Thursday, December 28, 2017

My Man Sowell. Chutzpah.

Tom Sowell would have made an outstanding president. Not because he is black, not because he is an educator but because he is wise, practical, brilliant and decent. He has always been one of my heroes.

I tried to get him to come and speak here but he is a bit frail now but his mind is still one of the best in the nation when it comes to what outstanding conservative thinking is all about.
This is a draft of a speech  I had the gall/chutzpah to send to President Trump, which he might consider making.  It is so Un-Trump and un-characteristically presidential it might be refreshingly effective.

First, Melania and I and our entire family extend to you and your respective families the Happiest, Healthiest and best ever of New Years and may God Bless America.

I know most in the mass media, the Democrat Party and even some in my own party take issue with the manner in which I speak and the method I  use to communicate with the American people.  I know they wish I would curtail my twittering.  I am aware that my personality is unusual and my tongue often outraces my mind.  Yes, I also am combative .

I pledge to do better but I also am who I am.  

I also acknowledge I came into the presidency as one of the more unprepared nominees ever, considering I have been a brash businessman and successful real estate mogul all my adult life. The first six months of the way The Oval Office was run attests to that.

I am not saying disregard what I say but rather judge me by performance and, if you do, I believe you will see me in a different light than I am constantly portrayed by a mass media that still smarts from missing the boat and remains out of touch, living in their biased cocoon.  In fact, they still cannot understand why so many "deplorables" came to my side. 

The fact that the opposition candidate was also out of touch and ran a poor and unfocused campaign, with no rational message, cannot be ignored either.

Yes, I am boastful, yes I often stretch the truth. That is the salesman in me. Again, look at what I and my party have achieved in a year.  We have brought about some significant changes which are positive but we get little credit and mostly are subjected to constant nit picking by the mass media and obstruction on the part of the Schumer - Pelosi led opposition party.

I will not enumerate what I consider are the positives because any fair minded American knows what they are. Consumer confidence indicators tell the story.

All I ask is judge me and my party by what we want to do, hope to achieve and will bust our guts to accomplish and have.

I promised you I would work hard, I would work to improve our economy, I would try my best to rebuild our military, be fair to veterans and would replace Obamacare with something better that offers consumer choice to all Americans and does not disrupt the doctor patient relationship.  I also said I would try and reverse the trend in illegal immigration and yet be fair to those who, through no fault of their own, were born here and have remained good citizens. I committed myself to rebuilding our relationship with allies who no longer trusted our word like Israel and Saudi Arabia for example and finally, I promised I would seek to address our infrastructure problems.

I will end now with one request - give me and my party a fair hearing and assessment of what we achieve notwithstanding the opposition party's unwillingness to help make our nation a better one for all our citizens. 

I truly inherited a mess. We have many serious issues facing us, the least of which is a nuclear ambitious N Korea, an out of control, defiant Iran and radical Islamists, who will not stop in their quest to overthrow democracies and who do not understand what human rights means.

Thank you, good night and again, God Bless America.



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