Sunday, December 2, 2018

God Help America. Another Rant. Bloomberg Gives Trump Credit. Article By My Cousin, Sam.


Why so few white guys in the NBA?
A less than 15 second video explains it.

I can understand why Jewish liberals voted for Obama.  They were fearful of voting against a black candidate, notwithstanding the fact that he lacked any solid credentials to be president  other than a smooth silky voice and a youthful campaign style.

I can even understand why Jewish liberals voted for Hillary.  After all they have been mesmerized by the Clinton's for decades. The fact that Bill took advantage of a young Jewish White House intern meant nothing because Bill took advantage of a lot of women, regardless of their religious affiliation, and many of the liberal Jewish women who either ignored his actions and/or defended him  were part of the woman's lib movement and were  basically hypocrites and/or themselves  abused and misguided.

What I also understand is liberal Jews, who are wedded, if not super glued, to the Democrat Party, are very much like the German Jews who denied Hitler and his brown shirts really meant them harm. After all, they had been living in Germany for decades, had prospered, were educated and were "Good Germans."

That said,  as progressive radicals and anti-Semites, increasingly become spokespersons for The Democrat Party  it will be too late and disingenuous to continue falling back on what happened in Charlottesville and Trump's equally misguided response, as their excuse.

As generally is the case, when one is too close they become myopic and unable to see clearly changes that are taking place and are true threats.

The Republicans Party has flipped places with The Democrats and have become the genuine "progressives" but they continue to fail in presenting a cogent case as to who they are. The factions within the party dilute any coherent message.

The greatest threat to our society, however,  is what is taking place on college campuses etc.  Radical progressives have captured/dominate faculty positions and departments, administrators are feckless and the idea of racial and gender diversity is spreading. Students are learning to fear each other as well as their professors who are not engaged in opening minds but closing them.

If this is not bad enough, the growth in administration numbers and excessive salaries is raising the cost of  education beyond common sense and is leaving graduates with crippling debt which , of course, the likes of Bernie Sanders wants society to pick up the tab.

An entire generation is being inculcated to hate our nation, to reject the constitutional basis on which we are founded. They are incapable of independent thinking and reasoning and actually fear for their lives. Thus, they need safe places to protect their delicate souls.

 The disconnect being created between education and love of country is widening and the underpinnings of our republic are being eroded by professors who want to destroy this nation.

While we are teaching mush and allowing students to avoid books that would give them insight into the blessings of Western Culture our adversaries are engaging their students in rigorous challenges which will end in their ability to overtake our nation' scientific and cultural edge.

You do not destroy a nation from the top. You do so from the bottom,. You destroy the family unit, you destroy faith in religion, you destroy high educational standards. You attack the rule of law and ,most important of all, you destroy patriotism and the belief in the nation's values and character of their citizens.

This is happening because this is what The Democrat Party has come to represent.

Trump's vulnerability, when it comes to his own personal character, simply provides a convenient cudgel to accomplish the nefarious goals of radical progressives.

That it is happening is incontrovertible in my humble opinion and that of many others such as Mark Levin, Heather McDonald, Victor Davis Hanson et al.

But what I do not fathom is why so many are willing to risk destroying one of the greatest nations in the world. Everything in life worth preserving requires care and attention.

Liberal Jews may pay a high price for their blindness but they simply comprise/personify the leading edge of a growing and dangerous trend ,ie. politics of character assassination, discord, gender and racial division and contempt for the rule of law. The garbage The Democrat Party seems to have embraced and increasingly espouses.

God help America!
More Rantings. (See 1 below.)
Bloomberg says give Trump some credit:
An article by my cousin Sam:
My own sentiments. (See 2 below.)
1)Now that everyone has had time to reflect on what Powell said, it is less clear what he and Clarida really meant. They said “we are very near the neutral RANGE”. Key word. The range is 2.5%-3.5%, so they left room to still raise 3 times in 2019 up to 2.75%-3%, or maybe not. Maybe they were trying to parse their words so the pressure from Trump and farmers, autos, and Wall St eased up. There are many economists who forecast a possible recession in 2020, so raising rates 3 times in 2019 would not be the right thing headed toward a recession. There is no question GDP growth will slow next year as the impact of the tax cuts is past and the huge deficit spending slows. There is also the real risk of a liquidity squeeze in all markets as the Fed continues to wind down QE, and the EU and Japan start to do the same. The wind down removes capital from the markets, opposite of what happened when they were buying bonds and putting cash into the system. The big boost to asset values will become a slow squeeze possibly. On the other hand, there is an enormous amount of private sector cash on the sidelines right now waiting to see what happens with China, Brexit, Italy and the Fed. A lot is sitting in treasuries, so if things go positively, and that cash comes into equities or other assets, yields rise, and Treasury prices fall as Treasuries get sold, and that capital is redirected.  Problem now, nobody knows where we go from here. See below re China. The black swans are circling again.

Some data: core PCE, the real inflation measure the Fed uses, was only up 1.8% in October, consumer spend was up a strong .6%for October which means Christmas will be very strong, personal income was up .5% and wages are up 3% since January. Oil for now is at $50. All very good signs for economic growth continuing, and a 3% growth or better in Q4.  The negatives are home sales are way down, as are autos also down. These two are big economic drivers. The rest of the world continues to slow. Brexit possibly will not pass Parliament on the first vote, although then she can go back to the EU and try to tweak it and get it passed by year end. Very uncertain. Hard Brexit is March. The deal she made is terrible and accomplished little of what Brexit was about, but the choice is do this or hard out. Oil is likely to rise in price, maybe back close to $60, but depends on how hard Trump can push the Saudis after the murder.  

