Obama, Brennan, Lynch, Jarrett, Rice, Clapper and Comey to unseat a president.

The real collusion meant to change the election result was not Russia -It was the Democrats.

Now the whole world has changed. Now all the bad guys around the world have to assume Trump will be president for 6 more years, and they need to take him as a serious threat to them. Up to now, they assumed either he would be found to have colluded, or obstructed, and he would be gone in 2021.

The Mueller report shifted the entire power balance to Trump in all of these geopolitical confrontations. Especially when theses foreign leaders look at the group of empty suits and bozos the Dems are running. 

 Now the Dems are already on TV still claiming there was collusion despite Mueller. They still point to the Trump tower non-meeting as proof. How ludicrous can they get.
CNN, CBS and NBC have resorted to trying to claim all sorts of additional false things. Some reporters here and abroad claim there is much more in the report for Trump to worry about. That is classic since nobody has seen the report yet.
More fake news. Voters are going to be fed up, and when the whole conspiracy story comes out, they will react against to Dems in 2020.

Between the Green New Deal, socialism, the conspiracy, and the refusal to accept the Mueller report, Trump has a good chance to win reelection if the economy stays solid even if it is slow.

The entire attempt to stop Trump, and in essence overthrow the election with the help of much of the press, is possibly the worst political crisis in American history. It shows glaringly how corrupt the situation in DC has become, and how the deep state is greedy for power, and has to be stopped. It shows how the Clintons and Obama will stop at nothing. It is highly dangerous.

The Clintons are at the center of this whole thing with paying for the creation of the dossier. They need to be held to account.

Bill Barr is probably the ideal AG to be in place right now to deal with and expose all of this.

Lindsay Graham can do America a great service if he holds extensive hearings to lay out all of what occurred, and if the committee refers everyone from Hilary to Comey to Brennan for criminal action. In many other places these people would be jailed or murdered already. We will proceed according to the law. 

Ignore the obsession with the inverted yield curve. The ten year yield is lower than the three year, but circumstances are very different than in the past. Interest rates in much of the rest of the world are already negative. That takes pressure off over levered countries and companies.

The US is still the island of strength, and the ten year pays 2.4%, when the rest of the world has negative rates, so capital moves to US Treasuries. That is possibly the real reason for the inverted curve, not a pending recession. In addition, central banks are ahead of the curve this time.

There is no tightening, and rates around the world are already historically low or negative. The Fed is going to stop reducing its balance sheet in October, which will be a boost to liquidity. Maybe the Fed will lower rates at some point.

Banks are in excellent shape, and there are no big pools of ridiculous priced and badly underwritten securities floating around to create a crash like last time.

Student debt and government pensions are where the real risks lie now.

Neither is going to cause a recession. There is an enormous amount of cash in corporations, investor pockets around the world, and in consumers’ pockets, even though many companies are possibly over levered if there is a recession. Home prices are high, but not absurd like in 2007. There are no more excessive mortgages being made.

Unemployment is historically low and wages are rising, especially at the low income end where they are rising at 6%.
Savings are higher and consumer leverage is lower than they were in past downturns. Productivity is improving.

None of the major bad things which existed in 2007, exist today in the US economy. Which is not to say the national debt is not an issue, along with student debt. A slowdown is not a recession. Maybe the US only grows at 2% this year, or maybe even at 1.5%, but that is OK if the rest of the world is in recession.

The Fed has already stopped, and that is a major good support to the economy. This time everyone is well aware of the risks, and already moving to use monetary policy to prevent a crash.

The stock market still has some room to go higher. The slowdown is already priced in.

There will be no recession in 2019 and unlikely, but possible, in 2020.

Brexit is now even more impossible to predict. The Parliament has decided it will now take over deciding what Brexit will be or not. May is left out. Three of her cabinet just resigned. There is no way to know what might happen now and what the impacts will be but time is almost up.

I continue to believe a hard Brexit will not be nearly as bad as many predict since everyone is ready for it, and life will go on, capital markets will not be disrupted and food and medicine will continue to flow.

The EU is headed to recession and they cannot afford to totally disrupt trade with the UK.

