Kurt Schlichter speaks out. (See 1 below.)
Last night, on C Span, I caught a review of Victor Hanson's new book which I just started reading . It is a defense of Trump and explanation of the current political scene.
The Left Ruins Everything
From the Boy Scouts to literature, from the arts to universities: The left ruins everything it touches. Dennis Prager explains.
I understand why there are those who feel Mueller took the easy way out and ended with a cheap shot.
Their argument is Mueller the prosecutor should have made a definitive decision regarding obstruction rather than throwing the ball to Barr and Rosenstein, leaving it so Democrats could smear Trump.
Logic would dictate, if there was no collusion then Trump did not break any law. Therefore, how can you obstruct a circumstances that did not exist?
Another unanswered question is why the Mueller Investigation was authorized in the first place since the FBI officials knew the material on which they based their investigation and obtained false FISA warrants was unworthy, unreliable and specious. The real collusion was on the part of Hillary, The DNC, Comey and his gum shoe friends.
I hope Barr opens a grand jury investigation and appoints a special attorney to pursue the entire sordid behaviour of Comey and company etc. It is a rule of law goose and gander thing with me. (See 2 and 2a below.)
Rockets into Israel continue to be fired by mistake. Why are rockets directed at Israel in the first place? (See 3 and 3a below.)
1) Trump Russian Collusion Treason Was All Just Another Elite Lie
General Mike Flynn got arm-twisted into pleading to lying even though the FBI agents who talked to him said he wasn’t lying while the Three Stooges Brennan, Clapper and Comey lied their lizard hearts out to Congress and … nothing. What about Felonia? Everyone knows that anyone of us doing a tenth of what that Looming Doofus Comey said she did right before he gave her a pass would still be making large rocks into small ones. Oh, and now Americans can rest easy knowing that our government is ready to face the menace of a PJ-clad Roger Stone with its SWAT teams.
Congrats. This whole fiasco has convinced Americans that there are two sets of rules in America, one for the elite and one for us, and that the justice system is just a scam designed to help the elite hold onto power by punishing those who would challenge its rule. That’s poison to a free country, which is probably okay with our scuzzy elite since it does not actually want a free country. It wants a happy-face dictatorship, and it wants to do the dictating.
So, what next? What do we do?
Mr. President, pardon the people who are collateral damage to this witch hunt. Pardon General Flynn and Roger Stone and George Papaplatypus. Manafort? Communte his sentence to one consistent with the sentences given others of the elite guilty of similar crimes – which effectively means commute his sentence to nothing. There cannot be two sets of rules. They must apply equally to everyone or no one.
Next, order Attorney General Barr to clean house at the DoJ. Fire anyone associated with any of these antics. Then direct an investigation of the investigations – another special prosecutor, this one not bestest buddies with the guys he’s investigating. If we want the rule of law, we need to enforce the law and do it without the elite shoving manifest conflicts of interest in our faces.
Next, order Barr to sue the state of New York to enjoin the threats by its ridiculous AG of bogus investigations not based on actual crimes but on purely vindictive politics. We cannot have a system where an out-of-control leftist prosecutor in some moral backwater like New York City can prevent the elected POTUS from doing his job by tying him down with endless, aimless fishing expedtions without any probable cause of a crime.
Do not cooperate with the House’s promised Russiagate re-do. No more patty cake with these creeps. The proper response to Mueller 2: Electric Boogaloo is “No” – as in no documents, no cooperation, no nothing. And if someone gets called to testify, repeat after me: “This proceeding is a sham and a kangaroo court and I refuse to be part of it. I assert my right under the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution to remain silent, and you can all go to hell.”
And as for the rest of us, we need to embrace two other amendments. We need to exercise our First Amendment rights to speak out and organize to prevent these aspiring fascists from returning to power unopposed. We need to be militant and loud in defense of our liberty. 2020 is coming; start now if you like being free.
And if this attempted coup, with our elite running roughshod over the rule of law and using the force of the government to oppress political opponents, has taught us anything, it is the wisdom of the Founders in enshrining the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights. It is absolutely essential that we, the American citizenry, remain armed and ready to protect ourselves, our families, our communities and our Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Our elite has demonstrated beyond any doubt that it is morally unworthy of retaining a monopoly on armed force within our society. Do you have any doubt about what these people would do if we foolishly allowed ourselves to be disarmed? Just look at Britain, where the people bought into the lie that being civilized means being defenseless. They now get arrested for mean tweets and their masters are poised to ignore the people’s vote on the Brexit referendum. Buy guns and ammunition and train with them. Be a citizen, not a subject.
