Did you happen to see where a BU professor named Kyna Hamill got her 15 minutes of fame by informing us that “Jingle Bells,” one of the jolliest songs of the Christmas season, was inspired by northern racism?
Its intent, Hamill maintains, was to mock the black community’s enjoyment of winter, poking fun at the notion of laughing and singing while dashing across snow-covered fields aboard an open sleigh.
Actually, that sounds uproariously enjoyable, suggesting a word of thanks from all of us might be in order to whoever came up with the idea.
Bigotry? Racism? Please. You have to look pretty hard at “Jingle Bells” to find any of that in its jolly content. Truth be told, the professor brings to mind those stodgy old Puritans of whom it was said their only joy in life was condemning other people’s joy in life.
But to give Hamill her due, it’s commonly understood that if we thumb through the pages of history long enough we’ll find plenty of reasons to be offended. That’s no bulletin.
For starters, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both owned slaves. What should we do about that in 2017?