I have actually enjoyed the RN Convention. For the first time I heard from America's real people, from all walks of life as opposed to an overwhelming number of politicians who tell me everything I hoped would be accomplished yet never happens.
Some of last night's speakers were eloquent and Trump's children reflected some good breeding and parenting. I believe that speaks well.
If the only thing Democrats, led by Hillary, can do is criticize Trump's wife for plagiarizing, then all I can say is how pathetic they truly are.
I know what I heard Tuesday evening was one sided but frankly I found it devastating when it came to why Hillary is unqualified to be president. Yes, I know those who believe she is qualified are beyond hope but for those who still are unsure about Trump, I hope they listened to some of his family members and think for themselves.
As for those in the Republican Party who have benefited from their own party and who have, for whatever reason, failed to participate you need to look in the mirror and ask yourselves do you not feel smaller?
I repeat, I am not a Republican but I am a conservative and I do believe their principles more closely align with my own. Yet, as a party, it has talked the talk but, all too often, failed to walk the walk.
I also know Trump is not a rock ribbed Republican but a mixture of many divergent political views, shaped by his business experiences, common sense and life, and he is not a rigid ideologue. He continues to have my vote and I suspect, come Thursday, he will make a speech that will be more acceptable and more fleshed out and will begin to capture and/or challenge the undecided.
Can you learn from what it means to stand in the other person's shoes?
and now for some humor:
Donald Trump was asked by Bill O'Reilly on Fox News if he could quote any bible verses.
He answered: "Yep, I sure can"......"Trump 20:16"
"What's that?" asked Bill.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.
Deport the son-of-a-bitch, and you'll never have to feed him again!”
Back to Israel, Netanyahu, Obama and the Palestinians. (See 1 below.)
1). Obama’s retreat leaves the Palestinians out in the cold
The left-leaning Haaretz reports on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech this week:
There has been “a revolution in our relations with important Arab states,” the prime minister said at a commencement of the National Security College, outside Tel Aviv. . . .
“We have always said that the moment we solve or make progress or have a breakthrough in peaceful relations with the Palestinians, we’ll be able to achieve peaceful relations with the entire Arab world. There’s no doubt this is always true — but more and more, I think this process could also run in the opposite direction: The normalization of advancing relations with the Arab world could help to advance peace — a more sober, stable and better-backed peace — between us and the Palestinians.”
Netanyahu said that preserving the peace with Jordan and Egypt was “essential to Israel’s future.”
Netanyahu is referring to the now-disproved theory of “linkage,” namely that Israel had to make peace with the Palestinians (by making more concessions, naturally) in order to stabilize the region.
President Obama, who came into office convinced the United States had to put “daylight” between it and Israel and adapted the Palestinians’ bargaining positions as his own, managed to create the most acrimonious relationship with Israel of any U.S. president in history. In concluding a deal with Iran widely perceived by Israel and its Sunni neighbors as deeply flawed and in seeking to “pivot” away from the Middle East, he unintentionally threw Israel and its neighbors together to cope with their shared anxiety about Iran and feckless U.S. leadership.
The ironies pile up. First, the Palestinians, feeling betrayed by Obama, cheering the so-called third intifada and sinking under the weight of the corrupt and un-democratic Palestinian Authority, are further from a state of their own than at any time since 1967 by refusing to show up at the bargaining table and removing whatever pressure might still exist on Israel to make concessions. Second, Obama’s insistence on retrenchment further destabilized the region but forged a common bond between Israel and its neighbors. It’s evident that any concern Israel’s neighbors may have for the Palestinians is subsumed while they wrestle with internal economic strain, political unrest and Iranian aggression. Third, the old nostrum that the “status quo” with the Palestinians cannot continue has been shredded. Israel’s economic miracle continues, it has improved relations with its neighbors as well as India, China and even Russia, and it is enjoying a population boom. (The Wall Street Journal reports, “Jewish birthrates in Israel have spiked while Arab birthrates in the Palestinian territories and elsewhere in the Middle East have declined. This unlikely baby boom has made many Israeli Jews a lot less afraid of being outnumbered—one of the underappreciated reasons why the country’s voters have consistently rewarded politicians opposed to Palestinian statehood and to relinquishing land.”) That surely seems sustainable for the foreseeable future.
Now, in the long term, it is still in Israel’s interest to separate from the Palestinians, at least one day. The Palestinians first must obliterate their culture of hatred, violence and rank anti-Semitism and improve their civil institutions. Israel will be ready to deal with a peaceful, stable Palestinian government when that comes about. Until then, thanks to Obama, the status quo never looked more sustainable.
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