The Mueller report marks the proverbial end of the beginning, not the beginning of the end, of this grave crisis. It’s a crisis where our Republic is in danger of becoming something very different, and something very much less free. Eliminating the Electoral College, letting in millions of illegal aliens, packing SCOTUS, banning guns – these are all leftist policies designed with one singular purpose, to dispossess you of the power to participate in your own governance and to ensure that we can never again elect someone like Trump who might challenge the elite’s stranglehold on control. We won this battle, but there is a long campaign ahead. Get ready, because if we let up then we will lose our liberty forever.
The Trump Russia Treason!!! lie reinforces the essential message of my novels People’s Republic, Indian Country and Wildfire, about an America split apart into red and blue nations and at each other’s throats. Recently hailed by formerly-prominent cruise-shilling Conservative, Inc. grifters as “appalling,” these action-packed and hilarious tomes must be onto something because all the liberal collaborators and pudgy conservaquislings you despise are demanding that you not be allowed to read them. So check ‘em out!
2) Mueller Is Done. Now Probe the Real Scandal
Americans deserve a full accounting of the missteps of Comey and the FBI.
Attorney General William Barr has reported to Congress that special counsel Robert Mueller has cleared President Trump and his campaign team of claims of conspiring with Russia during the 2016 election. This is more than an exoneration. It’s a searing indictment of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as a reminder of the need to know the story behind the bureau’s corrosive investigation.
Mr. Mueller’s report likely doesn’t put it that way, but it’s the logical conclusion of his no-collusion finding. The FBI unleashed its powers on a candidate for the office of the U.S. presidency, an astonishing first. It did so on the incredible grounds that the campaign had conspired to aid a foreign government. And it used the most aggressive tools in its arsenal—surveillance of U.S. citizens, secret subpoenas of phone records and documents, even human informants.
The wreckage is everywhere. The nation has been engulfed in conspiracy theories for years. A presidency was hemmed in by the threat of a special counsel. Citizens have gone to jail not for conspiracy, but for after-the-fact interactions with Mr. Mueller’s team. Dozens more have spent enormous amounts of money and time defending their reputations.
None of this should ever have happened absent highly compelling evidence—from the start—of wrongdoing. Yet from what we know, the FBI operated on the basis of an overheard conversation of third-tier campaign aide George Papadopoulos, as well as a wild “dossier” financed by the rival presidential campaign. Mr. Mueller’s no-collusion finding amounts to a judgment that there never was any evidence. The Papadopoulos claim was thin, the dossier a fabrication.
Which is all the more reason Americans now deserve a full accounting of the missteps of former FBI Director James Comey and his team—in part so that this never happens again. That includes the following: What “evidence” did the FBI have in totality? What efforts did the bureau take to verify it? Did it corroborate anything before launching its probe? What role did political players play? How aware was the FBI that it was being gulled into a dirty-trick operation, and if so, how did it justify proceeding? How intrusive were the FBI methods? And who was harmed?
If Mr. Mueller has done his job properly, his report will address some of this. His team would have had to look into the sources of the allegations as part of determining the documents’ (lack of) veracity. A Mueller report that doesn’t mention the dossier and its political provenance, or questionable news stories used to justify surveillance warrants, for instance, is a report that is playing politics.
The fuller accounting will come only through total disclosure of FBI and Justice Department probe documents. Mr. Trump promised that disclosure in September but has yet to follow through. That transparency is now a necessity. The Mueller report is only half the story. With the special-counsel probe at an end, it’s time to go back the beginning—to the documents that explain its origin. Only then will Americans have the full story of the Russia-collusion narrative.
Ms. Strassel writes the Journal’s Potomac Watch column.
2a) The Mueller Conclusions
All Americans should be pleased with the end of the collusion illusion.
Well, so much for the claim that Donald Trump or his campaign conspired with Russians to steal the American Presidency. That conspiracy theory, which has distorted American politics for more than two years, expired in an instant Sunday when Attorney General William Barr delivered Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “principal conclusions” to Congress.
Mr. Barr’s letter also said that Mr. Mueller investigated the evidence of whether Mr. Trump obstructed justice but made no “prosecutorial judgment.” Mr. Barr said that he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein examined that evidence and concluded there is nothing sufficient to prove that the President “engaged in obstructive conduct.” Mr. Trump called all this an “exoneration,” and it certainly looks to be, but it’s worth stepping back from the partisan claims for some larger political context.
