What if more and more people sought their news through digital platforms such as Facebook? What if more and more people decided to share their expertise and viewpoints through video outlets such as YouTube? What if more and more people used Google to search for political topics or used Twitter to share a quick thought? That answer to all of the above is that it’s already happening, and that puts a tremendous amount of power into the hands of left-leaning corporations who now seek to advance their agenda by limiting your free speech. We’ve already seen in happening, and now a new internal Google document shows that the Orwellian state of Big Brother and “group thought” is not too far away.
The Google document is titled “The Good Censor,” and that, right there, should give people pause. As soon as governments or corporations tell us what can or can’t be said, we lose our freedom and the very essence of what makes America great.
The briefing document was obtained by Breitbart News, and it contains a fascinating, yet ominous look at the power of digital media and the “dangers” of free speech. Apparently, Google and companies like Facebook and Twitter feel that it is their job to tell you what you should or should not believe and what you should or should not read.
“From elections and political propaganda, trolls and gendered bigotry, to hate speech and religious extremism, debates about who can and should be heard on the internet rage like never before. As governments struggle to apply existing legislation to the Wild West online, users are asking if the openness of the internet should be celebrated after all.”
— Page 2, The Good Censor
If users are truly asking whether the “openness of the internet” should be celebrated at all, then we have a serious problem. Free speech should always be celebrated, and we’ve all come to realize through documented examples that when Google or Facebook or Twitter talks about removing “harmful content” from its platform, what that really means is removing or limiting conservative content.
One of the pages of Google’s “The Good Censor” is laughable on its face. The main header reads, “This free speech ideal was instilled in the DNA of the Silicon Valley startups that now control the majority of our online conversations…” The page displays three quotes from the leaders of Google, Facebook, and Twitter.
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