Progressives have done much good in that they have consistently brought to our attention many wrongs that needed to be righted and eventually were.
Where I have a problem is that they generally came up with solutions that also eventually do harm and whose causes are taken over by extremists and wealthy people with agendas.
They now infer, as a result of the Kavanaugh Hearings, that when a sexual harassment, or worse, allegation is involved,the accuser must be believed and can ruin the accused without regard to any evidence or uncorroborated evidence.
I was born in 1933, but I still remember there was a country called Germany and a people who inhabited it, called Germans, and those who supported Hitler simply reported rumors and hearsay about people, mostly Jews, who were rounded up and sent to Concentration Camps because they were enemies of The People.
Progressives have brought us to the first stage. They support/encourage those who make allegations lacking credible evidence, they attack people on baseball fields, they disrupt people who are dining in public and they accost people in elevators. They even arrange for government agencies to intimidate those in the exercise of their freedom.
All of this is being done because they believe their views are righteous and what they say should be believed because they say it. These same progressives want power over their fellow citizens because they believe their ideas are superior and if they cannot accomplish their goals through legislative action they will do so in other ways, physical if need be .
This is not the America I know. This is not the America the world knows. This is the America that has lost its way.
Why has this happened? Mainly because progressives lost not only a presidential election but the consequences that flow from this loss, ie. intellectual control of The SCOTUS, for one.
Can their demands be met ? Can their appetite for power be sated. I submit their needs are emotionally based and are beyond reach. I refer to them as Nympho-manic. They can never be fulfilled. Their thirst for power is limitless and their tool extend from character assassination to whatever it takes. We once defeated a good man a patriotic American who though extremism in defense of liberty was no vice. We once defeated a many who looked under every bed and found a Communist.
That is no more. We now are willing to place on a pedestal Senators who have lied to reach their goals,who are blatant hypocrites because they know best. We were willing to follow the path of a man who has contempt for our Constitution and told us he had a pen and phone and that made him all powerful.
It appears the burden of leadership, for setting the pace has brought us to the point where progressives want us. We are no longer a united nation . We no longer have a mass media that is newsworthy. They have become an entertainment factory. Our schools no longer expose minds to our greatness. The family is broken and produces more out of wed children whose future is more bleak. All of this is the result of progressive thinking.
PC'ism has replaced right and wrong, relativism is in, common sense and reasoning are out and God knows where we are headed.
Save me from the progressive "do gooders."(See 1 and 1a below.)
1) Here’s How Soros Defeated Jeff Flake
One of George Soros’ affiliates, the Center for Popular Democracy, was responsible for physically bullying Jeff Blake and making him change his mind to vote against Kavanaugh. The Free Beacon reports:
The Center for Popular Democracy, a New York-based liberal activist group that receives the bulk of its funding from liberal billionaire George Soros and leads a massive $80 million anti-Trump network, is taking credit for the elevator confrontation last Friday that pushed Sen. Jeff Flake (R., Ariz.) to call for an FBI investigation into the accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.Ana Maria Archila, the co-executive director of the Center for Popular Democracy, was one of the two women who confronted Flake and later boasted about it in a post titled, “Ana Maria Archila Confronts Senator Jeff Flake Ahead of Supreme Court Vote.”“Just a few hours ago, a courageous young woman and I confronted Senator Jeff Flake on an elevator about his statement that he would vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, the post reads. “In a now-viral video, Flake could not even look us in the eyes when we shared with him our experiences of sexual assault. He would not make eye contact with me when I asked him to think about my children, and his own children.”“Shortly after, CNN reported that Flake was visibly shaken after his encounter with us,” it continues. “Our words, and the words of thousands of women who have shared their stories, moved him. Within hours, the senator announced he would seek an investigation from the FBI into Dr. Ford’s accusations of sexual assault by Brett Kavanaugh, delaying the Senate’s confirmation vote.”
This will only enable further “direct action” against conservative lawmakers. Will grassroots conservatives return the favor?
1a) EU: Politicizing the Internet
By Judith Bergman
The European Union seems fixated, at least for the internet, on killing free speech. And social media giants — Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Microsoft, Google+ and Instagram — act as voluntary censors on behalf of the EU. (Image source: iStock)
In France, simply spreading information about ISIS atrocities is now considered “incitement to terrorism”. It is this kind of legislation, it seems, that the European Commission now wishes to impose on all of the European Union.
Social media giants — Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Microsoft, Google+ and Instagram — act as voluntary censors on behalf of the European Union.
The European Commission states that it is specifically interested in funding projects that focus on the “development of technology and innovative web tools preventing and countering illegal hate speech online and supporting data collection”, and studies that analyze “the spread of racist and xenophobic hate speech in different Member States…”
In March, the European Commission — the unelected executive branch of the European Union — toldsocial media companies to remove illegal online terrorist content within an hour — or risk facing EU-wide legislation on the topic. This ultimatum was part of a new set of recommendations that applies to all forms of supposedly “illegal content” online. This content ranges “from terrorist content, incitement to hatred and violence, child sexual abuse material, counterfeit products and copyright infringement.”
While the one-hour ultimatum was ostensibly only about terrorist content, the following is how the European Commission presented the new recommendations at the time:
“… The Commission has taken a number of actions to protect Europeans online – be it from terrorist content, illegal hate speech or fake news… we are continuously looking into ways we can improve our fight against illegal content online. Illegal content means any information which is not in compliance with Union law or the law of a Member State, such as content inciting people to terrorism, racist or xenophobic, illegal hate speech, child sexual exploitation… What is illegal offline is also illegal online”.
“Illegal hate speech”, is then broadly defined by the European Commission as “incitement to violence or hatred directed against a group of persons or a member of such a group defined by reference to race, colour, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin”.
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