Saturday, October 27, 2018

Emotion can be Clorox when confronted by tradition and other such trivial, constitutional inconveniences. Daniel and Family OK.

A lot of friends have inquired about our sona nd his family regarding the synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh.  Thank God they are OK.  Thanks for your concern. I was playing tennis and heard on radio as driving home. Me

Friday evening I was listening to a C Span interview of Newt by a political reporter from The Washington Post.  I do not remember the host interviewer's name but recognized her as an old timer.

She tried to attack Trump in a subtle manner and, as usual, Newt, not being a shrinking violet and gifted when it comes to repartee, used his responses as an effective  stiletto.

There was one particular episode where the interviewer was critical of Trump's manner and Newt did not attempt to defend Trump but rather explained, to this op ed reporter,  70 year old golfers are not likely to change their swing.  By that age the mold is cast and you have to accept that reality.

Newt then went on to explain that, unlike most other presidents, Trump was blunt, at times even inelegant, but also very clear about where he was coming from and that, also unlike many presidents, had told voters, in an unmistakable fashion when he campaigned, what he intended to do and, upon election, has basically carried out his commitments by keeping his word.

Newt concluded, if that was irritating to those who could not cope with Trump's victory over Hillary that was not Trump's fault but was a problem when he chose to respond. Newt pointed out Trump used attacks to energize himself and, unlike many presidents, was not above taking detractors head on.

Trump has been very clear about desiring to "Make America Great Again" and by that he means to make America feared by our adversaries, level the economic playing field, return more of what Americans make so they can spend it rather than government, undo crippling regulations that are counterproductive, improve the economy so employment would rise and all those willing to work would have an opportunity to do so, rebuild the military to meet the challenges from our adversaries, move the American Embassy to Jerusalem, hold The U.N accountable and reduce our funding where  justified and a few other assorted commitments like overhaul our bankrupt immigration laws while building barriers and beefing up border law enforcement, oppose sanctuary entities, attack opiod use and return logic and sanity as an underlying force for ruling.

While he was about all of this, in a remarkably short space of time, Trump also pledged, given the opportunity, he would submit the names of conservative judges and justices to Congress in order to right our sinking and/or out of control judiciary.

He did not make balancing our budget and/or curbing welfare spending as one of his early priorities but, again, given the opportunity, would address these critical issues at a later time.

One of the main reasons Trump is unpopular is that the mass media , again as Newt pointed out, have a 92% unfavorable record of reporting when it comes to Trump.  Newt also acknowledged Trump's unorthodox manner allows those who are "sore losers" to use anything as an excuse to hate Trump, to attack Trump, to demean Trump.

I see this all the time in comments I receive from fellow memo readers who are in love with Obama, defend him at every opportunity and are willing to go so far as to ignore Obama's many lies, unconstitutional governance and use of federal agencies to intimidate.  Like former CIA Director Brennan, they believe Trump is evil incarnate, will destroy America, entangle us in wars, foul the atmosphere and encourage bigotry.  They even find Melania repugnant because anyone married to the devil cannot be trusted or worthy.

I respond by citing facts which they ignore because, when one is driven by hate, I understand it is difficult to penetrate their warped souls but I am always willing to swing at curve balls even though I know it will elevate my strike out percentage.

I know enough about psychiatry and mis-shapened personalities to understand projection, hypocrisy and the unlikely success of taking candy from the mouths of irrational and perturbed, spoiled children.

Trump haters are basically political bullies but because they believe they are wrapping themselves in the flag, when burning it, they are the true protectors of America. They also believe anything they do is acceptable and have been encouraged in this mistaken stance because conservatives have allowed them unchallenged opportunities and they own the mass media which reinforces their assertions etc. through  biased reporting.

Decades may pass before they exhaust themselves in their hate and damage to our nation may prove permanent if they are allowed to cast aside respect for law and destroy legal principles as they sought to do in the Kavanaugh Hearings. There is something actually beautiful about one not being guilty until proven so by legal procedures but haters and the  self-righteous can always find a high horse when needed.

Emotion can be Clorox when confronted by tradition and other such trivial, constitutional inconveniences.

As we say down south - bless their souls.
From a dear friend and fellow memo reader.(See 1 below.)
1)I spent over an hour reading Stacey Abrams website a couple days ago, I wanted to see for myself just where she actually stood.  After digesting her platform, I must say I have never read a more cleverly worded racist position in my life. 
Here are some revelations that stuck out: She wants to give illegal immigrants the right to vote. She wants to give illegal immigrants access to your HOPE scholarship.She supports sanctuary cities in Georgia.
She wants all confederate monuments taken down, including Stone Mountain.She wants to restrict your “Right to carry. ”She wants to ban commonly owned firearms. She wants to raise income taxes. She openly brags on the “F” rating by the National Rifle Association. She wants to repeal drug testing for welfare recipients. She wants “cradle to grave” free education for all, including illegal immigrants. She wants free college educations for illegals and minorities, but not majorities.
 She wants to “balance” income for Georgians, this is code for socialism. She wants Georgia redrawn to give minorities more voting power. She wants more Government housing placed in your neighborhood. I could go on and on here.  It is one cleverly worded platform, clearly trying to hide her socialist platform that is simply based on the principle of taking money from working Caucasian families and giving it to illegal immigrants and people of color in order to grow the Democratic Socialist movement.  

I am asking anyone out there considering Ms. Abrams for Governor please stop watching the commercials on TV and research her platform for yourself.  I am positive that if you do that, you will drop your support of her candidacy. She clearly wants to minimize the power and wealth of Georgia’s greatest asset, hardworking middle class families and convert Georgia to a socialized welfare state that is a refuge for illegal immigrants. 
Think hard before you vote for Ms. Abrams, think really hard.  Is this the future you want for your children?

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