The 90 day truce between Trump and Xi is right on script. What has been going on was a test of wills and Xi blinked. The Chinese economy is slowing a lot, and their equity markets are down substantially.  The US on the other hand is still doing very well, and is going into Christmas with consumers spending a lot. There have been a lot of negotiations going on for a few weeks behind the scenes and what occurred in Buenos Aires is simply a culmination of all those negotiations. Now the hard part which is to really finalize a real deal. It is far beyond trade. China has agreed to act against fentanyl which would make a huge difference in drug deaths in the US if they really crack down and stop it. Ag shipments will start right away which will be a boon for farmers. If China really agrees to equal tariffs on autos that is a very big win. There are all sorts of other issues regarding forced IP transfer, cyber attacks, new WTO rules which all the countries at the G 20 agreed are required,  etc. If Trump and Xi agree to try to have a real working relationship between the two countries, where each pursues its own best interests but they do not have confrontations on trade or military, it will be a major change in world history. N Korea can then get resolved. Xi is very smart and he may have concluded that China will be more successful if it cooperates with the US than if it has continued confrontation. Mattis gave a talk on Saturday and he said he and the top defense minister in China are in constant contact and are both determined to keep lines open and to avoid any type of military confrontation. That is as important as the trade issues. We will have to see where all this goes in the next 90 days, but if all goes well, Trump may have pulled off one of the great foreign policy and trade wins in decades, and if they stop fentanyl, it is a huge win. The stock market will take off if this pans out, GDP will perform better in 2019, and the Fed will then be forced to raise rates 3 times. Watch what happens, and expect more Fed raises than we thought last week. You can be certain the Dems and press will heavily criticize Trump and any deal he makes because if he is successful, he gets reelected.

Where does the stock market go from here?  After the XI Trump meeting, up from here. Then, followed by a very strong Christmas, will boost the market further. There are still many economists who believe we are headed to a recession in mid to late 2020. If the Fed raises 3-4 times in 2019, then maybe we are. If hard Brexit, Macron continues to face major protests, and Italy does not compromise, maybe that pushes the EU to recession. The black swans are all over the place.

There is nothing to the Russia development project Cohen says he lied about. There is nothing illegal about Trump letting his lawyer have some preliminary discussions about a prospective project that was very public knowledge, long before the election. Those discussions were mainly in 2015, and they went nowhere. Trump was not directly involved, no money changed hands, nothing but conversation happened. Nothing unusual for a major development deal. Getting to an LOI means nothing. Letting Cohen make a couple of more phone calls between January and June is meaningless. If Cohen lied to Congress that is his problem. I have had numerous discussions about prospective development projects that went nowhere. I have seen many signed LOI’s that went nowhere. It is normal for any big and active developer to have discussions that never get to a deal. This is the press and Dems trying to make a story where there is none. Meanwhile a long list of Dems and related parties lied to Congress and the FBI, but we hear nada about them getting prosecuted. Start with Hillary, Comey, other FBI officers, false FISA submission, Steele, Abadine and several others.

We need to watch what is happening in Ukraine. Putin is pushing the envelope to see how far he can push Trump and the EU. This is going to unfold over the next few weeks and it will be a critical test of Trump and the EU to see how they push back. If Putin gets away with this there will be more and then things will get really ugly in Ukraine.

Google workers are threatening to strike of the company does not do what they want on a project for China and other matters. The campus radicals are now in private employment and they think they can use the same tactics they used on campus to force management and shareholders to do what they want. If Google gives in and folds on this you will see this spread around Silicon Valley and then other companies. Bezos shut this type thing down immediately it raised its head at Amazon, because he is a real leader. This Google revolt is extremely dangerous for the country if management does not stop it.

Now they are trying to claim Rudolf the reindeer is racist, homophobic and who knows what else.  Saying it is going to be a white Christmas is now considered racist. Maybe we need to tell mother nature to drop black snowflakes to make the left happy. Or maybe after a day on the street in Manhattan when  the slush turns black and brown from dirt, that is multicultural snow and acceptable. The absurdity of the left knows no bounds.

A key new case was decided this week -Smock vs Regents of U of Michigan. The professor was denied due process, and was severely and improperly punished, but she won in court against the university. Very big decision in the battle for free speech on campus. Similar in some ways to the Amy Wax matter at Penn.  
2) Character Counts, Conservatives.
By Erick Erickson

George H. W. Bush's passing should shame Republicans, but it won't.
As a conservative, I don't dispute that President Trump has done more to advance the conservative policy sphere than President George H. W. Bush did.

As a conservative, I also note that President Trump has done far more to corrupt and pervert conservatism than President Bush did. We have conservatives today championing tariffs when those very same conservatives, only a year ago, were decry them. We have conservatives who used to say character counts now saying Trump's a stud for cheating on his wives with porn stars.

I've gotten far more policy wise that I like from President Trump, but President Bush was of far better character and a far better leader who could build a global coalition, including the still existing Soviet Union, to oust Saddam Hussein from Kuwait. He's a man who shaved his head in solidarity with the child of secret service agent who was going through chemo.

George H. W. Bush was a profoundly good and decent man and his passing reminds us just how far we have fallen in terms of looking to our Presidents to be good men even when we disagree with them.

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