The Russia conclusion in particular ought to be good news to all Americans. Mr. Mueller spent two years and the vast resources of the FBI and Justice Department to search for “collusion.” He found ample evidence that Russia did try to influence the election. But he found that no one in the Trump campaign “coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign,” Mr. Barr wrote.
This lifts the cloud over the 2016 election that authoritarians like Vladimir Putin hope to promote with their meddling in democracies. It means no Trump officials abetted the hack into Democratic emails, and no Trump officials conspired with WikiLeaks (Roger Stone’s fantasies aside). The conclusion should restore a measure of public confidence in our political system and the integrity of U.S. elections. Imagine the political crisis had Mr. Mueller found the opposite?
The end of the collusion illusion should also cause the media to do some soul-searching about rushes to judgment. For two years, with the help of ex-Obama officials, they spun anecdotes of contacts between Russians and Trump campaign advisers into a conspiracy. With few exceptions they went well beyond First Amendment oversight into anti-Trump advocacy. But it was always odd that those individual Russia-Trump contacts never added up to anything or went anywhere, which is why we warned about waiting for the facts.
Many in the press also took Mr. Trump’s denunciations against the investigation and his odd solicitousness for Mr. Putin as an admission of guilt. But Mr. Trump is often his own worst enemy, and bursts of ego and anger aren’t evidence of anything but predictable Trump behavior.
The question has always been whether Mr. Mueller would be able to connect those anecdotes into a larger conspiracy, but now we know he could not. By the way, Mr. Mueller’s probe is the third to find no Russia-Trump collusion, following the House and Senate Intelligence Committee findings. Perhaps the press corps will finally take no conspiracy for an answer.
As for obstruction of justice, some Democrats will assert that Mr. Mueller’s failure to reach a conclusion justifies more investigation. They will demand to see the evidence Mr. Mueller compiled, though most of this is already in the public domain since it concerned the firing of James Comey as FBI director. And they will claim that Messrs. Barr and Rosenstein are politically conflicted.
But note that Mr. Barr says that he and Mr. Rosenstein took into account that Mr. Mueller found that “the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference,” which bears on motive. Without an underlying crime, what was Mr. Trump trying to cover up?
Mr. Barr says he and Mr. Rosenstein reached their judgment about obstruction without getting to the constitutional issue of whether a sitting President can be indicted. But in our view Mr. Trump had every right as President to fire Mr. Comey for whatever reason he saw fit. The Constitution gives the President the power to hire and fire at will, and it cannot be illegal to perform an act that the Constitution says is legal, no matter the motive.
House Democrats will have to decide what to do with all this, and their first resort will be a demand to see the entire report. Mr. Barr in his letter again promised to disclose as much as he can subject to grand-jury secrecy and other Justice rules. But we also hope he includes in his disclosures the documents that explain how this entire Russia conspiracy story began at the FBI and inside the Obama Administration. With Mr. Mueller’s conclusions, we now know that someone may have conned the FBI into one of the great dirty tricks in American political history.
The Mueller report won’t end this rancorous period in American politics, but at least it should put the Russia conspiracy file to bed. And for that we can all be grateful.
7 injured in rocket fire, Netanyahu says 'will respond with force'
Hamas officials have said that the rocket which struck a home in central Israel injuring seven civilians was fired from the Gaza Strip by mistake, Israeli media reported Monday morning.
According to the reports after the long-range J-80 rocket was fired by Hamas operatives by mistake, the group evacuated positions across the coastal enclave in anticipation for an Israeli retaliation.
Meanwhile Islamic Jihad leader Ziad Nahaleh warned Israel against any retaliatory strikes, saying "we warn the enemy against any aggression on the Gaza Strip. Its leaders must understand that we will respond strongly to any aggression.”
Seven people were injured Monday morning the rocket launched from the Gaza Strip struck a private home in central Israel, the third long-range rocket fired from the Hamas-run enclave in two weeks.
The attack triggered Code Red incoming rocket sirens at around 5:20 a.m. throughout the Sharon and Emek Hefer regions and a loud explosion was heard after the rocket struck the home in the community of Mishmeret north of Kfar Saba.
The strike set off a fire in the home, destroying it completely.
Magen David Adom rescue services said that seven people, including two children and an infant, were treated for wounds and evacuated to Meir Hospital.