We Need More Jewish Power, Not Less

When I hear that Jews are too powerful, my response is, we are not powerful enough. When I hear that AIPAC is too influential a lobby, I say it must become even more influential. When I hear that Jews contribute too much money to support pro-Israel causes, I say we must contribute more.

When I hear that Jews control the media, I ask “Why is so much of the media so anti-Israel?” When I hear that Jews have too much influence on the outcome of elections, I say we need to increase our influence.

Jews have contributed enormously – disproportionately – to America’s success. Along with other immigrants, Jews have helped change our country for the better – academically, scientifically, economically, politically, militarily, medically, legally, technologically, and in so many other ways.

We have earned the right to act as first-class citizens. No other group is ever accused of having too much power and influence. That false claim – dating back to times and places where Jews had little or no influence – is an anti-Semitic trope that tells us more about the anti-Semites who invoke it than it does about Jews.

History has proven that Jews need more power and influence than other groups to secure their safety. During the 1930s and early 1940s, Jews had morality on their side, but they lacked the power and influence to save six million of their brothers and sisters from systematic murder.

If Israel had existed, with the powerful army it now has, the history of European Jewry might well have been different. If Jews had more political power in the United States during that time, the doors of our nation would not have been shut to our brothers and sisters seeking asylum from Nazism.

In the Middle East, Israel must have more military power than all of its enemies and potential enemies combined. As Benjamin Netanyahu wisely put it: “If our enemies lay down their arms, there would be peace. If Israel lay down its arms, there would be genocide.”

So Israel must maintain, with or without the help of the United States, its qualitative military superiority in the region. And the region of its enemies has now expanded to Iran and Turkey, two non-Arab Muslim extreme anti-Israel nations with powerful armies. So Israel must get stronger, not weaker, despite its current military superiority.

Elie Wiesel once said that the lesson of the Shoah is: “We must believe the threats of our enemies more than the promises of our friends.” For me, an additional lesson is that Israel and the Jewish people must be more powerful than their enemies.

The Psalmists wrote, “Hashem oz l’amo yiten; Hashem yivarech et amo b’shalom.” I interpret this wonderful verse to mean that G-d will give the Jewish people strength, and only through that strength will they achieve peace.
So if anybody ever complains about Jewish power and influence, remind that person that Jewish power is the best road to peace: that history has proven that Jews without power are vulnerable to the oldest prejudice known to human kind – a prejudice that may abate, as it did for several decades following the Second World War, but will always rears its ugly head as it is now doing in England, France, Eastern Europe, and on the hard left in the United States.
If Jewish power and influence are used in the cause of peace and justice, we should not be ashamed of it. It should be a source of pride.

Donald Trump,  the bewildering black swan

They shot at the king, but they didn't kill him.  And because they didn't destroy him, they only made him stronger.  If, a year from now, the economy is robust, Trump will be re-elected in an historic landslide.  His enemies have played right into his hands.

This is all because of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), an especially virulent form of the psychiatric disorder known as cognitive dissonance.  If you know, for absolutely certain — as an article of faith — that something is true, and evidence in contradiction of this truth emerges, the psychic toll can be severe.  Experts say it stems from the use of degenerate meta-probability.
So it is with Donald Trump and his critics.  At one time, I was one of those critics myself, and I suffered severely when he won the Republican nomination.  I knew that Donald Trump could never win a presidential election for all kinds of reasons.  Even though his opponent was one of the worst political candidates in our history, I knew he still couldn't win.  What kind of a guy is associated with Trump University, for God's sake?

All the smart people, liberal and conservative, agreed, from National Review to the Wall Street Journal, from the New York Times to the Washington Post.  And then he won.  What happened?  How was this possible?  How could we explain to our friends, colleagues, and families that we were wrong?

Hillary suffered a virtual nervous breakdown and concocted the Russia collusion theory.  The media flocked to this fantasy, and the Mueller fiasco began.  After two years, this long national nightmare is over.  

As it turns out, Donald Trump is an authentic political genius, unique, one of a kind, never to be seen again, a political phenomenon. 

Who knew?

God bless America, and God bless President Trump. 

Fritz Pettyjohn blogs at ReaganProject.com.

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