Of those injured, a woman in her 60s was in moderate condition suffering from blast injuries, minor burns and shrapnel wounds and a woman in her 30s was in moderate condition with shrapnel injuries. Two men aged 60 and 30 as well as a girl aged 12, a 3 year-old boy and a 18 month-old infant, were lightly injured.
Several neighbors are being treated for shock and four dogs were found dead on site.
The Israeli military said that it had identified the launch of one rocket from the Gaza Strip, some 100 kilometers away from where it struck. The Iron Dome missile defense system had not been activated.
Following the attack Israel decided to close the Erez and Kerem Shalom border crossings as well as well reduce the permitted fishing area off the coast of the Gaza Strip until further notice.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is in Washington, held a telephone consultation with IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi,the head of the Shin Bet Nadav Argaman, National Security Council Director Meir Ben-Shabbat and other senior security officials
"I spoke to the IDF Chief of Staff, head of the Shin Bet and head of Intelligence and that he sees this as a criminal act against the State of Israel,” he said, adding that he has cut his trip to the US short and return to “manage our operations up close.”
Netanyahu is set to meet with US President Donald Trump and will return to Israel after his meeting. He has cancelled his speech at the AIPAC Policy Conference.
Israeli President Reuven Rivlin revealed that "I have two granddaughters and a grandson who live in one of the communities in the area and this morning I told them to go to school and kindergarten as normal and that everything was OK.”
"We will not allow this wicked terrorism to shake us,” Rivlin exclaimed.
Benny Gantz, the Head of the Blue and White Party and Netanyahu’s main opponent, called on Netanyahu to deal with the crisis and not his personal issues.
Gantz tweeted that "those who do not respond with force and instead [pay] Hamas, dismiss attacks on the citizens of the south, and scorn the attack on Tel Aviv, now get rockets in the Hasharon region."
"Will he now, as well, be satisfied with Hamas's claim of an error or will he finally focus on the security of the citizens of the state and not on his legal issues?" Gantz continued. "I wish the wounded a speedy recovery."
The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, Major General Kamil Abu Rukun, announced Monday the closure of the Erez and Kerem Shalom crossings, as well as the reduction of the fishing area in the Gaza Strip until further notice.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nachshon tweeted, "This is a deliberate and dangerous act of aggression by Palestinian terrorists, encouraged no doubt by the complacency of @UNHumanRights . We will not allow this!"
A rocket shot from Gaza lands this morning north of Tel Aviv, injuring Israelis . This is a deliberate and dangerous act of aggression by Palestinian terrorists, encouraged no doubt by the complacency of @UNHumanRights . We will not allow this ! Credit photo- Dan Asulin. pic.twitter.com/RvAXDPuTu2
According to the reports after the long-range J-80 rocket was fired by Hamas operatives by mistake, the group evacuated positions across the coastal enclave in anticipation for an Israeli retaliation.
Meanwhile Islamic Jihad leader Ziad Nahaleh warned Israel against any retaliatory strikes, saying "we warn the enemy against any aggression on the Gaza Strip. Its leaders must understand that we will respond strongly to any aggression.”
Seven people were injured Monday morning the rocket launched from the Gaza Strip struck a private home in central Israel, the third long-range rocket fired from the Hamas-run enclave in two weeks.
The attack triggered Code Red incoming rocket sirens at around 5:20 a.m. throughout the Sharon and Emek Hefer regions and a loud explosion was heard after the rocket struck the home in the community of Mishmeret north of Kfar Saba.
The strike set off a fire in the home, destroying it completely.
Magen David Adom rescue services said that seven people, including two children and an infant, were treated for wounds and evacuated to Meir Hospital.
Of those injured, a woman in her 60s was in moderate condition suffering from blast injuries, minor burns and shrapnel wounds and a woman in her 30s was in moderate condition with shrapnel injuries. Two men aged 60 and 30 as well as a girl aged 12, a 3 year-old boy and a 18 month-old infant, were lightly injured.
Several neighbors are being treated for shock and four dogs were found dead on site.
The Israeli military said that it had identified the launch of one rocket from the Gaza Strip, some 100 kilometers away from where it struck. The Iron Dome missile defense system had not been activated.
Following the attack Israel decided to close the Erez and Kerem Shalom border crossings as well as well reduce the permitted fishing area off the coast of the Gaza Strip until further notice.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is in Washington, held a telephone consultation with IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi,the head of the Shin Bet Nadav Argaman, National Security Council Director Meir Ben-Shabbat and other senior security officials
"I spoke to the IDF Chief of Staff, head of the Shin Bet and head of Intelligence and that he sees this as a criminal act against the State of Israel,” he said, adding that he has cut his trip to the US short and return to “manage our operations up close.”
Netanyahu is set to meet with US President Donald Trump and will return to Israel after his meeting. He has cancelled his speech at the AIPAC Policy Conference.
Israeli President Reuven Rivlin revealed that "I have two granddaughters and a grandson who live in one of the communities in the area and this morning I told them to go to school and kindergarten as normal and that everything was OK.”
"We will not allow this wicked terrorism to shake us,” Rivlin exclaimed.
Benny Gantz, the Head of the Blue and White Party and Netanyahu’s main opponent, called on Netanyahu to deal with the crisis and not his personal issues.
Gantz tweeted that "those who do not respond with force and instead [pay] Hamas, dismiss attacks on the citizens of the south, and scorn the attack on Tel Aviv, now get rockets in the Hasharon region."
"Will he now, as well, be satisfied with Hamas's claim of an error or will he finally focus on the security of the citizens of the state and not on his legal issues?" Gantz continued. "I wish the wounded a speedy recovery."
The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, Major General Kamil Abu Rukun, announced Monday the closure of the Erez and Kerem Shalom crossings, as well as the reduction of the fishing area in the Gaza Strip until further notice.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nachshon tweeted, "This is a deliberate and dangerous act of aggression by Palestinian terrorists, encouraged no doubt by the complacency of @UNHumanRights . We will not allow this!"
A rocket shot from Gaza lands this morning north of Tel Aviv, injuring Israelis . This is a deliberate and dangerous act of aggression by Palestinian terrorists, encouraged no doubt by the complacency of @UNHumanRights . We will not allow this ! Credit photo- Dan Asulin. pic.twitter.com/RvAXDPuTu2
— Emmanuel Nahshon (@EmmanuelNahshon) March 25, 2019
European Union Ambassador to Israel Emanuele Giaufret tweeted, "Following with grave concern developments after a family home was destroyed in Moshav Mishmeret in central Israel by a rocket from Gaza. Wishing early recovery to those wounded. Indiscriminate targeting of civilians unacceptable."
The attack comes as tensions run high with the Gaza Strip ahead of Land Day and the one year anniversary marking the beginning of the Great Return March border riots. In recent weeks the rioting has increased in violence, with violent night-time riots and dozens of incendiary and explosive balloons flown into southern Israel.
Domestically Hamas is also facing protests by local Gazans who are rising up against the worsening humanitarian conditions in the blockaded enclave.
Also on Sunday night a riot in the Kzt’iot prison left two corrections officers and dozens of Hamas members wounded.
The rocket attack came 10 days after two rockets were fired at Tel Aviv by Hamas, the first time since the 2014 war. One of the rockets struck an open area in the city of Holon just south of Israel’s financial capital. The Israeli army retaliated by striking some 100 targets across the Hamas-run coastal enclave.
The army said that the rockets were likely fired towards Tel Aviv by mistake.
3a)Why did the Iron Dome not intercept the
rocket from Gaza Monday morning?
On Monday morning, a rocket from Gaza struck a private home in central Israel, wounding at least seven people.
Why did Israel's Iron Dome not intercept the rocket?
Investigators at the scene told the Hebrew daily Maariv that it is estimated that the rocket fired was a missile that can reach a range of more than 100 kilometers, carrying a 125-km warhead.
The rocket is named J-80 after the head of the military wing of Hamas, Ahmed Jabri, and according to Hamas – since it travels on a nonlinear path – it can not be intercepted by Iron Dome.
Hamas is reporting that the missile was launched inadvertently, as the terrorist organization claimed earlier this month when two rockets were fired toward Tel Aviv. The Hamas sources said they believe the rocket system might have been triggered due to lightning; there was rain Sunday night in Israel.
It is unclear if the firing was really a result of poor maintenance by Hamas or a retaliation to the events on Sunday evening at the Keziot prison, which left two Israeli prison guards stabbed and wounded by Hamas inmates.
Palestinian media is reporting that Hamas sees the move as "fatal timing," given the April 9 elections and the likelihood of a strong reaction by Israel to the rocket. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that Israel will respond "with force."
Hamas officials started evacuating from their headquarters in Gaza in preparation for an Israeli attack, according to Palestinian media
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